Without even trying (Updated with Part 2)

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Without even trying (Updated with Part 2)

Postby nachtjaeger » Tue Dec 22, 2015 7:02 am

Hey, gang! Sorry for the long drought of stories. Here's part one of this tale, and I plan to have part 2 up before Christmas.

EDIT: Okay, so I got it up by Halloween 2016 instead of Christmas 2015, but at last here is Part 2.

WARNING! This is the most sexually graphic story I have ever written- you have been warned.

Note: The male protagonist in this story is named Eric Carlson. I don't know much about him yet other than what you find out in the story. He says he works at "No Such Agency" as an analyst, and that if he told me what he really does for a living, he'd have to kill me. :roll:

Without even trying

Not sure why I'm writing this story down. Nobody is going to believe it anyway. I barely believe it myself. But, here goes.

I had stopped after work for a couple beers at this new place I wanted to try out. I was sitting at the bar, and a really interesting looking chick sat down next to me. She was "black Irish" I guessed, hazel eyes behind Librarian glasses, dark brown hair in a pixie cut, cute as a button and nicely put together, if you know what I mean. To my surprise, she ordered a shot and a beer- Jameson's and Harp. When the bartender brought it, she downed the shot, and said to nobody in particular "Lord, I needed that. What a freakin' day." I just had to speak up. "You're preaching to the choir here, young lady." So we got to chatting about work and stuff. Her name was Nora- "Easy to remember," she said, "neither a slut Nora whore." I informed her that anybody who would make a pun would steal a horse, and she laughed. The conversation wandered from one topic to another, and it seemed we had a lot in common- rock music, fantasy novels, low humor, etc. About this time another really interesting chick came in and sat down next to her. Nora introduced her. "Eric, this is my roommate, Min." Min was this cute little “Blasian” girl- African-American and (I guessed) Japanese ancestry. All I could think was ‘wow.’ She had a petite but curvy body, skin the perfect suntan color, and that ‘schoolgirl’ look some Asian girls have. Now, I'd had a couple beers by that point, was feeling really good, and totally forgot to try to be "cool" or "normal"- I was just being myself. "Min, Hi! Nora was just telling me all about you." Nora hadn’t even mentioned that she had a roommate, of course. "Really?" Min said suspiciously. "Oh, yes- all the personal stuff, in intimate detail." She looked embarrassed and shocked, and opened her mouth to say something, but right then Nora lost it and started laughing. "Kidding, kidding!" I said, holding my hands up as if to ward off an attack. Min looked relieved, but still pissed. "Okay, I deserve to be slapped for that one," I said. I took off my glasses, leaned past Nora, and presented my cheek. Smack! She gave me a good one, not vicious, but not wussy either. "You, mister, are a total brat!" She was smiling now. "Let me make it up to you two and buy the next round." "Oh, no you don't!" said Min. "If we let you buy us drinks, we'd feel obligated to sleep with you." Nora was clearly enjoying the duel between Min and I. "Riiiight," I said, pulling up an imaginary calculator. "Two seriously hot, intelligent women, together is extra, really nice hotel room, room service, tax, Uber fare. . . Before you feel obligated to sleep with me, I'd need to buy you two. . ." I looked at the imaginary calculator and frowned. ". . . a new car." As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I realized that I'd practically called them whores. But to my surprise they took the compliment as intended. Nora sort of raised an eyebrow, and (I swear) looked at me like a cat looks at a mouse. Min's eyes got wide, and with a really happy expression she said "Really?" "Really really." I answered. Then the smokin' hot redheaded bartender came by, I flirted with her, ordered drinks for the three of us, and we got to talking about something else. It was a Friday night, and the bar was getting crowded- and noisy. Then the band started, and it got ten times worse. "All in favor of finding someplace quiet, raise your hands!" I half-shouted. Two hands flew into the air.
