A Sticky Situation (After-story added!)

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A Sticky Situation (After-story added!)

Postby DJlurker » Sun Jun 07, 2015 7:31 pm

A Sticky Situation- An Arcana Heart QS Fan Fiction
By DJlurker

It had been four years since the Ragnarok incident.
The evil organization known as the Drexler institute had attempted to destroy Japan with their greatest creation, the Divine Celestial Weapon, Ragnarok. To implement this strategy, they used one of their brainwashed child soldiers, known only by her code name ‘Scharlachrot’, to gather celestial stones in order to power the weapon. She nearly succeeded, but was stopped by one of her own comrades, code-named ‘Weiss’ (real name Sophie), who had been rescued from Drexler by the efforts of the then-14-year old prodigy, Petra Johanna Lagerkvist. Weiss then went on to destroy the Divine Celestial Weapon itself, foiling Drexler’s plans forever.
Afterward, she had taken her fellow soldier back to Petra, who promptly put Scharlachrot through an intensive rehabilitation program to ensure she would never be used as a pawn or killing machine again. Thankfully, with Weiss’ support she managed to pull though, though she still showed signs of her former madness if she felt Weiss was being threatened, whether real or imagined.
Nowadays, Weiss and Scharlachrot, now both 18 years of age, were putting their unique skills to use for society’s benefit in their own ways. Weiss had elected to become a combat teacher at the Rosenberg Branch of the Celestial Union. Scharlachrot, on the other hand, took to the streets, becoming a vigilante who struck fear into the hearts of criminals with her insane laughter, and proficiency at using chains in battle… However, she still answered to Petra, and when she was given a mission from her, she completed it to the best of her ability…

Petra Johanna Lagerkvist sat at her desk, poring over the report she had received. She was actually glad to be back at work, now that the ruckus from the celebration of her 18th birthday had subsided. Not that it had gone horribly wrong, but she had wished her parents hadn’t decided to arrange an omiai(matchmaking) in conjunction with the party…
(‘Now that you’ve come of age, Petra, it’s time for you to start thinking about continuing the Lagerkvist bloodline,’ they said,) Petra thought to herself. (I still think it’s a little early for me to be thinking about marriage…) Not that the suitor they chose for her was undesirable- he was polite enough, if rather bland- but couldn’t they have let her have some say in the matter?
Of course, there were plenty of men who would desire her only for her family’s money, or her looks, so maybe her parents were somewhat justified… She was indeed the perfect combination of elegance and sexiness, looking mostly the same as she did four years ago, other than growing a few inches, and her bust slightly increasing in size… Her orange-red hair was styled into two curving tails which grew down to her knees, held in place by two white-flower pins. She wore a tight, strapless white dress with a black waist, and a thigh-length skirt that fanned out for ease of movement in battle. A pair of white thigh-high boots and full-length white gloves with gray rims completed her look.
A knock at the door brought her out of her reverie. “Enter,” she answered.
The door opened, revealing a woman with long, deep-red hair, fashioned into two long pigtails that went down to her ankles. She wore a long dark cloak that was fastened with an inverted triangular latch, and a strange bird-like mask over her face. “You called for me, Commander?”
“Scharlachrot,” Petra greeted her. “At least you remembered to knock this time. Would you please remove that ridiculous mask, so we can talk properly?”
Scharlachrot’s cloak parted, revealing that she wore nothing but a black bikini and black boots with red stripes underneath, as she removed her mask, revealing red eyes, a small nose, and thin lips. “I told you why I wear the mask…”
“Yes, to help you strike fear in the mobsters and thugs on the streets… Anyway, I have an actual job for you today.” Petra handed the report she’d been reading to Scharlachrot. “A celestial disturbance has been detected within the swamps not far from here. We can’t confirm if it’s a planar rift or a lost celestial being… or a malevolent one.”
Scharlachrot briefly scanned the report, before abruptly crumpling it into a ball. “Yeah, this report isn’t worth crap. It could be anything…”
“Which is why I’m sending you down there for reconnaissance.”
“But why me?” The red-haired girl bit her lip. “Swamps aren’t really my thing… What if I fell in quicksand or something?”
“Well, that’s where your ability to materialize chains would come in handy,” Petra explained, “Surely you could use a chain to wrap around a tree branch to haul yourself out if you did become stuck…”
Scharlachrot sighed. “All right then… I’ll accept this mission. Just hope I don’t get too dirty…” She turned to leave.
“Remember, Scharlachrot,” Petra called after her, “This is a reconnaissance mission, so do not engage in combat unless absolutely necessary.”
“Yeah, yeah, I get it…” The cloaked woman sighed as she walked out the door…

