Poll: How deep do YOU sink?

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For the sinkers: How deep do YOU go?

A: I don't sink and i don't really want to (i.e. just watching)
B: I don't sink but would like to
C: Just up to my knees
D: Around my thighs or hips
E: Up to my waist
F: From my armpits to the neck
G: Barely able to breath
H: All the way!
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Re: Poll: How deep do YOU sink?

Postby mud_dreamer » Tue Jun 18, 2019 4:55 pm

I put: " From my arm pits to my neck."
Truth be told, I have only gotten that deep by going off vertical maybe 30 degrees at the most.

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Re: Poll: How deep do YOU sink?

Postby Sinkman61 » Wed Jun 19, 2019 9:34 am

Definitely all the way. I absolutely LOVE the feeling of the mud when squeezes and encapsulates my entire body. I especially enjoy sinking down vertically in semi-thick mud that grips onto me tightly, making it nearly impossible to escape. I’m planning on setting up a breathing hose so I can go even deeper and stay down much longer. Has anybody ever tried swim goggles for eye protection? I don’t like the mud getting around my eyes, but obviously, the best sinks are those where the mud closes up over the top of me and tries to make me it’s bitch. I also enjoy the mud as it’s attaches its long tendrils all over and relentlessly squeezes me into submission as it pulls me slowly down.

When I find but perfect buttery smooth mud that’s more limited in depth, I take advantage of that by getting completely naked and laying out horizontally on the surface and allowing my body to sink about three feet down for a wonderful mud bath. I found myself a PERFECT spot for taking such a mud bath over the past weekend. I couldn’t believe how perfect the mud was. Additionally, it was right next to an empty beach along the Intercoastal Waterway.

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Re: Poll: How deep do YOU sink?

Postby Boggy Man » Fri Jun 21, 2019 8:13 am

Sinkman61 wrote:Has anybody ever tried swim goggles for eye protection? I don’t like the mud getting around my eyes, but obviously, the best sinks are those where the mud closes up over the top of me and tries to make me it’s bitch.

I use swim goggles (except for some of my dramatic videos), and it helps keep my eyes free of mud during my sinks beneath the surface. It can be rather annoying spending any amount of time under the surface and no matter how much I tried to keep my eyes closed, some always gets in, and I then wipe out pieces of mud coated in mucous out of my eyes for hours afterwards, as well as specks stuck to the base of my eyelashes. Swim goggles prevent that. I sometimes also wear a swim cap to keep my hair and ears clean if the cleanup water isn't comfortably warm. Breathing tubes and hoses really allow for some lengthy deeper submergences, but if the hose is too long, you have to inhale through the hose and exhale through your nose, or you would be just re-inhaling your carbon dioxide inside the hose. However if it is short enough, which also limits how far beneath the surface you can sink, you can inhale and exhale through the tube/hose.

Here are posts to some of my videos, including some breathing hose sinks:


I just love to linger beneath the surface just like you, but in recent years, I have been having neck pain/sensitivity and clicking/grinding which seems to be making it difficult to do much of that, but I keep hoping to find a way to enjoy it again. Any resistance moving my head forward makes it worse, as well as tilting my head up, unless it is supported on the backside. It almost went away a couple of times, but each time it was very short-lived. Jerking my head back when I was slapped with a branch in the face caused the pain to return the first time a couple of years ago, and the second time the discomfort went away this past winter, walking into a low apricot tree branch brought it back a few days later. I think I have to keep my head facing forward during my sinks, so that all the resistance is on the top of my head instead of the front/back or sides.

BTW, a couple years ago I had selected "H: All the way!" 8-)
I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


-The Boggy Man

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Re: Poll: How deep do YOU sink?

Postby enerj29 » Sat Jun 22, 2019 5:16 pm

Where do you guys go to find such deep spots where you can sink all the way up to your neck? I’ve been searching for years and the deepest I’ve found around me (I’m in Pennsylvania) was about 2 feet. And tips for someone who wants to try deeper?

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Re: Poll: How deep do YOU sink?

Postby bogbud » Sat Jun 22, 2019 9:25 pm

enerj29 wrote:Where do you guys go to find such deep spots where you can sink all the way up to your neck? I’ve been searching for years and the deepest I’ve found around me (I’m in Pennsylvania) was about 2 feet. And tips for someone who wants to try deeper?

Location, location, location!

I was also really surprised by the results of my poll. There are so many people who just cannot go anywhere sinking and such a large number of folks who do it completely. In between its not that much.
From my own "history" i can tell, that when you start just stomping around in ankle-deep mud you are either getting addicted or you just say, "Eww, not my business". But when the mud gets you, you want more, and more and more. When i did start this thread, i did pick that barely-able-to-breathe-one. Sinking completely did scare the hell out of me. Nowadays a good sink is only achieved when the bog swallows me whole and my hands barely keep touch with the surface :twisted:
I'm already chindeep in this mudbog and every desperate attempt to move my stuck legs only drives me deeper in. The thick mud slowly swamps my waders and my arms have nothing to hold onto.
I'm feeling home.

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Re: Poll: How deep do YOU sink?

