The Quicksand Monologue

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The Quicksand Monologue

Postby cbqdbq » Sat Jul 15, 2023 5:50 am

just a fancy flight story. what would quicksand experiense with one of us sinking into it. I wrote this story and i hope it isnt hated.

The Quicksand Monologue
I am quicksand. I exist. I just am here, feeling rain falling on me, or feeling wind blowing over my surfase, or bits of vegetation falling on my surfase. When it gets very cold, the top freeze, but I’m still here.
Oh, what’s that? Oh, of course, another one of those! I call them ‘humans’. Every now and then, a human from somewhere beyond my world moves upon my surfase and sinks into me. They must be kind of heavy.
They have a strange shape – two downward projectins I call ‘legs’ and two sideways projectins I call ‘arms’, and a top round projectin that has openings on it, which I call its ‘head’. Why bother giving names? Well, they show up a few times a year and get in me where they can’t get out very easily or soon. Pathetic things those humans. They aren’t free-flowing in form like me. I don’t know how they can possibly exist succesfuly, but this is it.
There’s some kind of a large place near me that is all water, not a proper mix of water and soil and bits of vegetation that has decayed into tiny bits mixed into me. And these humans sometimes move very rapidly onto my surfase before they get ‘caught’ and descend into me. Not all the way, which is a frustration to me.
They seem to have these delicate fibres sticking out of their shell. I call them ‘hairs’ and some of them are soft and others are kind of wiry, and some, on top of the head, are sometimes very long. I get all clotted in that hair, and that’s not pleasent.
Usually, most of a human enters me, leaving just that head in the air above me. They thrash around, trying to get out, but if they knew me better, they’d know that just makes it worse for them because, by nature, I find that I have a sucking grip on them that holds them at a depth. When they try getting out by pulling or thrashing around, they end up going down further.
Well, this human, as usual, is thrasing. Now, its head is about the only part outside me.
These humans are usually disgusting. The taste of their shell is terrible – it produces a moist substance that I call ‘sweat’ – it’s terible. Also, they’re very hot. I find that temperature very disgreeable, but fortunately, while they’re in me, I can bleed off that heat and dispers it through me and on into the solid around me. Thing is, these humans keep producing more heat, but not as fast as I can bleed it off. Gradually, they get cooler and cooler until they’re closer to my temperature and I’m not so bothered by that aspect of them.
Well, what do we have today? I’ve noticed these humans aren’t all the same, but they have two types that I recognize. This one in me right now… between its legs it only has one opening, and it has a round thing on one side. The other type of human has that opening but also some kind of a slot with another open that’s kind of large and one that’s barely anything, and this one has the round thing, but there’s two of them further up its body.
Kind of odd that if there’s a diffrence from one to another, that they’re always one or the other.
Anyhow, sometimes they get up and out, and other times they don’t. I have a way to end the stalemate, and I’ll tell you about that later.
When they don’t, they come down further until they’re all the way inside me. And even before that, when the human’s head gets partway under, one or more of those openings starts letting out air and lets some of me inside, not that I really intended to go inside. But it is nice in there because there’s water there, and water is part of what I am, and it’s good to get more water to replace what a warm thing above me seems to take away in tiny amounts. So, as long as I’m going inside a human I absorb all the water I can.
These human things are weird. It’s like they’re hollow and filled with weird wet things. Oh yes. These humans pulsate a bit, the middle of their bodies expanding and contracting a bit and I eventully noticed that air comes out and goes into some of those openings on their heads, in synch with the expanding and contracting. Really! What kind of a thing would have any reason to be sucking in air only to just blow it back out?!
So, anyway, about going inside these humans. As far in as I can go, I find wet things, but also some slimy or icky things, and as I do, the human seems to thrash even harder, try hard to get that air but I’m trying to help them by getting rid of it for them, making it go up and out.
And then they… hey, it just happened. This human just went all the way under. I’m just going to have to deal with it. There… all the air is out now and I’ve filled the air bladder it has inside. It should be okay now. Hm.
As usual, it’s not even trying to product heat anymore. It is now cooling a lot faster and I shouldn’t have any problem getting rid of the heat I am bleeding off.
If they just stay on the surfase, I have a way to end that impass. Some of the things that land on me and sink to the bottom decompose and give off a gas. I can trap it and if the human isn’t getting out and isn’t going under, then I just release this gas right under the human. I found out that by doing that they drop down under and I can close up over them. Then, I have to start collecting that gas again, but of course, that’s not too hard.
You see, now that I’ve swallowed this human, I can start making use of it. Besides expanding and contracting, they have some kind of thing inside that keeps ‘beating’, but shortly after they’re all the way inside me, it stops beating. They seem to start falling apart after a few days, though most of that terrible outer surfase seems to last a long time. I get to digest the body as this happens, getting the water I want. As I digest them, I can restore my integerty and no longer have these vacuoles of foreign matter in me. A human starts as one large vacuole but I can slowly break them down, break off parts into smaller ones that are easier to digest.
These humans have an incredible amount of air just locked into what seems so solid! They also have tiny bits of minerals in them. They have some even harder parts inside that I call ‘bone’. These minerals… well, geology is me. I know about my kindred… iron, copper, potassium, calcium… and an awful stuff called mercury is in some of the tiny bones in the human’s head.
So, as I digest the human’s body, I’ll get water, like I said, but I keep breaking little bits of air free and up they go, but I hold on to some of the other air for that ‘contingency’ air pocket I told you about. And finally, the human’s body is completly fallen apart and assimilated into me, other than that almost useless air. It takes about one to two hundred periods of darkness and warmness above my surfase.
Sometimes, while I’m digesting one human, another comes inside me but gets out. Sometimes, the kind of human with the slot are leaking this terrible iron-ish goop that leaves a really bad taste in my form. And sometimes these humans let out a really foul water mix with a lot of salt and ammonia that takes me a while to disperse. These humans seem to have no end of unpleasant leakages, so it really is a relief when they get out or I can swallow and digest them.
Such weird things, these humans. I wonder how many of them there are out there? Do they reproduce? Or are there so many and always less and less? Will I eventually no longer get any? What will I do then?
I’ll tell you something else. Inside a human’s head is this unusual form of matter. It gives me a bit of a shiver because, ridiculous as it is, I get this sense that it was the heart and soul of the human, that it was a sort of intelligence, a powerful one, very powerful, maybe even greater than mine. I sometimes can’t help but wonder if these humans, as stupidly-designed as they are, as clumsy and awful-tasting as I find them, do things that would leave me utterly baffled as to what they did. But by the time my substance touches this matter in their heads, the human is not alive, so I can never link with it to see if it’s as stupid as a worm or as smart as me… or smarter.
I guess I’ll never know.
Humans. A foul-tasting nuisance, but they have their uses for me. I guess we’re in symbiosis. They nourish me and I continue, though I haven’t figured out what they get from me. Maybe they aren’t as smart as me, so it doesn’t matter if they don’t get anything from me. Though it sure is odd the way they thrash about in me, as if getting out and not becoming my nourishment is important to them…
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Re: The Quicksand Monologue

Postby KikimoraQ » Sun Jul 16, 2023 9:50 am

The monologue says nothing about clothes. Do all people fall into quicksand naked?

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Re: The Quicksand Monologue

Postby Boggyhoo » Sun Jul 16, 2023 3:32 pm

KikimoraQ wrote:The monologue says nothing about clothes. Do all people fall into quicksand naked?



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Re: The Quicksand Monologue

Postby cbqdbq » Sun Jul 16, 2023 8:21 pm

happens to be near a "swimming hole" and of course, they're hoping to take a discreet swim?!
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