Exiled… IN SPACE (Final Part up!)

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Exiled… IN SPACE (Final Part up!)

Postby DJlurker » Sun Sep 27, 2015 3:05 pm

Hello again! The story borrows a concept from one of PM2K's old sci-fi tales... one that, sadly, has been lost to the ages. Those of you who have been here for a while should spot it soon enough... :)

Anyway... ON WITH THE SHOW!!

Exiled… IN SPACE
by DJlurker

Part 1- The Exploration

So this was her new home.
XL-473, a lonely outpost existing on the edge of Galactic Federation space, it was a forest/swamp world that reminded her of the bogs of Torvus on planet Aether. Her only company was a senile, elderly sentry who rambled on and on about how unfairly he’d been treated for some rookie mistake- albeit one that had resulted in five deaths, but how was he supposed to know, that sort of thing. Needless to say, it got boring real fast.
(No good deed goes unpunished,) Samus Aran thought grimly to herself. It didn’t matter that the research station and planet she’d blown up were overrun with a very infectious parasite with the potential to end galactic civilization- one so dangerous that the Chozo had been forced to create the terror known as Metroids just to keep them in check. Ordinarily, that sort of unauthorized destruction resulted in a life sentence for the offender. However, she WAS the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy, and imprisoning her had too much potential to cause an uproar among the general populace. Thus, she was ‘reassigned’ to this backwater, out-of-the-way place until further notice. In other words, exiled- with no ship and no way to contact anyone off-planet.
Samus was currently clad in her light blue Zero Suit, her paralyzer pistol clipped to her thigh, her bright blonde hair done up into its usual ponytail. Her crystal blue eyes scanned through the forest, eventually sighting what appeared to be an old trail. She sighed to herself, before starting to walk in that direction.
(If I’m going to be here awhile, I may as well familiarize myself with the surrounding area…) she mused to herself, as she began her non-adventure…

A half-hour later, she realized she’d gotten herself a bit lost. Not that she was too worried- If worst came to worst, she could summon her Power Suit and use it’s map function to find her way back… But then, she tripped on an upraised root she’d failed to notice. Attempting to break her fall, she ended up smacking her head into another tree.
“OW!! Damn it!” she swore as she rubbed her forehead. She was going to feel that one in the morning…
“Grrrruuugghhh…” Samus froze at hearing that. She really hoped that wasn’t a hostile life form… Said hopes were dashed when the creature emerged from a nearby grove. it looked something like a cross between a bear and warthog, with massive tusks and standing as tall as Samus herself, on four legs. The look in its beady eyes made it clear it thought it had found easy prey…
Seamus gritted her teeth. Thanks to her headache, she couldn’t focus enough to summon her Fusion Suit, which would have easily dispatched this creature. Instead, she pulled out her paralyzer and shot it in the face, causing it to yelp as its muscles temporarily locked up from the discharge. The hunter took this opportunity to right herself and run away… A roar sounded from behind her as the angered predator gave chase.
Samus did her best to stay close to the trees, weaving in out and between them as she fled the creature. Unfortunately, she couldn’t put more than a few second’s distance between them, as the predator possessed an agility that belied its large frame, easily turning around trees, and only being briefly hindered when Samus slid between two trees it couldn’t fit itself between. Samus briefly considered trying to climb one of the trees, but they looked too slippery to get a firm grip on. She was beginning to tire, and knew it was only a matter of time before the creature had it’s next meal…
Then out of the corner of her eye, salvation.
(A cave!) She immediately jumped and rolled to her left, entering the opening, which seemed just too small for the predator to follow. Samus then righted herself into a kneeling position, paralyzer at the ready…
However, the creature suddenly slowed, then stopped two feet away, before rearing back, shaking its head in apparent irritation. Samus was confused at its sudden change in behavior, until a pungent smell hit her own nostrils… “Ugh!” She was forced to cover her nose as looked around for the source… then she spotted it. Only a few inches to her right was a brown-colored flower that almost looked like it was rotting, though a closer look showed it was a natural pattern of its petals… (Well, that explains that,) she thought to herself.
Looking out again, she saw the creature had backed off a few feet, though it still eyed her hungrily, appearing ready to continue the chase as soon as Samus left the cave… On the other hand, she herself couldn’t stand the horrible smell much longer. Looking behind her, Samus saw that the cave went further back, widening into a large natural underground tunnel.
(Further in it is, then,) she resolved, crawling backwards until she could stand straight again, then turning and walking further into the cave, leaving the predator and the stinky flower behind…

Naturally, it got darker the deeper she went into the cave… Samus was hoping that there wasn’t another carnivore making its home in here- one was quite enough, thank you. Her head was still throbbing from her earlier spill, though not quite as bad now. However, as she continued to venture on, she saw some light further down… did the cave come out somewhere else in the forest?
“Uuuuuuhhhh…” Samus stopped still at hearing that. This voice sounded higher pitched… and feminine. (Who or what could that be?) She thought to herself, proceeding slowly, before rounding a bend…
And being confronted with a bizarre sight. The cave opened up into a large underground chamber, that had a large hole in the ceiling where bright sunlight shone through. About two-thirds of the floor was taken up by what appeared to be a large pit of rubbery green slime. And in the center of said slime pit was a shapely green-skinned woman, apparently nude, with a round face, large blue eyes with black eye markings, a small mouth, and no nose, which was explained by the two long flexible antennae above her forehead. She was sunk to her bosom, her long green hair streaming into the slime, which seemed to cling to her trapped arms and breasts like glue.
The woman didn’t seem to notice Samus’s arrival, being too focused on her own predicament as she looked down at the goo which held her. “Urrrrrgghh…!” she grunted as she threw her head back, her eyes clenched shut, her body quivering, apparently with exertion… before relaxing, pulling her head upright and forward, panting heavily, sweat beading on her face…
“Hey!” Samus called out. The woman jerked in surprise, turning to look at the human in the blue bodysuit, shock and fear evident on her face. “Just stay calm! I’m gonna help you out!” Samus yelled to her. She still had too much of a headache to summon her suit, but maybe there was something else she could try… She knelt down to the ground, even as the green woman frantically shook her head back and forth, as if to say ‘I’m done for! Just leave me!’
(Like hell I’m going to just abandon her!) Samus began to crawl across the surface of the green slime, spreading her weight to keep from sinking in. It felt rubbery and sticky, like half-dried leather... As the hunter closed in on the other woman, she felt the goo suddenly become softer...
*gloop*... Samus's hands were abruptly pulled into the slime, feeling it also grab her right leg around the knee, pulling it into itself..."The hell?!" She shifted upward, to try and pull her hands free... Gritting her teeth, she managed to yank them out...
*gloop gloop gloop*... Unfortunately, she had to shift backwards to do so, causing the goop to completely consume her legs, up to the buttocks. Samus’s eyes went wide with horror, as she felt the slime crawl up around her waist, before pulling her down further.
“Oh no… it’s *alive*!!” She began to thrash around, though she knew it was useless… her paralzyer was still strapped to her leg under the surface, but she doubted it would have had any effect anyway… Looking toward the other woman, she saw sadness and pity on her face, Samus’s heart twisting a bit at this. (She was trying to warn me… And like a damn rookie, I paid no heed…) That was two amateur mistakes in one day- and the second one had most likely cost her her own life…
Samus gasped, leaning forward as she felt the slime bulge against her crotch, instinctively bracing her hands on the surface for balance, causing the goo to take them in once more… She didn’t even try to fight it this time- her fate was sealed anyway. She took in a deep breath as the living goop continued to pulse between her thighs, causing waves of unfamiliar sensation to sweep through her. It was almost as if it was trying to penetrate her, but her Zero Suit thankfully held firm against the onslaught.
Something suddenly occurred to Samus- what about the other woman? Looking over, she saw her once again straining against her entrapment, gasping and groaning, head tilted back, eyes closed…
(Oh my god- it’s penetrating her… no, it’s *raping* her!!) Even if that hadn’t been the slime’s intention, the green woman was certainly acting as if she was engaged in rough, intense sexual intercourse. Samus cursed herself for not seeing it sooner.
Then again, her romantic interactions had been… limited, to say the least. The most romantic relationship she’d been involved in was with Ian Malkovich, her CO Adam’s younger brother, and that had never gone past the hugging and kissing phase before his tragic death. Adam’s decision to let him die was what had caused her to leave the Federation Army and strike out on her own as a bounty hunter… Since then, she’d been too busy capturing criminals or saving the galaxy to get very involved with anyone else…
Samus was suddenly jerked back to reality as she felt the slime begin to mold itself around her bosom, gently massaging and caressing her breasts, causing her to moan in pleasure. She looked down, to see that while her breasts were seemingly afloat on the rubbery surface, they were halfway covered with a thick film of slime, which seemed to focus on gently pinching and rubbing her hard nipples.
“Ugh…!” Samus grunted as stars began to flash before her eyes, the waves of pleasure coming on faster and more intensely now… She realized she was instinctively thrusting her hips against the thick goo, which seemed to eagerly respond in kind… (This isn’t… how I envisioned… going out of this life… oh, I’m gonna… gonna gonna gonnagonnagonna—)
“UUUUGGGHHHH!!!” She groaned as she was finally pushed over the edge, bucking and jerking as her first ever orgasm hit her harder than a starship- no, a space station. The slime seemed to move in time with her motions, which prolonged the unimaginable ecstasy coursing through her, from toes to fingertips to head…
Finally, it subsided, and Samus went limp, panting and gasping, stars still flashing in her vision… “Holy… oh wow… that felt… so *good*…” She felt the slime rise up her back, before flowing over her shoulders, gently massaging them as it pulled her down to her neck… She moaned in delight, feeling her ponytail dipping into the goop as her head fell back from fatigue…
Opening her eyes, she saw the other woman at the same depth, looking as if she just climaxed herself… the green-skinned woman glanced back at Samus, smiling tiredly at her. Samus couldn’t help but smile back, even as slime pulled them down to their chins… (After all, of all the ways to die, this is *far* from the worst way…) She then felt her lips begin to submerge, the slime trying to work its way into her mouth. Despite her fatigue, she tried to keep her jaw closed, but the slime would not be denied, forcing her lips apart as it began to flow thickly down her throat…
“Huuurrrrrggghhh!!” Samus grunted in protest, thrashing in panic as the goo also stopped up her nose… (Oh god… this is it…) Her last sight was seeing the green woman also being pulled under, her eyes closed, accepting her fate… Then there was nothing but green, as Samus was completely immersed in the slime, her lungs filled, her body jerking with imminent asphyxiation…
(Adam… Ian… I’m coming…)

