Summer Stopover

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Summer Stopover

Postby Viridian » Mon Aug 18, 2014 4:20 pm

Summer Stopover
By Viridian

Rebecca wasn’t used to sleeping naked. She had done it once at home, perhaps, but never on the road. Unfortunately, she didn’t have much of a choice. She hadn’t meant to stop over. The conference took longer to wrap up than expected. The highway was blocked by a truck accident. It was already getting dark by the time she reached the small town and checked into the motel. Fortunately, she was able to get in touch with her manager and get the room billed to the company account.

She had managed to get some sleep, but woke up in the middle of the night. At some point, the power had cut out, meaning the air conditioner was no longer functioning. The room was like a sauna. She didn’t want to sleep in her business clothes, and she was glad to be out of the uncomfortable constraints of her underwear after the long, hot day. She lay sprawled over the bed, rolling around to find the coolest patch. It was incredibly risqué. But even that wasn’t enough to be comfortable. The room was too stuffy. She needed some fresh air. She walked over to the bathroom to splash some water on her face. She slipped on her silk blouse and skirt, sans underwear – the feeling of damp, sweaty lingerie against her skin made her feel icky. Her blouse clung onto her sweaty frame, but fortunately the dark-green fabric didn’t turn transparent, though her cleavage and jiggle made it obvious that she wasn’t wearing anything else.

Upon opening the door, she breathed in relief. There was a cool change. A gentle breeze blew across the veranda. To Rebecca, it was like an angel’s wing brushing over her warm body. The building had retained the heat, making the outside temperature much more appealing. Finding herself refreshed, Rebecca felt the urge to go for a walk. The motel was on the edge of town. There was a small picnic area past the parking lot, and beyond that was the forest and creek. There were no trails, and only a small fence marking the edge of the property. Yes – it was time to explore.

One thing that stuck out to Rebecca was how dark the place was. It took some time for her eyes to adjust. Being used to the city, the lack of light pollution was alien to her. The stars and the Milky Way was a sight she had never appreciated in her urban environment. The night air carried mysterious smells – plants she had never heard of, the wild scent of animals she would never see in the city, and just the freshness of the rural breeze. It fed her desire to find out more. Hours spent in meetings and on the phone had pushed her to the brink of burnout, and here was a chance to escape it, if only for one night.

Through the sound of crickets, she heard the trickle of water. She followed it. Her eyes could just make out the faint reflection of running water. Her eagerness was stalled by nasty brush with some branches. She was lucky to get away with light scratches, though she may have ruined her blouse. She pushed on, carefully treading through the vegetation until she reached the small creek. It was only a few feet across, but to her imagination, it looked like the Amazon. Her heels were hardly suitable for navigating the dense undergrowth and slippery rocks, so she slipped them off and carried them in her hand. She dipped her toes in the water, warmed by the summer heat to a comfortable, relaxing temperature. Tossing her heels onto the bank, she stepped into the gently flowing water, wading knee-deep in the warm, inviting creek. She felt mesmerised by the current passing between her legs. Without thinking, she waded closer to the middle, where the water was up to her hips. Her skirt became soaked as she stood with her legs spread apart, allowing her to feel the warm water pass against her womanhood. Her body jolted at the sensation. She breathed deeply, allowing the feeling to sink in. It was naughty. It was arousing. It was a tease.

Rebecca took another step forward, but found a sudden drop beneath her foot. Losing balance, she slipped and fell into the creek. Spitting out a mouthful of creek water, she stood back up, drenched from head to toe. Her blouse, now transparent, clung to her delectable body with her nipples now clearly visible. She let out a sigh and a smile. If the water was deeper, she’d go for a swim. At least she felt refreshed.

After wading around for a bit longer, it was time to head back. She stepped onto the bank, feeling the slippery warm sediment part beneath her feet, making it difficult for her to keep her footing. The fine grains of sand felt ticklish and surprised her with its light suction. She could see the shiny film of moisture move over the surface – though she didn’t notice the sediment closing over her footprints behind her. She reached for her heels, only to find them half-buried in the sediment. She heard a quiet gurgle. Curiously, her heels began to sink into the sand. Rebecca watched with fascination as they were swallowed by the undulating sediment. She realised that they weren’t the only things that were sinking. Her feet had disappeared into the soft sand, which was now up to her ankles. She got up and stepped back in surprise. She nearly fell over, jutting her leg back and driving it calf-deep in to the unsteady, wet sand. Awkwardly posed with her legs spread, she lifted her other foot, breaking the suction and balancing on one leg, which was sinking deeper. Losing her balance, she stepped forward, again feeling the sediment move from under her feet and swallowing her calves.

Rebecca took a breath. Okay, she thought. This was a little different. The sand felt smooth and inviting, something she’d probably spend more time playing with, if she had time. Not wanting to be stuck out here for the entire night, she began to focus on getting out. She twisted towards where the bank sloped upwards to higher ground. She pulled her back leg free, feeling the gloopy sand drag her feet down. Her next step forward made her sink to her knees. One more step, and the sand was up to her lower thighs. She began to feel nervous at the warm, sucking sand around her legs. The surface rippled and her descent slowed, though she was still noticeably sinking.