Some time later…
Another knock at the door. “Enter,” said Petra.
The woman who entered this time wasn’t Scharlachrot. Instead, it was a light blonde-haired woman with pale skin and red eyes, wearing a modest black blouse and skirt, with a purple bowtie on her collar. She marched up to Petra’s desk and saluted.
“Commander-in-Chief Lagerkvist!” she began. “I have come to inquire about my comrade’s whereabouts!”
Petra heaved a sigh. “Weiss, you’re slipping back into your old way of talking…”
Weiss winced. “Er, I mean… do you know where Scharlachrot is?”
“Didn’t she tell you about the mission I assigned her?” Petra asked.
“She did, but she has yet to return, to my knowledge,” the combat teacher answered. “I was hoping you had information… has she not contacted you?“
Petra shook her head. “Not yet…”
“Then I request that I be allowed to go to the swamps and search for her!” Weiss stated.
The noblewoman sighed again. “Weiss, I know you worry about your friend, but I think you might be acting too hasty here. The swamps are difficult to traverse, so it’s possible she’s not finished with her search yet…”
“But I know Scharlachrot,” Weiss countered. “Even if what you say is true, it should not have taken her this long to return or contact you. It is also quite possible that something ill was befallen her.”
Thinking over the matter for a moment, Petra decided to compromise. “Let us wait another half-hour, Weiss… if she has not contacted us by then, then we shall go together to search for her. Is this acceptable?”
Weiss looked uncertain, but relented. “Very well, Commander. Thirty minutes, and no more…” There was a sudden knock at the door, causing her to turn around…
Petra smiled. “Well, that could be her now…”
Weiss was immediately at the door, opening it…
…a large pair of breasts, covered in a red sweater, jutted out at her. She tilted her head up slightly, to see a beautiful dark skinned woman with long, green-tinted white hair, red eyes, and wearing a pair of red-rimmed spectacles.
Weiss took a step back, seeing that the woman also wore a lab coat, a black skirt and pantyhose, with red high-heels and a golden bangle on her right arm. “Er…may I help you, madam?”
A gasp from behind Weiss caused her to turn, seeing Petra stand up and pull one of her ether-pistols out of a desk drawer and point it in the woman’s direction.
“Parace L’Sia! What are you doing here?!” Petra growled.
Parace smiled in response. “It has been a while, Petra Johanna Lagerkvist…” She looked down at Weiss. “And I assume you must be another Drexler reject?”
“R-reject?!” Weiss jerked at the insult. Immediately, something else came to her. “Wait, did you say ‘another’? Are you talking about Scharlachrot?!”
“Oh, is that her name?” Parace chuckled.
Weiss narrowed her eyes, as her shoulder-length hair suddenly grew to her ankles, her bare arms and legs were covered in black material, and gauntlets appeared on her wrists. She was now in ‘battle-mode’. “You will tell me where she is. Now.”
Parace frowned. “Tsk, tsk… you should speak with more respect, young one. Perhaps you need to be taught a lesson…” The bangle on her arm suddenly flashed, and Parace transformed into her own battle mode- Her glasses were gone, and her hair was now completely white. Her ears had become pointed, while her attire had changed to something far more revealing… She had only a single piece of white cloth that covered her crotch, splitting higher up to cover her breasts, along with white thigh-high boots, white arm-gloves, and a off-white cape with pointed shoulder guards.
Weiss summoned a black blade from her right gauntlet in response. “I know who and what you are. I read the file on you. I am not afraid of you, Parace L’Sia.”
The Arcana of Life raised an eyebrow in response. “Is that so? Well then…” She abruptly vanished, briefly leaving a circular rune in her wake…
“Agghh!” Petra cried in surprise. Weiss turned to see that Parace had grabbed her, one arm around her torso, and the other holding Petra’s hand with the ether pistol away from both of them.
“Commander!” Weiss gasped. She hesitated, having not dealt with a hostage situation before…
Parace smirked. “Now then, perhaps you would be more inclined to talk instead of fight?”
Unseen by her, however, Petra moved her foot to a small button that nearly blended in with the rest of the floor, and applied pressure… Abruptly, a trapdoor opened under the noblewoman, causing her to fall right out of Parace’s grasp. “Wha-?!”
(Now!) Weiss immediately lunged at Parace, the blade on her gauntlet suddenly growing to three times its normal size. Parace barely had enough time to turn and avoid the blade, but she couldn’t avoid Weiss herself, as the two crashed through the back window, falling to the ground below…
Parace teleported out of Weiss’ grasp, while the maiden curled into a combat roll as she hit the ground. After two rolls to dissipate momentum, Weiss immediately got up into her combat stance, her blade having returned to normal size.
Parace L’Sia appeared in the air above her. “Very clever, Lagerkvist,” she muttered to herself. Focusing her gaze on the blonde below, she stated, “Well then, it seems you have to be taught your lesson the hard way…” She summoned four gems- red, blue, yellow, and green- before snapping her fingers, causing the gems to begin rotating around her…
“I will have you know, I am one of the top-rated combat teachers in the Rosenberg School,” Weiss responded. “It is I who will teach *you* a lesson!”
The Arcana of Life smirked. “Very well then, class is now in session…”

