Has anyone gotten stuck in mud, clay or quicksand, by total accident?

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Has anyone gotten stuck in mud, clay or quicksand, by total accident?

Postby Stuck_Cat » Fri Jul 07, 2023 11:28 pm

I know this question is a bit odd, but I'm asking it anyway out of curiosity. Has anyone gotten stuck in mud, clay or quicksand, by total accident? If anything like the 3 scenarios I described in the question happened to you, let me know.
There's one rule to know to avoid getting stuck. Never trust what's under your feet.

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Kinky Desires
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Re: Has anyone gotten stuck in mud, clay or quicksand, by total accident?

Postby Kinky Desires » Sat Jul 08, 2023 12:59 am

A couple of days ago Jeremy Vine covered a story in his radio show about a couple who got stuck in quicksand at Crosby beach near Liverpool and were rescued by a local football (soccer) team! Jeremy invited people to call in and share their stories of when they got stuck in quicksand - and most of the calls they received were from people who got stuck on the very same beach!

One lady told of how she got very stuck and everyone was clearing the beach because on an incoming storm, so she got her mobile phone out to call for help but because her hands were all muddy the phone slipped out of her hands and it started sinking too!

I only heard bits of it because I was in and out of my van working at the time but it's on BBC Sounds here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001n713

If people can't access this outside the UK let me know and I'll grab the audio and edit it down to the relevant parts and post as an mp3 attachment here. In fact I might do that anyway at some point during the weekend since I want to listen to it again properly anyway! :lol:
Last edited by Kinky Desires on Sat Jul 08, 2023 1:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Kinky Desires
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Re: Has anyone gotten stuck in mud, clay or quicksand, by total accident?

Postby Kinky Desires » Sat Jul 08, 2023 1:15 pm

As promised I've had another listen (It seems I actually did hear pretty much all of it first time around :lol: ) and while listening I made an mp3 of it (I edited out the music breaks), but it turns out I can't post mp3 files here so I've uploaded it to my dropbox. Here's the link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/im4xhn3tyws3g609sgonx/Vine.mp3?rlkey=k4qeom00zxfuqenvys89ywm6t&dl=0

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