Selena: Kidnapped

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Selena: Kidnapped

Postby aceofguru » Thu Nov 17, 2016 8:43 pm

This is the 3rd part to the Selena stories. I'll be doing other ones, but this will be the last one for a while with these characters. I may do more scenarios with celebrities or other OC's. We'll see. I hope you enjoy!

Selena’s Apartment

It's a Wednesday night, and Selena is getting ready for another date with Alena. She puts on a white blouse, which buttons up. She pulls out a pair of sheer black pantyhose, and slips them on. First the right foot, then the left foot. She pulls them up and straightens them out. The slips on a purple skirt that goes down to her knees.

Selena looks in the mirror and spins around taking a look at herself. “Alena will love this outfit I think.”

“She does the love purple” a voice said from the doorway.

Selena startles and looks toward the voice and sees a woman about her height, standing in front of her. She is wearing a mask with what appears to be cat ears. Blond hair is sticking out from the mask. She's wearing a latex catsuit. She is holding a gun in one hand, and a roll of duct tape in the other.

“You're very beautiful, Selena. Just like the pictures.” The woman says. “I'm going to toss you this duct tape. I want you to the your ankles with it. Oh, and if you scream, I will shoot. So don't try any funny business.”

Selena took caught the roll that the woman tossed. She sat down on the floor, and brought her feet together. She then unwrapped part of the tape and started wrapping the tape around her pantyhose covered ankles up. She wrapped it three times around. “Is this sufficient?”

“Yes, now I want you to place the tape behind you, and place your hands behind your back.”

Selena obliged her request, trying not to piss off this woman, who obviously knows Alena. Seh decided to ask her captor. “How do you know Alena?”

The woman walked behind Selena with the gun point never wavering away from her. She placed the gun down, and quickly grabbed both of Selena’s wrists, the tape, and began wrapping her wrists together. She wrapped three times around the wrist. The woman let go of Selena’s arms, and Selena began to test her restraints, finding that she indeed couldn’t get them undone. The woman’s head appeared right beside Selena’s. “Alena is my girlfriend. I saw you two together, and needed to take care of things. So you are my prey now.”

The woman kissed Selena’s cheek, and stood back up. Selena struggled, then asked. “What do you mean she is your girlfriend? We’ve been dating for a month now, and she hasn’t mentioned a word of you.”

The woman walked into the other room and grabbed a cloth and a bottle of liquid out of her bag. She poured a substance from her bag, and walked back in the room with Selena. Selena had tried to move and was now on her knees. The girl quickly ran over and placed the liquid soaked rag over Selena’s nose and mouth. “You need to keep quiet now. I have quite the surprise for both of you.”

Selena began struggling vigorously to get the odd smelling liquid away from her. After a moment, Selena felt groggy and passed out.

The woman then went through Selena’s drawers and found a pair of panties and stuffed them inside of Selena’s mouth and placed several pieces of duct tape over her lips. She went back in the other room and brought her bag in, which appeared to be big enough to fit a normal sized woman in it.

The woman picked up her cell phone and started texting the following message.

“Hey Alena. It’s been a while. I hope you’ve been missing me as much as i’ve been missing you. I see you’ve been hanging out with a superstar. Well, I don’t like it, and i’ve decided to do something about it. I’ve taken her to an old construction site outside the city, if you dare save her. Come alone! Or else! Love Courtney”

Alena’s Apartment

Alena is also getting ready for her date tonight. She is wearing a blue dress that goes down below her knees. Her legs covered in skin tone pantyhose. She was putting on makeup when her phone rang. She picked up the phone and instantly turned pale and dropped the phone.

“She has Selena. I haven't seen Courtney in over a year. How did she find out!?!” Alena quickly found flats to wear and left the apartment.

Alena ran down to flag a taxi. She knew what construction zone to go to. There was an abandoned one down by the river, which had stability issues. The taxi got near there 30 minutes later. Alena could only hope that Selena is ok. .

