BM's Boggy Adventure & BG Pix! Updated 11/5/'23!

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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure BG Pix! Updated 12/20/'14!

Postby Boggy Man » Sat Dec 20, 2014 9:02 am

My Sunday, September 7'th photos concluded (Part 5):

Another photo of the mushed up area:
2014 09 07 2U Meadow Northeast Of Crescent.JPG

I headed back to the other meadow with the bog, which had water for cleanup, to undress there, in preparation for returning to my mushed up spot. But, while I was heading westward to the meadow with the quaking bog, I came to realize that the mud was going to be too thick to sink in for any horizontal wallow, and wouldn't be worth the effort. :? I had vastly superior stuff at my main Crescent Road pond, namely my deep spot, as well as the shallower clay spot for playing horizontally in. So, I got my things and returned to my Crescent Road pond, noticing that the water level in the puddle dropped slightly, although still not as much as I wanted, but at least it was dropping fast enough to be slightly noticeable that same day:

2014 09 07 2V Crescent.JPG

I then decided to have a videoed sink using my breathing tube to stay under the surface for an extended period of time, using swim goggles to keep the mud out of my eyes, and a latex swim cap to keep my hair dry because cleanup water was getting cooler at this late time of the season. Gamwam, you finally got your wish! 8-)

After that, I had more private muddy fun, including a stimulating horizontal sink in the thick shallow clay mud further to the south. Here are a couple of pix of my main bog at the end of the day:

2014 09 07 2W Crescent.JPG

2014 09 07 2X Crescent.JPG

I was happy that my knees weren't much of a problem this time, although during my hiking back from the meadow north of the Crescent Road pond, the outside of my right knee was feeling a bit sensitive for a while. As I headed towards home (actually towards my pick-up point), I picked some Shaggy Mane mushrooms. I got picked up by my dad down in the valley, after my long downhill descent. At home, my mom was very pleased about the mushrooms.

So, I managed to get a second outing, with an extended submergence caught on video, bubbles and all, which I was very happy about! :D One more 2014 adventure left! :)
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure BG Pix! Updated 12/20/'14!

Postby gamwam » Sun Dec 21, 2014 1:00 am

woooooo! - I got a mention! cant wait for the video :)

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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure BG Pix! Updated 12/20/'14!

Postby Boggy Man » Sun Dec 21, 2014 8:00 am

gamwam wrote:woooooo! - I got a mention! cant wait for the video :)

For some reason, the scene is a bit on the blurry side, and I have to fiddle with the sharpen filter to see if I can improve the picture quality. :? I am glad that this time, the annoying wind drowned out a smaller percentage of the audio than in my previous breathing hose video. So, there is a lot of muddy bubbling to listen to! :)

Just a reminder to those who may have missed it, that my adventure pix contain multiple parts (in this case, 5 postings), with the others on the previous page. 8-)
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure BG Pix! Updated 01/07/'15!

Postby Boggy Man » Thu Jan 08, 2015 8:32 am

On Tuesday, September 16'th, on another peak weather day, I had my third and final outing of this abbreviated 2014 season. Once again, I had my dad drop me off up Crescent Road, but had to do so a bit earlier this time. Since I had to wait a little longer for it to warm up before I could do any sinking, I decided to check out a beaver pond further to the west, southeast of Min Lake, which looked like it had huge banks of mud along its shoreline, according to Google Maps:,-119.1522857,251m/data=!3m1!1e3

So, taking care not to stress my knees, I headed further west in low gear, remembering that the access was where the road curved to the north before Min Lake. When I came to a northward turn, I then walked my bike a ways down a trail to the south, hiding it in the bush, and continued southward on foot. But, it seemed to be a lot further away than I had anticipated, and when I finally came across the marshy area, I was faced with a tangled jungle of tall willows, which I had to slowly make my way through, hoping to break out into the clearing at any moment. But, it soon became apparent that I was in the wrong place, and that the area of interest was further to the northwest. Not wanting to backtrack through the tangled mess of willows, I decided to continue in the same direction to reach the southwest side, and follow the edge of the forest and higher ground there northwestwards to the meadow with the pond. But, what I thought was the other side was only a high spot with evergreens, and therefore had to make my way through some more willows before finally reaching the actual southwest side, where the going was easier. I followed it to a beaver dam, and upon passing it to the meadow, I was disappointed to see that what looked like a giant mud bank was nothing more than dry, dusty bare ground adjacent to the water. :( Here is a photo of the area. I went through all that trouble to find this :x :

