The Duchess and the Peasant

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The Duchess and the Peasant

Postby DJlurker » Sat May 09, 2015 2:07 am

Hello, everyone! After reading a PM comment about my stories, I was inspired to try and write a romantic QS story that's more... safe-for-work, so to speak. Hope you enjoy! EDIT: Spaced out the lines to make it easier to read.

The Duchess and the Peasant
by DJlurker


The lowly peasant, stripped down to his underwear, shivered in fear as judgement was handed down.

"You, Thomas, are hereby found guilty of pursuing a forbidden relationship with the duke's daughter, Lady Rachel! What have you to say for yourself?"

Thomas shook his head, his messy, short, dirty blond hair jerking back and forth with his movements. "I merely followed my heart's desire! I love her, and she loves me! You surely cannot condemn me for following my heart…!"

"I can and I will. You are hereby sentenced to execution…"

Thoma's green eyes went wide with horror.

"…to smother in the quicksand, and disappear forever beneath the mire!" With that, he was shoved backward, into the waiting mud pit…

*splutch!* He landed on his rear end in the muck. Attempting to stand, he immediately sank to his knees in the slime…

"Please! I beg you to reconsider!" he pleaded.

"There is nothing to reconsider. The evidence of your transgression is incontrovertible," stated the one who had pushed him in. "After all…" She pulled her hood back.

"…I *am* the duke's daughter."

It had been a twist of fate that had brought them together. Two years ago, the duke and his daughter were riding in a closed carriage through the very same swamp, when they had been accosted by a band of thieves. One of the ruffians had attempted to abduct Rachel, but she managed to twist loose from her captor and flee into the woods…

Sadly, her lack of knowledge of the swamp cost her dearly, as she ended up running straight into a quicksand bog, plunging immediately to her thighs. She thrashed about in panic, but this only served to drive her deeper… As she sank to her waist, then her chest, she screamed and pleaded for anyone to save her…

Fortunately, help did indeed arrive. Unfortunately, it was one of the very thieves she had attempted to flee from.

To his credit, the thief wasted no time pulling the young girl from the sucking mire. Immediately afterwards, however, he forced her to the ground, intent on taking his 'payment' right then and there…

Only to wind up with a hatchet buried in the side of his throat. It was Thomas, who had been searching the forest for firewood when he happened upon the scene, and quickly rushed to intervene. After killing the thief, he helped Rachel find her way back to the carriage, where the duke and his knights had already dispatched the remainder of the gang…

Needless to say, the duke was quite pleased with the peasant's actions, and offered him any reward he would like, within reason. Thomas shook his head, however, and stated:

"I desire no reward for myself, Your Grace, for I merely did what any half-decent person would have done in my place. The only thing I would ask for is medicine for my ill mother, lest she pass from this world before her appointed time."

The duke agreed, though Rachel insisted on delivering the medicine herself, having lost her own mother to illness the year before. Upon visiting the rickety shack that Thomas and his mother called home, she was impressed by the old woman's strong spirit. Despite their poverty, she had done her best to raise Thomas to "always do unto others as you would have them do unto you," because "though some people may have more wealth then others, we were all born from a mother's womb." As Rachel talked with Thomas and his mother, she found her views of the lower classes slowly changing…

She would come back to visit on occasion over the next two years, and to her surprise felt the flame of attraction begin to burn in her heart for the blonde peasant… and found that those affections were reciprocated…

Now sunk to his lower thighs in the moist muck, Thomas looked up in desperation at the face of the young duchess-to-be who had 'condemned' him… She was pretty, but not the picture of flawless beauty. Her hazel eyes were slightly too closely set, and a smattering of freckles dotted her otherwise cute face, her medium-brown hair pulled back into a simple ponytail…

"Lady Rachel!" he pleaded again. "Don't let me founder like this…!"

Rachel simply smiled. "Say it."

"Say wha- Ah!" Realization dawned on the young man's face, as he began to blush. "I couldn't possibly…! It's too embarrassing…!"

"Embarrassing how? You and I are the only ones here, Thomas…" Rachel pointed out. "Now say it, and put your heart into it. Or do you wish to smother in the mire alone?"

