Quicky Sanders Collection

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Re: Quicky Sanders Collection

Postby Viridian » Fri Dec 10, 2021 10:03 am

Under Construction

Hotel heiress Tia Wellington placed her cocktail glass on the table. Excusing herself from the guests, she made her way towards the bathroom. She flashed a smile at the security guard, and more than a bit of cleavage. "I think Mr Hilton over there has had a bit too much to drink. Would you mind escorting him to his vehicle?" The guard, flushing from the personal attention from one of the richest women in the world, scuttled off to do his duty. With him out of the way, Tia walked past the bathrooms, entered the maintenance hallway, and out the back door.

Like the party, the hotel was just a fake front. Her father was obligated to throw a soft launch party for the investors, who were given luxury rooms. But the back of the hotel was a mere concrete and steel shell. The money had dried up, the workers were not being paid, and the pandemic had crippled their ability to keep the project going. Standing by one of the incomplete balconies, she looked out over the vacant lot. More tragic than the half-complete hotel was the second wing - or what was supposed to be the second wing. Originally meant to be built simultaneously, the lot was mostly vacant, with only a few construction vehicles dotted around the site, but virtually no work had been done, and no buyers had been found to take up that part of the property.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of heels echoing down the hall. She turned to find a familiar face.

"Getting stuffy back there, don't you think?" said the dark-haired woman.

It had been months since Tia had tried to silence the reporter from leaking her family ties to the mob. But after the mob held them both hostage and extorted ransom money from her father, Tia felt a connection to Sanders and her efforts to reveal the truth, even at risk to her own life. She had been lying low, watching the mob take over more of the family business. She needed someone to know what was happening before it was too late, and Sanders was the only one she could trust.

"Let's go for a walk," said Tia. "There are too many eyes and ears around here. I need to show you something."

The two women disappeared from the hotel grounds. Tia led the way to the vacant construction site, slipping through the unlocked fence. The night was cold and there was a slight drizzle, and their low-cut evening gowns and heels were ill-suited for the outdoor work site. The damp ground was slippery, though they avoided the worst of it by traversing the wooden planks that zigzagged across the site.

"It's the mob," Tia blurted out, unable to find a way to tactfully breach the topic. "They're virtually in control of the business now. They forced my father to employ their people. They control the books. They're using the hotel as a front for their activities. And this," she waved at the empty site around them, "is how they will ruin our family name."

"I'm no expert," said Sanders, "but I don't think this meets any legal guidelines." There were none of the typical signs she expected on a worksite. Equipment was left precariously in the open. Even the boards they were walking over looked improvised - they had no handrails, and they felt unsteady over the soft soil beneath.

"That's exactly it," said Tia. "The mob have been sabotaging the whole project. The inspectors are going to have a field trip, and my father is going to take the hit. Look at that." Tia pointed to a truck that had partially sunk into the muddy ground. "The mob knew that this lot wasn't suited for heavy construction. Last week a worker nearly died after they got stuck in a sinkhole. We're working through the compensation now. There are dozens of these cases lined up, and more waiting to happen." Tia felt flustered, her voice beginning to shake. "I'm telling you this because...I don't know how to get out of this. I just want you to know that it's not us. My father's being used, and if something happens, it's over for him, for me...I know I sound like a rich spoiled brat. I know you don't trust me after everything I did to you. I just...it's the truth. I just want you to know before something happens."

"Hey, it's okay, I believe you," said Sanders, placing her hand on Tia's shoulder. "I've been through this with the mob too. You're putting yourself in a lot of danger by revealing this. I'll do my best to make sure the truth is known. Now let's get back to the party. It's getting a bit too chilly out here, don't you think?"

As they crossed the wooden boards, they suddenly felt the ground move. They planted their feet and tried to keep their balance, but the board they were standing on broke free and began to slide. "It's a sinkhole!" Tia shouted. "Jump!"

It was too late. The entire section collapsed, plunging them into a deep muddy pit.
Sanders - Under Construction.jpg

"Ugh!" Tia groaned. "My dress is ruined!"

