Night is Deep

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Night is Deep

Postby Sedge » Sat Jun 14, 2014 7:51 pm

Night is Deep

Tonight was a humid summer evening with a full moon, perfect for a night swim. Sarah had wanted to go skinny-dipping this summer but couldn't convince her friends to come with her. She decided to venture out alone tonight.

The night air was still and offered no relief from the 90 degree heat. Sarah lathered on insect repellent and entered the boggy woods where wooden planks were laid down on a muddy trail to a pond. She had sneaked out here in the past where no one visits late at night. She liked swimming in the dark water and feeling the gooey, mucky bottom with her feet.

Sarah had been warned of quicksand in the swamp. There are areas of sticky mud and apparently bottomless soft muck. Sarah was a skilled swimmer, but had at times wondered about quicksand and what it would feel like to swim in it. The idea of being trapped was mildly arousing.

On the trail, Sarah disrobed revealing a tight waist, soft, perky breasts and pink nipples in the moonlight. Her brown, pixie hair just reached her shoulders, framing her neck and soft jawline. Her small feet had high arches and slender toes with gaps between, and each toenail painted dark red. She tucked her shorts and tank top with her sandals behind a tree where no one would see. The frogs and crickets chirping merged together into a steady, rhythmic din. The moonlight was enough to light her way tonight.

Sarah eagerly anticipated the feeling of the warm water on her skin. As Sarah padded barefoot and naked she decided she wanted more adventure tonight and stepped off the boardwalk onto a trail that supposedly went to the other side of the pond. As she stepped off the walk, the wet moss squelched between her toes and left shallow impressions of her bare soles. This area of the bog had some trees and brush, and their roots entangled into a spongy moss-covered mat that floated atop the mire.

The trail became more treacherous and brushy. Fallen limbs and branches scratched her legs as she pushed by them. She looked for an easier way to the shoreline. She saw a place where a spruce tree had uprooted and fallen over revealing a wide, flat, dark area without any brush to cut her skin. Unknown to Sarah, it was also missing the mat of roots and vegetation that was supporting her, exposing a soft, gooey quagmire hidden by the night. She stepped onto the dark mud with her bare feet.

The greasy mud immediately yielded to Sarah's weight as she plunged into it. The mud released a sensation of tiny air bubbles that gurgled and belched from the surface, displaced by her sinking naked body. Her right leg sank quickly to her thigh as she tried to balance herself in the muck. The mire offered little resistance, only a sucking sensation against her soles when she tried to step out. Sarah's feet felt no bottom as her bare ass and then her waist disappeared into the mire. Tiny air bubbles tickled her skin as they were released by the muck collapsing beneath her feet. Sarah sank quickly.

Sarah tried to lift her legs out of the goo but there was nothing to push against. As she panicked and pumped her legs she felt like she was being sucked down into the bog, each motion pulling her deeper. Thick mud crumbled beneath her feet into softer, greasy, slimy muck below that squeezed between her slender toes. It swallowed her narrow waist, her navel, and then her ribs. She reached for a root sticking out of the mud, but it was beyond her grasp. She was disappearing into the mud quickly and easily. Her nipples stiffened and protruded into the mud.

The bog continued swallowing her, claiming her shoulders and crackling with escaping bubbles of gas. With nothing to grab or cling to, Sarah pushed her palms downward against the mud and kicked her legs as a desperate attempt to climb out. The mud squished through her fingers as she pushed her hands down through it. Her toes felt no bottom, only softer, gooier mud and the tickle of tiny gas bubbles being released. She sank in to her chin, now stuck with her arms in the mud by her sides. The slimy muck jiggled with her movements.

Sarah held still. She prayed and asked if sinking to the bottom of this swamp was her fate. How can it be? She was just here to swim for the evening, something she had done many times before. How could she become trapped like this? Only her face and her scalp remained above the surface.