Construction Site

Selena woke up still feeling a bit groggy. She remembered that someone had tied her up and instinctively tried to move without success. She was tied up still. She looked down to see her ankles and knees with tape wrapped around. Her arms were behind her. She felt something metal against her arms, realizing that she was tapped to a pole. She was still clothed, so that was good. She tried to speak, but realized that something was in her mouth. No matter how hard she tried, nothing but a slight mpppphhh came out.

She tried to gauge her surroundings, but noticed that she was in a rectangular hole that went on for about 10 feet ahead of her, and probably a similar amount behind her. The walls around her were maybe a little taller than her, it was hard to tell. The woman in the catsuit is in front of her, but above the hole. “I hope you’re comfy down there, though it won’t matter for long. I’ll have Alena back, and you will be gone.”

Selena started struggling at that line. What was going to happen to her? The tape around her was tight. The woman started speaking again. “This is an old construction site, but I was able to procure several cement mixers, which will begin to pour into your hole very soon.”

There were four cement mixers around Selena, one at each corner of the hole. She started struggling more. She thought to herself. “I can’t die. Why would she bury me in cement. This is crazy.”

Selena could hear the machines behind her, and it sounded like something changed in the movement of the machine. The woman looked down. “Looks like it’s time. Soon you will but a memory.”

Selena struggled as she watched the cement slowly crawl closer to her feet. No matter how hard she tried, the tape wouldn’t budge. After only a few moments, the cement covered her feet. The grainy grey substance felt cool through her pantyhose, no dissimilar to the quicksand she had been in a couple times now.

Selena had been wiggling her toes in the substance before they would be forever buried in the grey cement. The cement climbed up her body slowly, but steadily. She felt the cement climb up her legs. At the rate this is going, she won’t have long to live.

“How does it feel Selena? Does it feel good? It seems that Alena has arrived, and i must go and greet her. Tata.” The woman walks off.

Selena tries to scream again with only the muffling sound of the gag coming out. The cement has reached her knees. The substance began to squeeze her lower legs as it rose up her body. She hoped that maybe Alena could get her out, but she had doubts, and started crying.


Alena walks into the construction site, which is dimly lit and empty. She could hear the sound of something running. It was machinery of some sort. Afraid that she might have been too late, she started running toward the sound. After about 50 feet a woman clad in a black cat latex suit appeared in front of her. “You finally made it, my love.”
“I’m not your love, Courtney, and where is Selena?” Alena asked with an anger in her voice.

“Tsk tsk tsk….where are your manners girl? As for Selena, she is currently becoming part of the foundation of this area.”

Alena pondered that for a split second until it came to her. “You’re burying her in cement? You fucking bitch.”

“Such harsh language. Don’t worry about her though. She’ll be preserved.” Courtney said as she then laughed at the predicament. “You should really worry about yourself.”

Courtney closed her eyes and brought her palms together and started saying something that Alena didn’t recognize. A ring on her finger started glowing green, and when Courtney opened her eyes, they were also glowing green.

Alena felt the ground below her feet get softer. Both feet started sinking into the dirt. She quickly tried to pull the up, but it was almost like they were glued there. “What is this?”

“Magic. Right now I’m controlling the ground around us, and am pulling you deeper into the earth.” Courtney put her right hand in front of her open but palm facing down. She lowered her hand gently. Alena felt her body shift downwards quickly. Her legs were now up to her knees in the dirt. Her blue dress dragged under as well.

“How can you do this?” Alena tried with all her might to pull her legs up out of the ground, but it held her tight. The dirt could be felt through her pantyhose, but it wasn’t like the quicksand last time. She could see her legs steadily sink deeper, but the ground wasn’t wet. There wasn’t anything that could explain this.

“I’ve been granted powers by someone even I can’t quite comprehend. Oh well. Let’s get you a little deeper.” Courtney moved her hand down a little more, and Alena sank down to her hips.


Selena could only watch as the cement was rose up past her knees. Her skirt started to flatten out before eventually sinking into the cement. It rose up to her crotch where it almost massaged it, but her peril of death overcame any sort of excitement. Her hands behind the pole could start to feel the cement. It felt even worse on her bare skin.