"I think we've got bigger problems," said Sanders. Apart from the steep, slippery walls that surrounded them, and they had sunk chest-deep in thick mud. Then she noticed that bubbles were forming on the surface.

"It's the water main!" said Tia. "My father got fined when the builders broke the main. That's why we stopped the construction. The builders never fixed it, so it's been leaking since. That explains the sinkholes. This whole lot is like giant pit of..." Tia froze, realising their peril. "Quicksand!"

The ladies tried to wriggle free of the thick mud, but it was no use. Their arms were pinned to their bodies like cement. Whatever small gains they made were immediately lost when the sand pulled them back down. The water leak continued to bubble through the mud, keeping it liquefied, and the women continued to slip deeper. Tia watched helpless as the quicksand began to rise over her large breasts. She squirmed in a futile effort to resist its advance. Sanders was no better. Then, they felt their descent stop. Their feet reached a denser, more solid layer.

"We've stopped sinking!" said Sanders. "Whatever you do, don't move!"

"What do we do now?" asked Tia. "Our arms are stuck, and if we move, we'll sink again!"

Calling out for help was useless. No one would hear or see them in the dark pit in the middle of a fenced-off construction site. Those at the party would not miss them. They braced themselves at the thought of being trapped overnight until the morning shift found them. But then she remembered that it was Friday. No one would come by until Monday morning - if even then.

As the pair settled up to their breasts in the bubbling mud, they pondered their remaining options. Would their resourcefulness show them a way out, or would their disappearances lead to the downfall of the Wellington family business?
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Re: Quicky Sanders Collection

Postby 3478127881 » Sun Jan 23, 2022 4:27 am

So,what about swift sable?I am looking forward for Seth more!What will the madam do to her?
Also,looking forward for more “sinking while bonding”!

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Re: Quicky Sanders Collection

Postby sixgunzloaded » Mon Jan 24, 2022 1:44 pm

These last several pics and stories have been really nice! I particularly liked 'Blown Away' with Quicky and Vicky on their butts in the quicksand. Sanders' little short boots and the way she has hers legs above the surface are really hot. :D
And Victoria is really pretty in 'Wild Ride'. And great scene settings for all of them. Your imagination is very fertile ground!
'Under Construction' brought back a fun childhood memory for me. I was always intrigued by those muddy holes in construction sites where, after it rains, the bottoms always filled with that really creamy, smooth looking mud (I think they call those 'sippee holes' or something?). One day when I was about 12-13, a friend and I decided to walk through one. It was only about a foot deep or so but it was really thick and hard to trudge through. We both had a good laugh about it but I think I was the only one who got a little more out of it, watching her trying to lift her feet to walk. :lol:
Anyway, your drawing reminded me of that. So thank you twice! :D Well done!
How long did Tarzan watch before deciding to save Jill..?

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Re: Quicky Sanders Collection

Postby Viridian » Fri Feb 25, 2022 1:09 pm

The Rival
This was it – just as the tip-off described. A hundred metres away from the locked gate was a hole in the chain fence. It was a bit of a fit for the busty reporter, but Sanders was able to get through. As she approached the old, white office building, her heels crunching against the sandy ground. She froze when the door swung open. Someone was here!

“Quyen Sanders,” said the woman. “Always on top of things.”

Sanders looked at the brunette. “Georgia Myer. I didn’t think I’d see you here.”

“Whereas I expected you to be here, star reporter that you are.” Myer smiled.

“You were tipped off too?”

“No. In fact, the anonymous tip-off…was none other than me.”

Sanders gave her a puzzled look. “Are you just here to waste my time?”

“More than that,” Myer replied. “You see, I was getting a bit tired of seeing you get all the credit for uncovering all these crime rings. And I owe a bit of money to someone. So when the chance came to get some cash at the expense of handing over my dear rival, I felt it was time for a new vacancy and a new name in the headlines.”

Sanders saw a man appear from behind Sanders, aiming a gun. She raised her hands, caught helplessly in Myer’s trap.

“You’re making a mistake, Myer!” Sanders snarled, removing her blouse. “You can’t trust the mob!”