When Samus came to, she was honestly expecting to see the afterlife… However, instead of the glory of heaven, or the flames of hell, she saw nothing but bright green… She blinked as she realized her heart was still pumping, her blood still pulsing through her veins, and her lungs… still filled with thick slime, her mouth held open from its intrusion…
(Why am I still alive?) She attempted to draw breath, feeling her lungs expand as she took in more slime, then contract, feeling the slime flow out slightly… It was almost as if she was *breathing* the slime itself. (How does that even work…? Unless… is it somehow… giving me oxygen through some sort of osmosis…? But why…?)
And then, the answer came to her in a flash. (It’s not done with me yet…) Focusing, she could make out the silhouette of her fellow victim, who seemed to be laid out in a horizontal position, her bosom moving as if breathing heavily, her hips still moving up and down, the slime still apparently making love to her… (I don’t get it… why doesn’t it just kill us and dissolve our bodies for nutrition?) Her train of thought was suddenly derailed as she felt the goo begin to pulse between her legs once more… (Again? I don’t think I can take another orgasm… Wait, is that--? Is THAT how it feeds?! It pleasures us to climax and then feeds off the energy we generate…?) It was insane- but it was the only explanation that made any sense… She recalled that ancient quote, ’Once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth…’
Samus ‘sighed’ as she felt her pleasure begin again. (Alright, fine. You want me, you’ve got me… Enjoy while it lasts…) She pulled her right hand through the slime, coming to rest on her breast before starting to massage it, as her other hand went down to her crotch… However the slime forced it away, apparently not wanting her to touch herself there… (Fine, be that way…) She pulled her hand back up, to caress her other breast instead, as the goo focused on her lower regions.
Samus moaned loudly as she felt herself being gently caressed all over, her every muscle rippling with anticipation as her pleasure rose higher and higher, her hips thrusting back and forth, her hands gently pinching her nipples… And then, it happened.
Stars exploded in Samus’s vision again as she climaxed once more, not as intense as the first, but still overwhelming… as she writhed in ecstasy, she could feel a subtle draining effect, nowhere near as bad as when a Metroid latched on, but it was definitely there. (Thought so…) She rode her orgasm for a good twenty seconds, before the sensation finally abated, causing her body to go limp again…
(OK, that’s it, I’m done… no more…) She felt utterly exhausted, her chest heaving as she ‘gasped’ more slime into her lungs… Strangely, she felt as if she were actually rising upwards through the goo…
Then suddenly, the green vanished from her sight, and she found herself staring at the ceiling of the cavern. (What…?) She then jerked as she felt the slime abruptly pull itself out of her nose and lungs, re-merging with the larger mass, gasping and coughing as her lungs restarted their proper function. (It’s… pushing me out?) Samus looked over and saw the green-skinned woman emerge from the goo as well, still laying on her back… She herself was now back up to chest level, the slime pushing her arms out, causing them to lay on the surface. The hunter leaned back to try and pull her legs clear, and the slime, apparently sensing her intention, pushed her lower body upward, until she too was laying on her back atop the surface. Samus closed her eyes and rested, too tired to do anything else at the moment… Only to feel herself being dragged to the cave floor and safety… It was the green-skinned woman, apparently not as tired as she first looked… The woman continued to pull Samus along, until finally getting the two of them back on terra firma.
The woman leaned over Samus, looking into her eyes with concern on her face. The hunter managed a smile, even as she felt herself slipping away… but she managed to speak two words before falling into unconsciousness…
“Thank you…”

Part 1- End.

Well, it looks like Samus might have a new friend... How will this relationship develop? Stay tuned! ;)
Last edited by DJlurker on Sun Oct 11, 2015 12:29 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Exiled… IN SPACE (Part 2)

Postby DJlurker » Fri Oct 02, 2015 8:52 am

Here's the next part of the story... enjoy!

