Fakery Fables - new one added Feb. 6, 2018

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Re: Fakery Fables

Postby vrekandis » Mon Dec 21, 2015 8:55 pm

PM2K wrote:Thanks, all! :D Here's a new one...

Jessie has always been a little wild.
Laura loved that about her. Her unpredictability. The way she'd pretend to study in the library, while her bare foot was busy underneath their shared table, massaging her lover's crotch, forcing her to soak her jeans while trying desperately not to cry out in a public... or on impulse drag her into a washroom stall at the college and scissor her hard against the wall, kissing deep to muffle their passionate moans.
This time, though, Laura is hesitant.
The night is warm and humid, and the pair had snuck away from the cottage party. Out of sight, the two had quickly kicked off sandals, wiggled out of shirts and shorts and in no time were loudly making love on the river bank, their cries drowned out by the thudding technopop echoing from the patio.
Spent and snuggling, Laura and Jessie held each other for a time, occasionally exchanging quick kisses. Then Jessie stands up, grasping Laura's hand.
A brief stroll later, the two are standing atop a steep bank, at the bottom of which is a small shoreline of light gray material, the river slowly flowing past it. The bank is about ten feet high. Both it and the beach are made of slimy clay.
“I dunno...” Laura says. She wasn't a fan of getting messy.
“Come on...” Jessie says, eyes glinting from the light of the full moon. “It'll be wild...”

Jessie hops down the bank, sliding down the thick wet clay, dragging Laura with her. Before her lover could say anything more, she jumps backward onto the bank, which immediately swallows her long legs and past her slim hips with a sloppy “schluck” sound. Jessie had slipped on the way down, and had slid on her bare ass down the slope, the clay liquifying under her like a thick grease. She stopped just shy of where the sloping bank melts into the level one at the bottom.
“Oh... oh, my God!” she says, staring as Jessie continued to sink into the doughy mixture. With a lustful look on her face, she wiggles back and forth in the muck, forcing it to wobble like some giant bowl of gelatin.
“Oh... yeah...” Jessie arches her back, shuddering. The clay slops against her, rubbing her clit and pussy, which were already inflamed by Laura's earlier attentions, and oozing up her ass into her rectum.
Hypnotized, Laura can only stare as Jessie slips lower and lower into the gently churning clay... moaning as she descends.
When the clay reaches Jessie's breasts, Laura tries to move forward to grab her, but finds she only slips towards the soft muck.
“Oh, Jesus.... Jessie... what have you gotten us into?”
Jessie grins, her breasts half gone now.
“I think this is quick clay... bottomless quick clay...” she says, breathing hard. Her eyes burn with arousal, not fear, so Laura isn't sure what to do, exactly, without tumbling in herself.
“Better rescue me... or you may lose me...”
Before Laura can do anything, Jessie acts. Now up to her shoulders, her apple shaped boobs just bumps under the shiny clay, she grabs Laura's legs and pulls her forward...
“Wait! Stop...” she cries out, feeling her pelvis slide down the rest of the slope towards the muddy surface. That changes when Jessie buries her face between Laura's legs, her tongue penetrating deep into her musky cleft.
“Ugh... ugh... ugh... oh, you crazy bitch....” she gasps, digging her free hands into the clay bank to keep from siding further downwards. She feels Jessie's face wiggling back and forth, nose deep into her pubic hair, wet slurping sounds echoing as Laura's body responds with thick spurts of sex juice...
Laura braces herself, trying not to move in response, but it is impossible not to wiggle. She can feel herself slowly slipping forward... Jessie has been reduced to a head embedded in clay, her moans bubbling through Laura's sloppy folds.