The Rival.jpg

Sanders was, of course, right. Not only had the mob stripped her to her underwear, they had done the same to Myer. "What are you doing?" she yelled. "This wasn't part of the deal!"

"You reporters are all the same," said the crook. "It'd be nice if you all just disappeared and left us alone. Speaking of disappearing..." He snickered. He gestured to the men. Without hesitation, they shoved the half-naked reporters into the quarry pit. As soon as they hit the bottom, their legs plunged into thick, sucking sand. "Quicksand!" Sanders cried. "No!"

"Maybe you two can sort out your differences down there," said the crook, laughing as he led his men away, leaving the two reporters to struggle.

"Ugh, I can't believe this mess!" Myer moaned, looking at the sand climbing over her belly.

"You can't believe it?" Sanders yelled. "You're the one who got us into this mess! What were you thinking?"

"Look, I'm sorry, okay? I thought I could one-up you at least once. I thought they were going to just... I dunno, intimidate you or something. I didn't think they were going to try to kill us!"

As the quicksand reached their breasts, the reporters realised they would have to work together to escape. But was that going to be possible?
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Re: Quicky Sanders Collection

Postby Viridian » Sun May 22, 2022 4:04 pm

As the boat sank beneath the waves, two figures desperately clung onto a lifebuoy, keeping their heads above the water as best they could while the current carried them. Finally, a wave swept them up and carried them to the distant shore. They coughed and spluttered as they crawled up the sandy beach, relieved that they had not met the misfortune of being through against the rocks, or worse - stuck on the ship. The survivors looked at each other incredulously. "What are the chances?" reporter Quicky Sanders mused, realising that her accomplice was none other than the heiress, Tia Wellington - likely the target of the bombing. "I wonder which gang your family pissed off this time."

"I'd rather not stick around to find out," said Tia. Her bluntness was out of character, but her recent experiences with the mob had eroded away much of her naivety. Her concern was rooted in common sense too. They were stranded on an island with no way to signal for help, nor were they well equipped to last long. Regardless, their plan was to get off the exposed beach and see if they could find help.

They didn't get far.

The remote island was left untouched for a reason: it was notorious for its quicksand. The two ladies soon discovered this for themselves when the beach suddenly opened up and swallowed their feet. Already exhausted from their escape from the boat, they could do little to resist the quicksand pulling them down. They could only struggle meekly as their legs slipped into the warm, soft sand. They watched helplessly as the sand crept over their hips, then their waists. Their revealing gowns, suitable for the classy cruise ship, offered little protection as the sand slipped and slurped over their exposed skin.

Soon the sand began to reach for their bosoms, and they realised they were going to be in for a long wait...
Sanders - Marooned.jpg

Despite their peril, the two women had managed to stay calm and kept their movements to a minimum. It was impossible to stay completely motionless, however. Every now and then the sand would shift beneath their weight, causing them to slip deeper and lose balance, in turn shifting the sand further. It was an agonising waiting game, and they only had a limited time. On the other hand, the quicksand could take as long as it wanted. With the women trapped in its grasp, the quicksand seemed to enjoy playing with them, oozing around their submerged bodies, lulling them into a sense of safety, then moving when they least expected it.

Tia looked down at the quicksand pushing up against her breasts. With her arms stuck against her sides, Tia was unable to stop herself from sinking deeper. She watched as the oozing sand fondled her, finding its way between and around her proud breasts. Her chest lifted as she took deep breaths, but even with that effort, she inched deeper.

Sanders was having a more difficult time. She had been wearing underneath her dress, and the quicksand found that she was particularly sensitive to the smooth sand moving between her legs. The looser gown gave the sand plenty of room to invade, and the weight of the sand began to pull the dress down. Her struggling had caused the straps to slip off her shoulders, and with her arms stuck, she couldn't do anything to stop the quicksand from undressing her. The sand eagerly reached, uninhibited, for her bare breasts. Sanders let out an involuntary moan, knowing that the quicksand was having its way with her.