Part 2- Getting To Know Each Other

Samus slowly roused, seeing the ceiling of a cavern, but it was different than the cavern where she and the other woman had been trapped and effectively raped by living green slime. It was darker, for one. The hunter could vaguely hear rain falling to her right... turning her head, she saw the exit to the small cave, covered with some sort of cloth. She realized that she herself was covered with an actual blanket. (Where did that come from...?) Answers would have to wait, however, as Samus felt herself drifting away again...
When next she woke, she was much more alert and focused. Rain was still falling outside, but lighter than before. (Wait a minute... it was sunny when I found the girl and the slime pit... Just how long was I out for?) Samus shifted into a sitting position, realizing she was laying on a bed of grass. Her earlier headache was completely gone, as well. A slightly sweet smell hit her nose... looking to her side, she saw about ten assorted fruits of different colors and shapes. (Did that woman bring these for me?) Deciding not to question it, she took one of fruits, and bit in... Other than the two wrinkled gray fruits, which didn't taste right, the rest of the food was passable, and filled her belly decently. Still, it would have been nice to have something to wash it down with...
A movement at the cave entrance caught her attention. The cloth was pushed aside, revealing the green-skinned woman she'd met earlier at the slime pit, a bit wet from walking through the rain. She smiled upon seeing Samus, walking up to her before kneeling down, looking her in the eye. Samus smiled back, nodding to her.
"Thanks for the fruit," she spoke to her. The green woman's face clouded with confusion at this. (Figures, she doesn't know my language,) Samus mulled to herself. The other woman shrugged, before offering her what appeared to be a glass of water... the shape and marking on the side showed to Samus that the container was... (A lab beaker? Where did she get that?) Putting that thought aside for later, Samus accepted the beaker, before putting it to her lips... the water tasted a little dirty, but not that bad, as she slowly gulped down the entire contents. Sighing in relief, she handed the glass back to her companion, nodding at her. “Thank you.” The woman simply nodded back in response, smiling.
Then something caught Samus’s attention. Looking around the woman’s body, she saw her lower legs, which seemed to have several small tendrils protruding from them, at random spots. She also saw what appeared to be green leaves in the woman’s hair- no, they were *growing* from her hair. (Leaves? Roots…?) Aloud she said, “Are you… some sort of plant-based life form?” The green woman’s face again contorted in confusion, causing Samus to heave a sigh of frustration.
But then the plant woman’s eyes lit up, as if getting an idea. She reached up to Samus’s face, gently grasping her head between her hands, looking her in the eye.
“What are you doing…?” Samus trailed off, as the woman smiled again, as if to reassure her. The woman then closed her eyes, as her antennae stretched out, before gently pressing into Samus’s temples…
Samus gasped as she suddenly saw her entire life flash before her, in fast forward…

Colony K-2L…

The Space Pirate raid…

Her mother getting killed and eaten in front of her by Ridley…

Being found by the Chozo… brought to Zebes, and trained in the ways of the warrior…

Receiving the Power Suit…

Leaving the nest, and joining the Federation Army…

Being placed under Adam Malkovich’s command… Anthony Higgs… Ian… his tragic death…

Striking out on her own as a bounty hunter…

Her first encounter with the Metroids…

Defeating Ridley for the first time, avenging her parents’ death…

Destroying Mother Brain… getting shot down during her escape…

Receiving a new Power Suit, and blowing up the Space Pirate Mother Ship…

The Phazon Crisis…

SR-388… Destroying all remaining Metroids, save one…

Taking the infant Metroid to Ceres Station, only for it to be stolen by a resuscitated Ridley…

Returning to Zebes… Killing Ridley again, this time for good…

The baby Metroid’s sacrifice, and Mother Brain suffering the full brunt of Samus’s wrath…

The destruction of Zebes…

The Bottle Ship incident…

Returning to SR-388…

The X Parasite…

The BSL space station…

Samus gasped as she came back to reality, she and the plant woman jerking away from each other. Shaking her head to regain her senses, she looked again upon her companion, whoses eyes had gone extremely wide, her hands clasped over her mouth, tears threatening to spill…
(Oh no,) thought Samus. (She saw everything… things that no one else should have seen.) Reaching out to her, she spoke, “You poor thing- you shouldn’t have seen that…”
<You poor thing…> Samus blinked at the voice in her head- that wasn’t hers…
<For you to have suffered so much… Endured so much… Samus Aran…> Samus jerked in surprise, even as the other woman grasped her hand… Concentrating, she thought, (Are you using… telepathy of some kind?)
<Yes> came the reply. <I made a mental bond between us, so we could understand each other> The plant woman smiled slightly, even as tears streamed down her cheeks. <But… I had no idea… what you had gone through… How can you endure such horrors?>
(It’s my destiny,) Samus thought-cast back, (My burden to bear. Be thankful it isn’t yours.) She reached up and began wiping away the other woman’s tears. (What’s your name?)
<Name?> the woman blinked in confusion. <I… have no name. I am I. That is all>
“Well, I can’t just keep calling you ‘woman’…” Samus muttered, before realizing she’d spoken aloud. (I’m sorry, I-)
<It’s OK, I can understand your mouth-sounds now> The woman replied. <Speak, if that is easier for you…>
Samus nodded. “OK. So… Have you lived in this forest your whole life?”
<No> she replied. <I first lived in some white building, not far from here>
“Is that where you got this beaker… I mean, this glass container?” Samus pointed to the object in question.
<Yes, and the warm sheet… you call it a… blanket? Anyway, as I now know your memories, you should know mine as well>
“I should?” Samus blinked, nonplussed. (Makes sense, I guess…) She concentrated, searching her brain for memories that weren’t hers… (Ah-ha.)

A white room, some purple-skinned alien towering over her, speaking a language Samus didn’t understand…

Several other purple aliens, who seemed to get smaller as the memories flashed forward… (No,) thought Samus, (They’re not getting smaller, the woman’s getting bigger… growing up…)

Being gently poked and prodded by strange instruments…

Having her hand cut off, before watching it slowly regrow itself… (Like a tree growing a new limb…)

A violent shaking, the aliens panicking, fleeing…

Running through the halls of the building…

Escaping into the wilderness… being knocked over by the shockwave from an explosion…

Learning to survive in the swampy forest…

Returning to the building, abandoned… no aliens left…

Falling into the green slime pit for the first time… being pleasured to climax again and again, before being vomited out, exhausted…

(Wait a minute…) Samus came back to reality. “When I found you… that wasn’t your first time in that slime pit…”
<And it won’t be the last, either> The woman smiled.
The hunter stared at her incredulously. “Are you saying… you sank in the slime pit *on purpose*?!”
<Why not? It doesn’t hurt me, and feels… really, really good…> Her face darkened a bit at this, as if she was blushing…
Samus heaved a sigh in disbelief. “Right… it’s probably the only form of entertainment you have around here… But I thought we going to die! Do you understand that?”
<Of course> she replied. <The first time I fell in, I thought I would die, as well. Your response is understandable>
“Right, so… don’t expect *me* to go back in there anytime soon,” Samus shook her head. “Anyway, switching topics… I noticed those aliens said ‘R-T-3-A’ a lot when they were discussing you or talking to you. So ‘RT3-A’ must be the experiment number they labeled you with.”
The plant woman tilted her head curiously. <So… is RT3-A my name?>
Samus frowned. “I dunno… that doesn’t sound right…” Thinking it over for a second, she stated, “I think I’ll call you “Ritiya” instead. It rolls off the tongue better.”
“Ree… tee… ya,” the woman said slowly, surprising Samus by speaking out loud. <Yes,> she reverted to telepathy, <that will work. From now on, my name is Ritiya.> She smiled again, <Thank you, Samus Aran>
Samus smiled back and nodded. “Just Samus is fine… and you’re welcome.” Something then occurred to her. “Um… do you of someplace where I can… rinse off? I got a bit sweaty under my Zero Suit, from getting raped by that slime pit, and it’s all dried up and sticky on my skin now…”
Ritiya made a face at that. <That… does not sound good. Yes, I know of a place to wash your body, as soon as the rain lets up, I will take you there…>

Thankfully for Samus, it was only about ten minutes or so before the rain stopped, allowing them to venture outside the cavern Ritiya called home. The hunter stretched her limbs, before concentrating and summoning her Fusion Suit, taking Ritiya by surprise.
“Just in case we run into any predators,” Samus explained. “Also, I wanted to make sure the suit’s functioning properly…”
The plant woman accepted this, and led Samus down a trail known only to her… After about five minutes of weaving through the trees and brush, the two arrived on the bank of a large river, which flowed at a moderate pace. Samus noted that while the bank they stood on was solid, the other side seemed awfully muddy.
Letting her Fusion Suit dematerialize, the hunter wasted no time in peeling off her Zero Suit, exposing her nude body to open air. As she prepared to enter the river, she looked over and saw Ritiya kneeling to the ground, her hand pressed against the soil… As Samus watched, a new plant suddenly sprouted, before rapidly growing into a familiar-looking flower.
“Ugh!” She grunted as the pugent smell hit her nostrils. “Why did you grow something like that?!”
<It deters predators,> the plant woman responded, her antennae curling up slightly. <I don’t care for the smell much myself, but it’s not as bad once you get in the water…>
Samus nodded, before she realized something. “Wait… that flower was at the entrance at the cave where I found you. So *you* put that there?”
<I did> Ritiya affirmed. <I do that so I am not interrupted by others while I… enjoy myself,> she blushed again. <Obviously, it did not deter you>
“Actually, it saved my life. If it hadn’t been for that thing, I would have been a predator’s lunch. So, thanks.”
<Is that so? Well, you are welcome then. Now, shall we clean up?>