“Lady Petra!” Nora, one of her servants protested. “You can’t go out there, it’s too dangerous!”
“I cannot let Weiss face Parace L’Sia alone!” Petra retorted, as she ran for the door…
“But, my lady!” Her other servant, Rosa, attempted to block her path. “You aren’t even properly armed! You only have one of your pistols…”
Petra easily dodged around her. “One is better than none!” She opened the door, and ran towards where she heard the sounds of combat…
She got there just in time to see Weiss getting pummeled by Parace’s gems as they lifted her in an upward spiral… Parace herself teleported to Weiss’ position in the sky before intoning, “Salamander!!”
The four gems clustered together, before emanating a huge explosion!
“Aaaaaggghhhh!!” Weiss screamed in agony. Petra knew in that moment that she had been defeated. Running toward the scene, she managed to catch the blonde before she hit the ground. Her body was covered in burns and bruises.
“Thus endeth the lesson for today,” Parace sighed as she descended. “How disappointing, I expected better from a Valkyria of Drexler…”
“How dare you…” Petra glared at her. “You have no right!”
“I had every right, she was the first to make an aggressive gesture, if you recall,” Parace retorted. “You would think, working under someone like yourself, she would have better manners… Now, if someone were to ask me *politely*, I just might be inclined to answer her…”
Petra took a deep breath to calm herself, before inquiring, “Parace L’Sia, would you happen to know where Weiss’ fellow Valkyria is?”
The Arcana of Life smiled. “There, now was that so hard? As a matter of fact, I know exactly where she is… in the nearby swamp, where I assume you sent her. And before you ask, I never laid a finger on her… or a gem, for that matter.” Her smile widened… “I didn’t have to, actually.”
Petra blinked in confusion. “Just what is that supposed to mean?”
“Let’s just say… she’s in a bit of a ‘sticky’ situation. And if you want to know what I mean by that, I suggest you come and see for yourself…” Parace waved in a slow, almost mocking motion. “Sayonara…” And with that, she was gone…
Petra frowned, before looking down at Weiss, who was just starting to come to.
“Nnngghh…” Her eyes opened slowly. “Commander… I… failed… you…”
“Weiss… you broke two of your cardinal rules- you let your emotions get the better of you, and you took on the enemy without fully understanding what they were capable of. Just reading the file on Parace L’Sia isn’t nearly enough to prepare yourself…”
Weiss groaned in response. “Forgive… me… you… have to… help… Scharlachrot…"
The noblewoman nodded. “I will help her, I promise.” Turning her head she shouted, “Nora! Rosa!”
The two servants ran up to them. “I-is she gone?”
“She is gone, for now anyway,” Petra responded. She handed Weiss’ limp body over to Nora. “Get her to the medical wing at once.” She then turned to Rosa. “Bring me the phone, I need to make a few calls…”
“Yes, Lady Petra!” “Immediately!” The servants ran off quickly, Petra following after them. Parace’s ‘invitation’ smelled of a trap… And there was no way Petra Lagerkvist was going in unprepared…