And so they struggled to keep above the sucking sand, balancing between fear and pleasure, few words exchanged between them as they alternated between holding their breath and moaning softly, neither wanting to admit that deep down, they were experiencing waves of arousal. Then, to break the tension, the sound of a helicopter echoed across the sea.

Their hopes were soon dashed when they realised they had no way to signal to it. They were stuck and sinking in quicksand. It was too far to spot the sinking ladies, and with the fading light, it would soon have to turn back...
Sanders - Marooned 2.jpg

As the helicopter flew in the distance, oblivious to their peril, Tia was reminded of her current predicament. The quicksand continued to squeeze around her chest. Her dress, already barely able to keep her ample breasts in check, suddenly snapped at the strap, releasing her boobs and allowing the sand to have unrestricted access. She gasped as the quicksand wasted no time in becoming intimate with her, her involuntary movement causing her and Sanders to slip deeper into the deadly sand.

About an hour passed, and the two ladies had settled past their shoulders, the sand encircling their necks, threatening to pull them under while they resisted the deadly temptation beneath the surface. Hope seemed lost, but apparently wealth had some unexpected benefits. The pilots of the search and rescue helicopter, after being berated by a certain Mr Wellington, had remained in the air for longer they had planned, combing the sea for any trace of the heiress. Spurred at first by the tirade, then by the promise of a reward, the rescuers spotted the sand island close to the sunken boat. On their first pass, they shone their searchlight over the sand, illuminating the two survivors.

They smiled, relieved that their ordeal was over, and not a moment too soon. As they awaited the rescuers to retrieve them, a tingle through Sanders' body reminded her of their nakedness. The quicksand had pulled off most of her dress. Glancing at Tia's now-bare shoulders, she wasn't much better off. Their rescue would certainly leave them quite exposed, and she hoped that the helicopter didn't have any nosy reporters wanting to get the scoop on Tia's survival...
Sanders - Marooned 3.jpg
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Re: Quicky Sanders Collection

Postby sixgunzloaded » Mon May 23, 2022 6:58 pm

Yay, a series! :D Well told and well illustrated! I particularly like the second pic. Both girls are really pretty in this one and Tia's hair looks especially nice here. Good below-the-surface shot as well.
It was also fun how the quicksand undressed them little by little! Thanks! :D
How long did Tarzan watch before deciding to save Jill..?

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Re: Quicky Sanders Collection

Postby Viridian » Sat Jul 09, 2022 2:14 pm

Abandoned Mine
A bright light blinded Sanders when she regained consciousness. She tried to cover her eyes, but her hands were bound above her head. Her wrists were tied to a pipe above her, only high enough for her to be awkwardly kneeling. As her vision adjusted, she could see that she had been detained in some kind of cavern, pipes running overhead and along the wall. She remembered where she was. Earlier, she had been investigating illegal operations in the old mines and finding evidence of criminal activity. Evidently, she had been caught snooping around, winding her up in another perilous situation.

She heard a voice outside the chamber. "Tell Miguel that the girl's awake." Miguel, as it turned out, was the leader of the operation, a contractor for the company that owned the mine, but was doing a side-hustle that he wanted to keep underground - literally. He stood on a platform raised slightly above the bound reporter.

"You know, the mining is a dangerous field," he said, voice booming through the cavern. "You never know what you might find. I never thought I'd find a nosy reporter trying to expose my perfectly legitimate business. Look who's exposed now!"

The men chuckled. Sanders looked down to see that her blouse had been ripped open. The crooks had been very keen to pat her down while she had been unconscious. She blushed, but with her arms tied she could do nothing to cover herself.

"Let me go!" she demanded, struggling against her ropes. "I won't tell anyone, I promise!"

"But you've only just skimmed the surface!" Miguel retorted. "I thought you, a reporter, would want to see how deep the rabbit hole goes! Ever wondered why this mine was abandoned? It's because there's nothing here worth digging up. It was too dangerous. Too much water. But the higher-ups don't care. They kept pushing us to dig deeper. And we did, until we got hurt. So we decided that if we were going to be pushed around, we'll take what we deserve. We get paid for the work we say we do, whether we do it or not. As long as we keep the lights on and machines running, the executives won't know. We get our money, no one gets hurt. The last thing we need is some good-for-nothing reporter to spoil our arrangement."

