Full Time

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Full Time

Postby fonejackman » Thu Apr 14, 2022 11:23 pm

“Are you sure this is the right place?” Natasha asked her friend.

“I think so” Katie replied whilst observing the Google map displayed on her phone. They were standing in the centre of a large open space flanked by trees in all directions yet there were no pitch marks, flags or goalposts in sight.

“Tell me you haven’t got us lost!” the redheaded girl barked at Katie.

“I haven’t, gimme a moment!” Katie steadfastly declared. Natasha knew however that they were pretty much in the middle of nowhere. The girls were supposed to be at soccer practice which started in 10 minutes but that now looked increasingly unlikely.

“You know coach is going to kill us, right?” Natasha groaned. “He’s going to make us run laps around the pitch or worse, give us cold showers”.

“Relax will you Tash!” Katie reassured her friend as she paced up and down the meadow.

Natasha sighed as she fiddled with her long red hair, tied back in a ponytail. Natasha stood at 5’10 and possessed a slimline figure, the result of playing football for a number of years. She had a passion for the beautiful game ever since she was young; a passion inherited from her father who played for her local football team. It was at soccer practice, that she met Katie and the two became best friends straight from the off. Katie had almost all the same physical characteristics as Natasha; a slim body, long blonde hair and a down-to-earth personality to boot.

Although she loved her friend, Katie had a habit of being a tad bit ditzy, which often resulted in the pair of them running afoul of their coach.

“I should have just walked to the pitch myself” Natasha said in her mind. Since Katie was the only one of the two who could drive, she would often give her friend lifts to practice and back. In Katie’s defence however, their coach changed the usual practice location at such short notice. Still she could’ve made more of an effort to check the location properly beforehand.

After 10 minutes of walking, Katie returned to her friend.

“Don’t think this look like the place” she said nonchalantly.

“You think?!” Natasha exclaimed “Did you just figure that out? If we have to run laps around the pitch, I’m blaming you!” an angry scowl now emerged on the girl’s face.

“I’m sorry!” the blonde replied. “It’s probably too late now anyway!” Katie shrugged. “Besides missing one practice session won’t hurt”.

“You might not think that, but don’t come crying to me when we lose the match on Saturday” Natasha sometimes felt that Katie was a bit flippant in regards to her training.

“Oh stop being so uptight Tash!” Katie said in an attempt to calm her best friend. “Besides, I’ve got some footballs in my car, why don’t we just practice here?”

Natasha paused for a moment and then realized that the alternative would be to stand in the field doing practically nothing. If ever there was an alternative.

“Well, alright then”

And with that, Katie ventured off towards her car, returning a few seconds later with two large footballs and two orange cones.

“So what shall we start with?” Natasha enquired.

“How about some dribbling?”

The two girls then proceeded to take turns weaving their way around the cones. Followed by some kick-ups and then a series of general exercises. In some ways, Natasha felt a sense of enjoyment, she never usually had this much fun doing warmup under their coach, it felt too rigid and too regimented. Here, it was looser and the two girls were free to do their own training without a burly jock yelling in their ears every ten seconds.

“Man, I’m pooped!” Katie said aloud.

“Me too, let’s take five” Natasha agreed.

The two girls walked back to the car where she retrieved two medium-sized water bottles.

“Here, catch!” Katie hurling one at her friend.

“Thanks” a grateful Natasha opened the lid and brought the bottle to her mouth, allowing the cool, clear liquid to traverse down her throat. There was nothing more satisfying after a rigorous training session.

Just as she was drinking, Natasha glanced at her friend. Standing there in her red and white football shirt with black shorts exposing her bare legs, a strange sensation ran through the redhead’s mind and it caused her to blush slightly.

“What?” Katie noticed her friend eyeing her.

“Nothing” Natasha replied as she took another sip from her water bottle.

“Do you think we’ll win the match on Saturday?” Katie inquired.

“Well we have played them before and we lost…but this time around, they don’t have their striker, I hear on the grapevine that she’s sprained her ankle” Natasha stated.

The two girls continually took sips from their water bottles; the sound of singing birds echoing throughout the forest.

“Hey, wanna practice some penalty shootouts?” the blonde asked.

“We have no nets”

“So? We can use cones, they’re good enough, aren’t they?” Katie cajoled.

“I suppose so…but I call shotgun on goal!”

“Aww! Not fair!” the blonde pouted.

“You can go after me” Natasha exclaimed.


