Jinn’s AI Swamp

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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby Jinn » Mon Jul 17, 2023 8:52 pm

Viridian wrote:I've defended AI art in that it's not as easy at it looks.

It’s evidently easy for ninjas who run around with ragers, posting a hundred pics at a time. But when you refine your process it’s a lot like golf; Fewer and more disciplined swings are harder to achieve but look better on the scorecard.

sixgunzloaded wrote:I'm really loving "Quick Trick". That outfit and expression are phenomenal.

Thanks! That was a hard one to get. I used seemingly identical prompts as the ones for some of the costumed Supergirl images but got a fraction of the results I was looking for. Something about tank tops and jean shorts instead of a super suit that really trips out the AI servers. I’m going to try experimenting with some more alternate outfits for her.

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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby Jinn » Mon Jul 17, 2023 9:19 pm

Fresh outta the oven…

Supergirl wondered if searching in a forest swamp for a supervillain with the power to manipulate plant life was courageous, or crazy. Surely Poison Ivy’s powers were limited to ‘living’ foliage, Kara assured herself as she carefully crept between the columns of dead swamp elms and oaks. Gnarled and tangled tree roots, slippery with swamp goo made navigating through the dead woods perilous, and the soft stepping superheroine minded her footing. As if purposely a tree root tripped Kara’s leg as she passed by, sending her stumbling sideways right into a sandy mud bog that looked and felt just like…
‘Quicksand!’ she exclaimed, turning to examine the literal ‘root’ of her problem. The dead oak root did not in fact appear dead at all, looking rather alive and even animated. Kara’s attention was turned back to her sinking legs, now knee deep in the mucky morass. She reached for another root to pull herself out, before recoiling in horror; the root wasn’t at all rigid, but rather soft and squishy like a fleshy tentacle.
Suddenly, the swamp roots all around her began to wiggle with life, rolling and twisting, slopping into the quicksand pit that had caught Kara.
If there was ever a moment that she thought was the right time to get the hell out of there, Kara knew it was then. Unfortunately for her, roots under the surface of the bog had begun to wrap themselves tightly around Kara’s legs, and were starting to drag her into the depths of the swamp. ‘Ohmygod… Ivy!’ Kara accused her unseen nemesis, as she felt herself being pulled deeper into the extra icky quagmire. More and more of the ghastly, tentacle-like roots snaked and slithered around Kara’s captured body, squishing around rather rudely in uncomfortably sensitive places that made her gasp and blush with embarrassment. Kara fought off several of the rubbery roots that had managed to grab her arms, but for every root she broke it seemed two more took its place.
Up to her chest in tentacle soup, Kara was being overwhelmed, and all the while being dragged deeper and deeper to her sand soaked fate. Close by but far enough to go unnoticed, someone was watching the trapped heroine, silently entertained. Whether they were supervillain or savior, they were applauding the performance of the appendage filled pit, but were actually rooting for Supergirl.
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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby sixgunzloaded » Mon Jul 17, 2023 9:51 pm

Wow! Extra icky, extra hot! I wish I was under that surface watching those roots do their work.
Wonderfully descriptive and a fantastic render!
"Tentacle soup" :twisted: :D
How long did Tarzan watch before deciding to save Jill..?

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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby Jinn » Wed Jul 19, 2023 12:33 pm

Something a little different today. I got inspired by this render, and wrote a short story that I’m quite proud of. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it.

Siobhan knew she was fucked the moment they told her she was to go ashore with the landing party.

‘You’re the only one of the crew petite enough to fit in that cave, my darling sister,’ Captain Padrig advertised, ‘The only one who can deliver unto us the fortune we deserve, the fortune we’ve searched so long for.’ Padrig’s attempt at a smile exhibited tooth decay and horrid rum breath.