"The truth will come out," said Sanders. "They'll find out about your embezzlement."

"Probably, but I'll be long gone, unlike you. Let me tell you a secret. We dug into this cavern and nearly died here. The ground is extremely saturated. When we turned the machines on, the vibrations agitated the soil. We nearly lost a few good workers. We left you here so you can find out the truth. We're going back to 'work' and we'll let the machines run. In about ten minutes, this whole room will turn into quicksand. Now you will know what it's like to be in our position. And if you manage to get out, you can tell the world the truth." Miguel paused. "If you get out."

The machinery whirred and spun into action. Fluids poured into the pipes and the smell of hot oil and exhaust filled the cavern. The noise drowned out Sanders' cries for mercy as the workers left her. She had no time to waste. She could already feel the water flowing through the ground as it sagged beneath her weight like a sponge. She wriggled and twisted her hands. The ropes were looped around many times, but they were not so tight. The men had been sloppy with their rope work, allowing her to get her slender wrists free with some effort. Finally, she was able to get one hand free. Getting out of her cramped half-kneel, she stood up to untie the rest of the rope.

Then the ground open up, plunging the reporter into a thick, slurping quagmire. Caught off by the sudden change in consistency, Sanders tried to grab the pipe before she was pulled down. She missed. In the last moment she managed to grab the loose end of the rope, which was still looped around the pipe, arresting her sudden descent. She was now effectively dangling from the pipe while waist deep in quicksand. She tried to lift herself up, but she didn't have the strength to overcome the suction of the mud.

She now realised the devious trap Miguel had set for her. If she managed to untie herself, she would have to cross the deadly quicksand to escape. Unsure of how deep it was, she couldn't take that risk. She had to wait until the machines stopped and the ground solidified.
Sanders - Abandoned Mine.jpg

The chamber was growing warmer. She began to sweat. Weakened by the heat, her arms trembled, her hands losing their grip on her lifeline. Her success in loosening the rope had turned her only security into a liability as her hands began to slip, and the quicksand eagerly devoured more of the reporter. Had she, like the miners, dug too deep?
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Last edited by Viridian on Sun Jul 10, 2022 3:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Quicky Sanders Collection

Postby MadMax359 » Sat Jul 09, 2022 8:30 pm

Best Quicky Sanders story and artwork ever :twisted:
The strong do what they want, the weak do what they must

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Re: Quicky Sanders Collection

Postby Viridian » Wed Jul 13, 2022 9:36 am

Trouble at the Beach

Victoria was surprised they pulled it off. Her mentor, Quyen Sanders, had a lead on smuggling syndicate and had brought her out to the remote beach to investigate. Not that Victoria didn't like the idea of a working vacation on the beach, but this wasn't exactly the professional office she was expecting. It was Sanders' idea to blend in - hence the bikinis. "Hide in plain sight" was the game plan. It a genius move. Using her phone, Sanders was able to take photos of suspicious sites under the guise of being a social media influencer. Their revealing outfits got them past men who otherwise looked like spotters, and their airheaded charade made them look completely innocuous. One photo might show Victoria posing provocatively, but in the background was a line of marked crates. A selfie of Sanders showed the building being used as a warehouse. When they spotted trucks taking the crates away, they followed them the long way down the beach, where they could see a small pier. This was the scoop! They just had to get closer to record the exchange. But one of the men guarding the meeting spotted them and began to approach them.

"Quick, act like you're taking a photo of me," said Sanders, handing her phone over to Victoria. Sanders ran out towards the water. To Victoria's surprise, Sanders pulled off her bikini top and waved it in the air with her back turned to Victoria. Victoria caught on with the cue - this was the classic freedom pose. She snapped a few photos before the man got near.

"What are you two doing here?" he growled.

