My Problems with RazorVolare (AKA Kamisori Galaxy)

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My Problems with RazorVolare (AKA Kamisori Galaxy)

Postby DrScaphandre » Tue May 16, 2017 6:10 am

For a long time, a certain popular quicksand artist named RazorVolare has been spreading lies about me, and has been harassing other members of the quicksand community. To set the record straight of my side of the story once and for all, I've made this thread to explain my history with RazorVolare, AKA Kamisori Galaxy on Second Life.

So, who is RazorVolare for those who don't know? RazorVolare is a Second Life peril artist on Deviantart who primarily does quicksand related perils. When I was early in the Second Life world making my earliest photography sets, I met Razor at Quicksand Cove and we became friends. Why wouldn't we? We had the same interests, and both made Second Life art, so we decided to do some hangouts together and play together.

However, as time went on, whenever I went onto Second Life, RazorVolare would always call me. He would keep trying to get me to use RLVs to put me in traps, just so he could see my avatar squirm, even though I kept telling him that I do not like RLVs and didn't want to use them. Whenever I come to quicksand cove, Razor is there and he wants me to strip my avatar naked and sink in quicksand for him. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. The funny thing is everytime I say no, he'll do it again later, even though he knows I'm a male IRL and just use a female avatar, he still does it. Along with the constant begging for me to do nude sinks for him, he criticizes my suit fetish, and keeps saying I'm a fool for wanting to sink while wearing a spacesuit.

One incident he keeps bringing up whenever he mentions me, is this incident between him and I back when we played the game Team Fortress 2. Back then I used to do a lot of ingame trading, and I was looking for people to buy stuff from. Razor had this Unusual I wanted to buy (An Unusual is an extremely rare cosmetic item that has a special visual effect) and I wanted to buy it from him so I could make some profit. So I gave him an offer that was just a little under the average market price. However, he wanted something much much higher then what the hat was actually worth, so I turned him down. I'm sure if he ever spoke to you he would say that I was "scamming" him, but the thing you have to understand is this. Unusual trading works way differently then regular trading. People buy and sell with different values however they see fit. I gave my offer, he rejected and gave a counter offer, I rejected, and that was that. He didn't have a problem with it then, but then after he defriended me, he makes it out to be a massive deal.

But that wasn't what caused him to defriend me and start spreading all these lies about me. No, that would be reserved to one night at Quicksand Cove. You see, him and I got in an argument over petty things, like tastes in video games, and the fact that he keeps talking down about my bodysuit fetish. So, he decided he's had enough, and just defriended me on the spot, and wiped me from every account he had. dA, SL, Steam, everything. He never talked to me ever since, and then the rest was history.

Ever since then, he went out to try to destroy any relationships I had, and it partially worked. A few quicksand artists on dA did stop talking to me. Make no mistake, Razor is not a nice person. He uses other Second Life sinkers just for his personal amusement, will always whine for attention.

What about you? Have you ever had any interactions or misfortunes because of RazorVolare?

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Re: My Problems with RazorVolare (AKA Kamisori Galaxy)

Postby DJlurker » Tue May 16, 2017 12:07 pm

I used to hangout with him on SL a while back, but it just kinda dropped off... Given what you said about him, that was probably a good thing...

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Re: My Problems with RazorVolare (AKA Kamisori Galaxy)

Postby Moderator » Tue May 16, 2017 4:13 pm

[Topic Moved from General Discussion]

What happens in Second Life, should stay here.

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Re: My Problems with RazorVolare (AKA Kamisori Galaxy)

Postby glorfindel01 » Tue May 16, 2017 6:54 pm

Unfortunately we had a very serious encounter on the part of this person against four friends and a blockade for trying to mediate the problem, I will not give names, but two of them wanted to force them to do things against their will, the Third attempt to put poisonous words to make them stop being friends, as to the last, which I know and talk quite often with her harassed and even threatened to say that she was a boy in second life (when all who have tried With her they could tell you it's not true)

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Re: My Problems with RazorVolare (AKA Kamisori Galaxy)

Postby A20 » Tue May 16, 2017 7:10 pm

Sorry to hear about your experience. I've interacted with him a while back when I was starting DeviantArt. He had me do one commission for him. He was also trying to get me into 2nd Life, but I think I only went on there a couple times and didn't feel like going on again. One day I noticed he unwatched me on dA. Wasn't sure why, but I could think of reasons.
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Re: My Problems with RazorVolare (AKA Kamisori Galaxy)

Postby Green Heart » Tue May 16, 2017 10:18 pm

Hes just, for lack of a better word, an asshat.