Laura cannot contain it anymore, and comes hard, screaming... back forced into an arch, hands sinking into the clay wall behind her... and her ass sliding down and forward...
Before she knows it, she slides the rest of the way down the slope and into the quaking mass of clay, her pelvis swallowed in an instant. A thick rim of clay forms around her waist, just below her rib cage, but that isn't her immediate concern.
“Oh, my God! Jessie!”
She can feel her head moving between her thighs, and sees thick bubbles form and pop in front of her bare belly. Despite the peril, Jessie doesn't stop, and Laura is horrified to feel her thick tongue continue to fill her, even as her friend thrashes about below the suffocating clay.
“Help! Someone! Help us!”
Laura can hear the music, and knows no one will be able to hear them. She whimpers, even as Jessie's actions below the clay keep making her wiggle in place. More bubbles form and pop. Laura feels a final, frantic thrashing between her legs, then senses Jessie's head slip through them into the depths below...
“Hang on... please! Don't leave me!” she says, plunging both arms into the claybog. She has sunk to her breasts now, the large orbs pressing into the rubbery mire. The thick, liquid clay prevents her from feeling anything else within it, and despite her efforts she cannot find a trace of her friend.
“Oh... Jessie...” she sighs, a single tear flowing down her cheek. Her arms are sealed tight above the elbows, and she can feel herself descending steadily into the quaking slime.
Her breasts slowly slip under, then her shoulders... then her neck...
Chin deep, she feels herself relax, accepting her grim fate. It is as if Jessie is grabbing her ankles, dragging her down to join her forever in the bottomless clay... She finds herself smiling at the thought.
“Love you... you crazy bitch...” Laura says, the clay lapping at her bottom lip.
On impulse, she lets her jaw hang open. The clay flows inside, filling her mouth, and pours thickly down her throat. She gags, but only once, as the wet earth forces her own air out to make thick gurgling sounds....
Her ears and filled with soft clay... her nose presses into it, sealing off the last hope for air... Her eyes widen, then close as more clay flows over the rest of her face, and presses heavily atop her head. Laura is dimly aware of her hair floating around on the surface like a soggy carpet, before it is dragged under, leaving behind a shallow, bubbling dent of heaving clay...

They found their clothes the next day, but no sign of Laura and Jessie. The two had vanished, one party goer told police, like the earth had swallowed them up. A sudden and violent rainstorm which brewed up before dawn had washed away all scents or footprints.
No one ever thought to check the churned up clay bank... which by early morning was covered in a foot of churning storm water... It erased the last traces of the couple, sleeping deep beneath the clay's thick surface.

Oh my Lord God, this is hawt...

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Re: Fakery Fables

Postby Stephymink » Tue Dec 22, 2015 5:13 pm

vrekandis wrote:Oh my Lord God, this is hawt...

You took the words right out of my mouth.

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Re: Fakery Fables - new one added Jan 17

Postby DJlurker » Sun Jan 17, 2016 7:22 pm

Here's a Fakery Fable from me! The manip was done by RBX2 from DeviantArt, at my request. Enjoy!

Jann Lee was transfixed by the sight before him… his self-proclaimed rival, Lei Fang, dressed in a skimpy black party dress with long black gloves, her dark brown hair let down… sunk to her chest in quicksand.

At first, he had rushed to save her, but stopped when he realized that she didn’t seem to be distressed by her situation… in fact, she seemed to be enjoying herself. Her left arm was sunk in, but her right arm was still free, which reached up to brush some hair behind her ear.

The Chinese college student gave him a gentle smile, before slowly beckoning her with her index finger… “Come hither,” she whispered.

Against all better judgement, Jann Lee found himself taking a step forward… then another… then another… Soon, he himself was sinking into the quicksand in front of his rival, still unable to avert his gaze, though he still had enough presence of mind to keep his arms from getting stuck, letting them rest on the surface of the mud…

(She’s so beautiful…) He thought to himself. How had he failed to notice her beauty before? Then again, most other times they met, the expression on her face was one of either anger or determination, not the gentle, serene smile she sported now… He found himself reaching out to her, now sunk to his own chest in the quicksand… Lei Fang’s smile widened slightly, as she reached out herself, firmly clasping his wrist, causing Jann to shudder involuntarily…

That was when he knew, this was no dream. This was real.

He felt his body moving through the thick mud… Was she pulling him closer to her, or vice versa? They were definitely closing the distance… soon enough, she was right in front of him, draping her free arm around his neck. He looked down, seeing the mud bulging between them, pushing into Lei Fang’s cleavage… He then became aware of his rival’s long, strong legs wrapping around him, deep under the surface… She pulled herself in closer, their bodies now pressing against each other…

Jann looked at Lei Fang’s face again, so close now… She was still smiling, though her cheeks were now slightly flushed, likely from their close contact… Unable to resist, he shut his eyes before closing the distance…

Lei Fang let out a small ‘mmmph’ of surprise at the sudden kiss… but soon she relaxed, leaning into the kiss as her eyes closed, moving her submerged, gloved arm to wrap around Jann Lee’s waist, while her free gloved arm reaffirmed its grip on his neck… Jann himself pushed his arms into the quicksand to wrap around his rival-turned-lover’s waist as well…

After a few minutes, they slowly separated, breathing heavily, before looking into each other’s eyes once more. Jann opened his mouth to say something, but no words would come.

However, as he met Lei Fang’s contented gaze, he realized nothing needed to be said. Their romantic embrace, their kiss, had said it all. They were a part of each other, now… and they would never let the other go, figuratively speaking.