"Oh, uh, we were just taking photos for Instagram," Sanders replied coyly, shyly covering her breasts with her hands. "Hey, do you mind taking a photo for us? Vicky, give him the phone and stand over here."

The man found the phone thrust into his hand. "Come on Vic, lean over, show off those boobs!" Snap. "Now a booty shot!" Snap. "How about a Charlie's Angels pose, you know?" Snap. Each time, Sanders made sure that she was slightly careless in letting her nipples show,and this was certainly having a mesmerising effect on the man. It seemed to work, and over the next few minutes they had dozens of sexy photos.

"One more, girls," the man said with a wide smile, taking the time to align the camera. He fumbled with the screen and accidentally accessed the gallery. He swiped through to get to latest one, but as she did so, he noticed a strange pattern. The places the photos were taken were familiar. The people, the trucks, the crates. He peer above the camera past the scantily-clad women and realised that the exchange on the pier was taking place.

"Hey, can you not look through?" said Sanders. "There's some personal stuff in there."

"Very personal," said the man, realising he had been played. "I think I'll keep them for myself." He suddenly turned and ran.

"Hey!" Sanders shouted. "Damn it, he's got all our photos!" Sanders sprinted off after him. Realising that she was still topless, she held her bouncing breasts with one arm. Victoria was right behind her. He was a good runner and knew the beach well, cutting around corners, over dunes and through bushes. He lost sight of the reporters, but Sanders appeared from around another hill. She lunged for the man. Seeing that she was aiming specifically for his hand, the man tossed the phone over into the bushes and bolted. Victoria turned up, gasping for breath. "Where'd he go?"

"Don't worry about him," said Sanders as she walked past the bushes. She could that her phone had landed in the clearing just beyond. She stepped forward to retrieve it, but she suddenly sank to her knees. "Quicksand!" It was risky, but she had to retrieve her evidence. She waded deeper into the quicksand until she was thigh-deep. "Okay, I've nearly got it. Get ready to pull me out..."

Victoria felt a hard shove in her back. She cried out before she plunged into the quicksand, also sinking to her thighs. The man stood above the two reporters, grinning. "Get us out," Sanders demanded.

"Give me the phone," said the man.

Sanders felt her heart sink. He had them trapped and now she had to give up her hard work. She threw the phone to him. "Delete the photos, then get us out."

"Oh, I'm keeping these photos," he snickered. "They're too good to be deleted. In fact, I'll add one more." He snapped a photo of the two sinking in quicksand. Satisfied with his personal gain, he turned and walked off.

"Damn it," Sanders muttered. "All that for nothing!"

"At least he didn't capture us," said Victoria.

But they were in deeper trouble - literally. The warm, oozing quicksand was slurping around their midriffs. Struggling only made them sink faster. They tentatively tested the sand around them for anything solid, but the soft sand licked their fingers and hands with a deadly temptation. They tried to reach for the nearby grasses and roots, but they were still out of reach. It was the perfect trap.
Sanders - Trouble at the Beach.jpg

"I can't stop sinking," said Victoria, watching the sand creep over her ribs.

"I can't feel anything solid either," said Sanders. "Any ideas?"

Victoria eyed the nearest bush. "If we tie our bikinis together, I could reach that."

"That's a big if," said Sanders, looking at the quicksand cupping her bare breasts, her bikini top hundreds of metres away. "I don't think I help you with that."

"Ugh," Victoria grunted, squeaming at the quicksand also reaching her breasts. "We just need a bit more length. What about our bikini bottoms?"

"What? Take off our bottoms... in quicksand?!" It was the flimsiest of ideas, but it was the only thing they had left. "Okay, but we have to go slowly and together."

Unable to believe that they were intentionally putting their hands into the sucking sand, Sanders did a three-count and they pushed their hands down. The sand eagerly oozed around their arms, their hands moving surprisingly easily through the smooth, wet sand. They had to work quickly; every second meant that their arms might get stuck, and they were still sinking deeper. Victoria managed to loosen her band. She gasped as the sand oozed against her crotch, sending an uncomfortable shiver through her body. Her distraction was critical; the sand snatched her bottom and pulled it down her legs. "No! I've lost it!" Victoria cried.