As he slowly sank past his upper thighs, Thomas realized he had no choice. Steeling himself, he took a deep breath before declaring loudly:

"Oh, my lady Rachel! You are the loveliest woman in all the land! Though your face is not the prettiest, your heart is more beautiful than diamond, more precious than gold! All the wealth in the world cannot compare to your love! I would gladly brave the roughest mountain, the worst storm, even your father's wrath, just to be with you!" As he says this, he sinks to his stomach in the mire…

Rachel smiled at this. "Well done…" Undoing the clasp on her cloak, she lets it slide off her shoulders, and fall to the ground…

Underneath, she is wearing a simple, light blue, off-the shoulder gown, which hugs her curves as it cascades down to just above her ankles. She also wears matching full-length gloves to complement her dress. A simple quartz pendant hangs around her neck, in an inverted-teardrop shape, the point of the lower end emphasizing her slight cleavage…

Though this is not the first time Thomas has seen his lover dressed in such a manner, his mouth still goes dry at the sight before him… He even momentarily forgets the muck which now threatens to claim his ribcage… He watches as Rachel begins to gesture dramatically, before saying:

"Oh my poor, dear Thomas! What a heartfelt declaration of your love for me! Oh, how unfairly have you been judged! How wrongly you have been condemned! I cannot bear to live my life without you! I shall protest your judgement, by sharing in your punishment…" She begins to step forward, entering the quicksand, trudging through the slop to where her lover is sinking. Turning to face him, she begins to twist her hips and pump her legs, the folds of her dress disappearing as she slowly works herself down to his level…

"If we cannot be together in life, we shall be together in death… Together forever, in the depths of the quicksand!" She works herself down to her chest, her bosom gently floating on the wet surface, the light blue hue of her dress contrasting with the brown color of the mire…

Thomas shook his head. "M-milady, there is no need for you to throw your life away like thi-" He is abruptly cut off, as the young noblewoman presses a gloved finger to his lips.

"Silence. No more words," she gently commands. "Kiss me…" She puckers her lips, and leans forward, pressing her chest deeper into the mud… the peasant hesitates for a moment, before responding in kind…

It is like a shock of electricity as their lips meet. They inhale lightly through their nostrils, before moaning into each other's mouth… Despite their kiss being only a simple lip-lock, they can still taste each other as they both quiver with desire… Their shaking bodies causing the quicksand to take them down further…

It could be said, it was a kiss that literally moved the earth…

When Thomas finally parted from Rachel, he could feel the mud flowing into his armpits. Looking forward, he saw the last of his lover's cleavage disappear beneath the muck, her quartz pendant slowly sliding beneath the surface soon afterwards. All that was left of the the duchess was her mud-spattered shoulders, neck, and…

Thomas' breath catches in his throat upon seeing his beloved's face. Her expression is calm and serene, despite their impending doom. A gentle smile played over her lips, while her hazel eyes were filled with nothing but love for the man in front of her… A single strand of brown hair dangled in front of her face, tousled by the slight breeze…

Thomas was transfixed by the sight, unable to look away, even as the soft mud gently slimed over their shoulders and rose up their necks... It wasn't until he felt his chin press into the mud that he snapped out of his trance...

"Milady!" he gasped, as the mire lapped at his lower lip. "I fear we are about to join our ancestors!" He began to tilt his head back, to delay the inevitable...

"Hmmm. So it would seem," Rachel responded, her tone of voice not betraying even the slightest hint of concern. Tilting her own head back, she stated, "If this is to be our fate, I could think of far worse ways to go..."

"I suppose you are right," said Thomas, as his head sank into the quicksand. "Farewell then, Lady Rachel... I lo-blub-" His mouth submerged, but a surge of adrenaline enabled him to pull it free again briefly- "I love you!" he managed to get out, before the mire took him completely...

Though her ears were now filled with mud, Rachel still managed to hear her lover's final declaration, as well as the brief spray of bubbles that marked his submergence... "I love you too," she whispered, even as she felt the quicksand caress her freckled cheeks and tease at the corners of her mouth...

She parts her lips slightly, allowing mud to flow into her mouth, savoring the tastes and sensations...

She takes one last breath though her nostrils, before the muck clogs them as well...

She gently closes her eyes, before the mire closes them for her...

And then she is gone, another brief spray of filthy bubbles marking her passage from this world. The surface of the quicksand rocks for a few moments more, before going still...

Ordinarily, it would seem that this is where our story ends, with the two lovebirds forever immersed in the depths of the swamp…

But it was not to be so today.

