"Night Moves" - an Ostara tale- part 1.

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"Night Moves" - an Ostara tale- part 1.

Postby nachtjaeger » Wed Aug 26, 2009 5:19 am

{Editor's note: Nachtjaeger (aka Ostlandr) will be transcribing Ostara's stories for this forum.}

Hey, quicksanders. Ostara here. About time I gave you depraved fetishists another story. So, when last we met, I had started living life as a nocturnal bloodthirsty predator, courtesy of the beautiful and passionate Sakura. Well, those work hours don't really cut it for an adventurer or mercenary, so I decided to fall back on my old trade as a thief. Being pretty much unkillable means I can dispose of most of that armor I usually wear, and I have been running around lately in a certain outfit that you might remember from my avatar on the old forum.
So, there I was, sitting on the bell tower of a church in downtown Ravensbridge. Lovely old city, split by a river, with lots of old buildings, lots of narrow winding streets, and most important, lots of money from the river trade. I was squatting next to the gargoyles on the tower, and in my new cloak I probably looked like one. Okay, I have to stop and brag about my cloak. It's made of glove leather, thin but strong and flexible. It has a hood that can cover my head, and hangs all the way to the ground. In a pinch, I can wrap up in my cloak and dodge daylight, but I'd really prefer it not come to that. The interesting part of the cloak is what I can do with it. The cloak has strips of whalebone sewn into it, like corset stays. And there is a piece of bamboo in a pocket on each front hem, just the right length that I can grab them with my arms at my sides and stretch the cloak out full length. And the cloak is cleverly fastened to my shoulders and ankles (it splits so I can walk.) I looked across the streets to the merchant's mansion I intended to rob. Iron fence, with mean dogs running the grounds, and guards at every door. A misty rain began to fall- perfect. Nobody looks up when it's raining. I stood up, grabbed the bamboo poles in my cloak, spread my arms, and jumped.
It's nice being inhumanly strong. The strain when the wind caught that cloak would have ripped my shoulders out of their sockets before. Now, I was strong enough to glide across the rooftops to the balcony of the mansion. I landed as softly as a cat, then walked up to the door that led (I thought) to the Master's suite. Not surprisingly, it wasn't locked. I slipped into the room. There were Master and Madame Merchant, sound asleep in a huge feather bed. I realized that I was hungry. First thing I learned about being a vampire- the powers don't come cheap. The more I exert myself, the more blood I need. I can get by for lazy days, or sleep for as long as I choose- but flying takes energy. Master Merchant was sound asleep and handy. I knelt by the side of the bed, and slowly sank my teeth into his neck. (Don't worry, you depraved fetish monkeys, there is sinking to be done. Be patient.) He stirred, but I clamped my hand over his nose and mouth. He struggled, but quickly passed out from lack of air. I drank as much as I dared, then pulled away. (Vampire tip #73- vampire killings make news, and cause trouble- vampire feedings don't even get whispered about.) I was about to look for Master Merchant's strongbox when Madame Merchant started to wake up. Oops. Okay, time to try one of the classic Vampire tricks on her. I was facing her when she opened her eyes, about a foot away. She met my gaze, I turned on all the charm I could summon, and I had her. Dominated. Sweet! "Do you want to please me?" I asked her. "Yes!" she whispered, breathless with passion. "I love to look at gold, don't you? Gold and jewels? Count the coins, listen to their sweet music, run my fingers through them?" (Vampire tip # 38- to make domination easy, use your victim's passions and desires against them.) Her eyes got wider, if that was possible. "Oh, gods, yes!" I thought she was going to come right then and there. "Show me!" She got up from bed, clad only in a short lace chemise. Not bad- a bit old for my taste, but she kept herself fit and clean. "This way." she said, as she led me from the bedroom. She giggled. "My husband hides his gold under the clay bath." Honestly, when she said that, all I was thinking of was either a very big ceramic bathing tub, or one of those fancy ceramic pisspots that you can flush with water from a cistern on the roof. We entered a room lit by a single flickering oil lamp. That was enough for my night vision- the room had a very large sunken tub in the middle of it, and it wasn't full of water. (Oh, you can bet I thanked my goddesses for this luck!) "Show me!" I commanded. She looked at the clay, and her breath came faster. She slipped out of her chemise, and her skin was surprisingly smooth and tight- only the best lotions and ointments for her. She slipped into the clay and sank to her thighs. Mmm, this is getting good, I thought. She waded to the far side of the pool, then knelt down, reaching under the mud. She fiddled with the bricks in the side of the clay pool, then sank herself under the mud. A few seconds later she came up with a heavy box. She set it by me, then skillfully wiped the clay from her eyes and face. Impatient, I ripped the box open with my bare hands. Jackpit! {Editor's note- she wouldn't let me change that to 'jackpot'.} I looked at Madame Merchant, and covered in clay she looked even more tasty. "You have pleased me very much," I told her, and she must have been blushing under all that clay. "Do you want to please me more, as only a woman can please a woman?" Hopefully she wouldn't freak out- you have to be really strong to make someone do something they wouldn't ordinarily do. She giggled. "Like my maidservant pleases me? Yes!!" Wow, and I wasn't even trying! Something had to go wrong sometime that night- but right then, I decided to go for it. You can fill in the details for yourself. I got naked, and sank myself into that warm smooth clay in front of her. I kissed her, and we started feeling each other up. As things got hotter, I guided her deeper and deeper into the clay. At just the right moment, I shoved her under and bit her. BOOM!!!!!!!! Damn, that was good. I pulled her up and gave her the 'kiss of life' until she started breathing again. Then I lifted her out of the clay and laid her gently on the tile floor. I even put a towel over her and another folded under her head as a pillow. Before I left her to wash the clay off, I drew a drop of my dark blood and placed it between her lips. She quivered once, then sighed contentedly. I leaned down and whispered in her ear- "I am Ostara, and you are mine." "Yes, mistress." she said sleepily and passed out again. Sometimes I love being a vampire. I cleaned myself up, slipped the platinum, gold and jewels into the pouches on my thief's belt, and went back out the way I came in. I glided down from the balcony to one of the stone posts in the iron fence. The dogs came running up to bark at me, and I said some very rude things to them before I jumped to the street and moved quietly off into the sleeping city. But I very quickly sensed something. Yep, that "something" had gone wrong, all right. I was being tracked. (Stay tuned for part two.)
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Re: "Night Moves" - an Ostara tale- part 1.

