Some new guy wrote something

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Some new guy wrote something

Postby Alurker » Sun May 22, 2016 5:21 am

This was at least partially inspired a series of stories about a girl who became quicksand. In a hilarious coincidence, Nessie here has also given us a story with the same concept. Still, I'll not keep this one to myself. Maybe it'll fill some other niche.


Our meeting began with a loss of balance and a painful fall only narrowly avoided by her reflexes. It was an accident, as it were, a sort of fateful encounter that heralds the beginning of a fairy tale or a dream.

Her auburn hair fell about her shoulders and shone like fire in the sun's light, contrasting her sparkling emerald eyes that sought to imitate the vibrant green leaves of the trees instead. She wore a lavender bikini that hid only her most essential assets, leaving the rest of her fair skin exposed to the world. Yet, the place we met was far too remote for her beauty to be truly seen. Without warning, the part of the embankment she stood upon gave way, but she was quick enough to stay upright and bounded down the steep earthen ramp until the ground leveled out again. She was in my midst now, and I froze for a moment as she slowed to catch her breath, but then I remembered my manners.

I invited her in.

My hospitality was met with a yelp as her delicate feet plunged into the dampening sand of my domain. I saw her arms flail about as she seemed to lose her balance again, but she settled as the surface claimed her knees.

Perhaps I had been too eager...

She seemed to understand what was going on rather quickly, pumping her legs as I slowed down to more relaxed pace. Was she trying to leave already? She'd only just arrived! Surely I wasn't that awful a host. I decided it would be best to insist that she stay a while longer. I'm rather nice if you get to know me. As I considered how to ease her nerves, she stopped struggling, breathing heavily but otherwise silent. She began to watch her descent, her initial panic replaced by what looked like curiosity as her thighs slid slowly into my inviting abode. I must admit, she was quite a sight. I had a fantastic view as her crotch drew closer and closer to me.

In fact...

I gently shifted myself, causing her to sink a bit faster for a moment. It was all I needed. The bottom of her bikini collided with me, making a quiet, wet smack. This was too sudden for her, which I could understand. Another yelp escaped her lips as she jumped in surprise. Her involuntary moments didn't exactly help her situation either, really. Her crotch rose again from me for a second before splashing back down. This time I didn't let go. I let her glide a few inches further down before looking up at her face again. She was blushing heavily, and I swear our eyes met for a moment. In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have been as hasty as I was, but she was so magnificent, so perfect. If I let her leave, would I see her again? I hadn't seen a person in years before her. Maybe I'm just selfish. Regardless of what I think now, my decision was made.

I had to have her.

My pace quickened and her mood changed back to mild distress. I'd engulfed her navel while she wasn't paying attention and was making a beeline for her breasts. She whirled her head this way and that, probably looking for something to help her escape like some vine or even a strong looking tuft of weeds. She was too far away, though, and she glanced back down at me with wide eyes. I remember I tried to give her a reassuring smile or something, but she didn't really notice and instead tried to drive her hands down into me to push me away. Sure enough, she did rise a few inches, but another few movements from me plunged her back to where she'd started. It was at this point that I succumbed to my more... primal urges. The sight of her heaving breasts just inches from me and my all-encompassing embrace pressing against her nethers was too much.

I began to work my way inside her lovely lavender bottoms, smiling as a series of gasps rewarded my efforts. Her struggling intensified, as did my stimulations. Eventually her bosom settled into me and I immediately got to work on them as well. I started by cupping them coyly, then easing my way over them. The red glow of lust returned to her face in spite of herself, spurring me onward with gusto. I ran my hands over every inch of her submerged body, rubbing against her hardened nipples and sneaking a finger past her lower lips to explore further within her. Her breath became ragged, broken by the occasional soft moan or straining grunt as she continued her struggling. Suddenly, she stopped moving, trying to regain her breath. I stopped as well, eager to see what she would try next. A look of grim determination crossed her face and she rested her hands on me. Then, with a loud shout, she pushed downward. Her audacity was perhaps the most endearing quality about her. I decided to relax my grip on her, and she rose impressively out of her "trap". With that one great push, she'd managed to get her breasts and most of her ribcage away from me. I was amused, to say the least. I made no effort to drag her back down, though I would miss those outstanding breasts of hers that were now just barely concealed under her top that was in danger of falling off her shoulders. Encouraged by my merciful gesture, she tried once more to lift herself from me. Again, she rose farther up.