About an hour later, Petra was slowly working her way through the swamp where she’d sent Scharlachrot to. Her twin ether-pistols were fully charged, and her mind was clear and focused.
It was obvious now that the anomaly that had been detected here was likely Parace L’Sia herself, trying to hide her presence… or maybe showing her presence just enough to catch someone’s attention.
(Which would mean Scharlachrot was walking into a trap from the get-go,) Petra thought to herself. It wouldn’t be a surprise to her if that was the case- Parace was highly intelligent as well as extremely powerful, which was what made her such a dangerous adversary…
She snapped back to reality as she sensed something faint… Closing her eyes, she concentrated…
(Got it. It’s weak, but that’s definitely celestial energy… Could it be Scharlachrot?) Petra turned to walk in the direction of the ether she sensed… But then, the ground suddenly swallowed her right leg to the knee.
“Gah! Quicksand!” she gasped in shock. Tossing her guns aside, she grabbed her leg with both hands, and pulled with all her might. With a *shhggloop!* it came free, her white boot now halfway colored brown.
Petra breathed a sigh of relief. “That was close…” Retrieving her pistols, she stood up, and surveyed her surroundings. She would have to be more careful about her footing from now on. After taking a moment to regain her bearings, she pressed onward.
A few minutes later, she could sense she was closing in on the weak celestial energy… After pushing through some brush, she finally spotted a familiar mop of red hair…
(Scharlachrot!) She appeared to be unconscious, sunk to her chest in what appeared to be a purplish-black bog, which seemed to cling to her breasts and trapped arms like glue… Petra looked down, realizing she was right at the edge of the mire. She took a step back, not wanting to make the same mistake twice.
“Scharlachrot!” she called. No response. “Scharlachrot!!” She yelled again, louder. To her relief, the Valkyria finally began to stir, lifting her head up, before slowly opening her eyes, which looked bleary and bloodshot. “Pe…tra…?”
(Dear Lord, she looks *exhausted*,) Petra thought to herself. “Scharlachrot! Are you all right? What happened?!”
“The same thing that’s about to happen to you,” A voice suddenly spoke up behind her. Before she even had a chance to turn, Petra was forcibly shoved forward, plunging to her knees in the dark bog. A pair of hands pulled her ether pistols from her grasp before she could react…
“You won’t be needing these…” Parace L’Sia floated away from Petra and alighted on the opposite bank, dropping the two guns at her feet. Petra inwardly cursed herself as she pulled at her trapped legs- Of course Parace had been hiding her presence, until the opportunity presented itself.
“Don’t bother trying to escape,” Parace smirked. “Your friend tried that too, and look where she ended up…” Upon hearing that, Scharlachrot silently gritted her teeth.
With growing despair, Petra realized she was right- it was like trying to escape the La Brea tar pits. “What *is*this stuff? It’s not normal quicksand…!”
Parace shifted back into her ‘human’ form, pushing her glasses up her face. “Correct. It’s a chemical compound of my own design.” Speaking with the air of a professor giving a lecture, she continued, “As you likely know, I was an alchemist in my previous life, before I ascended and became an Arcana… And of course, I have continued my studies in alchemy and chemistry since then, though my larger-scale experiments keep getting thwarted by that pesky Millennium Guardian, Kamui Tokonomiya…”
“With good reason, seeing as they endanger the material and celestial planes alike,” Petra retorted, even as her skirt started to stick on the bog’s surface. “And last time was no different, even if you hijacked it from someone else…”
Parace simply waved her off. “Well, if was no one willing to test boundaries, would we not all still be living in caves? But I digress… Speaking of last time, I admit I was somewhat careless… taking on nearly twenty maidens, alongside Tokonomiya, was a bit of a fool’s endeavor, even for someone as powerful as I. So, I decided to look at the problem from a different perspective… If I couldn’t defeat you all in battle, perhaps it would be smarter to simply incapacitate you instead…”
“I see… so this *was* a trap from the beginning. You wanted us to come, so you could test this sticky substance of yours…”
“Indeed. Of course, I also tested it on myself, as I could simply teleport myself out if I became stuck… and I discovered an interesting property of this compound… One which you should be experiencing soon…”
“What does that…” Petra gasped, as she felt the sticky slime begin to press against her panties. It seemed to bulge against her crotch with a pressure that caused an unfamiliar sensation to sweep through her… “W-what in the…”
Parace’s smile widened. “And there it is… It is really is a devious trap, too sticky to escape, and it causes sensations that make you not *want* to escape… As this Drexler reject can easily attest…”
“Nnnggghh…” Scharlachrot bowed her head, her face reddening…
Petra felt her hips begin to move back and forth instinctively, as if trying to abate the pressure of the gooey muck, even as it rose to her waist… that strange sensation was growing more intense with every passing moment. (It’s almost as if it’s trying to… have its way with me…)
Suddenly, everything clicked. That unfamiliar sensation had to be… “Sexual arousal?!” she gasped aloud.