Postby sakura_inverse » Wed Aug 26, 2009 5:48 am

I love the vampire direction you took with Ostara. I'm glad she remembers me fondly too. I'm also glad she's adjusting to her new schedule and taking names to go with it.
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Re: "Night Moves" - an Ostara tale- part 1.

Postby PM2K » Wed Aug 26, 2009 6:34 am

Vampires and quicksand... go together like tentacles and quicksand... ;)

Thanks for the prose! I look forward to other submissions in the future... :D

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Re: "Night Moves" - an Ostara tale- part 1.

Postby quagmire_uk » Wed Aug 26, 2009 11:51 pm

That was great! :D

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Re: "Night Moves" - an Ostara tale- part 1.

Postby stevensenechal » Thu Aug 27, 2009 12:54 am

A very nice start to your story NJ! ( Obviously with all these vampires running around I may have to dust off Pelinor, my paladin/vampire hunter of old. Since Sakura and Ostara are lured to quicksand like bees to honey, it shouldn't be a problem tracking them down....)
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Re: "Night Moves" - an Ostara tale- part 1.

Postby jack c » Thu Aug 27, 2009 1:50 am

Nicely written prose - I look forward to Part 2. Welcome to the Stories page.

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Re: "Night Moves" - an Ostara tale- part 1.

Postby Weapon X » Thu Aug 27, 2009 6:35 am

I like very much!

A question, perhaps, for sakura and ostara. Since vampires are immortal beings, I would like to suggest that my character, the adamantium-laced Weapon X, might be hired on as a vampire hunter in the early 21st century to hunt them? They would make interesting stories, and of course would involve sinking. I wished to ask your permission since they are your characters

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