Just a quick little story...

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Just a quick little story...

Postby DJlurker » Sun May 03, 2015 3:03 pm

Topic title. I literally woke up, got on the computer and typed this all out this morning. Spontaneity can be a good thing, sometimes... :D

She was really stuck in the thick, gooey quicksand.
She could feel the suction on her arms and legs when she tried to pull them up… It seemed to press in on her, holding her in a soft vicegrip. She took deep, even breaths, doing her best to remain calm despite her predicament. Her slight bosom was pressing into the goo, and she swore she could almost see her hardened nipples, despite wearing both a bra and school uniform…
She grunted with exertion as she tilted her head back, her black eyes shut, her shoulder-length brown hair barely touching the surface…
"Havin' fun, Shinobu-chan?" a gruff female voice called from a few feet away.
Shinobu Miyake pulled her head back upright as she felt her face heat up, glaring at the two women who were sunk in the cattail swamp with her. The one who had just spoken was a shapely biker babe wearing a skimpy metal red bikini, her black hair tied in a bun by a chain. Though she was sunk as deep as Shinobu was, her arms weren't stuck, instead she put them behind her head as she leaned back and relaxed in the mud…
"Benten! Don't tease Shinobu like that-tcha!" The other woman spoke up. She looked completely different from Benten, though just as beautiful, if not more so. She had large blue eyes, pointed ears, and long bluish-green hair, which spread over the surface of the mire. Two tiny horns poked out from her hair, identifying her as one of the Oni race. She too was sunk breast-deep in the quicksand, her arms sunk in like Shinobu, her tiger-striped bikini beginning to become stained by the muck…
"Aw, c'mon Lum," Benten looked over at her friend, smirking. "It's not like she's sunk in there against her will…"
"You practically peer-pressured her into it-tcha!" Lum retorted.
Shinobu couldn't help but smile at Lum's defense of her. To think that they had been bitter rivals not that long ago…
"She ain't exactly complaining either," Benten pointed out.
"I'm OK," Shinobu spoke up. "I… I have to admit, Lum was right. It really doesn't feel that bad, once you get past the initial fear…" She pulled again at her trapped limbs. "Although, I do wonder how we'll escape…"
"Ehhh, don't worry," Benten reassured. "Worse comes to worse, I'll use my hover bike to haul you outta there…"
"How did you figure out what I was doing out here, anyway?" Lum opined. "I did my best to keep it a secret-tcha…"
"Well," Shinobu began, "I didn't really think much of it until Ataru-kun started not flirting with other girls nearly as much… I thought, something major must have happened between the two of you. I figured it had something to do with your trips into the Mizunokoji forest, so I went to the library and looked at some maps of the area. When I realized that there was swampland out there, I guessed that you were probably covering yourself in muck, so…" Shinobu started to blush again. "..so that you and Ataru-kun… um… could, uh, get intimate…" her blush deepened, "without him getting zapped to death…"
Lum was blushing now as well, while Benten was grinning like a madwoman. Turning back to Lum, she said, "So how about it Lum? You and Moroboshi *get intimate* out here?"
"Um… well… once in a while, I guess…" Lum's face was a deep crimson by now. "Usually though, it's just hugging and kissing while we sink-tcha…" She looked up at her companions. "You're not going to tell anyone else, are you…?"
Shinobu shook her head. "I wouldn't do that to Ataru-kun. I won't say a word, I promise."
Benten shrugged. "Yeah, sure, I can keep my mouth zipped. We should probably tell Oyuki, though… No secrets between the three of us, we promised…"
Lum nodded. "I was planning on telling her anyway. I know she'll keep quiet-tcha."
"Not that she'll wanna join us in here anytime soon," Benten chuckled.
Shinobu tried to picture Oyuki sinking in the swamp alongside Lum and Benten, and found the resulting image ridiculous. "You're right, I can't see it." Looking at Benten again, she asked, "So how did *you* know what Lum was doing?"
Benten shrugged again. "Eh, well… I just noticed something different 'bout her at our last bike race. When we got run off the course and ended up in the mud hazard, she didn't waste any time jumping into the mud to help me push my baby out. The last time that happened, she didn't even wanna touch the mud. I called her on it, and she pretty much confessed right there."
She turned to Lum again. "I didn't even think about it at the time, but Moroboshi couldn't seem to take his eyes off you when we got back to the start line, all covered in mud. Now I know why!" The biker girl grinned as Lum blushed once more…
