Mud Fucking (F/M, IRL SEX, NSFW)

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Re: Mud Fucking (F/M, IRL SEX, NSFW)

Postby mudxdresser » Sat Jul 13, 2019 4:24 pm

Oh my, are we going to have to do the whole you can't get mud you know where thing again. Read up on some of the older threads, there are more than a few of us here that have had sex in the mud and it is not that big a deal as long as the mud is relatively particle free. Yes, the female anatomy means some extra clean up is needed and can put you out of action for a few days, which incidentally, is why prostitutes aren't much interested in doing a mud session. I've had two wives that were very into mud for a while and even though one of them was very prone to all sorts of bacterial stuff down there, the mud never bothered her.

And there is a reason for all of this, and again, I'm talking mostly about quarry mud or pottery clay, other mud is on a case by case basis, most deep mud is anaerobic and the only thing living there tends to be anaerobic bacteria. Oxygen is not the friend of anything anaerobic so humans do not make good hosts for them as we live in a very aerobic world when not out at a mudpit.

And there is yet another reason mud is not a big health concern, the human immune system evolved in a rather dirty world. Until fairly recently in human history, folks tended to sleep on the ground. So, unless you're one of those in the new generation that slather themselves with antibacterial soap constantly and avoid exposing yourself to anything, your immune system will generally handle whatever might be at a mudpit. Want to worry about something more valid, think about all the times you played in a sandbox the cat used as a kid and yet you somehow survived!

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