2014 09 16 3A Meadow SE Of Min Lake.JPG

I then headed northward into the bush, following an animal trail, and within minutes, I came out beside the CORRECT northward bend in the road! I knew that I should have gone further down the road on my bike! :x But, at least with the extra hiking through the willows and forest, and then back up the road to get back to my bike, I gave the sun plenty of time to warm things up nicely, so that by the time I returned to my Crescent Road pond, snacking on lunch along the way, it was nice enough to start sinking. 8-)

I was happy to see that the dry weather finally evaporated almost all of the puddle on my sinking spot, although there were still a few tiny pockets of water on the surface. Doesn't it look inviting? Even more so if you were to see it moving!:

2014 09 16 3B Crescent.JPG

2014 09 16 3C Crescent.JPG

While it was warm enough to do some sinking, things still hadn't warmed up enough for any submergences. So, I decided to have an off-camera sink first, enjoying the mud and getting it mushed up to eliminate the water in the center completely. I first walked around to the southeast side, where I pretended to "stumble" into the southeast corner, the same place I had gone under with the breathing hose last time. I sunk up to my stomach or chest before pulling myself out, taking note of how much effort it took to escape, and imagining how I was lucky to be within reach of solid vegetation to pull myself out, that if it was out of reach, then there was no way to escape the deadly bog. Then, at that moment, standing on the east side, I "stumbled" into the center of the patch, the muddy water/watery mud on the surface splattering all over, including a little on my glasses, which I wore because I wasn't going under. I then enjoyed the mud and struggled, pretending to be caught and sinking to my demise, really stirring up the mud all over the place, eliminating the water on the surface, turning the entire pit into a wonderful mess of quagmire. Here are some shots of it afterward. Wouldn't you just love to jump in? Seeing it in motion makes it even more alluring!:

2014 09 16 3D Crescent.JPG

2014 09 16 3E Crescent.JPG

To Be Continued...
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure BG Pix! Updated 01/07/'15!

Postby Boggy Man » Thu Jan 08, 2015 8:33 am

My Tuesday, September 16'th Adventure pix, Concluded (Part 2):

Close-ups of the edge of my inviting, doughy quagmire:

2014 09 16 3F Crescent.JPG

2014 09 16 3G Crescent.JPG

After I was clean, dry and dressed up again, while waiting for myself and the mud/water to warm up enough for a submergence, I walked further up the sideroad, and located the area that was to be logged, which was marked by a bunch of ribbons. Beyond that, no more ribbons. I then followed the road to its very end, something that I had been wanting to do for years, being happy and relieved to see that it [/b]DID[/b] terminate in the woods, and wasn't a thru-road. :) I then headed back to have my videoed sink, brainstorming about what to do for the sinking video along the way. I finally settled on trying out a fresh new scenario that I had been thinking about for some time, and hoped that it would work.

Once again, for the second time this season, the camera was set up properly, with all of the action within full view (unlike the first video of the season), and I was happy with the results. :) Hopefully others will be happy with it too. 8-) After the video, I had a more private struggle session ;) in the shallower clay further to the south before calling it a day, getting cleaned up, air-dried and dressed. Here are some final pictures of the bog at the end of the day (lower light levels adversely affected the quality of the final two photos):

2014 09 16 3H Crescent.JPG

There's a frog in my bog! Too bad there weren't any lovely ladies there to go chasing after it. "Here froggy, froggy!" :twisted:

2014 09 16 3I Crescent.JPG

2014 09 16 3J Crescent.JPG

And that concluded my abbreviated season of sinking. My knees were slightly sensitive, but not too bad. I was disappointed that a spot that looked good on Google Maps/Earth turned out to be a bust, and that I had to choose the long way there. Looking at the map later on, I realized that I wasn't too far away from another spot I had my eyes on just a little further to the west that was worthy of exploring, but I will save that for next season. I wasn't able to check it out before years ago due to it being exposed by logging, but the forest has regrown around it, and now it is hidden from sight:, ... a=!3m1!1e3

And, there is also a second pond that I would like to check out that is to the south of the above one, although it doesn't have a surrounding meadow:, ... a=!3m1!1e3

I just hope that my knees can improve by next spring, so that I can eliminate my annoying restrictions, and even reach an area much further away, which I discovered on Google Maps/Earth a year earlier:, ... a=!3m1!1e3, ... a=!3m1!1e3

But, at least the final submergence sink of the year I shot was something that I hope people will find very entertaining. 8-)
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure BG Pix! Updated 01/07/'15!