The water was cool, but not too cold, and Samus reveled in the feeling of the sweat and juices of her sexual encounter with the green slime being washed away. She even brought her Zero Suit into the water, rinsing out the inside as best she could before draping it over a low-hanging branch to dry. That done, she looked around for her companion, not seeing her immediately… “Ritiya?” she called out loudly.
<Over here, on the other side,> she heard in her head. Looking out over the river, she saw that Ritiya had apparently crawled into the muddy area, and was now sitting down, leaning back slightly, arms braced behind her. (What are you doing over there?) Samus thought-cast, not wanting to strain her voice by yelling.
<I believe you call it photo-synthesis> came the reply. <Like the trees of this forest do…>
Samus looked closer, realizing that Ritiya’s lower legs- her root stems- were sunk into the earth. (Oh, of course…) The smell from the stinky flower was starting to get to her again, so the nude hunter jumped back into the river, half-swimming, half-wading to the opposite bank, stopping short of actually crawling into the mud, instead just anchoring her feet in the mucky river bottom to keep from being swept away, the water splashing around her lower thighs. “I should’ve known that’s what you were doing… you *are* a plant-based life form, and this makes more sense than digging a hole in the ground…”
Ritiya giggled in response. <Indeed. But, ever since my first encounter with that slime pit… I sometimes like to go… deeper…> With that, she attempted to stand, pushing her legs deeper into the mud, up to her thighs. She than began to shift from side to side, sinking herself deeper, moaning as her vagina disappeared under the muck…
Samus blinked in shock. “You can’t be serious… Getting raped by that slime isn’t enough?”
<This is different from the slime> she replied. <Different texture, and it doesn’t force itself on you… it is far more relaxing… oh yes…> The plant woman was sunk past her waist now, shivering and moaning in delight…
Samus felt herself shiver as well. Kneeling down, submerging her crotch beneath the water, she said, “I think some of your pleasure is being transmitted through our mental bond…”
<Is that so?> Ritiya said, the river mud now only an inch or two beneath her bosom. <Well I plan on going all the way to climax, so you may as well just join me in here, so we can be pleasured together>
Samus’s eyes went wide, before she shook her head. “Um, no…”
<What? Why not?!> Ritiya’s face took on a hurt/confused expression.
“Because… I’m pretty sure I don’t do sex with other women.”
Ritiya gasped, before shaking her head and waving her hands frantically. <Oh, no! No no *no*! That is *not* what I meant! I was thinking we would just wallow side-by-side, and let the mud touch us, not touch each other!!>
“Oh- side by side…? Well…” Samus bit her lip. She could still feel pleasure in her nether regions despite the cool water flowing against there… “Eh, OK, I guess I can do that…” (Not like I’ve got anything better to do right now…) With that, she crawled into the muddy area, over to the plant woman’s right side, before turning herself to face the river like her companion. Attempting to stand straight, she immediately sank past her knees in the mud. It was thick, cool, and seemed to jiggle slightly with her movements. Shifting her weight, Samus then sank to her upper thighs, shivering as she felt the mud touch the bottom of her vagina.
<That’s it,> encouraged Ritiya, <just like that…> She herself was sunk to her bosom, her mud covered arms resting on the surface, as she watched her new friend sink alongside her…
Samus gasped as she felt the muck penetrate her, as she sank to her waist… however, unlike the living slime, which actively tried to rape her, the mud was just following the laws of physics- a displaced liquid flowing into any empty space it could find. Despite that, Samus’s hips still began to move back and forth from the intrusion, which in turn drove her deeper.
She suddenly felt her bare breasts tingle, even though the mud was only up to her ribcage. Looking to her left, she saw that Ritiya had taken two handfuls of mud, and was now smearing them over her own breasts, her back arced, her head thrown back, moaning in delight… Taking a deep breath to focus, Samus broke the silence, “Hey Ritiya, can I ask you something?”
The other woman pulled herself back upright, before turning her head to look the bounty hunter in the eye, though her hands still lightly massaged her muddy breasts. <Yes?>
“Have you ever… um…touched yourself… down there?”
Ritiya shrugged. <Once in a while, if I’m feeling impatient… Usually though, I just let the mud flow between my legs, and pleasure me to climax that way…> She then shivered, before turning back toward the river, and resuming her ministrations. <Now, let me be for a little while…>
“OK,” Samus nodded, before turning back to face the river herself. Her bosom was coming to rest on the mud’s surface now, her nipples hard as quartz, as she continued to gently buck her hips against the bog… She wasn’t afraid of sinking under, she was smart enough to know about the buoyancy of the human body in liquid. Unfortunately, knowing that she wasn’t in any real danger, unlike the slime pit, seemed to dampen her arousal somewhat. There was definitely pleasure between her legs, but it wasn’t nearly enough.
(Fine, call me impatient, then,) thought Samus as she slowly pushed her right hand into the mud, down, down until she reached her groin, before beginning to gently rub… the effect was immediate, as she rolled her head around from the sudden wave of pleasure that coursed through her body. “Oh, yeah… there we go…” Deciding to follow Ritiya’s lead, she took a handful of mud with her other hand, and started to massage it into her left breast, causing her back to arc slightly from the sensation… “Oh *yes*…”
<I felt that> Ritiya’s voice echoed in her head. <Glad you’re enjoying yourself…>
(Take your own advice and let me be,) Samus retorted sharply, before returning to her mud-play, taking another glob of thick mud and gently smearing it over her still-dry right breast, before gently pinching her nipple, arcing another wave of pleasure through her, more intense than the last… her pelvis was thrusting back and forth in a moderate rhythm, pressing into the mud and her submerged hand… (This feels so nice… I could come back and do this again and again…) She looked down, watching her bosom lightly bounce on the surface, sending ripples through the quick-mud, all the way to where the mud ended and the river began.
Yet another wave of pleasure surged through her, even stronger, and Samus knew she was close to orgasm. Deciding to go out with a bang, she moved the thumb of her submerged right hand upward, until it was resting on the sensitive nub just above her opening… then pressing down on it, hard.
That did the trick. “UUUUUUGGGHH!!” Samus groaned loudly as stars flashed in her vision, despite her blue eyes being tightly shut, as her climax hit with intense force… However, unlike before, in the living slime pit, where her orgasm had been like an out-of-control spacecraft crashing into her, this one was more like a tidal wave, which picked her up and carried her away, into an endless sea of muddy ecstasy…
In her mind’s eye, she was once again a child, running on the surface of Planet Zebes, leaping off a cliff and diving into a ravine, in a spread-eagle position, completely unafraid, laughing as her long hair whipped in the wind…
And then… it was over.
Samus came back to herself in a flash, again an adult, gasping and panting as she came down from her peak… For some reason, she was finding it hard to draw a full breath… Looking down, she saw why. Her bucking and thrashing in the course of her orgasm had agitated the quick-mud, causing her to sink to her shoulders, its thick mass now pressing in on her chest…
“Ugh… need to breathe,” she grunted, pulling her left hand off her breast and managing to free her arm from the mire. Then pressed down on the surface with said arm, while leaning forward, eventually succeeding in pulling her breasts back above the surface, allowing her to finally catch her breath. Leaning back again, Samus let herself bask in the warm afterglow for a minute…
And then she remembered Ritiya. Looking over to check on her companion, she was surprised to see nothing but churned-up mud where she’d been sinking. (Uh-oh, she didn’t go under, did she?)
<Nope> she heard Ritiya’s voice. <Right behind you> Samus gasped as she suddenly felt two globs of cool mud being rubbed over her shoulders from behind. “Oooooh…”
<You like that? Here’s some more, then> The plant woman took two more handfuls of mud, massaging them over her friend’s shoulders, causing her to moan in contentment. Ritiya continued this until Samus was covered in mud from the neck down, though she was careful not to touch her breasts… She then pushed her arms into the mud, before gently encircling them around the human’s waist, pulling her in close… <I hope hugging from behind isn’t too… sexual for you>
“Mmm, no,” Samus sighed. “from behind is fine…” She brought her right hand up from her vagina, to rest on her friend’s arms under the surface. “As long as you don’t touch anywhere… sensitive…”
<Of course,> Ritiya replied, pulling Samus closer, until her bosom was pressing into the hunter’s back. Resting her head on Samus’s muddy shoulder, she thought-cast, <This is so nice… to have someone to share this experience with… To finally have someone who understands me… To no longer be… alone… don’t you think so…?>
“No longer… alone…” Samus repeated. Actually, she could understand her friend’s position fairly well. She herself had been alone most of her life, due to her occupation… She could count the number of people in the galaxy she could honestly call ‘friend’ on one hand… Though today, she realized she could add another digit on said hand…
“Yeah,” Samus nodded, letting herself lean back slightly into Ritiya’s embrace, “I think you’re right.”