Rebecca took a moment to catch her breath. The sand shifted beneath the surface. Each time she thought she had settled, the sand would move, causing her to slip deeper. The fine grains brushed against her inner thighs, teasing her with microscopic caresses. She felt her body becoming warmer, but not from the summer night. She took in deeper breaths. She thought about her predicament. It can’t be that deep.

The sand oozed under her skirt, lifting it as she sank further. Then, with an eerie eagerness, it pulled her down to her waist, encapsulating her buttocks and finding its way between her legs. Rebecca’s eyes widened. The cool sand felt like a hungry tongue licking against her bare womanhood. She squirmed, pulling away but the sand held her down. Instead, her movement agitated the sand, causing more intense sensations to surge through her body. She let out a high-pitched moan. The sand was relentless, attacking her most vulnerable parts. She twisted her hips back and forth to fight against the quicksand’s grip. When the feeling became too intense, she relaxed, but was driven into another fit of ecstasy by the sand’s gentle stroking.

She was up to her navel. Her descent had slowed, but she was firmly trapped. She could loosen the sand with some movement, but it would only drive her deeper, not to mention the spasm of pleasure that would radiate from her nether region. The buttons on her blouse had popped loose during her struggles, and her breasts were now openly revealed. She gritted at the prospect of being found like this, but the swirling sands seeped through her blouse, brushing over her abdomen. This sent a shiver of excitement through her. She wondered what would happen if her bare breasts succumbed to the sand.

Not wanting to remain trapped, she fought off the arousal thoughts. She reached to her right and found nothing but silt. The solid ground looked out of reach, but there was a chance to her left. Barely visible, the wiry roots of a tree jutted out from the bank. She could reach it if she lunged for it, but she considered her options. Waist-deep in quicksand, her movements were restricted. If she missed her grab, she would plant her face in the quicksand, possibly trapping her upper body. The other option seemed unthinkable, but sensible. She removed her blouse. The quicksand sensed her nakedness and slurped at her waist. She snagged the roots and began to pull, but the fabric began to rip. She hadn’t managed to make any headway. She retrieved the blouse and snagged it again, this time getting a more solid hold onto her lifeline. She had to be careful not to pull too hard. She kicked her legs, loosening the suction around her lower body. Her renewed energy allowed her to push the sand’s caressing temptation out of her mind, but the sand was keen to overwhelm the young woman. Her breasts swayed over the sand, brushing against the rippling surface. In this moment of distraction, the sand pulsated against her labia. Suddenly taken by the hungry sand, the arousal she had been repressing swept through her. In those seconds she was helpless to resist, her strength barely enough to hand onto the fragile lifeline. Her control gave way, and she felt a sudden release. Her body spent from the orgasm, she gasped for air. She was slipping back into the quicksand. The sand continued its onslaught, pressuring against every submerged part of her body. She grabbed a handful of roots, ignoring the sharp pain. Slowly, she hauled herself free of the deadly trap. Her hips emerged, followed by her buttocks and her legs. Her skirt had long since been pulled off; her blouse now a tattered rag. She abandoned the scraps of her clothing and clambered up the slope, away from the sucking sand.

She was giddy. She might have even fallen into a brief sleep, or maybe she had been struggling for hours. The sky began to lighten. It was dawn. Wearied by her adventure, she began to make her way back to the motel, hoping to slip back into her room without anyone noticing her sand-covered naked body. She then pondered over the prospect of driving back in only her underwear. At least it would be refreshing.
Viridian @ deviantART:

Lord Malaphus
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Re: Summer Stopover

Postby Lord Malaphus » Mon Aug 18, 2014 7:00 pm

I know all about the thrill of seeing the stars when you get away from city lights! You must have wrote this on a hot day. Hell where I live summer has been chilly. 70's. "Microscopic caresses" Very good. Well written.
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Re: Summer Stopover

Postby Stephymink » Mon Aug 18, 2014 9:02 pm

Beautiful as always Viridian. I love the way you describe the scenes. I can almost feel the heat. of course... it's been rather warm here lately, especially at night...

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Re: Summer Stopover

Postby PM2K » Mon Aug 18, 2014 10:40 pm

I love it! A nice, believable vignette expertly written. Nicely done as always, Viridian! :D

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Re: Summer Stopover

Postby Kingsmythe » Tue Aug 19, 2014 8:07 am

Nicely done as always, V. You do great work.

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Re: Summer Stopover

Postby Viridian » Tue Aug 19, 2014 8:14 am

Ironically, it's the middle of winter here.
Viridian @ deviantART:

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Re: Summer Stopover

Postby quagmire_uk » Tue Aug 19, 2014 10:00 am

That was great! Well done.

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