Though, he *did* hope Lei Fang had a plan to get this quicksand to let them go…
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Re: Fakery Fables - new one added Jan 30

Postby DJlurker » Sun Jan 31, 2016 4:02 am

A new Fakery Fable! This one stars Honoka from Dead or Alive 5: Last Round. Enjoy! :)

The mad scientist’s research facility went up in an enormous fireball, effectively ending his plan to take over the world with his mutant clone army. Whether the madman himself had escaped or perished was unknown, but it didn’t really matter at this point.
Secret Agent Honoka looked upon the fireball from a safe distance, smiling to herself. Mission complete. Now she just had to make her way back to the extraction point.
She stood only 4’11’’ tall, but apparently made up for it with one of the largest busts, measuring about B39" W23" H36”. Her shoulder-length hot pink hair was tied into a ponytail on the side, leaving most of it loose. She was dressed in a form-fitting shiny black PVC catsuit with the front zipper undone, exposing a generous amount of cleavage, though only her right hand was gloved, her left hand bare. A black domino mask on her face completed the look.
Honoka decided not to return to the extraction point the same way she came in, as some of the mad scientist’s minions might still be looking for her… Instead, she chose to cut through the swamp.
A few minutes later, she was already regretting her decision, as moving through the shin-deep muck was tough work… not to mention, she feared she’d lost her way.
Suddenly, her left leg plunged into the muck up to her knee, causing her to briefly lose her balance, instinctively pushing her other leg in to not fall over…
“Oh no! Quicksand!!” The secret agent pulled at her trapped legs, to no avail, as she sank to her thighs. Honoka pumped her legs in panic, sinking to her hips, which she twisted back and forth, trying to loosen the mire’s grip…
As she sank past her waist, Honoka started digging desperately in front of her, but the soft quick-mud flowed back in as quickly as she dug it away. Trying to dig deeper troughs, she only succeeded in getting her hands stuck… trying to pull them out only mired her deeper.
“No no no… it can’t end like this!!” Tear started streaming down the young girl’s cheeks as her breasts slowly sank into the quicksand… any hope of her large mammaries acting as ‘floatation devices’ was dashed as they were slowly but surely consumed by the unrelenting mire…
“HELP!!!” the agent screamed- she didn’t care about the mooks finding her anymore- she wanted to live! “SOMEONE HELP ME, I’M SINKING!!” There was no answer, as the mud flowed in over her shoulders… Honoka threw her head back, trying to delay the end as long as possible… the soft mud clogged her ears, cutting off all sound…
“Mission… failed…” she whimpered, just before her mouth submerged… She closed her eyes tightly, as if to block out the horrible reality, as the rest of her head sank under, the last of her pink hair vanishing in a whirling froth of bubbles and mud…

Honoka the schoolgirl roused from her daydream, her ample bosom floating on the surface of the soft mud, still clad in her catsuit, though she'd eschewed the domino mask for today. She hummed in delight as she slowly moved her sunken limbs through the muck, feeling it flowing around her PVC-covered arms and legs, and gently pushing into her cleavage...
She recalled the day she'd met that weird winged lady, wallowing in this very same mud pit, wearing a similar outfit... She'd claimed to be a tengu, but Honoka knew that was a lie. Tengus had red skin and long noses, after all! She figured the woman was some sort of secret agent herself, given the catsuit she was wearing, and promised to keep quiet, if she could get a cool outfit like hers. Surprisingly, the winged woman had agreed.
Honoka also knew this mud she was sunk in wasn't quicksand... After all, quicksand sucked you down and made you disappear without a trace, and this stuff didn't do that! It *was* fun to pretend it was quicksand, though...
She leaned back slightly in her ‘entrapment’, looking up at the beautiful blue sky, sighing in contentment. The young girl knew she’d have to get out soon, as she didn’t want to worry her grandma by coming home late… Still, Honoka knew she’d be coming back here again, probably as a way to relax after a tough fight.
(That weird winged lady was right,) the pink-haired cutie thought to herself, (Mud baths really *are* fun!)
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Re: Fakery Fables - new one added Jan 17

Postby MadMax359 » Sun Jan 31, 2016 2:37 pm

you mean... full breasts won't help a damsel float?
i hope you'll re-test that theory... over and over...
The strong do what they want, the weak do what they must

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Re: Fakery Fables - new one added Jan 17

Postby DJlurker » Sun Jan 31, 2016 2:43 pm

MadMax359 wrote:you mean... full breasts won't help a damsel float?
i hope you'll re-test that theory... over and over...

That was just Honoka's daydream... She's floating just fine in reality, though it's not necessarily because of her bust...