The story was shite. There was no treasure chest in that cave. They weren’t even at the right island. Siobhan knew as much; she had secretly snuck into the Gaothlach’s map room while the crew slept, straining her eyes by candlelight to study the treasure map, memorizing every bit of information offered by the flimsy sheet of parchment. She had read all the maps, all the compass headings, everything. She knew exactly where they were, and where they weren’t.

‘I’ll leave you to prepare for your quest,’ Padrig sneered, leaving her alone in her cabin, save for the sentry at the door in the form of Luther; the ship’s navigation officer.

Siobhan figured her time was short. She had overheard Padrig and some of the crew conspiring to dispose of her on several occasions. She was beloved by many of the crew, especially Luther, but she was also entitled (by order of the Clan) to half the value of the riches they were trying to collect. She knew full well that with her out of the picture many of the crew would return home with heavy hearts, but even heavier pockets.

Padrig loathed his younger half sister; her entitlement, her report with his crew… HIS crew. He had been scheming all along to keep his half of the gold, rubies and diamonds they sought, and do away with ‘Princess Pest’ so he could dole out her share to retain favour with his fellow sailors.

Siobhan was aware the only one who knew the maps as well as her was Luther. The rest of the crew were illiterate and uneducated. She also knew that he could never keep his eyes off Siobhan’s enticing figure. He had spent many nights fantasizing in the map room about her delicate features and sensual curves.

Siobhan began to remove her long skirt in her quarters as Luther pretended not to notice. ‘No sense in wearing such cumbersome clothing in a wee cave now is there, Luther?’ she inquired.

‘Nay, Miss’ he gulped, ogling Siobhan’s shapely legs from the corners of his lustful eyes.

‘If I only had a few items from the map room, I’d be more comfortable in that dark, scary cave.’ she lamented, ‘Oh Luther, I’d do anything to get in the map room.’

‘Aye Miss, but I cannot…’ Luther started to protest.

‘Anything,’ she reiterated, slowly hiking up her petticoat, revealing her supple, silky thighs to the nervous navigator.

Luther swallowed, beads of sweat appearing on his brow. He tried to say something but only stood paralyzed with his mouth agape…

Half a dozen burly seamen loaded themselves into the oar-driven pinnace, the last sailor carefully helping Miss Siobhan down the netting into the shore-bound jolly boat.

As the landing party headed for the nearby tropical island Siobhan’s eyes met for perhaps the last time those of Captain Padrig’s, who was staring at her stoically from the bow of the mighty Gaothlach. She turned away, wanting to spend her final moments embracing inner peace in silent meditation.

At the shore, the crew pulled the small craft onto a shallow sand bar. One of the muscle bound mariners lifted Siobhan out of the boat, placing her gently on the soft, sandy beach.

‘The cave is just there in the trees, but a few paces beyond the fallen palms, Miss,’ one of the crewmen pointed to a pair of downed trees along the shoreline. Siobhan glared scoldingly at the sailors. None of them returned a gaze. They were shackled with guilt, and they knew she could sense it.

Siobhan took a slow, deep breath before embarking on her final steps. She entered the small, sandy inlet past the downed palms, wondering how they would do it. She felt her demise was imminent and braced for the sound of musket fire, or the feeling of a hard steel rapier against her soft neck.

Siobhan’s tense anticipation turned into frightful awareness at the moment her legs began to sink into the quicksand that awaited her at the edge of the jungle. It seemed her death sentence would not be violent or painful, but suffocating and slow… agonizingly slow.

She gasped and turned her head to the six sailors who had already started back, shamefully in their dinghy, heads bowed as if attending a funeral pyre. They couldn’t bare to watch their lovely lady being swallowed by the sand.

There was no use in struggling, the quicksand would take her regardless, Siobhan thought as her legs slipped into the soupy silt. Closing her eyes, she returned to her meditative state as the swampy sand slurped in her thighs and licked at her petticoat. She silently forgave her deceivers, and prayed for them as the horrible, creeping quicksand slowly consumed her hips, hungrily sucking her down to her corset. In a few moments, liquid sand was pouring in over her heaving breasts. Siobhan took a series of slow, deep breaths preparing for her doom, feeling quicksand crawling up the smooth nave of her neck, her hair fanning out over the wet sand. Afraid, but at peace, Siobhan awaited her deliverance.

