F/E Quickstory

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F/E Quickstory

Postby av77 » Wed Jul 26, 2017 6:45 am

Hailey walked naked along the side of the abandoned quarry looking at the gray clay below. It had a slight dry sheen to it as the summer sun warmed the top. She drove by this place everyday on the way to work and was always somehow drawn to it, always glancing over and wondering where it lead it.

She decided it was time to find out. Taking a deep breath, she paused taking in the moment before placing her right foot down into the gray earth. The ground under her foot gave way a few inches before it became solid again. The ground around her foot felt like warm silk was caressing every bit of her it touched. It was an odd but inviting feeling. After a few moments she took another step further out into the wet feild before. With a swift motion her left foot quickly slid under the clay mass up to her ankle before she stopped. She wobbled for a second not expecting it to get so deep so quickly. Every movement underneath her was like a sticky waterbed.

After a moment she regained her balance, embracing the situation. The clay felt warm and soft but felt thicker the deeper she wiggled her toes beneath. 'How deep does it go?' She thought to herself before she decided to take another step. With a slight pull she lifted her right foot, shifting the ground under her left foot and sucking it in deeper. As she tried to regain balance she could feel her foot slide down a few inches into the tick clay, griping her foot tightly and helping steady her in a way.

Again Hailey took a deep breath in, looking at her gray mud caked foot. 'Here goes nothing' she thought to herself before extending it out a few feet into the thick gray mass ahead. She put her whole self forward as the clay enveloped her leg. With a soft splat she felt the mud climb quickly up her ankle, calf and up right above her knee, before sending the rest of her body forward. Hailey's other leg slipped out from it's ankle deep hold and sunk knee first and up to her thighs next to her other one. In a panic she put out her arms up to brace herself but to almost no avail. Her hands broke though the top of the warm clay and slid deep into the sticky muck, splattering the rest of her body and leaving her stuck up past her elbows.

Her heart raced and breathing fastened as her situation quickly changed from interesting to frightening. Her face now only inches away from the mud which was slowly waving with every breath she took. Panic started to set in as she realized she lost control of her situation so rapidly.

Time seemed to stop until her thoughts could catch up. She was now officially stuck. Both arms and legs trapped in the thick clay. She was trying to stay calm but she could feel the warm mud lap at her nipples with each breath she took turning her struggle into arousal. She tugged her arms and legs rapidly to see if she could get any leverage in the thick muck but only made her slip deeper into the thick grasp of the clay.

She could feel herself grow hot with the situation. Her body now stuck fast in a warm soft embrace. Arms and legs bound into place slowing sinking down onto her breasts. Her hands and legs felt clay becoming cooler the deeper she sank into it and after a few moments of sinking she felt like the clay wasn't pulling her down anymore. More like she was stuck, floating in place.

She couldn't stand the sensation any longer, she had to do something about this fast growing arousal, she wanted to go deeper. She remembered watching on tv that fast movements only hold you back in this sort of situation. So she slowly started to pull her body back up ever so slightly. She first got her legs as far as she could underneath herself before trying to stand. She could feel the thick mud under her help her stand slightly.

Hailey only got a few inches up from the muck before her legs started to sink down again. She continued though, every inch her legs sank another inch of her top was easier to move. After a few minutes of strenuously slow movements her arms were being freed and she was starting to stand again. The thick mud gloped off of her chest and down her stomach as she felt the relief and arousal of the thick muck slide down her body. Her arms were like two gray blow globs as she tried to raise them from the muddy grasp. With a little more effort they were both free but slathered in the thick goo.

Standing but now a naked mess from what she was before. She watched the mud from her breasts slide slowly down her stomach to her wet slit. She could feel herself shiver as the thick mud dripped down below. The thought of going straight down into the mud and having every inch of herself tightly stuck in the silky thick clay was becoming unbearable. She was already thigh deep, and the muck under her feet seemed unstable.

Once again Hailey took a deep breath in, trying to settle herself before she started pumping her legs. She exhaled slowly and started pumping. The ground beneath was so thick it was as if she was running in place at first. Each movement slowly taking her deeper though. After only a few pumps she felt her feet hit a pocket of cold softer clay and she dropped right to her lips and butt cheeks at once, creating a wet smacking as it slowed her decent.

The feeling was total bliss, warm creamy clay sliding along every fold and crack of her self. A cringe of pleasure washed over Hailey as she was lost in the quick moment of bliss. The thick mud held her fast as she stopped pumping and caught her breath. Waste deep in a mucky wonderland she opened her eyes and unclinched her fists which were suck up to her wrists in the thick warm mud. This was it, what she was looking for when she drove past the quarry on her way to work everyday.

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Re: F/E Quickstory

Postby DJlurker » Sat Jul 29, 2017 2:22 am

Not bad. I would like to see this continue. :)

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