As we left the bar, it was raining lightly. I had my golf umbrella with me, and I quickly opened it. Instantly I had a beautiful lady on each arm. I was loving every minute of this evening. "So," I said, "Anybody know someplace we can have a quiet drink or three and some conversation?" Nora and Min exchanged a quick look. "Our place is just down the block." Ooo-kaay. . . "You sure?" I asked. "You should be careful about inviting strangers in, and they don't get much stranger than me.” Min punched me in the arm, and off we went. When we got to the door, Nora informed me that I’d have to be searched for weapons and contraband before they let me in. I obediently handed over my Swiss army knife, the credit-card shaped multitool I keep in my wallet, and even my “CIA tie tack”, the carbon-fiber blade I carry in the point of my necktie. But the girls insisted that I be patted down thoroughly, and Min even searched my pockets. Yeah, I was getting excited and hopeful at that point. They had a nice place- corner apartment, facing southeast, two bedrooms. Made my basement studio look like a palace. We ended up on the couch- watching TV, eating popcorn and drinking wine spritzers. I had just pulled that move where I yawned, stretched, and ended up with my arms around their shoulders- but only after warning them I was going to do it. That seemed to be the right tack to take with these two. We were watching some gosh-awful '60s space opera- one of those movies that's so bad it's good. We'd all seen it a few times, so we could carry on a conversation and a running MST3K commentary at the same time. (That’s Mystery Science Theater 3000, for you non-geeks.) Then a certain scene came on, and all three of us glued our eyes to the tube. The Space Princess or whatever was running from the bad aliens, wearing a silver catsuit, thigh boots, and carrying a blaster rifle. As she was crossing a dry wash (every alien planet looks like California, for some reason) the ground collapsed under her. She was in quicksand. She looked around desperately, still holding her weapon, as the sand slowly rose up over her boot tops, past her hips, up to her waist. Just then, the bad aliens caught up with her. They told her (in subtitles) to drop her weapon, but she wouldn't do it. So they just stood there, space rifles aimed at her, watching the quicksand suck her in deeper and deeper. Then there was a blaster shot, and one of the bad aliens exploded. Yep, the Hero (in this case, the lovable rogue space pirate) showed up just in time. She didn't waste any time joining the firefight. By the time the last of them was vaporized she was in up to her armpits. The hero took off his bandolier, managed to hook it over the barrel of her rifle, and pull her out just as the quicksand reached her chin and she was tipping her head back. As she slid out of the deathtrap, I heard a release of breath on both sides of me. Nora muttered to herself "Damn, that was hot." Again, I forgot myself and said what I was thinking. "The girl, the guy, or being slooowly swallowed by the quicksand?" "Yes." was Nora's one-word response. "Ditto." said Min. Damn! These two were like something out of a dream! Since I had my arms around their shoulders, I gently pulled them in closer. "Not to fear, ladies. If you ever get caught in quicksand, I promise to rescue you- eventually." "Eventually?" Min asked, and I could hear the raised eyebrow. "Hey, you guys said that scene was pretty hot. I'd want to see at least a little struggling and sinking first. Oh, and some begging would be nice, too." Min put her hand on my thigh, and looked up at me, her eyes wide. "Would you really make me beg? And promise you things?" I gave her my best evil grin. "You sweet talker, you." Nora laughed. "I'd be like 'Get me out of here, you sick bastard! When I get out of here, I'm going to kill you!'" "That probably wouldn't be your best negotiation strategy, considering your situation." Now it was Nora's turn to snuggle in closer.