Standing on the deck of the Gaothlach, Captain Padrig lowered his sight glass and turned away from the beach. He had seen enough. It was one thing to watch his sister sinking in quicksand, but another to watch her horrific final moments. The crew on deck were silent, looking solemn and sorrowful with their heads bowed.

‘Come on, men! Such gloom on the faces of wealthy gentlemen!’ pepped Padrig, unsuccessfully.

The perturbed captain spat, ‘to hell with you lot, I’ve a treasure to find!’ Padrig marched triumphantly toward the ship’s map room.

Captain Padrig knew he was fucked the moment he opened the map room door. Laying on the floor, dead as a doornail in a pool of crimson was Luther; his trousers pulled down to his ankles; the hilt of a small dagger protruding from his right eye socket.

The most gut-wrenching thing Padrig would witness that day was not his still warm but quite dead navigator, nor was it his sweet sister being devoured by the terrible quicksand; it was the vacant space on the large, wooden map room table where once stationed a very important, flimsy sheet of parchment.

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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby Jinn » Thu Jul 27, 2023 1:10 am

Freshly squeezed…

Supergirl staggered through the swamp weary from combat, depleted and disoriented. Her run-in with Zod’s cultish followers had rendered her all but defeated, but prevailing… barely. She constantly spied over her shoulder, paranoid of another assault but Supergirl’s enemies knew better than to follow her into the treacherous, marshy hollow.
The swamp was cold and wet, and Kara felt the elements through her soaked leotard which at the moment offered no warmth or protection. She couldn’t even rely on her cape for comfort; her opponents had ripped most of it off her back when they ambushed her.
Shivering and severely fatigued, Kara stumbled into a muddy open space and felt her balance wane as her boots plunged into the boggy soil. Making a half-hearted attempt to pull her feet out, the mud only squelched and belched at her struggling, holding her strong, beautiful legs in its awful grasp.
Slowly, Kara felt herself sinking in the earthy, liquid ground beneath her. She watched in horror as her calves, then her knees vanished into the unfriendly quagmire; the bottomless quicksand that locals referred to as ‘suck muck’.
The nickname brought no enjoyment to the sinking Supergirl. Cold mud crawled up her bare thighs while she moaned and whimpered with bouts of useless struggling. She exhaled clouds of warm breath into the chilly swamp air as she fought to escape the deadly clutches of the quicksand. Her labored movements only caused her legs to sink deeper and deeper into the dark, frigid bog.
Exhausted and trembling from freezing and fear, Supergirl’s weak cries of desperation evaporated into the icy swamp sky like the warm vapor of her breath. Her tearful screams were answered only by the horrific sucking and slurping sounds made by the quicksand pit as it pulled her helpless body slowly into the filthy abyss.
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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby Jinn » Fri Jul 28, 2023 5:40 pm

I got in a writing mood again, and prepared a little tale to go with this latest AI creation. Happy weekend.

A mysterious, white cloaked figure floated into the moonlit jungle valley where the crime boss and his henchman were camped, on the outskirts of central African civilization.

The criminal kingpin BossMan and his ‘Boss Crew’ had recently pillaged a foreign bank, taking a safety deposit box and its contents that were registered to one Bruce Wayne. Among the miscellaneous items of interest in the lead-lined box were several chunks of an unrefined green gemstone with peculiar luminescent qualities: kryptonite. Ever since the heist, the apex thieves had been holed up in their base camp in a Congolese rain forest.

