Introducing Ourselves

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Duncan Edwards
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Re: Introducing Ourselves

Postby Duncan Edwards » Sat Jun 27, 2009 6:14 am

Okay, my turn I guess.

I'm 46 and have been fascinated with watching women in quicksand all my life. I can't explain it. That's just the way it is. I'm definitely a "looker" not a "doer" like so many others. Fortunately this combined well with my general love of women and my love of photographing women. Also like many others I thought I was all alone in my interest until Feb. of '95 when I discovered the "Quicksand Page". I met Dave Lodoski early on and in '98 I took my first pictures for him. I never, ever, dreamed I would have had the experiences I've had since. I don't see it stopping anytime soon either.

As a moderator of this board I'd like to tell everyone how grateful I am that you are all here. I've met many of you in person and quite honestly I'm rather impressed with us. I am always available and open to answering any questions or being of any assistance that I can either publicly or privately. Good to meet all of you. 8-)
It's a dirty job but I got to do it for over 20 years. Thank you.

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Re: Introducing Ourselves

Postby trillobite » Sat Jun 27, 2009 5:47 pm

From central Indiana, there's a few good sink spots here.
Trying to bicycle more often, 15 miles still hurts at the end. Not enough exersize, trying to fix that.
41 years old, Jeep owner, these intros are always difficult, I never know what to put down.
The local sinks (3 so far) all max out at 4 feet, still exploring though.
Male, married, three kids, not much free time.
I'm a pretty private individual, crowds get on my nerves.
Spent a lot of my youth fixing computers and repairing volkswagens, among other cars. Used to jog and bicycle a lot.

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Re: Introducing Ourselves

Postby jack c » Sun Jun 28, 2009 5:19 am

Welcome - I can relate - I am happily married, 3 children, not much of any time for a hobby like this; 54 years old, Jeep Cherokee owner (156,000 miles and going), SE Pennsylvania, not many good locations in my area. This is a good forum for someone who can't get out a lot - can kind of live vicariously through others - good Moderators - good group of regular posters. Soak it in.

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Re: Introducing Ourselves

Postby Mwam » Tue Jun 30, 2009 9:15 pm

Hello all!

I'm a 30 years old deep mud/qs fun guy from Hungary.
I'm engaged, so i'm living non-wam/non-sink life most of the days, but i used to go sinking as soon as i can. :D

My favourite stuffs: soft qs, thick and deep clay, soft mud, thick mud.
Even deeper, even better! :)
I prefer both non-clothed, and clothed sinking, and i'm a sinker/watcher person. I like rp too, sometimes sinking adventures in Second Life.

I liked DS, and i'm glad to be here.

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Re: Introducing Ourselves

Postby rgadt » Wed Jul 01, 2009 9:52 pm

Hi everybody:
I'm a transfer from DS as many others here are, glad to see so many of the lurkers come out too. I'm in my late 40s, live in Texas between D/FW and the Red River. I've been sinking or getting muddy since I was a teenager, mostly because I have a fetish for wearing ladies' boots and sinking in them. Not cowboy boots or wellies, but sleek, sexy, high heeled knee boots and thigh high boots. I love the sight of the sexy boots disappearing into the mud, and the wonderful sounds made as you struggle to escape :D I used to live very close to the RR and it was lots of fun sinking up to your crotch or waist easily in the soft red mud, and sometimes quicksand. I would sometimes roleplay being a boot-clad young lady sinking into the mud, which was (and is) very stimulating to me. Unfortunately, I have moved somewhat farther away, and don't get many chances to go near the river these days. However I take advantage of any opportunity I get to explore local lake bottoms, creeks, and wetlands areas looking for nice deep mud to sink myself and my boots into. I greatly enjoy any of the stills and vids of the lovely models in boots sinking into the quicksand, muck and mire, just wish I could afford to buy more. Thanks for all the efforts of the producers and models out there, love your work! Love to chat sometime with anybody interested about sinking, will try to get by here more often too.

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Re: Introducing Ourselves

Postby headfirstsinker » Sat Jul 11, 2009 10:26 pm

well here I am. Headfirst sinker, 29 years old. I'm an unconventional QS/Mud fan as I well, like headfirst sinkings. they're dangerous yes, but for whatever reason they're just SO damn hot to me. I've always been kind of alone with this kink as , well those of us who are into this type of sinking are few. Unfortunately I've yet to meet a woman who is into this as well, so yeah just me and the gay men who like being headfirst in the mud. While you look great in the mud guys, I don't swing that way.

I'm more of a watcher as I've never sunk,never had the opportunity to do so where I live, its a dry area no mud...or privacy.

Glad to be here, I was sad to see the old deepsinking forum...well 'go under'. Thanks for listening!
headfirst always first ;)

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Re: Introducing Ourselves

Postby mudman4 » Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:34 am

OHai. I'm this guy.

I have had this fetish for as long as I can remember. In gradeschool, anytime a teacher brought up mud, everyone else would go "ewww" but I never did. I liked it.