About this time, the headache that had been pestering me since that afternoon's staff meeting started to really assert itself. And then I noticed that all the lights in the apartment had haloes around them. NO! Not a migraine, not now! I unwound myself from the ladies and stood up. "Nora, Min, as much as I don't want this perfect evening to end, unless you want to see me blindfolded, screaming into a pillow, and possibly throwing up, I need to leave right now.” Nora stood up, put her wrist on my forehead, and checked my pupils. "Migraine?" she asked. "Unfortunately, yes. I need to shoot up my medicine and try to get home and lie down in the dark before it cripples me." "You're staying here." Nora ordered. "I get migraines, too, and Min is a nurse. We'll take care of you." "Seriously, I don't want to put you through that, we just met and. . ." ". . . and you're going to take your Imitrex and go lay down in the dark- now." I got the sense that Nora could be a little dominant, so I decided to do as I was told. I dug into my laptop case (aka man-purse) and found my medicine. It's an injection kit, just like the one for bee stings. I looked it with loathing. "Okay, if you guys really want to take care of me, FYI I hate needles. Would one of you please poke me?" Min took it from me, went and found an alcohol pad, wiped down my upper arm, and without even giving me a chance to get ready nailed me. I twitched, but managed to bite my tongue and not make any unmanly noises. Nora walked up to me holding a black silk blindfold. Ooo-kay. . . I was expecting a bandana or a towel. Interesting. Before I could take it from her, she stepped behind me and skillfully tied it across my eyes. That was better- the crew of tiny Sandhogs inside my skull were really getting to work with their rock drills, and the light was getting painful. The two of them led me down the hall to one of the bedrooms, guided me in, and sat me down on the bed. Next thing I knew, somebody was pulling my boots off. Next, gentle hands were removing my shirt and pants, leaving me in just my boxer briefs. Then I was herded to the middle of what must have been a king-size bed and tucked in. "Can I get you anything?" Nora asked, with real concern in her voice. "I wish. Ibuprofen won't touch a migraine, and I can't take Vicodin. There's only one medicine that works, and the Docs won't prescribe it because of the stupid lawyers and the effing DEA." "Demerol?" she asked. "You know it." Nora walked out of the room. Min was arranging something on the bed next to me. "Okay, feel here," she said, placing my left hand near the edge of the bed. "There's a towel here with a waterproof pad under it. Next to it on the floor is a bucket, and there's another towel on the floor under that. If you have to hurl, hit the bucket, because YOU are cleaning it up!" I pulled my hand from under hers, took her hand and squeezed it gently. "Thank you so much. I owe you guys." Nora came back into the room, and told me to sit up. She put a cup of water in my right hand, and pressed a pill into my left palm. "Our little secret, okay?" I realized the risk she was taking for me. "On my honor, I so do swear. I will not reveal that. . . wait, what were we talking about? I forgot already." They both laughed- what a wonderful sound. I swallowed the pill, they tucked me into the bed again, and I lay there, happy but suffering. I already needed to breathe deeply and concentrate to keep from whimpering. I felt the Imitrex kick in first, which helped a little, even as it made me feel like I’d been bobbing for French fries. Then, before I got to the point of screaming, the Demerol kicked in. Suddenly I was wrapped in cotton wool, feeling no pain. I drifted off to sleep to the quiet sounds of a household instead of the usual silence of my apartment.
I woke up not knowing where I was. The painkiller had me disoriented, and it took me a few minutes to figure things out. Taking off the blindfold really helped. I was still in the bed at Nora and Min’s place, of course. Judging by the window the time was still zero-dark-thirty. And I wasn’t alone. Curled up on either side of me was something warm and girl-shaped. I wanted to stay in that moment forever, but Mother Nature had other ideas. I didn’t want to disturb the girls’ Saturday morning slumber. Luckily the blankets weren’t tucked in at the bottom, so I did my best imitation of a moonwalking earthworm and sort of oozed out the bottom of the bed. After I answered Nature’s call, I noticed I was pretty whiff. Migraines trigger the fear-sweat, and that can get rank. I hoped the girls wouldn’t object to my using their shower, since they had been wicked awesome nice so far. I snagged a bath towel from their linen closet, and there was a bar of unscented soap in the shower. I managed to find a bottle of shampoo that didn’t smell too girly also. After I dried off, I wrapped myself in the towel and went in search of my clothes. By the light from the open bathroom door I scoured the apartment- nothing. No pants, no shirt, no boots, no laptop bag. Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot? I was searching behind the couch when my head found the brass shade on the gooseneck reading lamp. Klonggggg! The stupid thing rang like a gong. I grabbed at it to silence it, but almost knocked the whole thing over, and managed to knock the remotes off the end table in the process of saving the lamp. As I stood there swearing in whispers through clenched teeth, a familiar voice said “Going somewhere?” I looked up, and two very tousled figures were standing in the hallway, dressed in those knee-length t-shirts some girls wear for PJs. “Ummm, no- I would never just leave without thanking you guys for last night. I mean, for taking care of me last night. I mean. . . I just wanted to throw some clothes on.” Nora laughed, but it was a cold, evil queen sort of a laugh. I couldn’t tell if it was real or fake. “Sure you weren’t looking for these?” Min asked. She held something up, and in the light from the bathroom I could see that it was the emergency supply of condoms I kept in my man-purse. Busted. “Better check the expiration date on those,” I quipped. “They’ve been in there a while.” No lie- of the original three-pack, there were exactly three left. Min studied the package. “Lubricated, reservoir tip, size large? Really?" Oh, man, if it was possible to die of embarrassment, I’d be six feet under. “Exactly how big are you?” Nora asked curiously. “Umm, well, I never actually stopped to get a tape measure, but maybe eight inches long, and a whisker bigger around than a toilet paper tube?” They both giggled at me. “How exactly do you know that?” Nora asked. Another oops. Man, I felt like the kid with the pimples and the nerd glasses instead of my usual cool (but geeky) self. Min stepped into the bathroom, rummaged around, and came out with- oh god- an empty toilet paper roll. I wanted to hide under the couch. “Let’s see if you’re lying.” she said. I froze, tongue-tied. “Lose the towel.” Nora ordered. I dropped the last of my dignity with the towel, stood up straight, sucked in my gut, and put my hands on my hips. Nora walked up to me, turned on the lamp, and started looking me over like a steak at the market. She ran her hands over my shoulders and arms, feeling my muscles, then ran her hand over my chest, running her fingers through the smallish patch of soft brown hair that marked me as an adult male. Min, however, dropped to her knees in front of me and casually tried to stuff my rising member into the cardboard tube. “OMG, it doesn’t fit!” she exclaimed. “Why, that’s the greatest compliment a woman can give a man.” I replied. At this point I was taken by the hand and led back to the bedroom.
No, we didn’t instantly dive into bed and play Naked Twister Bingo. We sat down and had a serious conversation about STDs, sexual history, relationships, pregnancy, limits, etc. We were all regular blood donors, so that removed one worry. We decided that if the three of us were going to be in a sexual relationship, it would be exclusive, unless there was prior approval by the other two. I was half-sure I was dreaming. “Why weren’t you putting the moves on us last night?” Min asked. “Was it the headache?” I laughed. “I’ve been putting the moves on both of you since we met- I’m just not being a knuckle-dragger about it. Besides, it was kind of awkward. I really like you guys, and I didn’t want to screw up a budding friendship by coming on hot and heavy. And how could I possibly choose between the two of you? I mean, there’s no way a guy can satisfy two women at once- okay, there is one way, but. . .” “How does that work?” Min asked curiously. “The guy lies on his back, one lady sits on his chest, the other sits astride his hips.” She looked puzzled. “I don’t understand.” “It’s easy- Lady #1 sits on the guy’s chest so he can lick her you-know-what, and Lady #2 sits behind her, astride the guy’s hips, riding him.” She shook her head. “I just can’t follow your explanation.” I finally tweaked to what she was doing. “Here, let me show you.” I placed myself in the middle of the bed. “It works like this. Min, you sit here on my chest, your knees over my shoulders so my arms are free. Nora, you sit on my lap here, and . . .” It didn’t take long for