The cloaked intruder maneuvered carefully through the jungle brush near the camp, hopping over fallen trees and ducking under vines and branches. Safely out of visual range of any citizens or criminals, the visitor’s cloak opened up revealing a chiseled-fit, attractive female figure attired in a skin-tight, white bodysuit with a pair of elegantly long, strong yet sensual legs in form fitting, knee high white boots. Her hood lowered behind her head sending long locks of golden blonde hair tumbling over her shoulders. Proudly adorned upon her chest was a signature golden ‘S’. A vision in white, the beautiful Supergirl had arrived at the gangsters’ hideout.

After sending two daft guards for a ‘nap’ outside the camp, Kara slinked quietly along the slope of the riverbank next to the commune of tents, all-terrain vehicles and mobile buildings. There were signs of life in the camp, but something was amiss. Things were eerily quiet for a band of loud mouth egos and icons.

Several sudden, loud bangs filled the night sky. With each one came the brilliance of a floodlight overhead, illuminating Supergirl and the entire swampy river basin next to the camp. Oh shoot, Kara thought. BossMan knew she was coming. Covering her eyes from the blinding lights, the trespasser in white had been exposed.

‘Well, well! Sexy fuckin’ Snow White, boys,’ mocked BossMan from under the center lamp post, surrounded by his chuckling goon squad, ‘What can I do ya for, Super-Dupergirl?’ Laughter rose from the group as they fanned out around the lit area.

‘I believe you have something that belongs to Mr. Wayne,’ claimed Kara, wincing from a sudden headache brought on by the bright lights… or something more sinister.

‘I threw it away,’ snickered BossMan.

‘P-Pardon?’ asked Kara, genuinely confused and trying to ignore her sudden dizziness.

‘You came all the way out here for a dumb box? I tossed it. On the bank, right below you in fact,’ BossMan gestured to the muddy flats under the slope that Supergirl was perched on.

‘I-I don’t see…’ Kara stumbled.

‘Here. Let us help you,’ offered the crime boss, motioning to a goon coming out of the darkness behind the light-headed Supergirl. With a stiff kick, Kara was sent falling down the slope onto the riverbank’s sopping wet sand.

‘Let us know if you find the box, Super-sneak. It’s somewhere under all that quicksand those lovely legs of yours just landed in,’ revealed BossMan, ‘Oh, and if you clean up the gorgeous green rocks that are in it, I’m sure they’ll sparkle like those pretty eyes of yours.’ More chuckles emitted from Bossman’s thugs.

As Kara noticed that her legs had begun to sink into the saturated sand, a panic-induced rush of adrenaline went through her. With her remaining strength she struggled in the liquified soil, only sinking herself deeper. The quicksand’s terrible suction pulled at her weakened legs, making awful squelching sounds as she battled against its grip. Thick, goopy sand poured in around her knees as they disappeared into the menacing mire. The lethal kryptonite, somewhere beneath her, was draining her to exhaustion. Anxious moans came from the sinking superheroine as she strained helplessly to keep her shapely thighs from being dragged into the slurping sand trap.

Cat calls and laughter spewed from BossMan’s droogs, entertained by Kara’s perilous plight. The hooting, hollering and obscene gestures polluted the air continuously as Supergirl fought for her life in the sandy muck.

Sapped of strength and up to her hips in deadly quicksand, Kara was completely vulnerable. She clawed at the slope she had fallen down, but the soft, slick earth was either too steep or merely dissolved into the perilous pudding that was slowly consuming her. She frantically tried to push herself up but her hands only joined her sinking mid section under the ceaseless, sucking quagmire. Deeper and deeper Kara sank to a soundtrack of nasty suction noises and the cheering and lewd comments of the men around her. She whimpered as she felt the nasty quicksand oozing around her breasts, her heart raced and her chest heaved with anxiety and panic. It seemed the Supergirl in white would soon be out of sight…

A mysterious, black cloaked figure emerged from the jungle shadows, creepily into the camp. Mercilessly, the dark intruder began to silently dispatch members of BossMan’s squad. One by one, heavily armed Boss Crew gangsters were being plucked from their posts, seemingly snatched up by the night. The perplexed kingpin’s attention turned from the helpless heroine sinking to her doom in quicksand, to watching each thug around him violently lift off the ground and vanish into the jungle canopy.