“Very good, Petra,” Parace affirmed. “You’re scoring 100 percent so far…”
“Ugh… No!!” Momentarily panicking, she shoved her hands into the goo, as if trying to physically move the mire away from her crotch… Sadly, this was counterproductive, as not only did her arms become stuck, her hands were now pressing against her g-spot, causing her arousal to spike higher…
“Tsk,tsk…” Parace chuckled. “I think you just lost points…”
“Haaahhhh… no!” The noblewoman protested. “The Lagerkvist family… is pure… and upright… we do not… hahh… succumb to such… hahh… base instincts…!” Despite her proclamation, her hips continued to buck against her hands and the mire, causing waves of pleasure to arc through her, as she sank past her ribs… Petra tried to calm herself, taking deep, even breaths, her blue eyes closed as she tried to focus on anything other than her nether regions…
Unfortunately, her breasts began to dip into the muck, effecting a new, two-pronged assault on her senses… Petra didn’t stand a chance.
“AAAAAAHHHHH!!!” She threw her head back and screamed, her eyes popping open as she was finally sent over her limit, into an unbelievably intense orgasm…
“Oooooohhh!” She moaned, thrashing about in her entrapment, only for the sticky slime to hold her perfectly in place, as she continued to succumb to ecstasy…
“Uhhhhh…” Stars flashed in front of her eyes as she continued to ride her orgasm, her bosom pressing deeper into the mire’s surface, feeling her hard nipples being caressed gently but firmly…
Finally, mercifully, Petra was granted reprieve, her hips moving slower as she came down from her climax… She rolled her head from one side to the other, gasping and panting… “Oh, Lord… forgive me, for I have sinned…”
“I hardly think it’s a sin if you had no control over your situation to begin with,” Parace cut in with a chuckle, her voice somewhat husky… The alchemist was swaying back and forth slightly, her hard nipples poking against her red shirt, indicating she had enjoyed the show…
Petra glared at her with as much anger as she could muster in her current state. “Have you no shame…?”
“Of course not. You should know that, with the way I dress myself…” Parace responded, smiling. “Of course, now you likely realize why your companion is so tired out… She just came, and came, and came, until she could come no more…”
“Bitch…” Scharlachrot muttered under her breath.
“I heard that, young lady,” Parace frowned. “Don’t make me discipline you…”
Petra shook her head in disbelief as the goo continued to press against her sensitive zones… “No, not again…” she grunted as she felt her arousal begin to build once more…
“Your mouth says no, but your body is saying yes, yes, yes…” Parace teased. “I’ll give you credit where credit is due, you lasted longer than… Scar-harlot? Was that her name…? Anyway, I don’t think she even lasted thirty seconds before succumbing to pleasure. But it seems even someone as businesslike and straight-laced as you couldn’t resist forever…” She shook her head. “You were a fool to come here alone, Petra Lagerkvist…”
Petra suddenly grinned. “Who says… I did…?” Parace’s eyes went wide with the implication-
Only to get kicked hard in the face, knocking her glasses off her face as she was sent sprawling from the impact… She looked up, to see a Chinese woman with black hair done up into twin buns, and a bust easily as large as her own. Two wires extended from the back of her head… It was Mei-Fang, the ether-powered android.
“I apologize for not intervening sooner, Petra-san,” she stated. “The analysis of the chemical compound took longer than expected…”
The alchemist looked over at her glasses, twisted and cracked. “My favorite pair… do you have any idea how much those cost?!” Standing up, she transformed into her battle form once more, summoning her elemental gems… “Perhaps I will recoup my loss by selling you as spare parts, machine…”
“I have analyzed your tactics and powers from our last meeting,” Mei-Fang stated. “I calculate a 49.7% probability of victory over you in a combat engagement…” Without hesitation, she lunged forward, thrusting her fist into Parace’s solar plexus, following with a quick combo of punches and kicks, pushing her opponent back…
Only to get repulsed by a wave of force from the other woman. Undeterred, Mei-Fang quickly regained her balance, before calling out, “Lang-Gong!!” Realizing the robot was summoning her Arcana, Parace went into a defensive stance…
Only to blink in confusion as the fiery wolf-spirit ran around the edge of the sticky goo pit instead, surrounding Petra and Scharlachrot with a ring of fire. “What the… what are you doing?!”
“According to my analysis, once this chemical compound is heated to a certain temperature, it loses it’s adhesive properties,” Mei-Fang explained. Raising her voice, she cried, “Petra-san! You should be able to extract your arms now!”
Blinking, Petra realized the robot was right- her arms came out easily. She was surprised to see her gloves emerge clear and clean from the goop. Deciding not to question it, she leaned back, pulling her nipples clear, causing her arousal to abate somewhat, much to her relief…
“Oh no you don’t!” cried Parace as she teleported herself directly above Petra…
Only to see a large, blue-colored fist swing at her. With no time to react, she was sent reeling backwards from the punch, before feeling Mei-Fang’s legs grab her by the neck, hurling her into the woods. As she flipped head over heels over head, she caught a glimpse of a young teenage girl with short black hair, wearing a one-piece swimsuit…