their pajamas to come off. Not long after that, Min was being licked very intensely, and was almost whimpering with pleasure. Nora was riding me like I was a trotting horse, and giving Min the ol’ reach-around, playing with her nipples. I was playing with Nora’s nipples. Min had her left hand braced on the headboard, and her right arm twisted behind her so she could tease Nora’s clit while she rode me. It was just like I always dreamed it would be. Min was the first to climax, trying desperately not to scream and wake the neighbors. She never stopped rubbing Nora’s clit, though. When she finally said “Stop, stop!” I could concentrate on what Nora was doing to me. She was really into it, but I wasn’t sure if she’d get there before I either climaxed or lost my erection- my sexual stamina is not unlimited. So I tried being a little less gentle about squeezing her nipples. That seemed to have the right effect, so I tweaked them a lot less gently, pulling and twisting them with my thumb and forefinger while my hands squeezed her breasts. After about ten seconds of that, I felt her start to shudder, the foreshocks of what was going to be a major earthquake. I let myself go, and was right there with her. Nora was literally screaming silently, hugging Min tightly as she impaled herself on me. And Min, that wicked little thing, shifted her position so that I couldn’t scream out loud, half smothering me in the process. That was one for the record books- it felt so perfect, being all the way inside Nora, being squeezed tightly, being pinned down and pussy smothered. When I came, I arched my back so hard I actually picked Nora up off the bed. She fell forward onto Min, who got squashed down even harder on my face. Once I could think straight, I drew in a long, slow breath of pussy-scented air, then let my whole body go limp. Might as well let them think I really did smother. At the same time I was enjoying the afterglow of truly epic sex, I held my breath, and tried to do some biofeedback to slow my heart rate down. After a minute or so, my passengers dismounted. I heard a distinctive triple click and a very faint sizzle as Nora took a drag off her E-cig. “OMFG, that was in-freakin-credible,” Min breathed. “Eric, you are wonderful!” I didn’t move. “Eric?” She shook my shoulder gently. I didn’t twitch. She picked my arm up, then dropped it. I managed to keep it completely dead-limp. I should have known better than to try to put one over on these two, though- especially as Min is a nurse. Suddenly somebody grabbed my balls with an iron grip, and gave me a particularly vicious titty-twister at the same time. Yee-ouch! I twitched like I’d touched an electric fence, and sucked in a lungful of air. “Okay, okay, I’m alive, don’t kill me!” The tickle fight started immediately.
A few minutes later, we were all back under the covers, completely exhausted, the girls curled up with their heads on my shoulders. I dozed off for a bit. The next thing I knew, I was awakened by my animal senses telling me I was being watched. I opened my eyes, and four eyes, two hazel and two dark brown, were staring intently back at me. “Food?” said Min in her sweet little voice. Nora grabbed my arm, sprinkled it with an imaginary salt shaker, then pretended to bite me. “Noes!” I said. “Do not nom me- I iz not fud!” “If not for noms, why iz made of meat?” Nora apparently spoke LOLcat also. To make a long story no more painful, I treated them to breakfast at the Greek diner down the street. On the way, as we walked along the rain-washed street in the morning sunshine, I stopped. “Guys,” I said, “I’m not like ‘Joe Romantic’, but I need to tell you how happy and proud I am that you two want to hang out with me. Thanks.” I got a group hug, then it was on to breakfast. After we ate, over a last cup of good coffee Nora asked me “Do you have plans for today?” I thought about it. “Laundry,” I answered. “Also groceries at some point, and then it’s a Ghost Adventures marathon, followed by Facebook and binge-watching Avengers cartoons. Or were you two planning on kidnapping me?” “How does hiking the Nature Preserve sound?” Nora asked. Nature preserve? Oh, the possibilities! But I didn’t lose my cool. I didn’t even ask which Nature Preserve. “Sounds like fun. Trails might be muddy after last night’s rain, though.” Nora made a derisive noise, and Min said “That’s what old sneakers are for, silly.”

