What is the protocol for being discovered?

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Re: What is the protocol for being discovered?

Postby DJlurker » Sun Jan 15, 2017 12:44 pm

Boggy Man wrote:
Sedge wrote:The problem with being easily seen is that someone will call the fire department to rescue you. You don't want a rescue squad to show up with a ladder and a raft while you're enjoying yourself. The area incident photogs will hear the FD dispatch on the scanner radio and show up to photograph the "rescue."

It would be even more embarrassing if a television news crew shows up to shoot the "rescue" for tv, and perhaps even want to interview you! :oops:

Sounds like the definition of 'epic fail' for a sinker! :P :lol:

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Re: What is the protocol for being discovered?

Postby Duncan Edwards » Sun Jan 15, 2017 6:25 pm

A lot of this is avoided by "doing your homework" so to speak. Proper reconnaissance and knowledge of what you are getting in to and the area around it will prevent a lot of grief. When that isn't practical then you look around for escape routes, exits, hiding places, etc. Have you got your gear stashed out of sight? Can you get your stuff and recover the situation quickly? Got your cover story straight? If there's more than just you in the party then does the other person(s) have it together on all this? Then there's the "What ifs...?" When shooting in the wild I would go so far as to plan for catastrophe by having the name and numbers of the local hospital, EMS, taxi, wrecker service, all that. What if I have to return home quickly? What is the story if I hit a deer? What if (fill in the blank). If you are going to use anyone else as part of the excuse will they know about if they are contacted? It can run to a long list but once you've got your routine sorted out it brings some peace.

Once upon a time years ago a group of us encountered local law enforcement after emerging from a place that we really weren't supposed to be in. First thing I did was turn to my party and told them to let me do all the talking. I already knew to have my hands out of my pockets, put my gear down, told everyone else to sit down and be quiet. Had my line together that we were just taking some pictures. No goofing around, no partying, everybody legal, all that stuff. We had seen some ATV's in the area and presumed it was okay to work there. (Well, sort of) Really sorry to drag him away from important stuff. I was as non-threatening and non-confrontational as I could be and he let us go on our way. In other words make it easy for him to leave you alone by not providing excuses for him to investigate further. Not everyone you encounter will let you be that way but most people aren't looking for trouble any more than you are. Give them a chance first before getting all defensive or pretending not to hide things. That is easier to do when you are prepared.
It's a dirty job but I got to do it for over 20 years. Thank you.

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Re: What is the protocol for being discovered?

Postby joedeep130535 » Mon Jan 16, 2017 7:06 pm

There seem to be 2 problems here
1) Going sinking on private places be they quarries or private land. I suppose the answer is the 11th Commandment but a good excuse might just save further trouble
2) Getting caught on public land ,mudflats ,estuaries, bogs etc My attitude is that I am doing nothing illegal,am not in any trouble & would they like to try it which usually moves them on. Interestingly I have never had abuse or any unpleasant comments & some people have even been quite supportive-but not to the extent of joining me lol

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Re: What is the protocol for being discovered?

Postby bogbud » Mon Jan 16, 2017 9:39 pm

Being discovered or getting caught on private property is nothing to joke about. Even if the owner is friendly the place is ruined. Meaning: Just in case you are caught AGAIN things will become much worse.

Public land is also not always public but could be part of a nature reserve or a protected area. Even leaving the official paths then means a violation. Sinking-action is a major disturbance for plant and animal-life that could lead to a much higher fine! As long as you are just hiking to/from the spot it's easy to play a photographer, geocacher or amateur-botanist or the like (bring the matching tools!)

The best option is not being seen!
I'm already chindeep in this mudbog and every desperate attempt to move my stuck legs only drives me deeper in. The thick mud slowly swamps my waders and my arms have nothing to hold onto.
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Re: What is the protocol for being discovered?

Postby mudxdresser » Tue Jan 17, 2017 4:30 pm

The first thing to do is to make sure you are familiar with the trespassing statutes in the State where you are doing your mud activities. Always know at all times whether you are on public or private property. Also be at least generally familiar with statutes relating to public indecency and sexual activity in public as depending on when you have any encounter, your story may need to protect you against these type of criminal charges as well.

I have generally found that one story is usually not enough. Rather, I suggest keeping several stories running in your mind. A light and breezy one like some that have been suggested already for when you are not yet violating the law in any way. A more advanced one for when you might be breaking the law but it is not yet obvious mud is involved as it is often wise in many situations not to let mud get mentioned unnecessarily as that can ultimately lead to having to discuss topics that may reveal you are a mud fetishist and that your activities are sexual in nature. And last, you need a story for when your activities are obviously sexual in nature. As you walk along on your mud adventure, you switch stories in your mind as your activities change.

It is also wise to practice lying. Stare in the mirror and tell something you remember and then tell a lie. You should see a difference in the direction the eyes shift. Rehearsing your stories in advance mitigates this as you are actually remembering something which makes it look less like a lie. Also remember that if you're having a really bad day and getting arrested looks like a real possibility, don't tell any stories at all, say nothing and let your lawyer do the talking.

And don't forget your other option to having to stand and deliver a story, escape and evade. Know when you have a possible escape route and when you don't, you'll only have a second in which to make that decision.

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Re: What is the protocol for being discovered?

Postby Defectivegene22 » Sat Jan 28, 2017 2:39 am

I've only been seen a couple of times since 91. One time i told someone i went in to save a stuck turtle .by the way that's no lie.my cover is a well equipped mountain bike ,a roped off area where the fishermen can't drive and the story is usually i was following deer tracks ,left my bike behind and fell off the ridge . I've left the woods as muddy as my bike and no one paid much if any attention whatsoever

The Kinkster
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Re: What is the protocol for being discovered?

Postby The Kinkster » Sun Jul 16, 2017 3:17 am

I feel like someone would believe you as long as they didn't see you rolling around or playing in it.
Wow man, that is SO kinked up.

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Re: What is the protocol for being discovered?

Postby mud_dreamer » Thu Aug 03, 2017 5:53 pm

The Kinkster wrote:I feel like someone would believe you as long as they didn't see you rolling around or playing in it.

You could say that you are a hunter/fisherman and you need to practice "self extraction" as a survival skill.

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Re: What is the protocol for being discovered?

Postby amandacd01 » Fri Aug 04, 2017 10:13 pm

There was an area that I explored and did sinks when I was about 14 or 15. It was about a three mile hike, I walked it, and did so within site of houses that were probably an 1/8 of a mile away. I was across the creek from the houses, and my thoughts were, "If anyone sees me, they will be looking through binoculars, and they cannot get to me." So, my best advice is to put water, mud, and quicksand between you and potential audiences, and a good way, afoot, for a getaway, should a getaway be needed. Besides that, if anyone is curious, just tell them to take a picture and get lost. Unless there are NO TRESSPASSING signs saying to keep out, I know of no laws against taking a mud bath.

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Re: What is the protocol for being discovered?

Postby amandacd01 » Fri Aug 04, 2017 10:15 pm

...hell, for that matter, in Isreal, people mud bath along the Dead Sea, and that is a major tourist draw to the Dead Sea.

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