Settling In

Pictures that you took and want to share.
jack c
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Re: Settling In

Postby jack c » Mon Apr 20, 2009 1:30 am

Thanks for the confirmation. It was 6th grade for me; I had a friend who thought it was such a dumb commercial that he kept quoting it, and I hoped he or others didn't notice that I would flush each time he did it.

I think this list is available currently if you go to or something close to that. It's an amazing list. Perusing it brings back a lot of "Oh, yeah" memories.

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Re: Settling In

Postby Nessie » Mon Apr 20, 2009 4:50 am

jack c wrote: It was 6th grade for me; I had a friend who thought it was such a dumb commercial that he kept quoting it, and I hoped he or others didn't notice that I would flush each time he did it.

My mother still says this...

"That kid didn't watch TV shows 'til she was almost in kindergarten. She only stopped playing with her toys when the COMMERCIALS came on!"

Hey, do ya think...?


jack c
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Re: Settling In

Postby jack c » Tue Apr 21, 2009 12:53 am

Remember those 1960's days?...when you managed to maybe see 2 scenes in a year if you were lucky enough to (a) know when the movie/show was coming on one of the 6 channels and (b) you were home and had access to a private TV (which didn't exist)? Back then, I really dreamed of a time when technology would allow you to own and play videotapes of any movie, or maybe even better, a TV that would allow you to call up any movie any time (now I'm an engineer - surprise). And now, voila! It's all here.. The thing I never had the capacity to imagine was the Internet and instant information and communication. Maybe virtual reality is the next frontier; then you can just have a room like they did on Star Trek where you program in anything you want and a computer gins it up for you (Westworld on steroids).

I live in an area where there are simply few-to-no locations. The (welcome but)constant family activities/responsibilities just don't present much opportunity to get out. I have been out exactly once in two years to a promising but turned-out-mediocre location. So it is vicariously through video clips that I exist. Your latest gigs of natural (sinker and) locations are a perfect fit. You look good and, well, the spots are the real thing, so how can they be wrong?

Keep on keeping it real.

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Re: Settling In

Postby linzidover » Wed Sep 09, 2009 2:12 pm

Would love to imagine you were wearing stockings n garters swetness

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