Katie then walked over towards the cones and picked them up, re-positioning them in one corner of the field a few inches from each other. Her friend soon followed her, eventually placing herself between the two cones whilst Katie fetched one of the balls and placed it some yards from the redhead as if she was taking a real penalty kick. The blonde slowly motioned herself away from the ball and started doing her best soccer commentary impression.

“It all comes down to this, the final of the World Cup, can she score the winning goal for her team” Katie exclaimed.

Natasha crouched down, knees bent and arms outstretched, ready to pounce.

“Running up to the ball, surely she can’t miss!” In no time at all, Katie started running towards the ball grinning all the while with the confidence that she would score yet she mistimed her shot and kicked the ball with such force that it disappeared into the trees. Natasha couldn’t help but stifle a giggle at her friend’s pathetic attempt.

“You call that soccer?” Natasha mocked.

“Shut up, I was just practicing, that’s all” Katie replied. “Let me try again”

“Nope, you’ve got to swap now”.

Katie was keen to have another go but being the good friend she was, she reluctantly relinquished the position of goalkeeper. Besides, there was always a next time.

Taking the place of the redhead, Katie adopted the same bodily stance Natasha did whilst it was the latter’s turn to give the commentary.

“Can she make something of this, the other team have blown their chance and she could score to take home the cup! Will she do it?”

Natasha ran up to the ball before stopping momentarily and then running again, hoping her feint would catch Katie off guard. Unfortunately for the redhead, it backfired as she too got her timing disastrously wrong and kicked rather awkwardly, causing the ball to vanish into the forest and for Katie to blurt out into laughter.

“What was that all about? Did you forget to have breakfast this morning?” the blonde teased.

“Good lord, am I really that bad?” Natasha said to herself.

“Hey don’t beat yourself up about it, at least nobody’s watching” Katie reassured.

“Yeah…” Natasha blushed; if the coach or her teammates were to witness this awful display, they would be giving her hell.

“I wonder what coach would say?” Natasha asked.

“Ooh I dread to think” Katie shuddered.

“Hey, there’s no time like the present to improve is there? We can still try and…oh…” Natasha trailed off as she saw that there no more balls around her, the two that they used having been sent behind the trees.

“Katie, do you have any more footballs in your car at all?”

“No” the blonde replied.

“Looks like we’re going to have to retrieve them, huh?”

“I don’t know Tash…something tells me it’s not a good idea…” Katie said with a tinge of hesitation in her voice.

“Tell me you’re not a scaredy-cat, are you?” Natasha said.

“No I’m not. It’s just…” she trailed off.

“Yes you are!” Natasha mocked.

“Shut up! I’m not!” Katie cried defensively.

“Prove it then”

“OK I will!” With that remark, Katie stormed away from her friend and into the murky forest.

“Damn, how far did we kick those balls?” Katie asked in her mind as she walked through the dense undergrowth. She didn't have to wait long for an answer.

“A-ha! There you are!” Katie exclaimed. She spotted the two balls, one of which was resting on a bank with tall reeds, the other a little further away.

“Oh great, it’s probably covered in mud” Katie groaned, the thought of having to walk back in dirty attire did not excite her.

Nevertheless, she marched over to where the first ball was located but just as she was approaching, she felt the ground give out underneath her feet causing the blonde to shriek audibly.

“Ahhhh! What the hell?” Katie could see that her football boots were slowly being engulfed by the muddy earth.

“Eww! Oh God, I hate mud!” Katie grimaced. She attempted to free herself by lifting her toned legs yet all it did was make her sink even more.
“Ugh, Why can’t I get out?” she groaned in frustration.

Whilst all this was taking place, the mud had now all but swallowed her feet.

“I can’t get out…oh God, oh God, oh God!!” Katie was beginning to hyperventilate, she tried her best to remain calm but that was very difficult given the circumstances. She was not enjoying the sensation of the mud one bit, it felt damp yet at the same time thick and boggy.

With nothing around in sight to help her, all the blonde could do was cry out for her friend.


Just as she was about to take another sip from her water bottle, Natasha could hear the blonde’s screams emanating from within the forest.

“Katie?” Katie, is that you?”


“Hang on, Katie! I’m coming!” Natasha rushed headlong into the trees to her friend’s aid.

“Please hurry!” the blonde cried. Natasha arrived to the sight of her stricken friend, her lower thighs trapped in the clutches of the mire.


“Don’t worry Katie, I’m here now!” she hastily sprinted towards the blonde.

“TASH, WATCH OUT!” Unfortunately, Katie’s warning cry came just a second too late.