Alena was chest deep into the dirt, thanks to Courtney’s magic, and she couldn’t do a thing about it. She just watched and waited for Courtney to finish her off. Her arms were above the surface, and when she tried to push up, nothing happened. Her hands did not sink, nor did she rise up at all. The dirt really held her tight. Courtney decided to walk right up to Alena. Courtney kneeled down next to Alena. Alena took her opportunity to strike courtney, but without much strength. Alena’s hand was caught, and Courtney pushed it into the dirt like it was nothing. Courtney’s hand popped out, and when Alena tried to move her arm, she found it stuck as well.

COurtney grabbed Alena’s other arm, and placed it into the dirt as well. Alena was completely helpless in front of Courtney, and could do nothing for what happened next. Courtney grabbed her head and kissed her sensually. Alena tried not to give in, but eventually she did.


The cement rose up over Selena’s breasts. She was almost out of time, and if no one came soon, no one would ever find her. She felt the cement climb over her shoulders and up her neck. She tried to bring her head back, but the pole stopped her. The substance rose up to her chin, climbed up past her gagged mouth. The cement then covered her nose, then her eyes, and a few seconds late, the top of her head. She was gone to the world.


Courtney broke the kiss after a moment. She stood up in front of Alena. “How did that feel?”

“It was pretty good considering I’m buried here.” Alena said.

At that moment, the machinery in the background stopped, and Alena had the worst feeling rise out of her. Courtney looked at Alena and gave an evil grin. “Looks like the foundation has been laid.

“Freeze!” A voice said from a small distance. Courtney looked up to see a woman with a gun pointed at her. The woman was average height. She had curly black hair, rectangular glasses, and blue eyes. She was wearing a grey blouse, black knee length skirt, and boots that went halfway up her lower legs. “Get on the ground before I shoot.”

Courtney’s eyes started to glow green again, and in an instant put her palms together, chanted a few words, then brought her hand out palm faced down. She pushed her hand down. Nothing happened, and she wondered why not. Why was this woman not going down. Then she noticed a medallion or something glowing around the woman's neck. “She’s familiar with magic.” She said to herself.

“I can’t stay for now, but i’ll catch you next time.” Courtney said before she winked and disappeared into the ground.

The woman with the gun ran over to Alena and started digging her out. Finding that the dirt would cooperate, Alena proceeded to help dig herself out. “Go ahead, I can get myself out of this. Another woman is in danger, please go check it out.”

The woman nodded and ran off.

It took almost 5 minutes for Alena to get herself unstuck. When she did, the other woman was coming back with a face that said nothing but bad news. She placed her hand on Alena’s shoulder. “I’m sorry. The woman is clearly buried underneath the cement. It’s hardened now, and we’ll have a crew try and find her body. I’m detective Olivia by the way. Olivia Khar. I’ll need to take a statement from you if you have a moment.”

“Yes of course.” Alena nodded before walking out of the construction area with the detective.


Alena was getting dressed for work two days later when she received a call.

“This is Alena.” Alena spoke.

“Hello again Alena. This is detective Khar. I wanted to give you an update on the case. We dug through the area, and all we found was a pole, and some tape left over. I don’t know what happened with the body, but it’s not there.”

“What does that mean.” Alena said hopeful.

“I’m not sure yet. I’ll let you know if we find anything. Alright.”

“Yes. Please do!” Alena said and hung up the phone.

Alena didn’t know what to think, but there was a possibility that Selena was still alive. But how?

To Be Continued…..Kind of.

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Re: Selena: Kidnapped

Postby stevensh12 » Fri Nov 18, 2016 1:24 am

I hate cliffhangers XD nice story so where did Selena go :ugeek:
i'm just an idiot with a box and a screwdriver

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Re: Selena: Kidnapped

Postby aceofguru » Fri Nov 18, 2016 1:52 am

I'm glad you're enjoying it!

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