Suddenly, there was a rustling in the cattails not far off. The three girls looked over at the disturbance, hoping it wasn't a bear or some other predator…
Their fears were unfounded however, as a familiar face emerged from the foliage. "Ugh, trying to blaze a trail through that forest is murder! No wonder Lum usually flies me over instead…"
"Darling?!" Lum gasped.
"Well, speak of th' devil! Hey, Moroboshi!" Benten shouted, waving at the new arrival.
Ataru looked up in surprise. "Wha…? Huh, guess my 'girl radar' wasn't wrong after all…" He looked over, and did a double-take when he saw his old girlfriend. "Shinobu?! What the heck are YOU doing here?!"
Shinobu looked down, suddenly finding the moist surface of the quicksand very interesting. "Um… well…"
"She's frolicking in the mud with us, of course!" Benten grinned.
Lum shook her head. "Sorry, Darling… they figured out what we were doing…"
"They did? Aw, geez…" Ataru put his hand behind his head. "Well, better them than any of the guys, I guess… I'd really rather keep my head on my shoulders, y'know?"
"I already promised I wouldn't say anything, Ataru-kun," Shinobu reassured him. "Neither will Benten…"
"Thanks, I guess…" Ataru muttered. "But still, why are *you* sinking in the quicksand, Shinobu? I mean, Benten I can see wanting to get down and dirty, but you…?"
Shinobu felt her face heat up again. "Well, I guess… I just wanted to try it, just once… just to see what it was like…" Taking a deep breath, she continued, "I can kind of see why Lum likes this now, anyway…"
Benten then interjected, "Yeah, me too… Anyway, like Shinobu said I'll keep quiet… on one condition."
Ataru blinked. "Er… what condition is that?"
"You join us in here and give Lum a good, hard snog!"
"WHAT?!" Lum screamed, turning red again.
"Y-you want me to kiss her?" Ataru blushed as well.
"Well, yeah! From what we've heard, you two do far *more* than that in here anyways…" Benten grinned widely.
Ataru sweatdropped. "Lum… you told them… that?"
Shinobu cut in, "It's my fault, Ataru-kun! I was the one who guessed what you and Lum were doing out here…!"
"D-don't listen to Benten, Darling… she's just teasing…" Lum tried to dissuade her betrothed.
"Come on, Moroboshi… It's just one kiss. Just do that and I'll back off…" Benten smirked, beckoning him with her index finger.
Ataru looked from Shinobu, to Benten, to Lum, before heaving a resigned sigh. "Oh, all right…" He crawled out to Lum's position in the swamp, before beginning to sink himself.
"Y-you don't have to do this, Darling…" Lum shook her head.
Ataru, now sunk to his waist, gently placed his hands on Lum's shoulders before looking her in the eye. "Sorry, Lum, but if anyone else finds out, I'm a dead man. I can't take that chance. You of all people know that…" He twisted his hips, sinking further, until he was at Lum's level. Staring at his beloved's beautiful, flushed face for a moment, he took a breath before closing the distance…
Lum inhaled through her nose at the now-familiar sensation of her Darling's lips pressing against her own. She closed her eyes, moaning into Ataru's mouth as she reveled in the taste of her boyfriend…
"Ohh, yeah…" Benten smiled. "That's what I'm talkin' about…" The two lovers blushed at Benten's words, though they still maintained their kiss…
(Wow…) Shinobu thought to herself, as she watched Ataru and Lum smooch. (I don't think Ataru-kun ever kissed me that… passionately…) Aloud she muttered, "If I wasn't seeing this with my own eyes, I don't think I'd believe it…"
"Me neither," Benten admitted. "I could just see all the boys' brains going' tilt!' if they saw this…"
Ataru finally separated from Lum. "Yeah, and then they'd promptly string me up and lynch me right then and there… or maybe just smother me in the mud…"
"Then I would smother right along with you, Darling…" Lum said softly. "I couldn't imagine a life without you…"
"Yeah, me neither," Ataru agreed, staring into Lum's blue eyes once more. "Despite all the crap you've put me through in the past, this- right here- makes it all worth it…"
"Ooh, we finally gonna hear those big three words?" Benten teased.
"Nope," Ataru stated firmly. "Not happening."
"Huh? Why not?" Shinobu queried.
"Like I said to Lum after the second tag race, I'll only say those words on my deathbed."
Lum's expression grew miffed. "Darling no baka… I swear I'll make you say it before then."
"You're on," Ataru smirked.
Both Shinobu and Benten couldn't help but chuckle at Ataru's defiance. They both knew that the quicksand they were mired in was the only thing keeping Ataru from getting zapped now…


Once again, critiques and comments welcome! 8-)
Last edited by DJlurker on Sun May 03, 2015 11:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Just a quick little story...

Postby PM2K » Sun May 03, 2015 7:24 pm

Nice one. :D

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