West in Trouble

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West in Trouble

Postby 101927700 » Wed Aug 05, 2015 6:06 am

West In Trouble

West Jovia was an 18 year old girl who loved playing in the mud. Today, she was wearing a gray T-shirt, tight-fitting blue jeans, and light yellow rubber boots. She had just arrived at her campsite in southwestern Illinois.

Once she had set up her tent, she went exploring out in the meadow. Then, all of a sudden, one of her boots broke the surface and sank into thick mud. She didn't have time to react before her other boot was thoroughly stuck too.

Alright then! Random mud! Ok... West thought. She tried to pull her boots out, but the mud held them firmly in place, and she was still sinking. Soon, the mud had reached the rims of her boots.

This mud's about to get a LOT colder. she thought. Seconds later, mud started flowing into her boots. Not as cold as I expected. Good. thought West. Then, a feeling swept over West, and it made her want to get out of the mud. She got the urge to go to the bathroom.

Body, can you not? I'm kinda sinking in mud here, you know! West thought. But to no avail. Ten seconds later, West felt a huge poop enter her pants. Then two more. Ewwww! How could I?!? thought West as she looked at her back and saw a pretty big bulge, feeling it in the seat of her underwear, as she was wearing tight jeans. But then, something jolted her focus back on her sinking. The mud reached her thighs.

Then, something in the mud broke, and West started sinking faster. Soon, the mud had engulfed West's lower half. Odd feeling. Hopefully I live to experience it again one day! thought West, fear starting to fill her mind. She could now feel the mud pressing on her, the earthy smell of the mud, the temperature of the summer day.

The mud was now bubbling a lot. The mud sucked West down to her waist. "Help! Anyone! Please HEEELLLP!" West shouted in fear. But, there was no reply. West tried shifting around to break the suction, but this did nothing. She tried lifting herself out of the mud; still nothing. Then, she tried digging herself out of the mud, but this only caused her to sink deeper. The mud started to touch her breasts.

"Well, at least they will keep me afloat for a bit," West said to no one but herself. Then, West spotted a random twig sprouting out of the ground. She decided to take her shirt off and try to make a rope. It didn't reach far enough, so she took off her bra, letting her breasts touch the mud and air directly. West tied her shirt and bra together, and did her best to tie them around the twig. But, when she pulled on the makeshift rope, the twig snapped, and because West didn't have enough time to react, her shirt, bra, and the twig plunged into the mud, never to be seen again.

The mud now cupped half of West's breasts. It gave her a weird tingling sensation that ebbed at part of West's fear. Curious, she pulled her hands out of the mud and touched her left breast. Ooh, that feels good! West thought, all fear leaving her. She put both hands to work rubbing her breasts, and pleasure slowly built up inside West, until, "Oooooh! AAAAH! OH!" West exclaimed as an orgasm rippled through her. "AH!" Another orgasm.

The movement triggered the mud to suck West down to her neck. Pleasure slowly faded away in West's mind, and as she re-realized what danger she was in, she started getting scared again. So, self-recap: I've gotten stuck in mud, shit myself, went topless to try to drag myself out of the mud, had two orgasms, and now my life is in danger. All in all, a successful day... sarcasm! West thought to herself.

For 20 seconds, the mud slowly climbed West's neck, though it seemed like an eternity to her. Then, the mud lapped at her chin. This put West into full panic mode. She tore at the ground with her hands, twisted around rapidly, among other things. Then, she had an idea.

Maybe I can try to push the mud away from myself, so air can get to my feet and I can get out! West thought, a glimmer of hope entering her mind. She pushed at the mud in front of her, and with some effort, got it about two inches from her body. Then, she dragged herself forward a bit and moved back, and with an incredibly loud sucking sound, the suction released around West. That fucking worked?! Sometimes I don't understand this planet. West thought. She slowly lifted herself out of the mud. West was topless and very muddy, but alive.

West returned to the stream that ran by her campsite, and cleaned up, burying her underwear and washing her jeans and boots. Once her body was clean, West put on a new bra and shirt, and decided to never explore the meadow again unless she was wearing a life jacket. The end.

I have been taking a break from writing for a few days, making quicksand scenes in Minecraft, doing non-QS stuff. Then, on YouTube, I saw one of npchunter (Pickyourpoison on YT)'s "Ashley in quicksand" videos, and it gave me inspiration to write this. I am also thinking of ideas for a story or series based on the video game Life is Strange. (Just FYI, the main characters of that game are over 18, the protagonist is in college.)

Thanks for reading, 101927700.
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Re: West in Trouble

Postby DJlurker » Wed Aug 05, 2015 9:29 am

An improvement over your last few works. Good job. :)

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Re: West in Trouble

Postby PM2K » Thu Aug 06, 2015 2:10 am

Nicely done. :)

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