Finally, a jet black gauntlet grabbed BossMan intensely by the scruff, throwing him face first onto the ground with extreme prejudice. Stunned and probably concussed, the bewildered gang leader turned to face his black cowled assailant, who was leaning over him with a fist cocked.

‘Are you here for the box, too?’ inquired BossMan, half humorously.

‘No,’ a gravelly voice replied.

‘Then what?’ demanded the bloody nosed BossMan.

Before landing a nighty-night blow to the crime lord’s jaw bone, a final raspy reply came from the dark, pointy eared mask of the executioner,

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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby Jinn » Wed Aug 02, 2023 1:25 pm

I’ve been messing around with adding background figures in my images with some interesting results. Some of them look like train wrecks so I thought it would be interesting to incorporate that aspect into a story line…


Supergirl stirred, half sleeping and wondering if she had just dreamt the familiar voice calling her name.


It’s wasn’t a dream, it was…

‘Kal-El,’ whispered Kara, perking up on the giant tree limb where she had been resting, high up in the rainforest.

‘Kara… I need help…’ the disembodied voice echoed throughout the lush jungle canopy. The voice most certainly belonged to her beloved cousin… but how? Superman was supposed to be off world at that moment.

Kara cautiously floated down the 50 or so meters to the damp, humid jungle floor, scanning the area where she thought the cries were coming from.

‘Help me, Kara…’ the voice pleaded from somewhere very near.

Gently moving aside leafy ferns and rainforest foliage, Kara peered at the large silhouette stationed several paces in front of her. A tall, strong looking, caped man in blue was standing awkwardly with his back turned to her in the dark undergrowth. His posture hinted of perhaps an injury, he looked subluxated, hunched and was listing badly to his left side. Had Kal-El been in some sort of combat and needed assistance? Kara pondered the question as she approached him.

‘Kal?’ queried Kara, slowly stepping toward the sketchy Superman.

Exhibiting peculiar movement while turning around, Kal-El resembled someone trying to balance on a tight rope. He started to speak even before facing his Kryptonian cousin, ‘I need your help, Kara Zor-El.’

Full stop; Kara froze on the spot. Kal would have never addressed her using her full name. This wasn’t her flesh and blood family member. This was something different.

The man’s face appeared more than deformed, rather disturbingly disfigured. It was as if he couldn’t decide on an expression, and was contorting his facial muscles violently. His eyebrows seem to fold over into themselves, then roll back out. His tongue would spill out over his jagged teeth, then horrifically dissolve into his bottom lip. His eyes would grotesquely bulge out of their sockets before retreating far into his skull. This was not Superman. This was an abomination, some kind of shape shifter… or skin-walker.

Kara gasped, taking a step step back as the imitation Man of Steel lunged at her with its frightening teeth gnashed. The startled Supergirl recoiled as the skin-walker Superman grabbed her left arm, squeezing it with bone crushing pressure. Screaming in agony, Kara was paralyzed. The pain was excruciating; she felt an intense vibration and burning sensation where the fraudulent foe was gripping her, akin to being electrocuted. Her knees buckling, Kara experienced a full body chill, and felt her strength being drained. The skin-walker was sucking the life energy out of her.

Kara’s deceptive attacker succeeded in harvesting much of her power until her survival instincts finally kicked in. Kara fought off the paralysis and unleashed a heat vision blast into the skin-walker’s face. Its nasal area disintegrated and its jaw bone exploded, sending the vampiric villain flying backward into the jungle brush. Depleted of her strength, Kara clumsily ran in the opposite direction, holding her injured arm as she sprinted away.