Postby gamwam » Sat Jun 22, 2019 11:07 pm

bogbud wrote:
enerj29 wrote:Where do you guys go to find such deep spots where you can sink all the way up to your neck? I’ve been searching for years and the deepest I’ve found around me (I’m in Pennsylvania) was about 2 feet. And tips for someone who wants to try deeper?

Location, location, location!

I was also really surprised by the results of my poll. There are so many people who just cannot go anywhere sinking and such a large number of folks who do it completely. In between its not that much.
From my own "history" i can tell, that when you start just stomping around in ankle-deep mud you are either getting addicted or you just say, "Eww, not my business". But when the mud gets you, you want more, and more and more. When i did start this thread, i did pick that barely-able-to-breathe-one. Sinking completely did scare the hell out of me. Nowadays a good sink is only achieved when the bog swallows me whole and my hands barely keep touch with the surface :twisted:

god i wish you would video that ! id love to see

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Re: Poll: How deep do YOU sink?

Postby kennedy » Sun Jun 23, 2019 10:09 am

bogbud wrote:
fightingfish wrote:from what video is picture B? She looks fantastic :)

No video. I think she is one of the british models from booted-babes.com
You should find that site most interesting....

Thanks!! We really enjoy and love every minute of it

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Re: Poll: How deep do YOU sink?

Postby Sinkman61 » Mon Jun 24, 2019 7:48 pm

Boggy Man...sorry to hear about your back issues. I can’t even begin to tell you how many people I’ve seen make a video because they actually thought that you died in your videos. Fortunately that’s not happened, but I also know that with the type of mud you’ve made those videos in that it would be nearly impossible, as you can easily just float back up to the surface. Sorry to hear that you’re having neck problems. Have you ever gone to see a doctor about it? It sounds like it could be degenerative disk disease. I’m well educated on that because I’ve got it, plus more. I was involved in a very serious accident back in 2003 that caused me to loose 7 disk, 1 vertebrae, and a rib. In addition, I had a broken shoulder, around 12 broken ribs, and a torn rotator cuff in my other shoulder. I had been rear ended while sitting at a red light on my motorcycle when some bimbo rear ended me at 60+ mph. For nearly 13 years I was nearly bed ridden, but numerous surgeries, lots and lots of physical therapy, and plenty of determination managed to get me back on my feet again. During that period of time there was no more scuba diving, sinking, mountain bike riding, or much of anything else. Fortunately determination won out and I’ve managed to get much of what I lost back. Thankfully, playing in mud and quicksand isn’t a high impact sport, so it’s no threat to my back. There’s still mud after injuries.

I go whenever I possibly can. There’s just something about getting all covered up with mud that’s nearly impossible to resist. Even if the fetish aspect we’re to be removed, there’s still more than enough left over to make it highly appealing nonetheless. Just the fact that it’s an amazing exercise alone would keep me coming back. But then there’s the aspect that it’s so damned good for the skin that would also keep me coming back again and again. And thankfully, the mud here in NE Florida is still relatively cool (low 80’s) that definitely makes me want to come back...and physically sink down as DEEP as possible into it until I’m completely covered up ...plus some. There’s generally no floating back up around here (although there are some areas where the mud is thin enough that it won’t grasp on nearly as much). Most of the mud is extremely sticky, supercharged tidal mud that literally sticks to everything, and creates an enormous amount of suction that will actually allow you to continue sinking well below your buoyancy point...simply because the amount of downward suction that’s created far exceeds the upwards force of your buoyancy. As long as you can push a foot down deeper into the mud, then you’ll continue to sink when you try lifting that same foot back up until you get to the point that you simply can’t move much of anything anymore. For me that’s usually about chin deep ...although I’ve certainly been deeper. But when I’m in mud that’s got suction this powerful, I’m just not willing to go any deeper than the point where the mud has completely covered my ears and is closing in on my face with my head tilted back. And even then I’ve got to be able to pull my arms up and out of the mud, which certainly isn’t always the case.

