Turf War

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Re: Turf War

Postby nachtjaeger » Thu Sep 10, 2009 4:22 pm

Instant fuel-air explosive. . . (files that info for future use) :twisted:

Seriously, I saw a safety video once where they demonstrated (with a mannequin) what happens when you combine Aqua Net with a lit cigarette and big hair. :shock:

Duncan Edwards wrote:A favorite trick was putting a can of Aquanet hair spray and a lit candle next to a hornet's nest. Stand back and hit the thing with a .22 and BLOOIE! Instant fuel-air munition. Aquanet was the kind of serious aerosol hair glue that ladies used to sculpt massive hair with when I was a kid. Mom always wondered where the half empty cans went. 8-)
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Re: Turf War

Postby Nessie » Fri Sep 11, 2009 5:31 am

Duncan Edwards wrote:Stand back and hit the thing with a .22 and BLOOIE! Instant fuel-air munition.

You're getting some excellent advice here, Robert. While you're collecting war strategies, keep in mind that freedom isn't free, that right makes might, and might makes fight, and fight makes blight which causes much fright, which should result, hopefully, in flight. And if they flee not, be not content until the battlefield is littered with their small striped winged corpses.

I have one bee in my back yard. It is a huge fuzzball. It's almost as big as one of those superballs they sell in gumball machines. It shows up every summer. It hangs around one corner of my garage.

I can't figure out if it's a single, nearly immortal bug, or if there's a nest somewhere full of abnormally huge and mutant fuzzballs that have a hive rule stating that only one is allowed out at any given time.

Anyway it never bothers me. So I leave it bee.


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Re: Turf War

Postby Boggy Man » Fri Sep 11, 2009 7:56 am

Honeybees, I am not concerned about at all. I am often in very close proximity to them in the garden, without any problem. They are not aggressive, and don't know what it is like to sting, because if they do, they are dead. They only sting as a last resort, so I don't try to grab any.

Bumblebees, once again, they aren't aggressive, although in the spring, I find them sometimes trying to land on me, their tongue sticking out, often at the Harris Creek slide area. But, once again, they aren't interested in stinging, and so, they aren't really any problem either, although I do tend to get a bit nervous when one starts walking around the inside of my glasses! :shock:

Sweat bees, however, those tiny things can be quite annoying, constantly landing on me for my sweat. If they get trapped when I bend my legs with one on me behind one of my knees, or lower my arms with one on one of my armpits, then I get stung. :shock: It hurts a bit, but not as bad any of the other stinging insects (perhaps more like ant stings), and raises a small welt. Often, it is usually just one around me that continuously hounds me, so if I successfully crush it, then I am left alone until another one comes along.

Paper wasps, those black and yellow long, skinny ones, aren't too much of a problem, although when in larger numbers, can make me steer clear of certain areas in case i get stung by accidentally touching one. Their sting feels like being pricked by a cactus deeply, and burns, but not as bad as other hornets. They aren't that aggressive, and I can be within a few feet of their nest, which is an open nest, and they ignore me. My dad removes a nest, and instead of being stung by them, it just buzzes around, looking for the nest.

Bald-faced hornets are large, sometimes I call them "white-jackets", and they often aren't much of a problem, although I have to keep a safe distance from their nest, because they can be extremely aggressive. But, this year, at my Crescent Road pond, they seemed to be in larger numbers there, and kept on trying to land on me, just like yellowjackets! :shock: I got stung in my right hand, but within a half hour or so, the "doughnut welt" and the pain was gone, and I would have never guessed I had ever been stung!

Finally, the worst beasts of all, the yellowjackets!!!! :x Those things, in the late summer, start to change their behaviour, and I typically see hardly anything most of the season, then overnight they are everywhere, and trying to land on me!!! :shock: Being wasps/hornets, they can sting repeatedly, and so know what it is like to sting, and therefore, are more apt to sting! When they sting, the fire is quite concentrated, and the pain seems to return over and over again for quite some time! :shock: Then, the sting area itches for days afterwards! :x Those things will attack quite readily if you are anywhere near their nest! :shock: When biking, I saw one hit into me, and instead of just flying away, it held onto my clothing, and proceeded to repeatedly sting it several times before finally flying away! :shock: I was glad that my clothing wasn't touching my skin there! :shock:
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Re: Turf War

Postby Mynock » Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:51 pm

Nessie wrote:
Duncan Edwards wrote:Stand back and hit the thing with a .22 and BLOOIE! Instant fuel-air munition.

You're getting some excellent advice here, Robert. While you're collecting war strategies, keep in mind that freedom isn't free, that right makes might, and might makes fight, and fight makes blight which causes much fright, which should result, hopefully, in flight. And if they flee not, be not content until the battlefield is littered with their small striped winged corpses.

I have one bee in my back yard. It is a huge fuzzball. It's almost as big as one of those superballs they sell in gumball machines. It shows up every summer. It hangs around one corner of my garage.

I can't figure out if it's a single, nearly immortal bug, or if there's a nest somewhere full of abnormally huge and mutant fuzzballs that have a hive rule stating that only one is allowed out at any given time.

Anyway it never bothers me. So I leave it bee.


It could be a wood bee. You might want to get your garage roof checked. They're kind of like carpenter ants....with stingers....and they can fly. :shock:
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Re: Turf War

Postby Robert » Sat Sep 12, 2009 8:06 pm

Up date from the front:

The hive appeared dead but the drones still were hanging around after 5 days and seam to collect at the base of the wood pile. I suspected another hive. After another spray they were again less aggressive so I began to take the wood pile apart and watched where they were flying to. There seamed to be a lot of them at the base boards so I doused them. Dead yellow jackets covered the ground but I found no other hive.

I wonder if the little fucker that stung me is laying there.. 8-)
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Re: Turf War

Postby KavenBach » Sat Sep 12, 2009 8:08 pm

"He may take our Hives... but he will never take... our FREEDOM!!" :o

(Sorry, couldn't help it. Last reference to that line unless someone makes me think of it again. )
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Re: Turf War

Postby Robert » Sat Sep 12, 2009 8:13 pm

KavenBach wrote:"He may take our Hives... but he will never take... our FREEDOM!!" :o

(Sorry, couldn't help it. Last reference to that line unless someone makes me think of it again. )


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Re: Turf War

Postby Nessie » Sun Sep 13, 2009 2:10 am

And not one of the Hived Ones were left alive. Corpses littered the battleboard; broken and lifeless bodies were scattered over the wooden planks, reaching to the grassy horizon of the ravaged and sodden war lawn. The stench of death filled the air. Exhausted and weary, a lone soldier finally set the cans of chemical weaponry aside and dropped, exhausted, into the lawn chair just yards away from the now-silent combat zone which once raged with fury and buzzing:

Sir Robert, at long last, had reclaimed his turf.


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Re: Turf War

Postby Robert » Sun Sep 13, 2009 3:37 am

Nessie wrote:Sir Robert, at long last, had reclaimed his turf.


I could not have written a better ending. 8-)

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