My Problems with RazorVolare (AKA Kamisori Galaxy)

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Re: My Problems with RazorVolare (AKA Kamisori Galaxy)

Postby AnonymousQuote » Wed May 17, 2017 1:28 am

Oh, wonderful. Glad to see I'm not the only one...
Person5 seems to have had a very, very similar experience to mine.
Some time ago, RazorVolare watched my DeviantArt. All was well, he seemed like a cool enough dude. I made the slip of mentioning that I use SL every once in a while, and that's where things went a little weird. He got really, really interested in trying to meet me on SL, and I made numerous deflections from the topic, always saying that I couldn't log on then, was busy, etc... Of course, this wasn't really a deterrent. (I'm super shy on SL anyway, roleplay makes me extremely anxious for whatever reason -- I'll TP quickly away from potential interactions as a gut instinct) This aside, chatter continues, and I eventually end up as an admin for his group. This is pretty neat, I think, and move on with my life, contributing sporadically to the rather small group. All goes well, until, heaven forbid, I post my work of Mercy in spiderweb bondage to this group. Faster than I can log onto my account to check favourites, I've lost a watcher, my admin status, and access to the group. What? I should have seen it coming, frankly, with all the Overwatch hate flying around his page at that point in time. Regardless, I do likewise and unwatch him, and everything is quiet for quite some time. Then, about a month ago, I must have favourited something of his, because I have another watcher. He's back. Respectfully, I watch him back, hoping that perhaps things have changed. Nope. He had a new game this time around, commenting on every new work that I put out, trying to compare characters that I had drawn to other characters that he happened to recognize. Of course, I'm lying and dodging the question about the characters that I DREW, and he is somehow right. Comments repeatedly about how I draw girls that he doesn't like, as if my page is dedicated to him or something. I let it be, and a week or two passes. I open commissions again, and what do you know, a note comes in from RazorVolare himself. He commissions a pic of Shantae, who I'd been meaning to draw for a while, so I gladly accept. Payment comes through, excellent. I begin, doing my absolute best to accommodate his request that Shantae be "thigh deep, while trying to run and jump out of the quicksand" (a virtually impossible scenario to begin with). I finish within a few days or so, and post the artwork to my gallery. Minutes later, a note arrives, belittling me for the pose and scenario. Again, What? I made sure to send him a sketch (as is standard procedure, for myself and many other artists), and received no major complaints other than a few minor adjustments to the pose, which I completely accommodated. Justifiably, I was baffled and a little bit peeved. Again, things eventually smooth over and life goes on as before. Something ticks "on" in my brain again, and I start drawing more of the Overwatch heroines in peril.With the submission of the "D.Va Vore" pic, I get a comment saying simply "Strike three," and I'm minus one watcher. I go to unwatch him in kind, and find a status update smearing my artwork as well as my interests.
I haven't blocked him yet, but as far as I'm concerned, we're through.

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Re: My Problems with RazorVolare (AKA Kamisori Galaxy)

Postby SinkerCutie » Wed May 17, 2017 1:42 am

You aren't the only ones with problems with Razor. I met him a while ago when I first joined QSF. He and I became friends on SL and it was that way for a while. At some point, he has a real-life problem and I express concern. Yet, he thinks I only want to take advantage of his SL stuff being around and he starts ignoring me. On DA, I favorite and compliment some of his works, but when I ask where some of the SL locations he used are, he just says they're private. I'm OK with that, but he starts to insult me by implying that I'm trying to take advantage of him when I CLEARLY am not! The worst thing, though, is at some point, he completely blocks me! FOR NO REASON AT ALL! Silentzorah is also guilty of this unjust blocking! It's a total shame, too, as they both share many of my waifus.