Part 2:

So, that afternoon, I was standing outside my apartment building, waiting for the girls to pick me up. I was wearing my old Chuck Taylors, a T-shirt long enough to stay tucked in, and my “hiking shorts.” Sort of a hybrid of cargo pants and swim trunks- nylon, mesh lined, lots of pockets, and even zip-off legs that I kept in my pack. In my small, light pack was a surprising amount of survival gear- I never go hiking without being able to survive a few days in bad weather. If I get teased about being over-prepped for a short day hike, I joke that I’ll ‘never be caught dead’ without my survival gear. As I stood there by the curb daydreaming, I heard a car horn, and there were the girls in a bright orange Fiat 500. It was interesting squeezing myself into what passed for a back seat in that critter, but I managed it.
We chatted about everything and nothing, and before I knew it we were pulling into the parking area at the Veeder’s Vly Nature Preserve. Oh, man. . . The Veeders were one of the old Dutch families who first settled around there, and “Vly” is Dutch for swamp. Beyond the parking area was fifty acres of marsh. It was made up of grassy hummocks sporting dead tree trunks, divided by channels full of either water too shallow for a kayak or black mud. I was getting excited at the possibility of one of the girls “accidentally” wandering off the marked trail, but I tried not to get my hopes up. No way could I get that lucky twice in less than twenty-four hours. The girls got out of the car, and I got a good look at what they were wearing. Min had on a pair of denim shorts, an old, thin white T-shirt, a pair of formerly white little canvas sneakers, and oddly, pantyhose. Nora was wearing a floppy sun hat, a button-front white blouse that reached her thighs, black leggings, and Converse All-Stars that laced up halfway to her knee. We signed in at the trailhead, and (just like before we got frisky) we carefully went over the map, made sure we had the right clothes and supplies, made sure we had each others’ cell numbers in case we got separated, checked the weather report, and set a GPS waypoint at the trailhead with our smart phones. Oh, and we bug sprayed each other, too.
The trail didn’t run through the middle of the swamp, of course. It circled around it, eventually coming back to the road about a mile away. There were a few sections of path with boardwalks skirting the swamp’s edge, to give hikers a good view of the primeval ooze. There were also wooden footbridges across the small streams that fed into the Vly. Halfway across the third footbridge, Min stopped. She looked down at the trickle of water in the sandy-bottomed streambed that flowed towards the swamp just out of sight through the woods. “I feel like taking a shortcut,” she said. “I wonder if we can follow this stream to the edge of the swamp, then pick up the trail at the next boardwalk?” Hooboy. This could get interesting. She crossed the bridge, walked around to the stream, and stepped off the bank. My heart was pounding, and- yeah, that too. Her feet sank, but only an inch or two into the wet sand. Nora followed her, and I followed both of them. The stream bottom did turn quick in a few places, the girls sometimes sinking to their calves before finding the bottom, but Min and Nora just trudged on through. I was actually having more trouble than they were, as their passage was disturbing the sand as they passed.
Soon we came to the swamp. Here, the stream we were following had made a nice little delta of dark muddy sand on top of the muck of the Vly. One glance told me that walking out on that sand was a good way to end up seriously stuck and seriously deep. Min didn’t seem to be looking at the mud, though. She was looking at the marshy island just across the stretch of black mud, and all the wildflowers growing on it. “Ooh, those flowers are so pretty! I want to go pick some. I wonder if I can make it across without getting stuck?” “Don’t try it!” said Nora, but Min slipped off her backpack, tossed it onto firm ground, and started across. I wasn’t sure whether my heart was going to explode right out of my chest, or if so much blood would be diverted from my brain to (ahem) that I’d pass out. Min made it halfway across before she bogged down- the sand held her slight weight, but the black mud was as soft as oatmeal. She slid in up to her thighs, and in trying to turn around she sank to her hips. “Nora, help! I’m sinking!” Nora sighed as only an Irishwoman can, rolled her eyes to heaven, and took off her backpack. “Honestly, the things I do to bail you out of trouble.” Like I always fantasized about, I just stood there and watched the show. Nora stepped gingerly onto the quivering sand, going only as far as she had to to reach Min’s outstretched arm. I knew what was about to happen. As soon as Nora tugged at Min, her feet broke through the sand, and her tall Converse sneakers disappeared into the muck. “Let go! Stop it, you’re pulling me in, too!” Now there were two luscious babes hip-deep in black ooze. Nora looked at me- “How about a hand?” I applauded. “Hardee har har. I