I've had enough bad experiences with them to know that they have nothing to offer a community, or a friendship.

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Re: My Problems with RazorVolare (AKA Kamisori Galaxy)

Postby DrScaphandre » Tue May 16, 2017 11:29 pm

Green Heart wrote:Hes just, for lack of a better word, an asshat.

I've had enough bad experiences with them to know that they have nothing to offer a community, or a friendship.

What did he do to you?

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Re: My Problems with RazorVolare (AKA Kamisori Galaxy)

Postby Green Heart » Tue May 16, 2017 11:35 pm

DrScaphandre wrote:
Green Heart wrote:Hes just, for lack of a better word, an asshat.

I've had enough bad experiences with them to know that they have nothing to offer a community, or a friendship.

What did he do to you?

Started calling me a bad person because I couldn't chat with them all hours of the day while I was online and home, and constantly got angry that I liked certain video games etc, and thats just the tip of the iceberg. They're mentally challenged and thats all I have to say.

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Re: My Problems with RazorVolare (AKA Kamisori Galaxy)

Postby jasonvh » Tue May 16, 2017 11:51 pm

i too had some issue with him in sl he even wanted me to use voice i and then critize me for using my rl voice even thou my av didn't match or something he never went in to detail i think he is looking for a rl connection thru sl to the point of something serious in rl but i don't know how it can be acquired with out the real connect and touch. also it seems his av is too cartoony for something of what he shows on da

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Re: My Problems with RazorVolare (AKA Kamisori Galaxy)

Postby Person 5 » Wed May 17, 2017 12:43 am


What I am about to share is my ever so interesting experience with RazorVolare.

On my DA, I like to do quicksand requests for other people. One day, I stumbled upon his page, and favorited some of his works, with him thanking me soon after. A few days later, he asked me to do a request involving Princess Peach sinking nude in a quicksand pit, both enjoying it, and fearing it. When I finished, I uploaded the request and wondered what he thought about it. He didn't like it. He said that there was too little detail on the sequence and said that if he ever requested again, it'd be after he saw improvement on my work (admittedly, I still can't do to well with my art lel). I then offered to redo his entire request and he accepted. After a while, I remade the sequence and uploaded it. That moment is where things took a turn for the worse. Razor told me that I failed on the remaster and that he called it, as well as saying he knew it wasn't going to be good the first time. He showed problems that were out of my control to fix, such as the model I used and the map. He told me that one problem was that it was shorter than the first time around, me being surprised he wasn't grateful for me redoing it in the first place, and that it was overall "now what he requested, again." I sent him a looong note about the request about how I tried my best and I don't see why he's complaining. No reply. Then, all went quiet for a while. I still watched him for some reason, but I never really asked anything of him. Until, out of nowhere, he randomly shows up to chat, eventually bringing up a new request, but he says he doesn't want them to end up like last time. I ask him why he is requesting if he said my two attempts at his first were a "failure." He said that he would request if I knew how to animate better. The conversation somehow ends and I take his request. Overtime, him and I have conversations through notes, and I'm generally beginning to kind of like him again. He even started watching me again. Until one day he wanted to start a new conversation with me. I told him I have a new OC named Abigail. No reply. I was a bit confused, but I didn't mind it too much. Then came time to do his request. This request involved Ms. Pauling from TF2 getting stuck in quicksand while disposing of dead bodies. I was getting preparations ready when I realized something: there is no way he'll like my request if I get the dead bodies wrong. Then I figured that he'll most likely not like it at all. I messaged him and told him that I am declining his request because I don't want to have to deal with him hating on me, again. As I was writing this out, I realized why our conversations stopped. Apparently, my OC coincidentally has the same name as one of his OC's and I didn't even notice. I added to the note that it was a coincidence and I sent it. He unwatched me again, and that's all I've heard from him since. The end.
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