Part 2- End.

Sorry if you were expecting hot, steamy, X-rated girl-on-girl action... but come on, the two have only just *met*, for crying out loud! Common sense, people... USE IT! ;)
Anyway, stay tuned for Part 3, which has more muddy goodness, and Samus doing what she does best- Blow stuff up for A TRUE PEACE IN SPACE! :P
Last edited by DJlurker on Fri Oct 02, 2015 7:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Exiled… IN SPACE (Part 2 up!)

Postby PM2K » Fri Oct 02, 2015 1:33 pm

Cool! :D

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Re: Exiled… IN SPACE (Part 2 up!)

Postby cnelson566 » Sat Oct 03, 2015 3:26 am

Ok, this story works for me, alright!

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Re: Exiled… IN SPACE (Final part up!)

Postby DJlurker » Sun Oct 11, 2015 12:02 am

Thanks for the comments. Now, here's the final part... Sorry it took so long, I got sidelined by a sudden cold. :( Just a heads up, this story has PLOT and ACTION, so if you don't like that, stop reading after the halfway point...

Part 3- Evicting The Squatters

Samus had to admit, her current situation seemed somewhat surreal… Sunk to her ample bosom in quicksand-like river mud, completely nude, being hugged from behind by an equally nude and shapely plant woman… and enjoying every moment of it. Of course, the fact that said mud flowed in between her legs like a gentle, patient lover probably had something to do with said enjoyment…
The hunter felt Ritiya shift against her, before the plant woman withdrew her arms from around Samus’s waist. “Time to get out?”
<Not quite yet…> came the reply. Samus then felt her friend’s hands on her shoulders again… but instead of massaging them, Ritiya began pushing *down*. “Hey! What the-?!”
<Oh no, you’re going under!> There was a playful undertone to Ritiya’s voice as Samus’s shoulders went under, then her neck…
“Ritiya-!” *glub!* Samus was barely able to draw in oxygen through her nose before being pushed the rest of the way under, her ponytail briefly floating on the surface before following it’s owner down…
It was certainly a different experience than being immersed in the living slime… it was completely dark, for one… no light… no sound except the mud moving past itself, and Samus’s own heartbeat thumping in her ears… The mud invaded her open mouth, but didn’t try to force itself down her throat- again, it was just following the laws of physics. Despite that, it still felt like a deep-throated French kiss, as if the mud was welcoming her to its infinite, hidden depths…
The pressure of the thick mud all around her briefly brought to mind the time when Samus was venturing through the underwater Maridia sector of Zebes… falling into and sinking under in underwater quicksand… though she was wearing her Gravity Suit at the time and couldn’t drown, it felt very strange to feel that liquid sand shift and move around her as sank down, down, eventually falling into a new area… For some reason, that memory caused her body to quake with pleasure as she floated there, suspended in the cool, dark quick-mud, feeling no bottom beneath her feet… (Good grief, even the river wasn’t *this* deep…!)
She wasn’t sure how long she’d been submerged, but a burning sensation in her lungs signaled that it might be time to leave… Slowly moving her arms, Samus was able to make swimming motions that slowly pushed her upward through the muck… Thankfully, she wasn’t as far beneath the surface as it had seemed, as she soon felt her hands hit open air… Adrenaline surged through her as she managed to finally drag her head back above the surface, gravity pulling a good chunk of mud off her face, spitting, gasping, taking in live-giving oxygen… then she felt someone- Ritiya- turning her around.
<Here, let me help> Samus heard her friend’s voice in her head, though her ears were still clogged with mud, feeling hands wiping the mud from her face until she was able to open her eyes again, seeing the plant woman’s concerned face. <You OK?>
Samus spit out a little more mud before speaking up, “You mind telling me why you did that?!”
Ritiya chuckled nervously in response. <Sorry, I couldn’t resist, the chance was too perfect…>
“And what if I hadn’t come back up?“ Samus pointed out.
<Then I would have pulled you back up> Her friend replied matter-of-factly. <Besides, I could sense through our mental bond that you actually enjoyed that, if only a little bit…>
“Is that so? Well, then…” Samus grasped Ritiya’s shoulders firmly. “Let’s see how *you* like it!!” With that, she pushed down…
“Nooooooo!” Ritiya cried aloud, waving her arms upward in mock distress. Samus couldn’t help but take a small measure of satisfaction in watch the thick mud fold over Ritiya’s face, leaving only her muddy forearms waving somewhat comically above the surface… She counted to five in her head before releasing her grip, and shifting back a short distance, just in case the woman tried to grab her… However, the arms simply waved back and forth for a few more seconds before sinking under, the quick-mud rocking for a few more moments, before going still…
Samus watched the the spot where Ritiya had gone under closely, fear briefly welling up in her when she saw a bubble inflate and pop on the surface… (No, no, no,) she chided herself, (She’s probably just messing around… if she were really in trouble, I’d feel it through our bond…) She couldn’t help but smile when she heard her friend reply, <Oh, darn, she saw through my act…>
Sure enough, the plant woman soon emerged from the mud, with all the grace of a mermaid rising out of the ocean… Nonchalantly spitting out mud, gasping in fresh air, before calmly extracting her arms and wiping mud from her face… As soon as she could see properly, she looked over at Samus, grinning like a five-year-old kid. <That was fun, wasn’t it?>
The hunter rolled her eyes in response, as she crossed her arms over her breasts. “You know, a little warning would have been nice…” Ritiya simply stuck her tongue out at her. <Oh, don’t be such a stick-in-the-mud>
Samus couldn’t help but hang her head at that. “Ugh, walked right into that one…” she groaned as Ritiya giggled briefly at her own pun. “Well, anyway… I was thinking,” she looked her friend in the eye again, “Maybe you could show me where that old laboratory where you were, well, born, was… If any of the computer systems are still active, maybe I could use the scanning function on my Fusion Suit to see if I can dig up any info on you… Who exactly made you, and why, that sort of thing…”
Ritiya looked surprisingly uncertain at this. <I… don’t go back there anymore. Not since those new creatures moved in>
“New creatures?” This was the first Samus had heard of this. “Are they hostile?”
<I didn’t let them see me,> the plant woman explained, <but they looked scary enough. You have my memories, see for yourself>
“Oh, right, I forgot…” The hunter ducked her head in mild embarrassment, before taking a breath to focus, trying to recall her friend’s recent memories… Unlike before, though, the aliens that appeared in her mind’s eye were VERY familiar to Samus… She snapped back to reality, gasping in shock. “No… Space Pirates?!”
<Space Pirates?> Ritiya blinked in confusion, before realization dawned. <Wait, you mean THE Space Pirates?! The ones that killed your parents and destroyed your home?!>
“The very same,” Samus growled. “Damn, I thought they’d been scattered throughout the galaxy after the destruction of Zebes…! What are they doing *here*?”
<Trying to regroup, I’d guess?> Ritiya ventured.
“Yeah, and right under the Federation’s nose, to boot…” Samus muttered to herself.
<So what are we going to do?>
The hunter lifted her head back up, a determined expression on her face. “Well first, we’re going to get out of this mud and get cleaned up… Then after we’re dry, you’re going to show me where that lab is, so I can go in and ‘evict the squatters’, so to speak.”
Ritiya smirked and nodded. <OK!>