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Re: My Problems with RazorVolare (AKA Kamisori Galaxy)

Postby Person 5 » Wed May 17, 2017 1:46 am

AnonymousQuote wrote:Oh, wonderful. Glad to see I'm not the only one...
Person5 seems to have had a very, very similar experience to mine.
Some time ago, RazorVolare watched my DeviantArt. All was well, he seemed like a cool enough dude. I made the slip of mentioning that I use SL every once in a while, and that's where things went a little weird. He got really, really interested in trying to meet me on SL, and I made numerous deflections from the topic, always saying that I couldn't log on then, was busy, etc... Of course, this wasn't really a deterrent. (I'm super shy on SL anyway, roleplay makes me extremely anxious for whatever reason -- I'll TP quickly away from potential interactions as a gut instinct) This aside, chatter continues, and I eventually end up as an admin for his group. This is pretty neat, I think, and move on with my life, contributing sporadically to the rather small group. All goes well, until, heaven forbid, I post my work of Mercy in spiderweb bondage to this group. Faster than I can log onto my account to check favourites, I've lost a watcher, my admin status, and access to the group. What? I should have seen it coming, frankly, with all the Overwatch hate flying around his page at that point in time. Regardless, I do likewise and unwatch him, and everything is quiet for quite some time. Then, about a month ago, I must have favourited something of his, because I have another watcher. He's back. Respectfully, I watch him back, hoping that perhaps things have changed. Nope. He had a new game this time around, commenting on every new work that I put out, trying to compare characters that I had drawn to other characters that he happened to recognize. Of course, I'm lying and dodging the question about the characters that I DREW, and he is somehow right. Comments repeatedly about how I draw girls that he doesn't like, as if my page is dedicated to him or something. I let it be, and a week or two passes. I open commissions again, and what do you know, a note comes in from RazorVolare himself. He commissions a pic of Shantae, who I'd been meaning to draw for a while, so I gladly accept. Payment comes through, excellent. I begin, doing my absolute best to accommodate his request that Shantae be "thigh deep, while trying to run and jump out of the quicksand" (a virtually impossible scenario to begin with). I finish within a few days or so, and post the artwork to my gallery. Minutes later, a note arrives, belittling me for the pose and scenario. Again, What? I made sure to send him a sketch (as is standard procedure, for myself and many other artists), and received no major complaints other than a few minor adjustments to the pose, which I completely accommodated. Justifiably, I was baffled and a little bit peeved. Again, things eventually smooth over and life goes on as before. Something ticks "on" in my brain again, and I start drawing more of the Overwatch heroines in peril.With the submission of the "D.Va Vore" pic, I get a comment saying simply "Strike three," and I'm minus one watcher. I go to unwatch him in kind, and find a status update smearing my artwork as well as my interests.
I haven't blocked him yet, but as far as I'm concerned, we're through.

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Re: My Problems with RazorVolare (AKA Kamisori Galaxy)

Postby SinkerCutie » Wed May 17, 2017 2:40 am

Razor also doesn't look at things in a more detailed manner. If he did, he wouldn't be claiming that Overwatch is a TF2 ripoff. Overwatch and TF2 are COMPLETELY different games and everyone else knows that!

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Re: My Problems with RazorVolare (AKA Kamisori Galaxy)

Postby DrScaphandre » Wed May 17, 2017 4:06 am

AnonymousQuote wrote:Oh, wonderful. Glad to see I'm not the only one...
Person5 seems to have had a very, very similar experience to mine.
Some time ago, RazorVolare watched my DeviantArt. All was well, he seemed like a cool enough dude. I made the slip of mentioning that I use SL every once in a while, and that's where things went a little weird. He got really, really interested in trying to meet me on SL, and I made numerous deflections from the topic, always saying that I couldn't log on then, was busy, etc... Of course, this wasn't really a deterrent. (I'm super shy on SL anyway, roleplay makes me extremely anxious for whatever reason -- I'll TP quickly away from potential interactions as a gut instinct) This aside, chatter continues, and I eventually end up as an admin for his group. This is pretty neat, I think, and move on with my life, contributing sporadically to the rather small group. All goes well, until, heaven forbid, I post my work of Mercy in spiderweb bondage to this group. Faster than I can log onto my account to check favourites, I've lost a watcher, my admin status, and access to the group. What? I should have seen it coming, frankly, with all the Overwatch hate flying around his page at that point in time. Regardless, I do likewise and unwatch him, and everything is quiet for quite some time. Then, about a month ago, I must have favourited something of his, because I have another watcher. He's back. Respectfully, I watch him back, hoping that perhaps things have changed. Nope. He had a new game this time around, commenting on every new work that I put out, trying to compare characters that I had drawn to other characters that he happened to recognize. Of course, I'm lying and dodging the question about the characters that I DREW, and he is somehow right. Comments repeatedly about how I draw girls that he doesn't like, as if my page is dedicated to him or something. I let it be, and a week or two passes. I open commissions again, and what do you know, a note comes in from RazorVolare himself. He commissions a pic of Shantae, who I'd been meaning to draw for a while, so I gladly accept. Payment comes through, excellent. I begin, doing my absolute best to accommodate his request that Shantae be "thigh deep, while trying to run and jump out of the quicksand" (a virtually impossible scenario to begin with). I finish within a few days or so, and post the artwork to my gallery. Minutes later, a note arrives, belittling me for the pose and scenario. Again, What? I made sure to send him a sketch (as is standard procedure, for myself and many other artists), and received no major complaints other than a few minor adjustments to the pose, which I completely accommodated. Justifiably, I was baffled and a little bit peeved. Again, things eventually smooth over and life goes on as before. Something ticks "on" in my brain again, and I start drawing more of the Overwatch heroines in peril.With the submission of the "D.Va Vore" pic, I get a comment saying simply "Strike three," and I'm minus one watcher. I go to unwatch him in kind, and find a status update smearing my artwork as well as my interests.
I haven't blocked him yet, but as far as I'm concerned, we're through.