I wasn't finished with her, though. Not by a long shot. I held her bikini bottom tightly as she pulled away. She had played right into my hands. I was beaming as her womanhood rose from the quaking sand for the world to see. It was perfect. Quickly, I shifted one last time, sending her exposed nethers back into me. Her gasps and yelps returned once more as I lanced my tongue into her.

Ambrosia. She tasted of ambrosia. And from her reactions, I think she appreciated my actions. Still, she continued to try and extract herself. I suppose it was fair for her to want out at this point. I had to leave her with some sort of parting gift, however. I found her clit seconds before she pulled it away from me one last time. Just a few quick licks finished my work.

And there, in the middle of an inconspicuous pit of quicksand in a place best described as "nowhere", a young woman with fiery hair and verdant eyes, clad in only a lavender bikini that now failed in its function to hide only her most important assets, trembled helplessly as a powerful orgasm slammed into her. Finally satisfied with my conquest, I let go of her altogether and a few minutes later, she was lying a short distance away, exhausted both from her escape and my desires. Eventually, she'd regained enough of her strength to stand. Straightening her dirty bikini, she looked back at me, sighing heavily. I smiled at her, but again she didn't seem to notice. I watched her walk away into the brush in the direction she came from, admiring her hips swaying to and fro as she went.


I spent the next few days replaying the incident over and over in my head. I remember sometimes I wish I had never let her go, but I really didn't want her death on my conscience. Something about drowning in the earth repulsed me, though I could not fathom why. In any case, her absence let me a bit more empty than before she'd stumbled into me. Eventually though, I reassured myself that another was bound to come by, though I wasn't sure if they would compare to her. It was then that I heard a rustling coming from the embankment above me. I turned lazily over to the noise and my jaw dropped.

At the top of the embankment stood the girl, wearing the same bikini from before. A towel was draped over one shoulder and a sturdy looking rope on the other. She gingerly worked her way down the embankment to me, carefully skirting around so she would not fall in.

She was teasing me. Had to be.

I watched her as she spread the towel nearby and tied her rope around a sizable tree nearby, drinking in her features again. Just as lovely as before. The rope kinda stung as she hurled it on me, but I guess she thought she needed it since I was a bit forceful when me last met. Eventually she was satisfied with her set up, and she slowly approached me. She tapped me with her foot a few times, and I squirmed in anticipation. She must have thought it was funny because she giggled a little. She prodded me a few more times and then she looked me dead in the eye. A sly smile played across her lips and she slowly teased her bottoms down to her feet. With another giggle, she tossed them back to the towel and hopped into my waiting arms.

This meeting began with a short hop and a slow, sensual descent that no effort was made to avoid. It was perfect, as it were, a sort of fateful reunion that heralds the happy ending of a fairy tale or a dream.
Known in SL as Katelyn. No, I do not appear in searches.

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Re: Some new guy wrote something

Postby PM2K » Sun May 22, 2016 6:36 pm

Nicely done! :D

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Re: Some new guy wrote something

Postby Nessie » Mon May 23, 2016 1:21 am

Alurker wrote:In a hilarious coincidence, Nessie here has also given us a story with the same concept. Still, I'll not keep this one to myself. Maybe it'll fill some other niche.

Mine is years old. And it's fine with me. This is nicely done!

There can never be too much quicksand that is eager to please me while I'm in it, and lonely for me when I leave.


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Re: Some new guy wrote something

Postby Stephymink » Tue May 24, 2016 1:06 am

Fantastic story! Thank you for sharing it with us.

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Re: Some new guy wrote something

Postby IxelFate » Tue May 24, 2016 4:42 am

Alurker wrote:This was at least partially inspired a series of stories about a girl who became quicksand.

I'm pretty interested with this story concept. Would you mind giving a link to this series?

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Re: Some new guy wrote something

Postby quagmire_uk » Tue May 24, 2016 10:18 am

That was really great! An exciting read. :D

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Re: Some new guy wrote something

Postby Alurker » Sun May 29, 2016 3:35 am

IxelFate wrote:I'm pretty interested with this story concept. Would you mind giving a link to this series?

It was written by a dude on DA by the name of ScorpionSplash. I think he's here too, but doesn't go by the same alias. It wasn't so much a series as it was like, two stories. Still, they were an entertaining read.

Here's the link to the first one.

This was my first attempt at a story like this, I'd appreciate some criticism if anyone's passing it out.
Known in SL as Katelyn. No, I do not appear in searches.

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Re: Some new guy wrote something

Postby quagmire_uk » Tue May 31, 2016 12:41 am

Thanks for the link to those other stories, they were nice too. Liked yours the most, though!

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