assume you have a rope in that backpack?” I slipped my pack off, rummaged around inside, and said “Yep, I do.” Min struggled, and sank a few more inches, up to her bellybutton. “Please, get us out of here!” she begged. “I’m still sinking!” God, I was loving this. “No problem. First, toss me your shirts before you get any more mud on them.” Min quickly stripped off her T-shirt, revealing a rather skimpy bikini top. Nora glared at me, but did the same, revealing an extremely sexy front-zip sports bra. Now they were both waist-deep. “Okay, next- if you want out of there, show me your tits.” Min got all shy and covered her chest with her hands. Nora looked daggers at me, but obediently unzipped her bra, then put her hands under her breasts and displayed them to me. “Bastard. Is that good enough?” “Very good. Now it’s your turn, Min- unless you want to find out just how deep that bog is.” Whimpering, she reached behind her neck and untied her bikini top, and let it fall down. She started to cover herself with her hands, but then pulled her hands away. “Mmm, nice view- too bad I won’t be able to enjoy it for very long.” The muck was almost up to their breasts now. “Last question- who likes to suck cock?” Min’s eyes got as big as saucers, and she looked terrified. Nora acted furious. “NO! You sick bastard, I know what you want, and you’re not getting it from me!” I looked at Min. “How about you, you cute little thing? Do you like to suck cock?” Min stared down at the mud, not meeting my eyes. “No,” she said, in a tiny voice- “-but I will.” “Will you suck a cock to save your life?” “Yes.” “Will you swallow a load to save your friend?” She whimpered again. “Yes.” “Yes what?” “Yes, sir.” “Very good.” I pulled the rope out of my backpack, tied a bowline in the end, and tossed it to her. She put it around her, sinking to her nipples in the process. Nora’s tits were floating on top of the ooze- for the moment. I slowly pulled Min towards me. As soon as she was on firm ground she crawled up to me, pulled my shorts down, and got to work. Wow. I watched Nora’s breasts slowly slip under the muck while Min worked on my cock. I thought I was about to die from pure pleasure. Nora was struggling now, and sinking faster. “You monster!” she said. “How can you do that to her? You’ll rot in hell for this!” I watched the mud climb up to her shoulders. I was getting so close. I reached down and gently caressed Min’s hair- and she deep-throated me. She took it all for a few seconds, then choked, gasped for air, and went back to stroking and sucking like a pro. “You sick freak!” Nora said, as the mud closed over her shoulders. “Stop it- she can’t breathe when you do that!” She looked around at the mud. She tried to push herself up, but her arms went under instead. Now her eyes got huge. “No, no, God, no, please help me. . .” That was it. “Here it comes, babe,” I told Min, “Last chance to stop.” She didn’t stop. For the first time, a woman brought me off that way.
I must have passed out at that point. I dimly remember lying helpless on the ground while Min helped Nora make her way back to terra firma. I’d love to say that the girls started making out with each other in the mud, but I’d be lying. I did get to help them wash the mud off themselves- the three of us found a pool of waist-deep water with only knee-deep mud on the bottom, and we used that to clean ourselves up as much as possible. Yes, there was some kissing, but things didn’t get hot again until we’d all had showers. I wish this story ended with me moving in with Min and Nora and living happily ever after, but again, I’d be lying. We still see each other sometimes, but have sort of drifted apart. I think it was the menage’ a quatre with them and their neighbor David that changed things for me. Sometimes, you go down a road once, and even if you enjoyed it at the time, you have zero desire to go there again. So, that’s the story. Hope you liked it.

The End
Last edited by nachtjaeger on Mon Oct 17, 2016 12:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Without even trying (Part 1)

Postby Chimerix » Tue Dec 22, 2015 7:17 am

Oh, the possibilities!!
The difference between theory and reality is that, in theory, there is no difference between theory and reality.

Rusty Shackleford
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Re: Without even trying (Part 1)

Postby Rusty Shackleford » Mon Dec 28, 2015 2:59 pm

Enjoying the story so far!


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Re: Without even trying (Part 1)

Postby quagmire_uk » Wed Dec 30, 2015 2:14 am

Even though the brief mention of quicksand is just set-up for the next part... I don't care, because that was fantastic!

At first I was put off by the lack of paragraphs (I'm guessing it was copy pasted from a document) but once I gave it a try I was totally absorbed and no-longer noticed.

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Re: Without even trying (Updated with Part 2)

Postby nachtjaeger » Mon Oct 17, 2016 2:43 am

Now updated with Part 2. Sorry for the LONG wait.
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