Sanders was having a somewhat easier time. She was wearing a string bikini that could be loosened. She fumbled with the knot and managed to remove one side. "Got it! I hope it's enough. Now let's pull our arms up. Slowly, on three. One, two, three!"

Nothing happened. Their arms remained pinned under the quicksand. They tried again. They couldn't move. Their arms were stuck! By now the quicksand had consumed their ample breasts and only their heads and shoulders were above the surface...
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Re: Quicky Sanders Collection

Postby Viridian » Wed Dec 14, 2022 2:53 pm

Bad Date
It had been a long, difficult year. Sanders had made even bigger headlines with her daring investigations, revealing dozens of criminal plots. But that now that the year was slowing down, she felt a loneliness that she normally kept stowed away, second to her career as a journalist. She never held a relationship since her last boyfriend, Diego, and that was over five years ago. Diego was a handsome man, but he got in trouble with the law and had friends in dark circles. It was hard on Diego when Sanders broke up, but it was for her own good.

It was with that memory that Sanders received an email from Diego. It read:

 "Quyen, it's time for me to make up for my mistakes. Let's meet up like old times. Wear something nice."

Sanders felt light-headed at the thought of seeing Diego again. She might have thought otherwise, but her sad mood made her snap up the opportunity, even if it was just for a one night stand. She still had the dress that Diego loved: the red backless dress that revealed plenty of cleavage. She thought about wearing a sexy thong with it, but decided to go one better: she went without. Going commando made Sanders feel invigorated and daring, like old times.

She followed the instructions in the note, which took her to an isolated spot by the beach. She remembered the old days when Diego and her used to take long walks. What was Diego going to wear tonight? A black suit perhaps, or maybe his leather jacket? Sanders couldn't wait to see him.
The tide came in fast while she waited for Diego. The sand became more treacherous underfoot, and the water rose higher around her feet. Her heart pounded harder than ever before as she watched waves crash against rocks further out. There were no other people nearby, so this could only be part of the plan. Time they could spend alone together.

That was never Diego's plan. He wasn't alone. Somewhere far away, he had a busty blonde on his lap, a reward from the gang for getting rid of his former girlfriend and nosy reporter.

Back on the beach, Sanders began to get impatient. It wasn't like Diego to be late. Her mind was wandering idly, wondering what she would say to Diego if - when - he turned up. She wasn't paying attention to her feet sinking into the sand...

Sanders' high heel shoes sunk deep into the soft wet sand. Sand stuck to the sides of her legs and crept between her toes. Sanders looked ahead to where she wanted to walk. That was when she noticed the quicksand. Her first instinct was to turn around, but the fear of being left stranded stopped her. Instead, she continued forward until the ground gave way beneath her. Sanders fell backwards onto her bottom and sank deeper into the muck below. She struggled to stand up, but her dress made it difficult to move. The wet, oozing sand seep through the fabric and between her legs. Her decision to go without underwear was regrettable, as the sand began to touch her intimately. Sanders knew that she should stop thinking about sex and concentrate on finding a way out of the quicksand pit. Yet, the erotic sensation was too much to bear. She let out a soft moan.

She immediately regained control of her emotions. Diego had betrayed her and lured her into this trap. She had to get out. With great effort, Sanders pulled herself upright using the palms of both hands. She stood unsteadily and tried walking towards the edge of the quicksand, but found that each step sent her lower into the mire. Soon it was up to her waist, and she could no longer get her legs out. Sanders tried desperately to pull herself free, but her efforts failed. Her body grew heavier and heavier, making every movement more painful. Soon she found that her hands weren't able to help either. They simply slipped off the mud. She tried again, but this time her hands slid through the surface. The quicksand pulled her arms down and held them firmly in its grip. She was trapped!

Sanders screamed, and the sound echoed across the deserted beach. She cried for help but nobody heard. The quicksand sucked all noise away, leaving nothing but silence...

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Viridian @ deviantART: http://viridianqs.deviantart.com/

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