A large bulge suddenly rose from the muck, which soon resolved itself into a roughly human shape. Thomas gasped and coughed as he took in precious air, before starting to wipe the mud from his face. When he is capable of opening his eyes, he is surprised that his beloved has not surfaced yet…

"M…milady?" he gently inquires. The bog remains still. "Lady Rachel?!" he repeats, panic starting to creep into his voice…

He needn't have worried, however, as the mud abruptly bulged upward in front of him, air exploding out of an opening near the top, before the bulge also resolves itself into a more human shape. Rachel coughed a bit as she caught her breath, not yet bothering to clean the muck from her own face as she simply draws in deep breaths of life giving air…

Thomas heaved a sigh of relief. "Milady, don't scare me like that! For a moment, I thought you might have truly perished…!"

Rachel manages to open one eye, smirking as she looks upon her muddy peasant lover. "Oh ye of little faith. You know that I like to test my endurance, to see how long I can last beneath the quicksand…" She wipes the muck from her other eye, and out of her nose…

"Why? To see if you can fool a band of ruffians into thinking that you foundered?" Thomas muttered.

"Something like that…" she responds. She leans back slightly, letting her gloved arms sink back in, her gently heaving bosom once again floating upon the moist mire… Thomas lets himself relax as well, though he keeps his forearms above the muck…

It is obvious now that the quicksand pit was not nearly as dangerous as it would seem… A fully-grown man or woman would only sink to their chest or shoulders before stopping, due to the laws of buoyancy. The two lovers had simply pulled themselves down slowly with their arms under the mud, making it seem as if they were sinking to their doom…

After a minute or so, Rachel broke the silence. "That was quite enjoyable, was it not?"

"Well… I can certainly say that I enjoyed the performance milady put on," Thomas smirked. "Still, I do not believe your father would have me executed in such a manner if he disapproved of our relationship… More likely, he would simply have me beheaded."

"Fortunate for you, then, that he does approve," she retorted with a smirk.

"Indeed. …if I may be so bold as to ask," he opined, "what is it about this quicksand that fascinates you so? I know that you initially returned to this place to get over your trauma from that incident, but..."

Rachel looked down, lightly biting her lip. "I am not sure myself," she admitted. "I have pondered and pondered it, but I cannot put my finger on it... Could it be that I simply enjoy the gritty feel of mud on my skin? Could it be the feeling of peril, of danger? Could it be a subtle rebellion against my clean and proper upbringing? Perhaps, do I somehow equate the feeling of being enveloped by the mire with being enveloped my mother's womb, before I was even born? Or is it a combination of any or all of these? I cannot say."

She looked back up at Thomas. "But I do know one thing for certain... this activity is far more enjoyable with you at my side." She smiled, bringing a blush to the young man's face.

"M-milady…" he stuttered, only for his beloved to once again silence him with a finger to his lips.

"No more words," she stated. Thomas doesn't wait for the rest of her request, immediately leaning forward and planting his lips on hers again…

The young duchess-to-be 'mmphs' in surprise at her lover's sudden action, having been caught off guard. Slowly she relaxes, closes her eyes, and settles into the kiss, clasping Thomas' hands in hers…

Only for the two to break off as they hear the familiar sound of a horse's gallop. The armored man riding atop the steed pulled back on the reins with a cry of "Whoooa!", stopping a few feet away from the pit. His coat-of-arms identified him as one of the duke's knights. Though his face was wrinkled, the physique beneath his chain-link armor showed he was still plenty capable in a fight.

"Ah, there you are, Lady Rachel," he said as he dismounted.

"Good afternoon, Barnes," Rachel greeted politely, not sounding the least bit embarrassed at having been discovered.

"G-good day, Sir Barnes," Thomas stammered out, grateful for the mud covering his reddening face.

As the knight approached the edge of the pit, he shook his head. "Frolicking in the mud pit again, are we?" he admonished, though he wore a smile on his face. "The maids are going to scream at having to clean your dress again…"

"Then I shall assist them in doing so," Rachel offered. "It is not as if I use this particular dress for much else, anyway…" She turned back to Thomas. "You have it easy. All you have to do is go jump in the nearby pond and you're clean again."

"It's not quite that simple," the blond man muttered in response. "I'll still have to wash my underwear when I get back home."

Barnes chuckled lightly. "So, Thomas, how does your mother fare?"

"S-she fares about as well as could be expected, for a woman of her age."

"Ah, good to hear…"

"Anyway, Barnes," Rachel cut in, "I assume Father sent you to fetch me?"

"He did indeed. It is nearly suppertime, after all."