Postby YerK » Thu Feb 12, 2015 1:18 am

Boggy: Your pictures need more women! ;-) You could be a producer.

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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure BG Pix! Updated 01/07/'15!

Postby Mwam » Sun Feb 15, 2015 12:16 am

Cool screenshots BM! :)

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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure BG Pix! Updated 01/07/'15!

Postby LPguy » Fri Mar 13, 2015 5:26 am

You should make your sinks faster like the first one you did in 2001! It would be so intense. I would also like to request that you show more than you tell. If you take these requests, I would feel quite happy, and even if you do not your videos are amazing.

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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure BG Pix! Updated 09/13/'16!

Postby Boggy Man » Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:11 am

My Friday, August 19'th Adventure, PART 1:

Since this was the first time in a long time that I had been to the area, I took numerous photos, so this report had to be broken up into multiple parts, since I am limited to only 5 photos per posting.

Over the past while, due to numerous injuries, my adventures have been rather scarce, with 11 in 2012, 6 in 2013 (golfer's elbow, knee pain), 3 in 2014 (tennis elbow, knee pain, shoulder pain), and 0 (ZERO) in 2015 (knee pain, shoulder pain, hip pain, some tennis elbow)! :( I passed up on having any outings in 2015 due to a combination of fear that my knee/hip pain would get worse, and because I was so involved with my extensive work on a very ambitious water garden project (I will tell/show all about it in an off-topic thread this fall or winter). I still had to be careful now due to knee pain, although I had gone sinking in 2013 and 2014 when my knee injuries were fresher.

This year, trying to get started with my adventures has been an adventure in itself! :shock: I had been going on periodic "rehabilitation" bikerides around the hillside neighborhood to get into shape, and I tried to set a target date of the beginning of July. But, in June, pain returned to the middle of my left knee, below the knee cap, which forced me to back off the length of the "rehabilitation" bikerides and the amount of hill climbing, forcing me to gradually build up the length of the bikerides again, waiting for them to become long enough again, causing me to miss my first target. :( Then, I set a target date for the end of July, since I was biking more and climbing hills more. But, my hip pain exploded, which forced me to postpone things again. :( July had been rather unsettled for the most part, interrupted with brief breaks of hot weather before another cold low moved in with more thunderstorms and unsettled weather. So, there weren't that many weather breaks for my adventures, anyways. :? I set another target date for early August, but my dad's truck was unavailable for taking me up because my brother needed it for produce deliveries. :( I had my bike fixed up at the bike shop, so it was all in great shape. My dad didn't want to take me up into the mountains until I proved that I could bike from home to down into the valley and back home. So, I proved that by going to and from Swan Lake Nurseryland, where I checked out their extensive selection of plants. So, my dad was satisfied. :) I set another target for mid August, when we finally had a decent heatwave! :D But, my brother chose that time to take his family camping and he needed my dad's truck, so there was no truck to give me a lift into the mountains again (something that is essential since my knees have been giving me problems)! :x But finally, the following week, things all came together, and on Friday, August 19'th, 2016, I finally had my FIRST outing since September 16'th, 2014! :D My dad and his truck were handy to take me up into the mountains, past all the big climbs! :D So this day officially began my summer! :D

I finally had the opportunity to find out whether Crescent Road had been rerouted to pass within sight of the hidden liquid mud and sticks pond, which was where I had shot part of my "Forbidden Shorelines" video a few years ago! I also finally had the opportunity to find out if the upgrading of the sideroad going past my Crescent Road pond for logging has made the entrance more conspicuous from Crescent Road, to find out how much the road had changed, and whether the alders between the road and the east pond had been removed, which would effectively increase the visibility of my sinking spot from the sideroad! I also finally had the opportunity to see if the logging operation had been finished, meaning that the road would have been reverted back to being the quiet sideroad that it had been for years! And, last but not least, I finally had the opportunity to see what my sinking spot was like - whether it had turned into a solid weed patch that would be a lot of work to restore, or if there were patches of exposed mud among the invading weeds to sink into, and whether the mud would be above or below the water level! If there were any mud patches exposed in among the weeds, then I had a good idea for my first video! :D For a very long time, I had been in an uneasy state of suspense due to all the images in my head about what things might be like, and whether I would be able to have my first submergence right away! Now, all those unknowns gnawing away at me for so long would finally become... known!!! :D :D :D

