photos from an earlier enjoyment of a mud hole

Pictures that you took and want to share.
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Re: photos from an earlier enjoyment of a mud hole

Postby Nessie » Sat Oct 24, 2009 5:18 pm

bikerdick9 wrote:thx for the encouragement...

better than logs in the fire,
dreams of bogs and mire;
to keep a body warm,
as dreams of sinking harm;
sinking in so deep,
a body warm to keep;
muddy, wet slippery dreams,
where no one hears the screams.
of pleasure
beyond measure.

Now that was nice.

more to continue...

Uh...I have a request. I'm not quite comfy having other people write stories about me in public. If you want to continue, can you take it to a PM?[/quote]


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Re: photos from an earlier enjoyment of a mud hole

Postby bikerdick9 » Mon Oct 26, 2009 7:14 pm


Guy at the counter says to Nessie, "So you're heading to the city for a while?" "Yeah going to visit family for a week or so. That muddy mess after the big rainstorm washed out the dam for the pond is more than I want to deal with now. Got a bulldozer lined up to rebuild the dam in a few weeks." "Well have a good trip Nessie"

As we walk out the store, Nessie says to me "Have fun camping up there at Joe's place. The biker campouts are pretty good parties. Just be careful wandering up those creeks and ponds." "Some are OK and others are just deep mud bogs", she says with a knowing look on her face.

I load up my groceries and head up the road. Checking the mirrors, I see her heading down the road in her muddy Unimog.

An old weathered sign points the way to Joe's campground, along a creek through the woods, then over a rise. Cresting the hill I see a meadow with some tables, campsites and a couple creeks running into a pond. I stop at the house and pay for a weeks camping and get a copy of a hand drawn map of the campground and nearby area; then ride back into the meadow to pick a spot. No one else here, so I pick a spot at the upper end of the meadow under some trees and near the creek fork. Camp is a quick set up, and so it is time to explore..


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Re: photos from an earlier enjoyment of a mud hole

Postby undergrain1 » Tue Oct 27, 2009 5:54 am

Unless I'm mistaken, Nessie...

Biker, I think Nessie asked that this be private messaging to her, not posted visibly for all eyes.

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Re: photos from an earlier enjoyment of a mud hole

Postby Boggy Man » Tue Oct 27, 2009 6:33 am

Nessie wrote:Uh...I have a request. I'm not quite comfy having other people write stories about me in public. If you want to continue, can you take it to a PM?

Unless I am mistaken, I think that bikerdick9 is telling a true story, and that this is a different "Nessie" in the story.
I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


-The Boggy Man

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Re: photos from an earlier enjoyment of a mud hole

Postby Nessie » Tue Oct 27, 2009 3:05 pm

No, we exchanged a PM and while I greatly admired the photos, and think a lot of the locations and his attitude toward mud...I tried to let him down gently by saying that I don't do well with roleplay.

He said he would write me out. What I really wish, though, is that he'd never even started using my name. He does not know me. In that sense, he's not writing about "Nessie" at all...but it is my persona and I don't actually enjoy people using it.

Biker, nobody's going to understand if you are just writing me out, and to be honest, I'm not really comfortable with the use of my name at all. I need to be asked first and I need to understand the plan.

At this point, it may be best to start over with a new thread and a new story...without me entirely.


P.S. Some people may have noticed the Star Trek silliness series. I should make it clear that the author of that was an actual mud partner of mine and besides, I saw these before he posted them on my group...years ago.

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Re: photos from an earlier enjoyment of a mud hole

Postby bikerdick9 » Tue Oct 27, 2009 3:14 pm

done, gone, bye

Dick pulls up camp and rides off to new adventures

End of Story

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