“Good work, my ether-blob!” Kira Daidohji, kid genius(with world-domination aspirations), praised her creation as she stood at the edge of the slime pit. “Now fish those two ladies outta there before it cools down again!”
“Get Scharlachrot first!” ordered Petra, holding her arms out for balance. She was fairly confident she could hold out for a few more minutes without succumbing to pleasure again…
The sentient blob formed two hands which grabbed the red-haired maiden around her ribcage, before pulling her up and out, then hurling her bodily at its master.
“Wh-OOF!!” Kira was knocked over from the impact, falling to the ground, Scharlachrot sprawling atop her… “You didn’t have to throw her *that* hard…”
“Hahh…hahh…” Scharlachrot gasped. “Free… finally… free… no more… sex… with that… crud…”
“OK, change of plans,” muttered Kira. “Hey, ether-blob! Just carry Petra on top of you and get outta there!!” The blob complied, slowly pulling Petra out and letting her crawl on top of itself, the noblewoman sighing in relief at no longer feeling the muck pressing against her g-spot. Spreading its mass to keeping from sinking in, it slowly crawled to solid ground…
Kira winced as she heard an explosion deeper in the forest… she *really* hoped Mei-Fang could pull out a victory. She wasn’t keen on facing the Arcana of Life all by her lonesome…

