Caught by parents - really embarrassed

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Caught by parents - really embarrassed

Postby swampy42 » Wed Jul 26, 2017 1:10 pm

Hello! Been lurking here for a while and this is my first post - I hope its in the right section.

I'm from the UK, I'm 19 and a student who is living with parents over the summer holidays. I've had a mud / quicksand fetish since 2011 and there is woodland near our home where I sometimes play. In 2013 I got caught by my parents the day after playing (muddy shoes gave it away). I told them what I did, but didn't mention the fact it was a fetish or anything like that. They just thought I was being silly and told me not to do it again.

Over the next 4 years I feel my life has changed rapidly, from being at secondary school in 2013 to now living away from home for most of the year. I still have my fetish and watched videos online ( + browsed this excellent forum!) but never actually went out to play in the mud... until about a week ago, when my parents were out for the day, the urges became too much and I gave in and went out to play.

I got caught...again, by my shoes. This time I told my parents all about my fetish and completely opened up to them. They were both extremely nice about it, and comforted me, saying that having a secret fetish is more common among people than I might think.

Despite my parents being lovely and accommodating, the embarrassment over the past week of my fetish being found out has been overwhelming. I can't look at my family the same way. I've taken to hiding in my room most of the day, something I never did before. I haven't left the house much at all, and any motivation to work or exercise has been completely killed off. I'm usually a drama queen, getting worked up over the most basic of things, but it has never been as bad as this. I'm also embarrassed that I gave into my fetish after 4 years, and being caught makes it all so much worse.

I'm not even sure if this post is appropriate for this forum. I just wanted a place to let it all out, and to see if there's anyone else with this fetish who has been caught. If you've been caught, how did you handle it? Hearing what other people think would comfort me so much.

Thanks for reading all of this!

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Re: Caught by parents - really embarrassed

Postby Raptor90 » Thu Jul 27, 2017 5:19 pm

Time to use an old pair of shoes that you can hide away somewhere :P

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Re: Caught by parents - really embarrassed

Postby Fred588 » Thu Jul 27, 2017 5:34 pm

Raptor90 wrote:Time to use an old pair of shoes that you can hide away somewhere :P

With regard to such things being quite common your parents are correct. I like to express it this way: When it comes to admitting having something of this sort there are two groups of people in the world. One group is called, "people who will admit they have such a thing." The other group is called "liars." While this is probably not strictly true I don't think it is far off.
Studio 588 currently offers more than 2200 different HD and QD quicksand videos and has supported production of well over 2400 video scenes and other projects by 13 different producers. Info may be found at:

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Re: Caught by parents - really embarrassed

Postby revenger6 » Thu Jul 27, 2017 5:45 pm

I'm 20 and UK based too, I have very sneaking suspicions my parents found this forum on the computer history once, if so they have never mentioned it and Id rather keep it that way. all the same tho I had the same feelings as you when it happened.

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Re: Caught by parents - really embarrassed

Postby Mynock » Thu Jul 27, 2017 5:56 pm

Talking sex with the parental units is never not uncomfortable......I still cringe when I remember the sex talk from my youth lol. It really isn't a big deal, like Fred said everybody (including your parents) has a thing. In the grand scheme of things our thing really isn't that crazy.
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Re: Caught by parents - really embarrassed

Postby Fred588 » Thu Jul 27, 2017 6:03 pm

Several years ago on the way to the Studio with two actresses I had picked up at the airport (a two-hour drive each way) we had am hilarious discussion of what was a fetish for at least one person. bear in mind we were using the term "fetish" in its broadest sense (which includes kinks and just turn-ons). One passenger saw a dented roadside mailbox and declared that would be a turn-on for someone. Another declared the same thing for a Walmart plastic bag blowing in the wind.
Studio 588 currently offers more than 2200 different HD and QD quicksand videos and has supported production of well over 2400 video scenes and other projects by 13 different producers. Info may be found at:

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Re: Caught by parents - really embarrassed

Postby sixgunzloaded » Thu Jul 27, 2017 6:45 pm

Hi Swampy42! First of all, welcome to the forum! Glad you opened up! :)

I'll say this - You were braver than I ever was, confiding in your parents about a fetish. Especially one as relatively odd-ball as this one. That took courage, I'm sure. So congrats on that accomplishment. :) The only people I've had the guts to tell are my wife and the folks on this forum. People who I already knew wouldn't judge (my folks absolutely would have).

Your folks are right, secret fetishes are common. And, from the way you described them, it sounds like they are pretty much fine with you having one. Obviously, I wouldn't know anything about them, but it would be my guess that they are probably okay with either discussing it further or not, whichever you choose.

It's easier said, than practiced, but (unless somebody is getting hurt) fetishes shouldn't be a source of embarrassment. They're just part of who we are - part of what turns us on. Nothing to be ashamed of. When one can accept that 'this thing' is part of them, it does tend to get easier. It did for me, at least, anyway. That being said, I still haven't told anybody that I'm not fairly certain what their reaction will be. Again, easier said, than practiced. :? And please forgive my dime-store psychology here... :lol:

If it's bothering you as much as you describe, maybe try discussing that aspect of it with them? My bet is that they'll be as accommodating and loving and helpful as before.

As far as getting caught, I've been pretty lucky in my limited sinking adventures, though there have been some close calls. Not sure how I would really handle it. Try to laugh it off? Maybe play dumb or joke it away? :shock: :oops: :lol: I think the key is don't get caught. Plan it out in advance. Scout the area you want to sink in for privacy and after-sink clean up potential in a non-obvious way. Take what you'll need with you when you go. But don't trespass or break any obvious laws! That will make getting caught that much worse. And maybe tell somebody you trust at least the general area you're going to in case you get into trouble or need help.

Hope my prattling helped. :lol: :D
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Re: Caught by parents - really embarrassed

Postby swampy42 » Wed Aug 02, 2017 11:41 am

Hi everyone, apologies for taking so long to come back here and reply!! I just wanted to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to everyone who replied, all your replies are lovely! I feel much better about the whole situation, and it all feels more normal now. Good to hear that this has happened to other people now.

I'm really glad I've made an account now, it's great to be part of such a friendly and accepting community :)

Also thanks for the PM revenger6, unfortunately as my account is new I can't access messages yet - when I get my post count up I'll certainly have a look!

Cheers everyone.

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Re: Caught by parents - really embarrassed

Postby Sinkman61 » Sun Jul 21, 2019 7:50 am

I know this post is REALLY, REALLY LATE and to an old posting...


I would be MORE CONCERNED if you DIDN’T have some fetish or two, or your own secret sexual desires, or SOMETHING out of the ordinary that makes YOU who you really are. Having a fetish, some strange desires, etc...that’s a perfectly healthy thing. And if your fetish doesn’t hurt either yourself or someone else, than by all means, GO FOR IT!!! There’s absolutely no reason to be embarrassed. Live your life and allow the time necessary for your fetish to develop. And by all means, ENJOY YOUR FETISH!!!

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Re: Caught by parents - really embarrassed

Postby BogDog » Tue Jul 23, 2019 10:50 pm

" got caught...again, by my shoes. This time I told my parents all about my fetish and completely opened up to them. They were both extremely nice about it, and comforted me, saying that having a secret fetish is more common among people than I might think. "

Who knows what stories they could tell you... ;)

I NEVER want to know what my parent's fetishes are.....Some are too weird or gross. Weird, I can deal with sometimes. Gross, never.
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