Many years later (14 i think) I had my first sinking/awesome/arousing experience and then it just stuck (no pun intended)

My favorite kind of mud is tan, deep, silky, thick, clay. Just being covered/buried/sunk in the stuff is fuckin' awesome.

Where's the mud at?

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Re: Introducing Ourselves

Postby Mukraken » Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:17 am

I'm glad you resurrected this topic, Mudman, because I too have been looking for a way to introduce myself here. I'm pretty new to the forum myself. Hi everyone!

Actually, to be honest, I'm somewhat of a newbie to the whole fetish scene. I've been interested in quicksand for nearly as long as I can remember, but being as 'innocent' as I was, I always just assumed that it was nothing more than an ordinary fascination. It only occurred to me very recently (recently as in only a couple months ago) to consider the possibility that it might be a fetish. So I've never actually been in deep mud at all. The closest I've ever been to quicksand has been at the beach, when I used to squish the sand around with my feet to make my own quicksand and see how deep I could get. I only ever got up to just under my knees.

When reading about or watching sinking, the part I enjoy the most is seeing the final stages of going under the surface and drowning. Thus I am a big fan of stories with grim endings. If the girl gets rescued, it just isn't as interesting to me. Similarly, if she's sinking voluntarily, that isn't particularly interesting to me either, just because that tends to trivialize the threat of drowning.

As for my name, it's a combination of 'Muck' (the substance that interests all of us, and brought us to this website) and 'Kraken' (a creature that might theoretically inhabit aforementioned substance, and would drag down its victims through it). Thus, it would be a mythical creature, metaphorically representing the malevolent force of quicksand. I picked the name, both because of those two elements, but also just because I vaguely liked the sound of it. 'Mukraken.' It kinda sounds Irish or something. Not that I'm Irish, but I do generally like the way Irish accents and words sound. So there you have it.
Thank you to everybody who has commented on my stories! You rock my socks!

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James diGriz
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Re: Introducing Ourselves

Postby James diGriz » Wed Mar 14, 2012 2:54 pm

It's been a while since I introduced myself. Again. However, since the influx of new people I figured I would add my information.

My name is Michael, and I'm 39. I have been into this since December 5, 1980, where the Daisy Duke scene first aired. Since then I have been fascinated with damsels in distress, quicksand being a favorite peril. I have branched out into other things, but this is my home. I've been involved in the community since 1995, and over the years it has been a long strange trip.

As for scenes, I prefer a well dressed damsel(dress, skirt, heels, hosiery) to nude. The drama of it is quite intoxicating.

I've been going through some creative block(lots of work), but hope to return doing what I enjoy doing.
How unfortunate you didn't have a proper guide to navigate these swamps.

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Re: Introducing Ourselves

Postby gamwam » Sat Mar 17, 2012 12:02 am

hi everyone im gaz,. gay guy from nottingham in the uk

i came over to from ds,.. as a few others have

i grew up in a seaside resort town in the south east of the uk not far from london,. which had the advantage of being surrounded by estuaries,. tidal flats and dotted with gravel quarries.... so being a kid,. the thing to do was to go to the beach,. and when the tide was out,. you went mudding,. everyone did it,.of course it helped living just a few hundred feet from the sea,. clean up was easy,... and no one looked at a group of muddy kids walking home and thaught "weirdos"....however most of my school friends out grew that sort of fun

i never did,.. and form an early age i knew i had some sort of connection,. perhaps when i was 12 years old or so?.... anyway about that time i also started noticing quicksand scenes on tv,. and the obviouse effect it had on me,... the tricky part for me of course was coming to terms at the sametime with the fact that i was excited by males sinking,. not girls

as i got older i became heavily into mudding,.... i used to sneak out of my parents house,. which was just a few hundred yards from the beach,... and go mudding after dark,... or if they were out during the day,. id get on my bycicle and go exploring for mud,. for me the deeper the batter

was about then that i got my self on the net and realised that i wasnt alone after finding the gaymeninquicksand yahoo groups community,... it showed me that there were possibilities other than tidal areas for truely deep mud,... so i began exploring gravel pits and natural bog areas,. which was where i found truely bottomless mud

i became somewhat of an expert sinker,..often using a breathing hose, sinking totally under vertically as deep as i could,. sometimes out of reach of the surface,.not to mention plenty of head first sinks too and as soon as i moved out of home and into my own flat,...i started sinking at least 2 days and maybe one evening a week during the long summers

as time went on i ended up moving into london,.. which somewhat limited my sinking to "when i visited mum and dad back home",. and then eventually i met someone who i fell in love with,. and we moved in together,. 200 miles north :(

i guess i assumed that if i could find mud where i grew up,.it was everywhere,... so all i had to do was look,... however i was very wrong,... after years of searching the area ive found it to be as dry as a pharaohs socks!,. so 3 years ago i gave up searching,. and put sinking down as part of my life that got left behind when i moved to be with my partner

so thats my story,. have to admit ive kind of enjoyed writing about that :),. well except the end bit anyway lol


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