To make certain that my dad could be back downtown in time for an appointment at the hospital (something just found out at the last minute), the drop-off had to be timed to around 9:05 am. Because my knees weren't completely 100% and didn't know how they would react to my activities that day, I didn't want to have to climb any big hills to get to my area. Luckily, when the drop-off time came, we had made it up the Crescent Road hill, and he dropped me off right beside the entrance to the hidden liquid mud and sticks pond! :D I was really happy to see that Crescent Road was the same as it was before, with no sign of any re-routing that I had been so concerned about! :D That hidden pond is still hidden! :D So, that was one worry off my mind (although it could still happen in the future)! :D

When we stopped and I got out of the truck with my things, and I was finally :D , actually :D , in the region that I had longed/strived to reach for so long :D , I guess that all the anxiety over everything that worried/excited me about my areas, that were all being, or going to be, revealed this day, got to me, because I suddenly had a most shocking dizzy spell! :shock: I struggled to keep my balance, and some of my fingers on my hands were tingling like crazy!!! :shock: I was worried that I might have to cancel if I got any worse! :shock: But, after my dad left and I was on my own (he left me his I-Phone for contacting when I was ready to come home), I started to feel better! 8-) I packed my stuff into my saddlebags, and was ready to begin! :D

First, I dropped my bike off down the grassy part of the trail leading into the woods to the east, out of the sight of the road, and then headed further down the trail and then northward to the hidden liquid mud and sticks pond there. I was so glad it was still hidden! :D The water was still rather high, with only a little bit of mud exposed among sticks, with fingers of low muddy ground extending slightly into the woods. After deleting all my previous photos/videos from 2014 from my SDHC card (they were all saved to my computer), I took some pix of the mucky areas around the south end of the liquid mud and sticks pond for backgrounds:

2016 08 19 1A Liquid Mud And Sticks Pond.JPG

2016 08 19 1B Liquid Mud And Sticks Pond.JPG

2016 08 19 1C Liquid Mud And Sticks Pond.JPG

2016 08 19 1D Liquid Mud And Sticks Pond.JPG

2016 08 19 1E Liquid Mud And Sticks Pond.JPG

To Be Continued...
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Last edited by Boggy Man on Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure BG Pix! Updated 09/13/'16!

Postby Boggy Man » Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:15 am

My Friday, August 19'th Adventure, Continued, PART 2 (Click Here For Part 1 With More Pix):

2016 08 19 1F Liquid Mud And Sticks Pond.JPG

I returned to my bike and headed to my Crescent Road pond. When I reached the entrance to the sideroad, I was happy to see that the entrance looked almost the same as before, except for a plastic culvert installed there! :D The road looked just as green as before, with a slight bend in the road that wasn't there. However, even through it was green, the road entrance was now a bit more defined than it was back in 2014. I wished I hadn't deleted the older photos from my camera's SDHC card, since I had wanted to see the "before" photos for reference to know where to take the "after" photos. :x So, angles were different, and some comparisons were best guesses:

2016 08 19 1G Sideroad Entrance 2014 2016.JPG

Just as I thought, the low parts where there were pools of water in the middle of the road which I always had to walk my bike around was now raised road, with deeper pools on the sides, and also a culvert installed. But it still looked like it wasn't used much recently. :)

2016 08 19 1H Sideroad Pools 2014 2016.JPG

I was concerned about the alders lining the road disappearing, making my part of the pond more visible from the road, and I noticed that the ones closest to the road were gone, but the alders further back, lining the east pond beside the road, were still there, hiding things for a bit, although the gap in the trees was a bit larger.

2016 08 19 1I Sideroad Alders 2014 2016.JPG

2016 08 19 1J Sideroad Alders Gap.JPG

To Be Continued...
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Last edited by Boggy Man on Wed Sep 14, 2016 7:07 am, edited 5 times in total.
I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


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