Sarah tilted her head back to keep the mud from entering her mouth. She closed her mouth and breathed through her nose. The muck filled her ears, silencing the ambient noise of the frogs and the insects. Her own breathing and racing heartbeat sounded amplified and rushed. The mud closed in over her cheeks and trickled over her nose causing her to inhale bits of it into her nostrils and cough. She could see up out of the funnel of thick mud closing in over her face, a starry night sky vision framed by dark walls of mud over the corners of her eyes. The bog was engulfing her. She flexed her toes and reached but there was no bottom, no surface to push against. Sarah panicked.

She quickly raised her arms from her sides to wipe away the thick mud closing in over her face, plunging her nude figure downward into the soft, greasy muck. She gasped one last breath through her nose and she closed her eyes. Sarah's face disappeared into a funnel of black mud that closed over her scalp and swallowed her with a gentle plop and a slurp, and then slowly filled with mud.

Reaching up but still sinking, Sarah felt the warm, humid air with her right hand for a moment as it broke the surface, but her outstretched fingers soon vanished into the burping, shaking surface. Desperately pumping her bare legs to climb out of the mire, her panicked motions sucked her deeper. Lifting one foot upward only pushed her other foot further downward into the muck that slipped between her toes and sucked at her soles, pulling her petite figure down. The deeper she sank, the cooler and stickier the mud felt against her bare skin.

Sarah exhaled slowly through her nose and the escaping air made loud noises in the mud as she felt it blurp upward past her closed eyes and face. She could no longer feel the surface with her fingers nor feel any roots to grasp, only mud sliding past her fingertips as she sank. Her small toes felt only sticky muck without anything to push against. She helplessly sank into what felt like bottomless, greasy pudding that jiggled around her and sucked at her soles as she moved and wiggled. Her lungs ached as she resisted the temptation to inhale.

The deeper below the dark surface Sarah sank the less it quaked with her struggles. Soon it became still and showed few signs of the movements of the trapped, naked young woman deep beneath, other than the faint gurgle and hiss of her breath escaping the surface.

Sarah was overcome by her burning desperation to climb to the surface and fill her starving lungs with air. Her heartbeat raced and she released a final exhalation of air from her nose that blurted upward past her face. Her last exhaled breath gurgled to the surface and bubbled from the mud with a quiet hiss and a belch. The mud felt cool pressing against her skin from the tips of her toes to her flat belly and to her fingers as the greasy quagmire she had stumbled into had consumed and entombed her. A wave of tingling goosebumps came from the sensation of being completely enveloped and she relaxed her muscles. The urges were impossible to resist any longer. Sarah gasped violently inhaling the mud into her lungs. She coughed and choked, again sucking in more mud and filling her lungs, and she passed into unconsciousness. Her nude figure sank irretrievably to the soft bottom of the bog.

During the following warm seasons, a strong mat of vegetation and roots grew together to close the muddy area where the spruce tree had uprooted and Sarah had been swallowed, sealing the surface without a trace.
Last edited by Sedge on Mon Jun 16, 2014 3:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Night is Deep

Postby PM2K » Sat Jun 14, 2014 10:42 pm

Nicely done! :D Good solid descriptions really add to the drama depicted.

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Re: Night is Deep

Postby water_bug_62208 » Sun Jun 15, 2014 1:20 am

Very well written and most impressive! It's wonderful that Quicksand Stories with such a complete, descriptive storyline and impact continue to be written. Such stories are most inspirational for future stories, artwork, or videos. Nicely done!

Thanks for sharing!

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Re: Night is Deep

Postby nachtjaeger » Mon Jun 16, 2014 4:32 am

Agree with the previous comments. It's the basic QS fetish story- short without being rushed, sexy without being cheesy. I like it! :)
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Re: Night is Deep

Postby Stephymink » Tue Jun 17, 2014 2:57 am

Wow, that was amazing. Well written, with amazing vivid descriptions! <3

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Re: Night is Deep

Postby sinkwithme » Sun Jun 22, 2014 2:00 pm

I loved reading this! I can see all you depict in my mind as I read! The hallmark of a well written story. And I loved how you spent time describing her struggles and sensations while under the surface fighting the overwhelming urge to breathe. Outstanding effort, Thank you!

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