And so, about a half-hour later, the two women made their way through the swampy forest, to a three-story white building seemed to stand out amongst the trees and foliage… (How did a facility like this go undetected by the Federation for so long?) Samus couldn’t help but wonder to herself. (Then again, given who’ve they got manning the outpost here…)
<We’re almost there,> Ritiya warned. <Better stick to telepathy so we’re not spotted>
(Got it,) Samus acknowledged. She was, of course, clad in her Fusion Suit, her mind clear and focused. Soon, the two were only a few yards from the entrance, guarded by two Pirate sentries, the two women concealed by brush.
<So what’s the plan?> Ritiya opined. <Go in all-guns-blazing, so to speak?>
(No,) Samus thought-cast back. (I’d rather try to sneak in and catch them by surprise…) Scanning the area, she spotted what appeared to be a grate covering a vent a short distance to the right of the main entrance. Her Scan Visor indicated the grate was made of Talloric Alloy- child’s play for her Morph Ball Bombs. (Excellent- there’s my way in. Now I just need a distraction…)
<I can take care of that,> Ritiya affirmed as she knelt down, pressing her hand to the ground…
(What, are you going to grow one of those stinky flowers?) Samus asked.
The plant woman smiled in response. (Actually, I had something better in mind…) Something burrowed under the ground from her hand, splitting into two near the Pirates, who saw the upraised ground, cautiously pointing their guns toward it…
Only for two very large vines to erupt from the ground, causing them to cry out in surprise, as the plants began literally smacking them around, their initial shots going haywire. <Go, Samus!> Ritiya urged.
(I’m gone,) the hunter replied as she quickly rolled into her morph ball, rolling over to the grate and bombing it. By the time the Pirate sentries had cut the vines down with their arm scythes, Samus was already inside…

“We have a situation at the entrance,” the Pirate cadet reported. “The sentries are apparently being attacked by giant… vines?”
“Giant vines…” muttered the commander, Weavel. He’d once been a general back on Zebes, before an unfortunate encounter with Samus had left him so badly injured, his fellow Pirates were only able to preserve his brain and spinal cord, which were then grafted into a new cybernetic body. He had encountered Samus again during a mission to the Alimbic Cluster, where he again had been bested, but unlike before, was able to escape relatively intact.
Since Zebe’s destruction, he’d taken it upon himself to try and gather the surviving Space Pirates back together, conveniently putting him back into something resembling his old commanding position. They had found this abandoned lab while searching for a place to hide while they attempted to restore themselves to their former glory… and since the Federation rarely visited here despite it technically being their territory, it was deemed acceptable.
Still, if there was anything Weavel had learned from his defeats, it was not to take any chances when confronting something heretofore unknown…
“Have the sentries search the surrounding vegetation. See if they can find where the vines came from.”
“They’re already doing so, sir… Wait, they’ve found a sentient! It’s fleeing! Order them to pursue?”
“Yes, but carefully… and tell them to try and take it alive. It may be that one experiment the previous owners of this laboratory were working on…”
“Commander Weavel, there’s an obstruction in the air vents somewhere on the bottom floor,” another cadet reported.
“Probably another indigenous creature that got in through one of the grates,” the cyber-Pirate acknowledged. “Have any available personnel on that floor hunt it down and kill it.”
“Yes, sir.”

Samus continued to roll through the AC system, occasionally using her Spring Ball to get up vertical tunnels… Eventually, she found another grate that opened into the ceiling of an inner room. Bombing it open, she dropped down…
…into a room with about five Pirates working at computer terminals. Needless to say, they were a bit surprised at the intrusion.
“I thought they said it was an organic creature!” one Pirate exclaimed, even as he pointed his gun at the metallic ball.
“That’s no creature… it’s the Morph Ball!!” another Pirate realized in horror. “IT’S THE HUNTER—“
That was as far as he got, as Samus detonated a Power Bomb which vaporized him and every other Pirate in the room, save one who managed to get out the door in time. Samus then uncurled into normal mode, walking up to one of the terminals. Even if she couldn’t save any research data due to no longer possessing a starship, she could still translate and read it.
Unfortunately, the only data she could gleam from the computers here was that the Pirates were indeed working on some sort of experiment, located in a place called the ‘Main Containment Unit’ on the next floor up. She couldn’t help but wonder if the Pirates were using any research data left behind by the previous occupants… not that she would be terribly surprised if they were…
(Ritiya, I’m in,) Samus thought-cast. (Do you know anything about a ‘Main Containment Unit’ in here?)
<Sounds like the place where I lived before the aliens fled,> the response came, though Samus sensed an undertone of urgency… (Are you OK? Is everything all right out there?) the hunter inquired worringly.
<Don’t worry about me, it’s all under control> the plant woman answered. <Just focus on your mission, I’m fine…>
Samus wasn’t sure whether to believe her or not, but decided not to press it. (OK, just don’t do anything stupid…) With that, Samus turned to walk out the door…

“Security alert, all stations! The Hunter is among us!!” came the call over the intercom.
“The Hunter?!” Weavel immediately stood to his feet. “Are you certain?”
“She was in Morph Ball… she used a Power Bomb, it had to be- oh no, she’s *here*- HOOOOooorrrrggghhhh….” The communication cut off, causing Weavel to slam his robotic fist on the com in anger.
“This is Weavel! All non-essential personnel, evacuate immediately! This is not a drill!”
“Evacuate?” questioned one of the cadets.
“The survival of our species takes precedence at this critical time,” Weavel explained. Returning to the com, he ordered, “All security personnel take up defensive positions around the Main Containment Unit! The Hunter must not be allowed to destroy our newest bioweapon!” (Though given past experience, it likely won’t make a difference…) he thought to himself.

