Amazonian Quicksand

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Amazonian Quicksand

Postby sakura_inverse » Sat Jun 04, 2016 6:57 am

In the hot steamy jungle of the Amazon, Sakura took the love of her life, Angel, by the hand and gazed into her green eyes. As their lips met, their sweat-soaked skin pressed against their matching tan brown explorer outfits. When their lips parted, Sakura giggled as she saw Angel's red hair sitting neatly underneath her pith helmet. Angel giggled as well and asked "What?"

"You just look so sexy" she replied.

Angel kissed Sakura back and tussled Sakura's pith helmet, rustling her brown hair underneath. The petite red head asked "Well? What's so special about the Amazon's quicksand that you had to bring me all the way out here?"

Sakura unbuttoned the top buttons on her explorer's outfit to let her cleavage breathe. "Whew that feels better" she said as she reached in between her breasts to pull out a sweat-soaked pamphlet. She showed it to her and said "Look. Amazonian quicksand's nothing like the quicksand back home."

Angel red through the soaked pamphlet and replied "Carnivorous plants and giant snakes?"

"Quicksnakes and quickplants to be precise. Rumor has it they're big enough to eat any 'unfortunate' soul who gets stuck in their trap."

"That sounds dangerous" Angel purred as she kissed Sakura again. "But what if we only find regular old quicksand?"

"Is that such a bad thing?" Sakura asked as she kissed Angel back.

With a grin, Angel replied "Maybe I could tie you up before I push you in."

They walked hand in hand through the jungle as Sakura replied "If anyone's getting tied up, it's you."

But to Sakura's surprise, Angel grabbed a vine from a tree and spun her around, quickly binding her wrists together with a tight knot. "No baby, it's you."

With a giggle, Sakura playfully ran through the jungle with Angel hot on her heels. But she suddenly stopped when her ankles plunged into warm wet mud. With an aroused gasp, she tried to lift her legs but they were stuck fast in the shallow mud. She playfully called back "Ooh I think we found it."

Angel was about to hop right in when she saw two tendril-like vines slinking through the mud. "That's not all we found" she said as she pointed towards the surface.

Without warning, the vines wrapped themselves individually up Sakura's legs and began working their way up her body. With her blood racing, she moaned "Join me before it's too late."

Angel stepped into the mud and immediately felt its warmth creeping up her calves. Like Sakura, she found it extremely difficult to move through the mud. And to her disappointment, she couldn't see any vines racing towards her. "I think only one of us is getting eaten" she said with pouty lips.

"I wouldn't be so sure..." Sakura replied as she was drawn down to her knees. For underneath the mud's surface, she spotted a serpentine shape slinking towards Angel. She watched as it coiled around her feet, dipping briefly below the surface before pulling Angel down to her knees.

The two lovers were fortunate enough to find themselves close enough to kiss once again. The ecstasy running through their veins made their blood race at a feverish pace, something which barely allowed Sakura to notice the vines creeping up between her thighs. But suddenly she noticed when one of the thick tendrils began to press itself against the moist cleft of her sex. With a moan, Sakura noticed how the plant holding her fast somehow knew to spread her legs. And in an instant, Sakura found herself riding the ninth wave to ecstasy.

For Angel, however, rubbing her clit as she descended into the vertical mouth of the quicksnake was more than enough. The sensation of sliding into the pulsating maw of the snake while sinking gave her the best of both worlds. She moaned as the quicksand swallowed her thighs and the snake her knees. With her free hand, she caressed her breasts which were easily one of the most sensitive spots on her body. She opened her eyes to give Sakura a desperate look of pleasure while wondering what the quickplant had in store for her.

Sakura didn't have to wait long to find out. While the plant pounded her pussy, more vines joined in for the fun. As the quicksand swallowed her thighs, another vine approached her experienced rear. While that teased its way inside her, two more vines creeped up under her shirt to surround her breasts. The each contracted and released her fleshy globes, giving them muddy caresses. But a last vine oozing with sap presented itself to her lips, which she eagerly parted in order to taste her new lover.

The second that Angel felt the mouth of the snake press against her hand and her clit, she knew she was in heaven. Its throat muscles pulsated to draw her deeper inside which was a sensation she was happy to oblige. Pulsating muscles coated with mud massaged her lower body, encasing it with warm pulses that traveled inside her. Her fingers rubbed at an intense pace while her moans indicated that something bigger was about to come.

Sakura tried to scream as an orgasm rocked her to her core. But the sap covered vine in her mouth prevented her from being heard. The sap, much to Sakura's delight, was a powerful aphrodisiac which drove her sexual prowess to heights she never thought imaginable. With the last of her rationality, she spit the vine out in order to kiss her love. She wanted more than anything to share this delightful cocktail with Angel, a wish that she would ultimately see fulfilled.

Angel lost herself to ecstasy the second her lips met Sakura's. She barely noticed the mud and the snake swallowing her midriff. Spasm after spasm robbed her of any self control as she shut her eyes and focused on the sensations around her. Her other four senses responded by heightening themselves to needle sharp peaks that only drove her deeper into blissful madness.

Sakura dove into madness when the sappy vine forced its way between their lips. This, combined with the mud kissing her pink nips, sent her into a second orgasm. Now thoroughly delirious, she couldn't tell if she was kissing the vine or her lover's lips. But such a trivial matter seemed to matter little at this point. All that mattered was that she closed her eyes to allow her other four senses to sharpen. The result was how she was aware of the mud swallowing her breasts while the vine in her pussy seemed to secrete its own delicious sap.

The mud and the snake took Angel's shoulders into its depths. Now completely immobile, this presented her with the absolute zenith of pleasure. The hand on her breasts and the hand rubbing her clit were now under the complete control of the snake's pulsating throat. Each tug at her body sent cries of joy from her lips which signaled the coming of yet another powerful orgasm. This one however would leave her spent and helpless against the trap she willingly walked into.

The vine in Sakura's mouth pulled itself away as a trail of sticky sap was left attached to her lips. Now Sakura's mind began to return and it was only now that she realized the mud was cupping her chin. She rolled her head over to Angel who herself was in the same precarious position. With a hoarse voice, she asked "How was it?"

"Mmnn, amazing" Angel weakly replied.



"Be my wife. Before the jungle takes us... please say yes."

"I do" Angel smiled. The two wished they could kiss each other but they knew that their love for each other ran deeper than any quicksand. With their final declaration, they both disappeared to their fates. Sakura was drawn into the plant which had violated her so thoroughly to be kept as a personal treasure. Angel however spent her final moments being massaged all over. She eeked one final orgasm from her tied body before resting deep inside the snake's stomach. The only sign that any of them had been there rested with the two pith helmets floating on the surface.
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Re: Amazonian Quicksand

Postby TBoneTony » Sat Jun 04, 2016 1:05 pm

This is amazing Sakura

A good combination of Quicksand with a Plants and Snakes.

I wonder how many stories you have written with Quicksnakes and QuickPlants over the years?

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Re: Amazonian Quicksand

Postby sinkwithme » Sat Jun 04, 2016 1:35 pm

GREAT job!! "Worked" for me! ;)

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Re: Amazonian Quicksand

Postby PM2K » Sat Jun 04, 2016 7:20 pm

Love it. Nuff said. :D

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Re: Amazonian Quicksand

Postby Northerner » Thu Jun 16, 2016 8:24 am

Jungle lust!! Glad you returned, I always liked your stories!
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