“Aah!” Natasha was completely caught off-guard by the hidden depths of the mud, causing her to lose her balance and land straight into the pit close to where her friend was.

“Oh my god! What is this stuff?” Natasha exclaimed in repulsion.

“Now we’re both stuck and sinking, what are we going to do?” Katie said, her despair becoming more prevalent.

Natasha started scanning around to see if there was anything that could release them from the muddy death trap. A glimmer of hope emerged when Katie encountered a long tree branch overhead but that hope was instantly dashed by how far above it was located.

“Natasha, there’s a branch above me, see if you can reach it!”

The young woman extended her left arm towards the branch but no matter how much effort she put in, her efforts were in vain.

“Oh, it’s no use!” Natasha said. The calm façade she had earlier was fast fading. With nothing else in sight to help them out, panic had now well and truly set in.

“HELP, ANYONE? PLEASE HELP US!” Natasha yelled at the top of her lungs.

“It’s no use Tash, there’s nobody here, we’re doomed!” Katie then started to sob softly.

“Don’t cry Katie! Help will come, it has to…” Natasha tried to reassure her friend. But optimism only got them so far before they knew it, the girls were now up to their knees.

To soothe her, Natasha run her fingers across Katie’s face in an attempt to stop the tears from falling. It was at that point that the strange feelings Natasha experienced earlier returned, only this time with more intensity.

“Have I told you how beautiful you look when you’re crying?” Natasha asked her friend.

Katie looked somewhat taken aback by this sudden remark. She didn’t react but instead blushed and turned her head away.

“Tash, what are you saying, I…” Natasha cut her off by placing her index finger on her lips.

“Shh, you don’t need to say anything…” the redhead said placidly.

Katie was wondering how on Earth Natasha had suddenly gone all calm. Here they were about to be consumed by the deathly brown muck and she was strangely acting like it was no big deal. Was this an act? Was she trying to put on a brave show?

“You know…” she continued. “You have the most beautiful eyes in the world…” The blonde didn’t know whether to thank her or act shocked. Her emotions were all over the place.

“And the most gorgeous face…and legs…and I bet you have the most gorgeous mouth” Natasha said with a cheeky grin.

In an instant, the fear that Katie had gradually subsided and it was replaced by a mix of confusion and reassurance.

“For as long as I can remember, I’ve always loved you.” Natasha continued to lay bare her feelings. Feelings that have remained bottled up for a long time.

And to show that she well and truly meant what she was saying, Natasha slowly leaned over towards her friend. Her lips came into contact with those of her friend’s and the two young women exchanged a loving kiss.

For Katie, it was bliss. She had only ever been kissed once by her ex-boyfriend but it simply didn’t compare to what Natasha was offering her. This time, it was genuine, it was what love should feel like.

After a few seconds, the pair briefly separated before Katie reciprocated the gesture with more vigour as she placed her hands on Natasha’s face and drew them closer, their lips meeting once again.

With each second that went by, the fiery emotions became more fervent. The fact that they were sinking in thick mud only served to heat up the passion. By now, the two girls had sunk to their upper thighs.

Whilst they were making out, Katie grabbed the hems of Natasha’s shirt and slowly pulled it off of her body, revealing her ample-sized chest in the process. Flinging the shirt aside, it landed with a soft plop on the bank beside the mire.

The redhead then reciprocated the gesture by stripping Katie of her own shirt and tossing it away from the mire, landing right next to her own. Their chests were now uncovered, their nipples exposed to the cool breeze and the mud was slowly but surely seeping its way into their private regions.
Natasha drove her right hand straight into the mire and rummaged through the sticky brown substance for Katie’s soft labia. The treasure found, Katie groaned audibly, her moans echoing throughout the dense woodland.

“Uh! Uh! Uh! Don’t stop Tash! Don’t stop!” she exclaimed. Natasha then placed her left hand over one of the blonde’s breasts and gently groped it.

Katie returned the advances of her friend by placing her own hand into the bog. She felt the soft fabric of Natasha’s shorts and tugged at it, exposing Natasha’s pussy to the cool brown mud. The redhead squealed once Katie had found her G-spot and began fingering the young woman.

“Oh my God, oh my God! Aah! Aah!” Natasha cried.

“Katie, I’m going to come!” Natasha yelled.

“Me too!” the blonde replied.

The climax was building inside both girls. They were sinking towards certain death but they couldn’t focus on that, they were too lost in the rapture.
“AHHH! AHHH! AHHHHHHHH!” Natasha and Katie exploded in one final scream in unison as they both ended up ejaculating into the mire.