Got any screenshots?

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Re: My Problems with RazorVolare (AKA Kamisori Galaxy)

Postby DrScaphandre » Wed May 17, 2017 4:08 am

SinkerCutie wrote:Razor also doesn't look at things in a more detailed manner. If he did, he wouldn't be claiming that Overwatch is a TF2 ripoff. Overwatch and TF2 are COMPLETELY different games and everyone else knows that!

You can't reason with an autist. Trust me, I'm autistic myself. I know my kind. He got super pissed that I liked Gen III Pokemon. He blew a fucking nut.

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Re: My Problems with RazorVolare (AKA Kamisori Galaxy)

Postby DrScaphandre » Wed May 17, 2017 4:11 am

SinkerCutie wrote:You aren't the only ones with problems with Razor. I met him a while ago when I first joined QSF. He and I became friends on SL and it was that way for a while. At some point, he has a real-life problem and I express concern. Yet, he thinks I only want to take advantage of his SL stuff being around and he starts ignoring me. On DA, I favorite and compliment some of his works, but when I ask where some of the SL locations he used are, he just says they're private. I'm OK with that, but he starts to insult me by implying that I'm trying to take advantage of him when I CLEARLY am not! The worst thing, though, is at some point, he completely blocks me! FOR NO REASON AT ALL! Silentzorah is also guilty of this unjust blocking! It's a total shame, too, as they both share many of my waifus.

Oh god you had to remind me of Zorah didn't you? Zorah blew her lid when I asked if I could come over to her Mario Pyramid quicksand sim. "I heard about what you did to Razor!"

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Re: My Problems with RazorVolare (AKA Kamisori Galaxy)

Postby SinkerCutie » Wed May 17, 2017 5:38 am

DrScaphandre wrote:
SinkerCutie wrote:Razor also doesn't look at things in a more detailed manner. If he did, he wouldn't be claiming that Overwatch is a TF2 ripoff. Overwatch and TF2 are COMPLETELY different games and everyone else knows that!

You can't reason with an autist. Trust me, I'm autistic myself. I know my kind. He got super pissed that I liked Gen III Pokemon. He blew a fucking nut.

He even had the never to insult me by saying that the MegaMan Battle Network series sucks without giving a reason. I LOVE the Battle Network series! It was my very first series of MegaMan games! He hurt my feelings and didn't even attempt to apologize!

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Re: My Problems with RazorVolare (AKA Kamisori Galaxy)

Postby prince_vegeta » Wed May 17, 2017 6:59 am

I only interacted him in the QSF chat once and he acted really childish over a series I'm a fan of. Being autistic myself, his "autism" is not an pass for being an asshole whenever he's triggered over petty crap.
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Re: My Problems with RazorVolare (AKA Kamisori Galaxy)

Postby AnonymousQuote » Wed May 17, 2017 7:04 am

DrScaphandre wrote:Got any screenshots?

No. I don't make a habit of documenting my poor experiences. :?

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