Meanwhile, outside…
When Ritiya had told Samus that things were under control, she was technically correct. After all, she knew this section of the swamp like the back of her hand, compared to the Pirate sentries which were now chasing her… A lucky shot grazed her shoulder, causing her to cry out in pain.
“Be careful!” the sentry warned his partner. “Commander Weavel wants us to take her alive! Shoot low!”
“If I shoot low, the shot will just hit the roots and brush!” the other sentry shot back.
Gritting her jaws, Ritiya tried to think through the pain… and then an idea came to her. She suddenly broke to the right, as if trying to throw off her pursuers…
The sentries apparently weren’t fooled, as they easily managed to keep up with her… than fortune seemed to smile on them, as their quarry suddenly stumbled into a large pit of quicksand, the inertia instantly burying her up to her thighs.
“Nooooooo!!” Ritiya screamed aloud, as she thrashed back and forth in apparent panic, causing the muck to suck her down to her waist…
The two Pirates managed to stop themselves at the edge. “We have her now,” one sentry proclaimed.
“But how shall we retrieve her, without becoming stuck ourselves?” asked the other.
“Perhaps there is a vine or broken limb nearby,” postulated the first. “And once we have retrieved her, we shall sever her arms to show we mean business…”
“But the Commander said he-“
“wanted her alive, not necessarily in good condition…”
As the two sentries argued, Ritiya secretly smirked to herself as she pushed her hands into the muck, now sunk to her ribcage, as she put her plan in motion…
The Pirates never saw it coming. Two vines suddenly sprang from the muck, wrapping around their legs before pulling them into the quicksand. Panicking, they activated their arm-scythes and sliced into the mud, desperately trying to cut the vines that were dragging them to their doom. Ritiya turned herself around, sinking to her bosom, watching in grim satisfaction as the two aliens were pulled under, their arms flailing briefly before they, too, vanished… Two bursts of filthy bubbles on the surface marked their demise.
<May those be the last two lives I ever take> she silently prayed to herself. <The rest is up to you, Samus…> With that, she leaned back and let herself relax, sighing as the mud slowly flowed between her legs and caressed the bottoms of her breasts…

Back inside the laboratory…
Samus slowly made her way through the second floor of the lab, having encountered surprisingly little resistance so far. A few Pirates had taken potshots at her as they ran by, but would quickly retreat when she tried to pursue.
(Makes sense, they likely don’t have the numbers they used to,) the hunter mulled to herself as she turned down a short hallway. Some of the doors had been blocked off on one side, and she could see scorch marks on that end of the building, as if something had blown up… consistent with the memories she’d gotten from Ritiya.
At the end of the hallway was an old-style turn-knob door, with lettering that her Scan Visor translated as ‘Main Containment Unit’. (This is the place,) She thought to herself as she slowly reached and turned the knob, letting the door swing open…
And immediately being confronted with a large group of Space Pirates, all guns pointed in her direction. “SHIT!” Samus swore as the Pirates opened fire, forcing her to curl into Morph Ball form and roll back around the corner of the hallway. Uncurling, she checked her power readings- she’d lost at least half an energy tank from that assault. “Damn it all to hell,” she muttered. Of course the Pirates would defend their latest bioweapon at any cost…
But being gathered so closely together would seal their fate. The end of Samus’s arm cannon opened, as if to fire a missile, but then a charge slowly began building at the tip. In about three seconds, full charge was reached, and Samus jumped across the hallway, firing her charged missile through the door… On impact, it immediately exploded into an ever-expanding wave of ice, which froze the entire group of Pirates where they stood. Samus walked back into the room, firing several normal missiles which shattered the frozen aliens on impact…

“Ice-Diffusion Missiles?!” cried Weavel, as he watched the battle on security camera. “Since when did she have those?!”
“Well, The Hunter’s powered armor suit is different from before,” postulated one of the cadets. “It only stands to reason that it might have different abilities than what you’ve seen, Commander…”
“Hrrrrmmmmm…” Weavel continued to watch as Samus easily dispatched the remainder of the Pirates guards with her Plasma Beam, with a few good kicks and punches mixed in. Coming to a decision, he stood up. “Monitor the bioweapon’s vitals closely. If they flatline, give the full evacuation order and start the self-destruct sequence.” He then turned to leave.
“Wait, Commander! Where are you going?” asked the other cadet.
“To deal with The Hunter myself.”

After dispatching the remainder of the guards, Samus walked over to a nearby window, looking inside… and recoiling at what she saw, not necessarily out of fear, but disbelief with a bit of disgust added. (No way… Ritiya, are you there?)
<I’m here> came the response. <What’s up?>
(They… they’ve used the research on you to make an abomination! It even has a face like yours!)
<WHAT?!> Ritiya cried out in horror. <Those evil creatures! How could they?!>
(Don’t worry,) Samus assured her. (That thing’s not going to be alive much longer, if I have anything to say about it…)
<Yes, please, put that thing out of its misery! Make those Pirates pay!!>
(Several of them already have… in full,) Samus responded. (I’ll let you know when it’s dead. Samus out.)
<Good luck…> the plant woman sent one final thought-cast, before going silent. The hunter nodded to herself, before aiming at the glass, firing a missile to shatter it…
Only her superhuman reflexes saved her in time, as she Morph Balled out of the way of the thorny vine that immediately shot out, embedding itself in the opposite wall. (That was close,) she thought as she unmorphed. (It must instinctively attack whatever enters it’s field of vision…) Taking aim, he charged her beam and fired an icy blast at the vine, freezing it solid, before following up with a Super Missile, which broke it apart. A roar of pain resounded from inside the chamber, as the hunter cautiously approached the window, flinging herself through it before another thorny vine would attempt to impale her…
Instead, however, she landed in a tangle of vines that promptly began to try and wrap themselves around her, most likely with the intent of crushing her to death. She managed to transform to Morph Ball form before being irreversibly restrained, then as the vines tried to compensate for its quarry’s sudden change in size and shape, detonated a Power Bomb atomized all the fauna around her, allowing her to finally drop to the floor of the chamber.
It was indeed an abomination, its core about the size of the Zebes Spore Spawn, with a mockery of Ritiya’s face on the front, though it seemed to lack actual eyes. Several vines sprouted from many points on its top and back, almost like hair, while several roots grew into the ground from its underside. The thing roared, before sending its vines to ensnare the hunter once more…
Only to have Samus easily cut through them with her Screw Attack. She then fired a charged Plasma Beam at the creature, before following it up with several uncharged shots. The creature cried out in pain, before it wounds began rapidly healing over…
(They ramped up its regenerative abilities!) Samus thought in disbelief, as she Morph Balled out of the way of more thorny vines, setting off another Power Bomb to clear the immediate area. (How do I get around that? Unless… Yes, of course! That’s it!) The end of her cannon opened, as she began to charge another Diffusion Missile, using her Screw Attack to keep the creature’s vines off her… After what seemed to be a long time due to adrenaline, full charge was reached. The thing roared again, and Samus fired the missile right into its gaping maw.
The effect was immediate, as the creature was quickly frozen from within, the ice even spreading a few inches up it vines, which writhed as if in agony. Wasting no time, Samus curled into Morph Ball again, rolling inside the creature’s frozen mouth, and setting off a Power Bomb from inside. The force of the explosion, along with the sudden temperature change from ice-cold to white-hot, caused the bioweapon to shatter into thousands of frozen shards that scattered throughout the chamber. Samus unmorphed to see that whatever vines that remained were rapidly wilting, their sustenance gone. (Just like when I killed Nettori on the B.S.L. station…)
Suddenly, she heard Pirate chatter over the intercom, followed by a warning klaxon. *Warning! A time bomb has been set!* her suit informed her. *Evacuate immediately!*
“As usual,” the hunter muttered to herself… Before she could make a move, however, another Pirate jumped in through the broken window. This one, however, was entirely mechanical, and a face- or rather, visor- Samus knew all too well.
“Hello, Hunter,” he said in Samus’s language, in a digitized voice. “We meet again.”
“Weavel.” The hunter calmly leveled her arm cannon at him. “So you’re the leader of this little band, I assume…”
“Correct,” he acknowledged. “Someone had to take command after you destroyed our operations on Zebes… again. Along with the entire planet, I might add.”
“You can blame Mother Brain for the latter. Now step aside.”
“I think not, Hunter. This is as far as you go!” With that, Weavel activated his arm scythe and sliced at Samus’s head, who jumped backwards, before firing her Plasma Beam. The cyber pirate easily rolled to the side, before firing his own weapon, the Battlehammer. Samus gritted her teeth as she jumped to the side, avoiding a direct hit but still taking damage from the splash effect.
“I know your tactics, Hunter. It won’t be so easy for you this time!” proclaimed the cyber-Pirate.
“We’ll see about that, Pirate!” Samus shot back, jumping back to get a little more distance from her opponent. She knew that Weavel’s weapon was hard to aim at long-range, having temporarily used it herself during the Alimbic mission.
Weavel also knew this, however, and dashed forward to close the distance. But then Samus jumped and activated her Screw Attack, forcing Weavel to roll out of the way, lest he be instantly reduced to scrap. He tried to swipe at the hunter with his arm scythe as she landed, but Samus caught his arm and flipped him hard to the ground. The cyber-Pirate countered by spinning his body around, tripping Samus and sending her to the floor as well. The two rolled away and righted themselves, Samus immediately firing a missile at her opponent…
Only for Weavel to literally split in two, causing the projectile to miss completely, as his lower half transformed to Halfturret mode, which promptly opened fire. “Damn it!” Samus yelled, morphing and rolling away, only to be grazed by Weavel’s arm scythe as his upper half pressed the attack.
The hunter quickly unmorphed and hit Weavel with a backflip-kick, before slamming the business end of her arm cannon into his torso, sending him spinning away. She then engaged her Screw Attack again, to deflect the Halfturret’s shots, using her Space Jump to stay airborne while she charged a Super Missile. She then uncurled in midair, firing the Super Missile which hit the Halfturret dead-on, destroying it.
“Not bad, Hunter,” Weavel muttered as the Halfturret’s parts immediately reconfigured into Weavel’s lower half again. He managed to get a hit on Samus with his Battlehammer as she landed, but then she started running around the edge of the chamber, until her Speed Booster activated. “What the-?” Weavel tried to fire at Samus, but the aura of the speed boost easily deflected his shots, until Samus jumped and slammed right into him, sending him careening into the opposite wall. The cyber Pirate collapsed to a knee, his body sparking and smoking.
*Warning- damage critical. Hazardous to proceed with combat engagement in present condition. Retreat recommended.*
“You lose again, Pirate,” Samus intoned. “Obviously you don’t know *all* my tactics.”
“It matters little,” Weavel grunted. “I lost the battle, but accomplished my objective. By now, most of my brethren have already fled from here. I was merely a distraction.” He managed to jump back up to the broken window. “Farewell, hunter! The Space Pirates live to fight another day!”
“Damn you!” yelled Samus, firing after him, but he was already gone. Then she remembered the self-destruct sequence. Her suit told her only three minutes remained.
“Time to go…” She Space Jumped up to the window, before running through the hallways, trying to recall Ritiya’s memories to figure out how to escape…