“Salamander!!” The explosion was blunted by Mei-Fang’s energy shield, though she still took some damage from the blast. She lunged forward again, only for Parace to teleport behind her, sending her gems to hit the robot from behind. Mei-Fang gasped as she was hit, before rolling away… (I need to find an opening, and soon,) she thought to herself. She saw Parace snap her fingers, and the yellow gem suddenly synthesized a large rock to fall on her. The android managed to sidestep the projectile, before catching Parace in another flurry of hand strikes, before kicking her into a tree.
The celestial alchemist grunted in pain from the impact. “Not bad,” she muttered. “It seems you have gotten better since last time…”
“You are beginning to falter, Parace L’Sia,” Mei-Fang said. “I suggest you surrender.”
“Don’t get overconfident, machine,” Parace retorted. “You forget…” She raised her arms high above her head… “I can heal myself!” She was immediately encased in a large yellow crystal, which acted to enhance her healing factor… However, she would be immobilized for four seconds- more than enough time for an android like Mei-Fang to formulate a strategy. She shifted her position, hoping Parace wasn’t as aware of their exact position in the swamp as she was…
The crystal broke, and Parace emerged almost fully healed. “Now then, where wer- OOF—!” She was hit with an upward palm strike, sending her into the air… Mei-Fang followed her upward with the rocket thrusters in her boots, before catching her opponent in a downward dive, smashing through some brush, before crashing into the ground…
Or rather, into the sticky mire that Scharlachrot and Petra had just been pulled out of. The two women immediately plunged to their waists in the goo, their bodies still in close contact… The slime had cooled down by this point, meaning it stuck to their bodies like tar once more…
“Mei-Fang!!” Petra and Kira cried out in shock.
“What the- NO!” Parace looked down in disbelief as she felt the slime begin caressing her between her legs. She tried to teleport out, but Mei-Fang thrust her hips against her, causing her to shake with pleasure, interrupting her concentration…
“You yourself have admitted that you are not immune to the side effects of this chemical compound,” Mei-Fang stated. “However, I am an android, and do not experience arousal in any manner, which gives me the advantage.”
“Nnngghhh… it can’t be…” Parace grunted as the two sank to their rib cages. Her hands had already plunged past her wrists in the goo, and trying to extract them was futile. She threw her head back in pleasure as Mei-Fang thrust her hips against her again. “No, no, no…”
“I believe the expression is ‘hoist by your own petard’.” Another thrust.
On the shore, Scharlachrot grinned as she lay flat on her stomach, too tired to even pick herself up. (Take that, bitch… see how you like it…)
“Damn,” muttered Kira, “didn’t expect her to pull something like that…”
“Nor did I,” Petra agreed, sitting on her knees, still recovering from her massive orgasm she’d had while stuck.
“How… could this… happen…” gasped Parace, as she felt her large bust begin to float on the surface of the muck. “To think… I could be… outwitted… by a mere… machine…!”
“I am *not* a mere machine,” Mei-Fang retorted. “I am the beloved creation- no, daughter of Professor Mei Ling Hua!” Her arms were trapped around Parace’s waist as she continued to thrust against her, her own ample bosom floating in the slime. (She has not completely succumbed to ecstasy yet,) she thought to herself. (What if she begins to adapt to my actions?) Quickly processing several possibilties in nanoseconds, she decided there was only one tactic left to utilize to enhance her opponent’s arousal further. She leaned forward…
And firmly planted her lips on Parace’s own, sucking on them slightly.
Petra gasped.
Kira’s jaw dropped.
Even Scharlachrot’s eyes went wide at the sight.
As for Parace, her own eyes opened wide with shock as well. She’d hardly been kissed in her previous life, much less this one… As a result, she completely lost control.
“MmmmuuuaaaAAAAHHHHH!!!” She broke from the kiss as the orgasm slammed into her with unfathomable intensity, bucking and writhing against Mei-Fang, who simply watched impassively. Ripples were sent throughout the bog as she continued to thrash about in delicious climax, her head thrown back, her breasts pressing into the mire, her whole body quivering with pleasure…
Kira grinned. “I think she’s done. Like dinner.” Scharlachrot chuckled weakly. Petra simply shook her head.
Mei-Fang felt her adversary relax and go limp against her, and nodded to herself. Objective complete. Raising her head she called, “Lang-Gong!” The Arcana of Fire once again circled the pit in a ring of flame, leaving an opening for Kira’s ether blob to slither though.
Kira nodded to her creation. “Go to it.” The blob obediently slid over the surface of the goo once more, grabbing Mei-Fang and hurling her out of the pit, the android flipping and landing in a kneeling position.
“So, what should we do about the slut?” Kira asked Petra.
“Leave… her…” groaned Scharlachrot. “Just… leave her…”
Petra gave an aside glance to the exhausted redhead, biting her lip lightly. “I’m not sure we can do that, in good conscience…” She gasped as Parace suddenly teleported between them!
“Did you really think… that would be… enough to finish me?” The alchemist grinned at the look of terror on Petra and Kira’s faces…
Only to get slammed from behind by a massive robotic fist. “I anticipated this,” Mei-Fang stated, having transformed her body into something resembling a scaled-down version of a Gundam. She immediately thrust forward with her other fist, slamming the Arcana of Life into a sturdy tree.
Parace L’Sia fell.
And she didn’t get up again.
Mei-Fang reverted to normal, falling to her knees. “*Now*, it is over.” The others sighed in relief…
Parace groaned in pain. “Well done… I have indeed lost… But don’t think… this is the last… we’ll see of each other…” She then teleported away.
Mei-Fang scanned the area with her sensors. “I cannot detect her energy signature anymore. I believe she has retreated to the celestial plane.”
“Good riddance to bad rubbish,” said Kira. Looking down at the slime pit, she pondered, “I wonder if I should take a sample of this stuff for myself…”
“You do that, and our agreement is null and void,” Petra warned.
Kira winced. “Right, right… I agree to help you, and you convince the teacher to grant an extension on my overdue history report… Sheesh, why the crap do we gotta study stuff that happened centuries ago, anyway?”
“Those who do not know their own history are doomed to repeat it,” Petra stated as she slowly stood to her feet, wobbling slightly.
The genius shrugged in response. “Eh… whatever. I suppose I’d be cheating anyway, to conquer the world with something that wasn’t my idea to begin with.” She then directed her blob to lift and carry the exhausted Scharlachrot. Looking over at Mei-Fang, she said, “Hey, can you walk, or does my ether-blob have to carry you too?!”
“I can walk,” Mei-Fang affirmed, standing up. “I simply needed time to cool down.”
“Very well then, let us go,” stated Petra. “I will have this area barricaded, until we can figure out a way to safely neutralize or dispose of that sticky slime. Perhaps, Mei-Fang, you can report your analysis of that substance to Professor Hua…”
“Petra…” Scharlachrot spoke up. “Where… Sophie…”
Petra looked over at the Valkyria. “Weiss got into an altercation with Parace when she showed up at the Rosenberg Branch. It… did not end well. She’s currently recuperating in the medical ward…”
Scharlachrot groaned. “Idiot… should’ve… known better…”
“Indeed, she should have. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you get the bed next to hers…”
The redhead grinned weakly in response. “Thanks…”
And thus, the maidens left the swamp, satisfied that they had nipped Parace L’Sia’s plot in the bud… Just another day at the office.

