Introducing Ourselves

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Re: Introducing Ourselves

Postby baccac101 » Thu May 07, 2009 12:22 am

Hey guys! I'll start off by saying that I'm incredibly shy so this is a big step for me haha. I'm not into giving out personal info. I.E. name/age/location kinda stuff. I am a guy, and old enough. But, I have been a lurker on deepsinking, but, like others, left when the removed the Adult Forum.
Anyway, a bit more on me. First, I have never been in quicksand/mud/anything of that sort, but, I'm really turned on by it, as is my girlfriend ;) . Next, I've just got to say, Dave, Duncan, Fred, and anyone else involved with Club MPV QuicksandVisuals or Studio 588, BRAVO! Your material is THEE best ever. And thank you for creating this site, too.
Moving on, I am straight, 100%, and enjoy females sinking, only! They can be clothed, naked, topless, bound, whatever; anything is duable. So, if I'm leaving stuff out that anyone would care to learn of, ask away, but, I'm, as one could say, naive, when it comes to this site's functions, so, I may be slow on reposting.
And before I bid farewells, I'd like to add that I will not be posting material for I don't draw/manip/film..any of that stuff..but if I come across something interesting, it will be posted! Finally, baccac101 is NOT my prefered name. I would rather keep it simple and random haha.

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Re: Introducing Ourselves

Postby veryzeppelin » Tue May 12, 2009 8:34 am

Hi my name is Dean i live in the north west of England.
i am 35 years old and have been sinking for about 22 years, I would call my a sinking a sexual fetish as i get really turned on as i slowly sink.
I am lucky because i have a partener(female) who loves mud also and we regulary make love when we sink.
it is a bit difficult to find good areas to sink in i usually have to go to the coast, the area around morcambe bay is great but stick to the near the land as the tide comes in really quick and the only other issue is the shrimps they get everywhere lol.
i hope to talk to other folks in the uk and share ideas and areasto go to
ps thanks to Dave at mpv for sending me great dvds i love em
help i am not deep enough !!!

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Re: Introducing Ourselves

Postby Badger » Wed May 13, 2009 4:43 am

Lurker here, don't expect me to post much. Name's from the Second Life character I made so I could go to the quicksand places there. Character's name is con Badger. If you're on, feel free to say hi!
Also worth mentioning is I'm a furry. There's not enough furry quicksand stuff out there!

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Re: Introducing Ourselves

Postby maps » Thu May 14, 2009 12:31 am

Hi, I'm maps, I got into stuff through MPV, great vids too. I have only sank a bit in mud along a river, and In a swamp at a nearby park. Name is from my skill with maps. Signature is from Metallica's song Damage Inc. My QS fantesy is to sink at least neck deep in mud somewhere, with a girl would be nice
Damage incorporated"

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Re: Introducing Ourselves

Postby qsman70 » Sat May 30, 2009 3:50 pm

Little late on this but here I am, the old man of the quicksand. Just hit that 60th birthday, been doing the mud and quicksand thing since I was 20, mostly in Utah, north and south. Glad to be here.

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Re: Introducing Ourselves

Postby lewt_00 » Sun May 31, 2009 2:49 am

[quote="undergrain1"]actually, my "grain" is "grains" - as in grains of dirt or sand, not grains as in grains that are grown in a field. I dont think I would ever want to sink in agro products, grain, wheat, rice, whatever! if I had an "accident" and ... couldnt escape, nature sounds better and less likely to yield my remains.[/quote]

I myself began sinking into oats and wheat as it would leak from the bin in the grainery.

I won't mention her name. She was an Amish girl of twelve, and I, thirteen. I was helping
her family with the combining. When we brought in a load of wheat from combining,
she met us at the grainery. I was standing by at the hopper waiting with the shovel
to force the wheat into the sluice when needed. This girl quickly climbed up to my station,
and she stepped to the center of the hopper. Of all things, her uncle pulled the lever, and
she quickly sank into the wheat up to her waist before her uncle close the outlet panel.
Both she and the men were laughing about this, but I was very surprised this happened.

More than anything this intensified my preference for dry sinking especially into grain.

Dave the QSFan

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Re: Introducing Ourselves

Postby akmudfan » Fri Jun 12, 2009 4:11 am

Hello ,, I've been a mud and quicksand fan most of my life ,, im 39 and a lifelong Alaskan resident ..

I've looked around and played in some descent quicksand and mud holes here locally ,, although a little cold at times its been a fun experience !

thanks !

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Re: Introducing Ourselves

Postby tomdooley31 » Wed Jun 24, 2009 4:51 am

I must say, after years of lurking, I might as well talk.

My name is Tom (as you may know from the top of this post) and I have been into Quicksand (no pun intended) since I was old enough to know better. I have been a great fan of all the work that I have seen, and I hope to have a more participatory role in the future (which will likely amount to cheering on those who do). I am located in Wisconsin, and it is a pleasure to meet all of you.

Thanks for all the incredible work!

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Re: Introducing Ourselves

Postby Robert » Wed Jun 24, 2009 11:37 am

tomdooley31 wrote:I must say, after years of lurking, I might as well talk.

My name is Tom (as you may know from the top of this post) and I have been into Quicksand (no pun intended) since I was old enough to know better. I have been a great fan of all the work that I have seen, and I hope to have a more participatory role in the future (which will likely amount to cheering on those who do). I am located in Wisconsin, and it is a pleasure to meet all of you.

Thanks for all the incredible work!

Welcome to a fellow Wisconsinite and to all the new members. 8-)

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Re: Introducing Ourselves

Postby kindredembraced » Sat Jun 27, 2009 5:30 am

Hello everyone

My name is Jeff and im from illinois just south of Chicago, i am 49yrs old and just recently stumbled onto the quicksand and girls sinking in it....(saw an illegal copy on youtube)

I had my first experience with deep mud when i was 13yrs old, i was at a local fishing hole i used to go to when i was a kid and was walking around the pond looking for a good spot to fish, the place i used to go to at 1 time used to be a Quarry that was filled up with water and stocked with fish.

while walking around the rim of the pond checking things out i went from stable ground 1 minute to sinking in this black clay type of mud up to my waist in the blink of an eye, i have to admit as a young teen it scared the hell out of me...yes i know the quicksand drama fator set in.
well to be honest it didnt feel like their was any bottom to where i was standing at and i slowly kept sinking, after tossing my fishing poles and tacklebox away from where i was at i tried to get myself free of the mud....there was NO WAY i was getting out of this and soon enough i was up to my armpits in mud, well by this time the drama factor was way high and yes i was screaming for help.
luck was with me that day as other ppl were fishing at the same place i was at and several adults came over to me and helped pull me out, i can remember to this day the "sucking sound" as i was pulled out of it and how my clothes smelled with all the mud on them.

I had a chance to speak to Fred588 and he told me that i had reached the floating point while i was in it, Fred refered me to this site which i never even knew exsisted

I had watched some of the dvd clips from studio588 and pamelaroseproductions and found them to be very erotic to view and will be purchasing some dvds for personal enjoyment

would like to see this website grow some and am looking forward to seeing more posts.

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