Ritiya had pulled herself out of the quicksand once she felt her injury had healed, and was now washing off in a nearby stream, when she heard a large “WH-THOOOOM!!” Turning her head, she gasped in shock as she saw the laboratory- her old home- gone up in an enormous fireball.
<Oh,no! Samus!> she called. <Samus, if you’re there, please->
(I’m right here,) she heard the hunter’s voice in her head. (It was close, but I got out. Good thing I had my Speed Booster…)
The plant woman heaved a sigh of relief. <Thank goodness… where are you right now?>
(Somewhere above you,) came the reply. Ritiya looked up, to see a strange spacecraft, oval shaped with a flat bottom, and a mechanical tail of sorts on the back end.
(I managed to hijack one of the Space Pirate’s ships,) Samus explained. (Anyway, I want you to meet me in the nearest clearing, so I can pick you up.)
<Huh? Where are we going?> Ritiya asked in confusion.
(To the Federation. This has to be reported immediately… and you’re going to be my eye-witness, so they know I’m not lying…)

“Well, Samus, I have to admit… once again, you’ve proved yourself invaluable to us.” Major Darnell Schoenherr stood with his back to the hunter behind his desk. “Our telepaths have talked with your new friend, and your story seems to check out.” He turned to face Samus. “But don’t think this gets you completely off the hook for your prior crimes.”
“I wouldn’t expect it to,” Samus replied, in her Zero Suit, standing at attention. “But the fact remains, the Pirates are trying to re-group and reestablish their former dominance. We can’t allow that to happen…”
“Nor will we,” Schoenherr asserted. “Still, this has the potential to be quite an embarrassment for us if it gets out…”
“Not necessarily, sir,” Samus countered. “All you would have to do is put out an official statement to the public, saying you secretly suspected there might have been a Pirate base there from the beginning, and that you sent me there to investigate under the pretense of ‘exiling’ me for crimes against the Federation.”
The major narrowed his eyes. “How convenient that this so-called statement would effectively render your punishment null and void… And yet, I can’t really see another option.” He turned away again. “Very well then, I’ll have the statement prepared ASAP. In the meantime, we do have to return your friend home… So we’ll leave that up to you. And you are instucted to remain there until we can confirm the Pirate’s escape route, at which time we will send for you to hunt them down.
(Clever, major,) Samus thought to herself. (Effectively putting me back in exile, in a way, until I’m needed again…) “Yes, sir. I suppose I can teach Ritiya how to speak properly while I’m waiting for orders…”
Schoenherr turned back to her. “Strange, I thought you would be more resistant to the idea.”
The hunter shrugged. “Well, at least I won’t be alone…”
The major couldn’t help but let a small smile briefly cross over his face at that statement. (So, sounds like this ‘Ritiya’ might be more than just a friend to Samus… well, good for her.)

A few weeks later…
Samus entered the familiar starship, looking around the cockpit… it was almost like coming home.
“Hello, Lady,” a familiar digitized voice spoke up. “It’s good to see you again.”
“Likewise, Adam,” Samus nodded. “You have the coordinates, then?”
“Correct. It would seem the Pirates have retreated to the Oiram system. Seeing as you are the only known hunter with experience in that sector, you are the natural choice for this mission, despite the higher-ups’ reluctance. Your objective is to hunt down Weavel and any other surviving Pirates and ensure they never become a threat to galactic peace again. Any objections, Lady?”
Samus couldn’t help but smile under her helmet. “No, Adam. Let’s head off.”
<Be careful, Samus,> the hunter suddenly heard a voice in her head. <Come back in one piece, so we can celebrate with a mud-bath>
Samus couldn’t help but roll her eyes at that. (Of course, as long as you keep your hands to yourself…)
<What does that mean? I behave myself!> Ritiya protested.
(Except for that one time you submerged me…)
<Oh, for… you’re never going to let that go, are you?>
(Bye, Ritiya. See you when I get back…)
“Engaging hyperdrive thrusters,” Adam intoned, as the starship shot off into space…

~*See You Next Mission*~

Weavel is an actual canon character, from the Nintendo DS game Metroid Prime: Hunters, in case you didn't know.
I left the nature of Samus and Ritiya's relationship at the end somewhat ambiguous, so you can interpret it however you like. :geek: I also hope the combat scenes were up to snuff... Critique and let me know!

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Re: Exiled… IN SPACE (Final Part up!)

Postby Solrex » Sat Jan 12, 2019 1:23 am

This story was really well written. I could literally see this as a game if Metroid got an M rating for their next game. 10/10. As for the story, I found myself fantasizing about the first section for days after reading it. As for the story in general, it was a good read. It both made me enjoy the Metroid side of it, and the kinky side of it as well. Feel free to write more of this stuff in the future, you do a good job at it. Also, you wrote Samus in this story just as I would expect Samus to be, not Other M Samus, not an object for sexualization, but the silent protagonist we all know and love. Good job, 10/10.

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Re: Exiled… IN SPACE (Final Part up!)

Postby DJlurker » Tue Feb 26, 2019 9:54 pm

Solrex wrote:This story was really well written. I could literally see this as a game if Metroid got an M rating for their next game. 10/10. As for the story, I found myself fantasizing about the first section for days after reading it. As for the story in general, it was a good read. It both made me enjoy the Metroid side of it, and the kinky side of it as well. Feel free to write more of this stuff in the future, you do a good job at it. Also, you wrote Samus in this story just as I would expect Samus to be, not Other M Samus, not an object for sexualization, but the silent protagonist we all know and love. Good job, 10/10.

Thanks so much for your high praise. :D

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