Last edited by DJlurker on Sat Jun 13, 2015 2:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Sticky Situation

Postby Northerner » Mon Jun 08, 2015 4:39 pm

Wow! Hot story :) I don't know Arcana Heart, but it seems like you've done a good job of incorporating many characters and their personalities :)
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Re: A Sticky Situation

Postby PM2K » Mon Jun 08, 2015 5:21 pm

I liked it. :D Now I'll have to look this up to get the characters...

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Re: A Sticky Situation (After-story added!)

Postby DJlurker » Sat Jun 13, 2015 2:57 am

Thanks for the comments, guys. Now here's a little 'after-story' for you... ;)

Petra looked down at the medium-brown mire that had claimed her legs, and was now staining the skirt of her dress… She felt the moist muck begin to press against her panties, but it was nowhere near the sensation that the sticky bog had elicited in her. Twisting her hips, she gasped as she suddenly dropped a few inches, her left arm plunging into the mud for balance. She managed to keep her right arm clear, though- never let it be said Petra Johanna Lagerkvist didn’t learn from her mistakes.
She took deep, even breaths as she felt the quicksand slowly rise up her ribcage, before pressing against her bosom… there was definitely potential for sexual arousal, but it was mild enough that she could safely ignore it.
“You surprise me, Miss Petra. I didn’t think you’d just jump in, dress and all…” Petra looked up, seeing a young man with medium-brown hair, and matching eyes, who put his arms behind his head as he relaxed in the chest-deep mud, his upper half bare, save for a few spatters of dirt.
“You surprise me as well,” Petra stated in response. “I didn’t expect you to be into this sort of thing, you seemed so upright and proper otherwise…”
The young man- the suitor Petra’s parents had chosen for her- shrugged at this. “Well, mud’s good for the skin, and coming out here is better than paying for an expensive spa treatment, in my opinion… I was reluctant to tell you because I honestly thought you’d be utterly repulsed by this… yet, you seem to be almost enjoying yourself.”
Petra felt her face heat up in response. “Well, it’s most likely due to an incident I was involved in about two weeks ago….” She then explained the events of her interaction with the sexy sticky slime created by Parace L’Sia…
Her suitor’s face was a mixture of shock and disgust as he listened to her tale. “Slime that effectively rapes you… Now that is just sick… *Please* tell me that psycho lady is rotting in jail now…”
“Sadly, no,” Petra sighed. “We certainly sent her packing, though… I don’t believe she’ll be bothering us again for a while.” She shifted slightly in the quicksand, feeling it caress her submerged body. “I sank into this quicksand to see if I derived any similar feelings as I did in that slime… Thankfully, it doesn’t appear to be the case.”
“That’s good to hear,” the young man said. “So, how *does* it feel to you then?”
Petra looked down at the surface of the quicksand, seeing her breasts half-submerged, the muck teasing at the dip in the hem of her dress. “Well, it’s wet, but not cold… it’s… soft, and… actually quite comfortable. Although, I think I’ll be wearing something more appropriate next time… like a swimsuit.”
“Fine by me, just as long as it’s white…” Seeing Petra’s questioning look, he elaborated, “That is, I really like the contrast of your dress to the mud…” He blushed slightly, reaching out to Petra’s free hand, clasping it in his own…
“I see… so you enjoyed the show, did you?” Petra couldn’t help but smirk, even as she felt her suitor pull her closer.
“Well, at the end of the day, I am a red-blooded male human being. What would you expect?” They were only inches apart now. “Miss Petra, I… may I… may I kiss you?”
She blinked, then nodded. “You may.” She pulled herself a little closer, and closed her eyes, puckering her lips slightly…
There was no jolt of electricity, no sound of wedding bells, or any of those other cliches, as their lips met. It was a simple lip-lock, nothing more, nothing less. Not that it was unenjoyable… Petra smiled through the kiss as she felt her suitor move even closer, until her soft chest was pressing into his, his other hand gently grasping her trapped left arm.
(So, he is a closet pervert after all,) she thought to herself. (Still, at least he has enough sense to exercise some restraint… Perhaps this arrangement might just work out after all…)


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Re: A Sticky Situation (After-story added!)

Postby PM2K » Sat Jun 13, 2015 5:17 am

Nice wrap up. :D

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