Kara plodded into a sandy clearing, looking back frantically in the direction she left her assailant. Losing her balance in the loose silt, she tripped and stumbled forward until her legs plunged into something wet and sticky under the sand, stopping her in her tracks. As she yanked at her legs she felt the unstable sand give way and she sank rapidly to her knees.

‘Quicksand!’ exclaimed the sinking superheroine. The clearing had looked safe, but the dry sand was only concealing a pit of oozing death. Tired and weak, Kara struggled feebly as her legs surrendered to the sucking sand trap, steadily sinking deeper despite her resistance.

Crashing through the trees behind her, the speedily recovering Superfake stomped into the clearing, stopping at the edge of the quicksand. The hole Kara had left in its head had creepily filled in with flesh that seemed to be remolding itself into something resembling a face. Skin rolled and folded into itself as if invisible hands were hastily shaping it.

Trapped and still sinking, Kara was up to her thighs in gooey grit. Still clutching her wounded arm, she looked back in horror at the skin-walker who was pacing and prowling, as if it was getting ready to pounce on her.

Without warning, the sinister shape shifter leapt high into the air with its claws and teeth extended, aiming to land directly on top of the imperiled Kryptonian. With whatever energy she had left in her, Kara dug deep and concentrated everything she had on one final blast of heat vision. As the ravenous imposter descended, plasma-hot beams emitted from Supergirl’s eyes striking the target’s neck, instantly decapitating the assaulting skin-walker. The headless hero-hunter dropped like a stone, splashing down into the quicksand a few meters from Kara. Slowly, the twitching corpse slipped into the depths while its head landed with an unpleasant thud in the nearby jungle.

Kara was completely spent. Her Hail Mary last stand used up the remainder of her energy. She laid motionless across the dreadful pool of quicksand that had just swallowed the skin-walker and was about to finish her off as well. Perpetually sinking deeper, the sand poured in around the stuck Supergirl, creeping over her mid section and then slowly engulfing her breasts. As the quicksand began to ooze over her shoulders, Kara considered that drowning in this sandy quagmire, as horrible as it was about to be, was a better way to go than painfully by the hands (and teeth) of the shape shifter. At least it wasn’t going to hurt…

Far above the helpless heroine sinking in quicksand, high up over the jungle canopy, a red & blue blur streaked across the sky, back and forth piercing the clouds as if on patrol… or searching for something, or someone.

Almost completely consumed by the jungle quicksand, Kara spied the streaking anomaly high above as she felt her chin breaching the hungry sand pit. It was Kal-El, she thought. She was sure of it. No skin-walker this time. If it truly was the Last Son of Krypton, he would surely be listing.

‘Kal-El,’ uttered Kara, her frail voice no more than a whisper, ‘I need help…’
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Last edited by Jinn on Fri Aug 04, 2023 2:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby sixgunzloaded » Wed Aug 02, 2023 3:27 pm

The white costumes look great in these last two and Kara, herself, looks really consistent. Really well done, and good stories too! Loved the skin-walker monster!
Nice job and thank you! :D
How long did Tarzan watch before deciding to save Jill..?

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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby Jinn » Sat Aug 05, 2023 8:36 pm

sixgunzloaded wrote:The white costumes look great in these last two and Kara, herself, looks really consistent. Really well done, and good stories too! Loved the skin-walker monster!
Nice job and thank you! :D

Something about her white tights in contrast with the filthy goo she’s sinking in really intrigues me. It’s like a sexy Tide commercial playing perpetually in my brain.

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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby Jinn » Sat Aug 05, 2023 8:39 pm

Continuing with background figure experiments, here’s a recent one with some evil looking critters…

The Grim Swamp. No better name suited the depressing, dangerously boggy forest with its ghostly, forbidding trees, eternal blanket of fog, bottomless, goo-filled sinking pits and world famous, murderously unfriendly residents; the sinister Grim Shadows.

