Selena in quicksand

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Selena in quicksand

Postby aceofguru » Sun Aug 07, 2016 12:52 pm

Selena Gomez was taking a walk in the park after a concert of hers. She managed to get away from her security to have some time alone. “What a nice night out.” She has a blue and silver spaghetti strap dress that flows just above her knees. Her legs covered in sheer skin toned nylon pantyhose with her feet covered in silver sparkly flats. “I love how the cool breeze feels against these nylon legs.” Feeling them a bit for herself.

The park itself is silent on this cool night. The moon is out, and there isn’t a cloud in the sky. She looks around for any other people in the area. Being famous isn’t easy, and she doesn’t necessarily want to be recognized. She smiles, and walks along the path. The path, made of concrete leads into a wooded area of the park. She debates going in, knowing that someone could be waiting, but looks in her purse for some pepper spray. After finding some, she listens for a moment, and after hearing nothing but silence, walks into the wooded area.

The moon cannot be seen under the trees, though there are lights along the sidewalk, so the area isn’t completely in the dark. After about 20 minutes of walking, she hears footsteps from behind her. The footsteps are rapid, as though the person is running. Deciding that she didn’t want to be spotted, she made the decision to walk off the sidewalk and hide in the trees. Since she had silver flats and a shiny dress, she went farther than she would have, so the light doesn’t catch the fabric.

Going through the tree’s, she ended up ducking underneath a low branch. What Selena failed to notice, was a yellow tape running along that branch saying “do not enter” Once past the trees, there was a clearing. She could see trees all around working as a barrier for the sidewalk and this clearing. “This is a nice place to hide” She thought to herself. It’s far enough along the sidewalk, that not many people probably come here. She walked into the clearing. It seemed to be grass, but as she got 10 feet in, the ground was softer. “I think it rained here not too long ago” She moved her feet to play with the ground. “This ground is certainly weird. I better get out of here though.”

Selena took a final glance around, and started to turn around, but noticed something on the ground in front of her. It appeared to by something shiny, the light of the moon is being reflected off of it. She took one step toward it, and her a squelching sound. Looking down, she noticed that her right shoe was starting to dig into some mud. Luckily they were flats, and not heels. So she pulled back, but her foot popped out without her shoe. Her nylon foot hanging in the air. She heard another squelching sound and looked down only to see her other shoe sink into the mud. The mud starting climbing over the shoe and onto her foot. Before she would lose balance, she placed her right foot down a little behind her only to find the coolness of mud cover that foot as well. “Stupid mud” she thought as she tried pulling her left foot out, but with little luck. “I thought this stuff was supposed to be soft.”

“I may as well grab my shoe.” Selena says as she bends down to grab her right shoe that was stuck in the mud. After three light pulls, the shoe escapes the mud with a loud squelch. She throws the shoe behind her away from the clearing. Now to get herself out, she looks down to see her ankles being swallowed by the mud. She grabs her right leg and tries to pull her foot out, but only manages to drive her left foot in deeper. Selena feels the cool mud on her left calf through her pantyhose. She then tries the same thing with her left, only pushing her right foot calf deep as well. The suction from the mud continues to make squelching noises. “What is this stuff?” Looking down as the mud hungrily pulled her in.

Selena tried to look around to gauge her surroundings. The mud slowly sucking her nylon clad legs up her knees. The mud is almost to the hem of her dress. She holds up her dress to prevent it from getting dirty. She starts pumping her legs trying to walk toward where she was, trying to get out of this disgusting mud. “This stuff feels so disgusting through my pantyhose, but at the same time, it feels so good.”

The mud climbs up her thighs, and Selena let go of her dress, letting it set into the mud. “I have to find a way out of here.” She struggles just a big more and her hips slip into the mud. She starts to feel pleasure throughout her lower body, causing her to slightly struggle a bit more. She sticks her right into the mud touching her crotch. “Oh god, this feels so good. Why am I feeling like this.?”

As the pleasure builds up, she feels her stomach descend into the mud. She starts to feel pressure of the mud causing her to have a bit of trouble breathing. “I have to find a way to get out of here. Maybe there is somebody around here that can help me. Help!!!” Selena yells hoping that someone hears her.

Selena tries to pull her arm from the mud, which just drags her body deeper. Now up to her breasts in mud, she hopes that someone comes soon. “Help, somebody help! I’m sinking in some kind of mud! Please!!”

Worried that someone won’t get there in time, Selina starts to panic even more, trying to grab the mud and pull herself out. All of a sudden, she hears rustling in the woods, and a girl steps out. She is of average height, and wearing workout clothing including purple working leggings and a tight green shirt. The girl looks down at Selena. “Oh my god, what happened here?”

“I seem to have found some quicksand.” Selena says as she starts settling down to her shoulders. “Can you please help me out of here.”

“Yes, oh my god.” The girls turns around and starts looking for something to pull Selena out with. She eyes a tree branch on the ground. Picks it up with a struggle, but manages to swing it toward Selena. “Here you go. Can you grab it?”

“Let me try.” Selena says as she moves around to grab the branch. She tries to pull herself, and the girl starts pulling the branch. “I think i’m starting to move.” Selena starts to exit the mud. After several minutes of struggling, Selena is pulled out of the mud. She looks at her savior and hugs her. After a few seconds, she jumps off and starts apologizing. “I’m so sorry, I got you all muddy.”

“It’s ok..wait, are you Selena Gomez?”

“Ummm….” Selena stutters and starts blushing. “Yes, I am. Please don’t tell anyone about this.”

“Of course.” The girls puts her hand on Selena’s. “Your secret’s safe with me. Now, let me get you to my place, and you can get cleaned up.”

“Thanks, i’d appreciate it. What’s your name?” Selena asked

“My name is Alena.”

Selena and the girl head to her place.

To be continued.

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Re: Selena in quicksand

Postby DJlurker » Sun Aug 07, 2016 2:43 pm

I saw this story earlier on DeviantArt... nice job for your first effort! :)

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Re: Selena in quicksand

Postby stevensh12 » Sun Aug 07, 2016 2:44 pm

Please continue this is amazing
i'm just an idiot with a box and a screwdriver

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