"Well, as long as you are here, you may as well perform your knightly duty and rescue us from our peril." She pulls her beloved close, before pushing him toward the quicksand's edge…

"As you wish," Barnes assented, kneeling down and grasping Thomas by the wrists, before beginning to pull. Despite the mud's suction, the peasant is easily dragged free of the pit and onto solid ground.

"Thank you, Sir Barnes," Thomas panted as he was helped to his feet. "But how shall we save Lady Rachel? She is too far out of your reach, and I doubt you wish to risk entering the mire with your heavy armor." There is a tinge of mockery to his voice, as they are all aware that the noblewoman could simply swim out of the pit if she so wished…

"I believe you could use your spear and fish me out that way," she suggested.

"But your hands are too slick with mud to grasp it, milady," Barnes pointed out.

"My *gloves* are too covered in mud," Rachel countered. "My hands are not." With that, she peeled her gloves off and draped them around her neck, revealing relatively clean and dry hands underneath.

Barnes chuckled as he retrieved his spear. "Quite clever, milady…" He stuck the blunt end out to the trapped woman, who grasped it firmly, before he began to pull. Thomas grabbed onto the knight from behind, in order to assist him in his task… Between the two of them, Rachel was swiftly pulled free of the quicksand.

"Well done, Barnes," she complimented, slowly getting to her feet. She re-donned her gloves, before picking up her discarded cloak and wrapping it back around herself, mostly hiding her muddiness. "Well then, shall we be going?"

"Certainly," said Barnes, as he helped Rachel into the saddle, before mounting the horse himself.

"Farewell, milady," said Thomas. "Let us meet again sometime."

"So we shall. Farewell, Thomas. I love you." She smiled as she pulled the hood of her cloak over her head, before Barnes kicked the horse into gear, beginning their trip back to the duke's castle…

"I love you as well, milady!" Thomas called after her, watching as they vanished into the woods, before turning and going his own way. He was already looking forward to their next meeting…


Heh, Thomas is a lucky bastard, isn't he? As always, comments and critiques welcome!
Last edited by DJlurker on Sat Nov 04, 2017 2:01 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The Duchess and the Peasant

Postby PM2K » Sat May 09, 2015 5:31 am

I like it! :D

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Re: The Duchess and the Peasant

Postby stevensh12 » Sat Nov 04, 2017 1:02 am

Some art for this story has just surfaced ( pun intended) on deviantart under the artist A-020
i'm just an idiot with a box and a screwdriver

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Re: The Duchess and the Peasant

Postby DJlurker » Sat Nov 04, 2017 2:04 am

stevensh12 wrote:Some art for this story has just surfaced ( pun intended) on deviantart under the artist A-020

I know, I was the one who commissioned it ;) Here you go!
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Re: The Duchess and the Peasant

Postby stevensh12 » Sat Nov 04, 2017 3:22 am

DJlurker wrote:
stevensh12 wrote:Some art for this story has just surfaced ( pun intended) on deviantart under the artist A-020

I know, I was the one who commissioned it ;) Here you go!

And a fine commission it is too I always tried to imagine how she looked and now I know
i'm just an idiot with a box and a screwdriver

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Re: The Duchess and the Peasant

Postby SmileyMcDeath » Wed Nov 22, 2017 7:54 pm

DJlurker wrote:
stevensh12 wrote:Some art for this story has just surfaced ( pun intended) on deviantart under the artist A-020

I know, I was the one who commissioned it ;) Here you go!

I think that I would enjoy going under with her, resurfacing optional :D

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Re: The Duchess and the Peasant

Postby DJlurker » Thu Nov 23, 2017 12:53 pm

SmileyMcDeath wrote:
DJlurker wrote:
stevensh12 wrote:Some art for this story has just surfaced ( pun intended) on deviantart under the artist A-020

I know, I was the one who commissioned it ;) Here you go!

I think that I would enjoy going under with her, resurfacing optional :D

Well, I would want to resurface, so we could enjoy this together again and again! ;)

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Re: The Duchess and the Peasant

Postby DJlurker » Tue Dec 05, 2017 3:16 am

BTW, in case you didn't know, I also wrote a sequel:

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Re: The Duchess and the Peasant

Postby Black Clay Lord » Sun Aug 14, 2022 12:33 am

A rather romantic story.
There is but one certainty - every end marks a new beginning. "—and methodically knocking peoples' hats off. Then I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I ca—"

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