Supergirl had been dispatched to the swamp to deal with a group of particularly hostile Grim Shadows that were wreaking havoc on the villages and farmlands adjacent to the miserable looking marsh. She hung up her brightly colored super suit and cape, opting for earth-tone tights so to blend in with the swampy surroundings. The Grim Shadows were known to be skittish bolters and Kara wanted to preserve some semblance of stealth while tracking them. She found out almost immediately that her camouflage was entirely useless.

A few kilometers into the desolate woods, Kara sensed she was being watched. Scanning her surroundings, she thought she could see the silhouettes of two figures darting between the dead elms. Every time her peripheral vision would pick up movement she would turn to face her followers, but they would vanish.

The Grim Shadows were not ‘shadows’ at all, rather intelligent and cunning, insect-like humanoids who just happened to have a taste for blood and apparently also killed for sport. In Kara’s case, she felt that herself as the hunter was slowly becoming the hunted.

Supergirl was traversing through the spooky swamp, maneuvering around fallen trees and treacherous bogs when something dark and threatening materialized in front of her. Two glowing red eyes glared at Kara standoffishly from the ink-black armored wraith blocking her path. The Grim Shadow was stoic and unflinching, even when Kara began hovering in an aggressive posture a few feet off the ground.
There were two, Kara thought as she tuned her peripherals to any movement around her. She backed off, giving herself enough time and room to look behind her…

‘POOF… ‘ The other Shadow had crept up behind Kara, wielding not a weapon, rather the large cap of an oddly colored mushroom. It had blown into the cap, expelling a cloud of fine particles into Kara’s face as she turned, temporarily blinding her. Her eyes stinging and watering, Kara descended to the floor of the swamp. The potent effects of the mushroom powder worked fast, sending Supergirl into a dizzy, drowsy trance that inhibited her strength and flight abilities. She was groggy and grounded, and the Shadows took full advantage of her moment of weakness.

One of the sinister Shadows easily picked Kara off the muddy ground, restraining both of her arms behind her back. The other grabbed her by the neck, tilting her dizzy head side to side to side examining her face. Satisfied with what it saw the Shadow released Kara’s neck and grabbed one of the subdued superheroine’s arms. The two swamp dwelling antagonists began to march, dragging Supergirl further into the fog-filled wetlands.

‘What… Where are you taking me?’ demanded the captured Supergirl, impaired by toxic mushroom spores and stumbling as her two captors roughly transported her through the marshy forest. They stopped at an ominous looking void deep in the swamp; an open pit occupied by thick, bubbling swamp goo. The menacing mire began to bubble and belch hungrily, as if licking its chops in anticipation of its next meal.

A wave of terror washed over Supergirl as she realized what it was that the devious duo were forcing her into. ‘Oh no!’ Kara pleaded, ‘Please, no!’ Her begging went unanswered as the two Grim Shadows wrestled with the helplessly defiant heroine, inevitably casting her into the middle of the pool of deadly quicksand. An icky ‘KERPLUP PLOP’ sound emanated from the muddy sand trap as the lightheaded Supergirl’s boots plunged down into it. Kara gasped and cried out in horror as the gritty, gooey quagmire instantly began to slurp and suck down the stuck superheroine’s struggling legs.

Although expressionless, the two Shadows seemed satisfied and almost delighted as they watched the voracious, swamp muck slowly devour the drugged damsel in distress.

Up to her thighs in inescapable quicksand, Kara’s struggling was only making her sink faster. Sand bubbles burst and popped around her, splattering wet sand on her trapped hips as she sank. Kara was weak and disoriented, and worst of all the impairing symptoms of the mushroom poisoning were only increasing in intensity. the rancid swamp pit gulped and swallowed Kara’s midsection with the gross squelching sound of a gluttonous bog monster. Too benumbed to escape, Supergirl’s situation looked as hopeless and grim as the swamp her captive body was being sucked into.
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