Their breathing laboured and sweat trickling down over their faces, both girls collapsed back into the mud; their uncovered rears now gobbled up by the muddy morass.

Suddenly, the fear that Katie had experienced earlier resurfaced.

“Natasha, what are we going to do?! We’re sinking and there’s nobody around for miles!” she uttered.

“It doesn’t matter anymore” Natasha answered, she had already accepted her fate. “Come closer to me…”

The blonde gently nuzzled her head between Natasha’s neck and sternum and looked up at her friend. She looked gorgeous with her bright azure eyes and long red hair gently flowing with the wind.

“I love you Natasha” the blonde said.

“I love you too” Natasha dipped her head slightly and the two resumed kissing once again. Under the muddy surface, Katie shifted her hands over the young woman’s bare back; slowly caressing her skin. It was smooth to the touch, almost silk-like. At the same time, she could feel her friend’s hand gently fondling her toned ass.

The feeling of dread subsided once again and all Katie could thinking about was her and Natasha making out under the mire which was just as well, now that the quicksand had reached their midriffs.

The redhead momentarily released herself from Katie’s lips.

“Hey at least we don’t have to worry about losing on Saturday…” Natasha japed.

“Three own goals, do you wanna bet?” the blonde quipped back; to which Natasha quietly chortled before resuming their make-out session. Now the mud was reaching the underside of their breasts.

Both girls quietly shrieked at the frigid muck coming into contact with their hard nipples. Another orgasm was on the horizon. Sure enough, Katie and Natasha began moaning and touching each other again vigorously.

“Katie! Ahh! Take me now!” Natasha cried out. Despite being pinned underneath the quicksand, Katie found that she was able to just about shift her body but it was enough to reach her friend that little bit closer.

It only took a few minutes or so for both girls to reach their point of climax once more.

Neither Natasha nor Katie bothered to try and free themselves from the mud or call for help, they had spent all their energy in going down on each other and in any event, they were well beyond the point of no return.

But that was of little concern, even as the mud was approaching their chins.

The pair tilted their heads towards the sky; it was turning a darker shade of grey, indicating that rainfall was imminent.

“I have a feeling it’s going to rain soon” Natasha commented.

“Well in that case we’ll be wet in more ways than one!” Katie japed.

The two of them couldn’t help but burst out into fits of laughter.

The pair soon stopped giggling and looked up at the clouds gradually losing their whiteness and closed their eyelids, preparing themselves for the inevitable.

“Bet ya I sink first!” Katie boasted.

“You wish!” Even as the brown substance was slowly creeping up over their faces, they never lost their sense of humour. It was the only thing that stopped them from losing their minds.

And then silence took over as the mud seeped across their eyes, noses and eventually their mouths in one quick gulp. All that remained were the trees dancing along with the breeze.

For Natasha and Katie, the final whistle had blown for them.

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Re: Full Time

Postby Theo » Tue May 03, 2022 5:09 am

I’m not sure if this was your original idea or not, but I actually found the basic premise of your story rather intriguing. One friend avails her long repressed feelings to calm her hysterical friend, and distract her from the grim reality of their impending demise. However unrealistic such a scenario may be, I’ve always found the idea of one spending their last moments pleasuring themselves quite enticing. Sort of like, “better to laugh, then to cry,” or more accurately, “better to enjoy yourself, then to despair.”

I feel bad for nitpicking again, but just couldn’t help myself. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but I feel like the lead up to the erotic part could’ve been a little better, like maybe if they’d sunk a little deeper and struggled a little more before losing all hope of escape. And I also noticed a minor inconsistency when you said Katie was up her “lower thighs,” then a few lines later, you wrote, “the girls were now up to their knees.”

Nevertheless, it didn’t have any problem holding my attention and stirring my imagination. As always, can’t wait to see what you post next :D
Finally broke down and went to see a psychologist. She told me I just have an overactive imagination—and it really excited her. We're going sinking next weekend. Theo's AI Quicksandbox New stuff every weekend (unless life gets in the way)

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Re: Full Time

Postby Solrex » Tue May 31, 2022 9:38 am

Really good story. Quick anatomy lesson though.

It goes foot, calves, knee, thighs. The upper thigh and lower thigh would still both be above the knee. Correct me if I am wrong.

But man, that was hot, and horny, and I wanna be one of the two of them. I pictured myself as Katie at times.

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