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Re: Fakery Fables - new one added Jan 17

Postby Boggy Man » Mon Feb 01, 2016 8:54 am

She sure picked a great bog to sink into and fantasize in! ;)
I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


-The Boggy Man

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Re: Fakery Fables - new one added Jan 17

Postby DJlurker » Mon Feb 01, 2016 10:16 am

Nyotengu: Oh, my... seems we've been found out.
Honoka: Mr. Boggy Man, promise me... you won't tell anyone.

(Screenshot is not mine- I found it on DeviantArt.)
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Re: Fakery Fables - new one added Jan 17

Postby DJlurker » Sun Apr 17, 2016 4:55 am

Another great manipulation by RBX2, with an attached story by me. Enjoy!

Cynthia stepped out of her villa in Unova, dressed in her usual outfit, her shoes pressing into the sand of the beach. It wasn’t too hot out today, so she decided to go for a walk, not having any particular destination in mind…

Some time later, she realized she’d gotten herself a bit lost. Not a big deal, though- she was still relatively close to the shoreline of the ocean, so a little backtracking would probably put her back in familiar territory… If worse came to worse, she could just call out her Milotic from its Pokeball and have it Surf across the sea back to her villa.

As she attempted to turn around, however, her feet wouldn’t move. Looking down, she saw that she had somehow become buried up to her calves in the beach sand. Trying to pull her feet up only caused the sand to clamp down on her legs, and take them in deeper… Feeling moisture beginning to soak into her jeans, it dawned she had stumbled into beach quicksand.

Cynthia wasn’t worried, though… She’d encountered stuff like this before, in the Great Marsh of Sinnoh… Usually all it took was a little twisting and struggling to get unstuck. Trying that tactic here, however, only caused the once-Champion of Sinnoh to be sucked deeper and deeper…

(Wow, this stuff is a lot thicker than the marshes back home…) Cynthia thought to herself, as she was now sunk just past her hips, her hands resting on the sandy surface. It was also a very different sensation as she sank down… Whereas the swamps of Sinnoh were usually cold and slimy, this stuff was relatively warm in comparison, though it did get a little cooler further down…

Cynthia continued to try and twist her body from side to side, trying to loosen the sand’s grip, but it just seemed to flow to immediately fill in any air pockets her wriggling might have created, drawing her down ever deeper… The blonde trainer tried pushing herself straight up, only for her hands to sink in to almost her elbows… Realizing her mistake, Cynthia tried to yank her arms out, but the sand’s velvety vicegrip kept them where they were.

The young woman was forced to stop for a moment, gasping and panting, her slight bosom heaving as it came to rest upon the sand of the unstable beach… Her stuck arms were now bent in an uncomfortable position, forcing her to push them further into the quicksand to relieve her discomfort… Looking down, Cynthia despaired as she realized the level of the sand had risen to just under the silver buttons on her coat, teasing at her slight cleavage… So tight was the sand’s grip, she couldn’t even move her hands to her belt where her Pokeballs were, meaning her entire team was effectively as stuck as she was.

“I’m an idiot…” Cynthia groaned… “Why didn’t I call out Garchomp or Milotic before I got my hands stuck? I should’ve known better…” She sighed in frustration as she craned her head around to look for anyone else walking around this area of the beach… but there was no one. She was completely, utterly alone… not to mention completely, utterly stuck.

(At least I’m not sinking any further,) she thought to herself as she continued to pull at her trapped limbs… Indeed, she seemed to have reached a natural buoyancy point, though the wet sand continued to clamp down on her body with every move she made.

And yet, she didn’t exactly feel too worried about her situation. After all, she was out in the open, and it was still early in the morning, so there was still a good chance someone would find her… Also, though the surface sand was about as hot as would be expected, it was offset by the cooler quicksand further down, so she wasn’t going to suffer heatstroke anytime soon… Not to mention, feeling the quicksand’s unique texture as it sucked at every inch of her submerged body was quite… pleasant. It certainly felt better than the slimy, swampy muck of the Great Marsh…

Cynthia felt a smile spread over her face as she continued to slowly undulate in the beach quicksand, bobbing up and down slightly, causing some of the sand to splash up her coat an inch or so, some of it slipping into her cleavage, causing the Pokemon trainer to shiver in delight.

(Well, at least I won’t be bored while I’m waiting for rescue,) she thought… Cynthia decided then and there that she would coming back to this spot sometime, though she’d be wearing something more appropriate, like a bikini, and she would certainly have her Garchomp out of its Pokeball so it could dig her out when she was ready to leave…
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Re: Fakery Fables - new one added Jan 17

Postby PM2K » Sun Apr 17, 2016 7:47 pm

Nice! Great tale, and a great manip. Thanks to both of you for this. :D

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