The Deadly Riverbank

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The Deadly Riverbank

Postby 101927700 » Mon Jun 15, 2015 6:21 am

The Deadly Riverbank

Daniella Hunston was a 19-year-old girl who liked to explore rivers and creeks. Her favorite outfit was a white tank top with a pocket sewn into the side, blue jean shorts, and thigh-high waders; that way, she wouldn't have to worry about getting her favorite shoes wet. One day, she was walking along the east bank of the Mississippi River wearing the outfit.

Staring out at the river to her left, she didn't notice the ground gradually getting softer under her feet with every step. Then, her right leg sank into thick clay mud up to her knee, her left leg following. This brought her attention back from the river. My waders are protecting me, so I'll be fine, she thought. But as she tried to climb out of the muck, the clay sucked her back down to her upper thighs. Well, maybe I was slightly wrong.... Eh, these waders are cheap, they can be left in the mud if needed, Daniella thought.

So, unstrapping the waders, she tried to climb out of her waders, but the pressure of the mud was too great, and held her in the waders. Uh oh, what am I going to do? I can't escape from these waders.... Hopefully I hit bottom soon, she thought. Then, it happened. The waders sank too deep, and clay started to flow into them. It was an odd sensation for Daniella, as the clay flowed around her legs, slowly filling the boots. It was at this moment when Daniella realized that she would not be getting out on her own. So, she reached into her shirt pocket, and pulled out her phone, dialing 911. Fuck, no signal here, she thought as her phone tried many times to call for help. And so she continued down...

After about 45 seconds, the mud had reached her hips. At that moment, Daniella realized at that moment that she was not going to escape the mud, no matter how much she tried. But, that thought was pushed quickly to the back of her mind, as she felt the thick clay pushing on her waist. Odd feeling. I've always wondered what it feels like to have mud to this level on your body, she thought to herself. And it is not good.

Daniella Hunston stared at the clay in a trance for a minute or two, studying its patterns, and then it reached her breasts. She thought it felt really interesting, as it slowly shaped itself to mold to the contours of her boobs. At that moment, she realized that she had been raising her right arm holding her phone ever since she sank to her hips. So, she decided to turn on the camera and take a selfie of herself in the mud. If anyone finds this phone on the bank of the river, it will give a clue to how it got separated from its owner, she thought as she reached as far out of the mud as she could and placed her phone on the ground. As she did that, she felt the mud start to climb the bare skin of her neck.

Daniella Hunston was now having a hard time breathing with all of the pressure on her chest. She wished that she had watched where she was going, so she wouldn't die to her own carelessness. Well, I am stuck with this grim reality now, but one decision different and I would be living a happy life right now, instead of waiting for it all to end, she thought to herself as the mud reached her chin.

No... It can't end like this! I refuse to drown in quicksand!, Daniella thought to herself as the muck reached her lips. In a last futile effort, Daniella tried raising her arms out of the clay and pulling herself out, but they wouldn't move any direction except down. So, she just relaxed, taking in one more huge breath before the mud enveloped her nose. Then, she closed her eyes. Seconds later, Daniella went under the surface of the clay. Submerged in mud, Daniella tried to embrace the mud around her as well as hold her breath for as long as possible. But, after a little while, she couldn't hold it anymore, and she released her last breath, letting herself succumb to the quickclay's grip. On the surface, big bubbles came up in an otherwise still surface. Synonymous with this, the mud shook violently for about four seconds, before all was still and quiet. The only trace of Daniella was her phone, which lay on nearby solid ground.
The end.
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Re: The Deadly Riverbank

Postby DJlurker » Tue Jun 16, 2015 2:31 am

Your writing's improved quite a bit. Well done, grasshopper. :ugeek:

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Re: The Deadly Riverbank

Postby PM2K » Tue Jun 16, 2015 6:10 am

Nicely done. :)

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