Sometimes I enjoy sinking down really deep with my hands shoved in my pants pockets. When sinking like that, you can really feel the pressure of the mud against your body. As your torso gets consumed, the mud squeezes in on your arms and pins them up tightly against your sides, nearly locking them in place. It’s amazing that you can continue to sink in mud that squeezes your body so tightly, and yet, somehow, the suction is more than enough to keep pulling you down deeper and deeper every time you attempt to lift either one of your legs upward. Frankly, I could stay in that really tight, cool mud for hours and hours if not for that tidal thing. So I plan my excursions into the tidal mud flats so that when I arrive, the tide still has a couple more hours before it’s completely out. That’s so I’ll get at least 4-5 hours of sinking time BEFORE I need to worry about the incoming tide. I thoroughly enjoy the challenge of getting myself back up and out BEFORE the tide comes roaring back in. You certainly DON’T WANT TO BE STUCK IN DEEP STICKY MUD WHEN IT RETURNS, because the mud won’t get any looser or less sticky just because there’s now water sitting on the top of it. The mud doesn’t change a bit. So whether the tide is in or out, you’ll still be stuck. Now, if you sink down into the mud when the tide happens to be in, then in that case, it won’t be nearly as sticky. But that’s only because if you sink during high tide, as you sink, you also push that water that’s sitting above the mud way down into the mud. But few people who really enjoy sinking want water sitting on the top of the mud they’re sinking into. When you’re in really sticky tidal mud, you most certainly can get yourself completely stuck. You never want to wear anything with large, heavy soles in such mud if you ever expect to get yourself unstuck. So keep the heavy waders, hip boats, and knee high boots at home where they belong. If you can’t slide yourself out of them and aren’t fully prepared to loose them, they’ll do nothing but get yourself in lots of trouble. And in this case, that trouble could be your life. The tide’s not going to hold off while you try to escape. And it only has to be an inch over your nose to drown you. You had also better be prepared to dig yourself out as well. I’ve had to dig as far down as my knees when stuck neck deep before just to get out. Thankfully I didn’t have to dig down any deeper, because I’d still be there. I probably would’ve managed to get myself out without having to dig down nearly as deep, but in this instance there was a major thunderstorm moving in and I just didn’t feel like being a lightning rod on that day, so digging down deeper was simply the fastest means of escaping. And that was with just neoprene booties on my feet. Had I worn waders I probably would still be there. Thankfully I managed to get into my car with just seconds to spare before that storm hit.

Earlier this year I bought some new waders, but not for the purpose of sinking. They’re for keeping the tidal creek that’s just 25 feet from the back door of my house cleaned out. That’s got mud that’s about waist deep along the bottom, BUT... its just not worth playing around in, as there way too many sticks and crap from the tree canopy overhead. And then there’s a neighbor on both sides of me that can also see back there. Plus, when we’ve had a lot of rain, water tends to sit on the top. With so many choices to pick from here in Northeastern Florida, there’s rarely if ever a reason to go sinking in lousy mud when there’s so many terrific places to pick from, some which are even within walking distance, others, within a bike ride distance, and even the best, which are well within an easy drive’s away. This area out the country really is a mud lover’s paradise.

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Re: Poll: How deep do YOU sink?

Postby Sinkman61 » Mon Jun 24, 2019 8:12 pm

enerj29, sounds to me like you need to take yourself on a ”MUDCATION.” If you haven’t been able to find anything deeper than only 2 feet, you are most certainly coming up way short on fully enjoying the mudding experience. Of course, there’s people around who love tromping around with their knee high boots in mud that’s only about a foot deep or slightly more, and then put videos on YouTube about the “deep” mud they went through. They really don’t have the slightest idea of what deep mud actually is. Personally, I don’t consider mud to actually be deep if I can still touch the bottom without going completely under. There’s only 2 places where I’ve ever experienced really serious, DEEP mud. Those are here in NE Florida, and out in San Diego. Both places have tidal mud, which can range from 5’ to well in excess of over 20’ deep. Between the two locations I much prefer NE Florida. That’s because the mud here is actually clean (clean doesn’t mean bacteria free. It just means that it’s NOT polluted with chemicals or human waste, so if by chance I get an infection, it won’t be something like hepatitis that’s looking to kill me). and there’s no Boarder Patrol running around showing up at your private sinking spot. San Diego has a very distinct weather advantage. Unfortunately, the area where the excellent mud’s located happens to be in Boarderfield State Park which, like here in NE Florida, is also a tidal estuary, but unlike here, it’s the target of Boarder Patrol 24/7. Obviously it’s right smack next to the boarder. They’re out there on foot, in their SUV’s, going up and down the beach via 4 wheelers, and flying overhead in light aircraft. For the most part, they’ll ignore you. But not always. Additionally, its a place you only want to sink when the tide first starts coming back in. That’s so the water is fresh ocean water, not partially treated Tijuana sewage water. There’s actually a sewage plant built on our side of the boarder to help clean it up, as TJ had refused to treat the water before it flows into the United States on its way out to sea. But at least the weather’s decent fr most of the year. Here in NE Florida it’s blazing HOT from mid July through the first half of September. And by time August hits, the mud isn’t cool anymore. Nor are the tidal creeks. They too are steaming hot, especially at low tide. Of course, that’s a good thing because its warming up the mud before the upcoming fall and winter, making the mud warm so its as equally enjoyable in November as the cool mud is during the June/July time frame. As for August and September...you’ll probably want to just skip sinking during those two months all together. Its 95-98 degrees/100% humidity every day. That’s why, if someone ask, I’ll tell them mudding season around really here goes from April 1st through July 31st, and October 1st through November 30th. You just don’t want to go sinking when your going to be highly vulnerable to heat stroke.

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Re: Poll: How deep do YOU sink?

Postby enerj29 » Sun Jun 30, 2019 5:16 am

Thanks @sinkman61! That’s super helpful. I’ve looked at tidal estuaries online and would love to experience them. But there are none near me unfortunately. I’ve thought about driving to NJ or MD in search of them, but not really sure where to look. I’d love to come to ne Flordia to check them out. I’m guessing if I did, I’d be able to contact you for some suggestions? I would totally take myself on mudcations, that sounds like a great idea. I stopped at a mud beach last year which was great. Not very deep, but being able to walk around other people while covered in mud was great.

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