Interducing your SO (Significant Other) to Mud

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Re: Interducing your SO (Significant Other) to Mud

Postby Jen » Sat Apr 25, 2009 6:52 pm

Well, I suppose I'll jump in on the other side of this! I'm a girl trying to get my boyfriend interested in deep mud/quicksand!

What I find exciting about it is the dynamic of my mind saying "No," but my body saying, "Yes." I'm not a particularly kinky gal, but I do enjoy the theme of a little fear or struggle sometimes. There's the physical aspect of it, of course; it feels good on the skin, and I do enjoy things that are slippery or slimy. But as far as the psychological stuff goes, it's a mix of the fear and danger thing with the idea that it's out of our control.

I think many of you are familiar with the intricate dynamics of a relationship where, in the bedroom, taking or losing control can be a powerful element. I think it's a similar feeling with having the quicksand take control, except with mud or quicksand, there's no reasoning, bargaining, or wrestling back control from it. To really be at the mercy of something that's not a conscious thing, and have it be so slow! Falling off a cliff is fighting with nature with the possibility of death, sure, but it's sudden and brutal. And being stuck out in the desert in one hundred twenty degree weather is also fighting with nature with the possibility of death, but rescue might come too late.

With mud and quicksand, though, it's excruciatingly drawn out, inch by inch (quite literally!), and the idea that rescue could be imminent, but until then, you're sinking in perfect health, no harm done if you're saved, but if not, it's to your doom! It's a beautifully ironic combination of "all or nothing" (alive and well all the way down) but having it be so slow and tortuous, knowing that the danger is so close and you're unable to do a thing about it.

Anyway! As far as the practical stuff of getting your significant other interested, I'll give it some thought from our end as far as what methods would probably work better than others. I could use some advice from you guys, too, as far as trying to get my boyfriend into it! :)


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Re: Interducing your SO (Significant Other) to Mud

Postby Boppinabe » Sun Apr 26, 2009 2:12 pm

Jen, that's easy:
Show him a QS scene and tell him how hot(or some other similar adjective) it would be for him to rescue you from a clutching, voracious quicksand bog. We guys aren't complicated.

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Re: Interducing your SO (Significant Other) to Mud

Postby Boggy Man » Mon Apr 27, 2009 7:41 am

Boppinabe wrote:Jen, that's easy:
Show him a QS scene and tell him how hot(or some other similar adjective) it would be for him to rescue you from a clutching, voracious quicksand bog. We guys aren't complicated.

Also, for added effect, mix up a bucket of thick gooey mud, preferably clay, topsoil would work as well in many cases, and take turns sinking your hands in it, feeling its texture and grip, and then imagining what it would be like to sink your entire bodies into something like that. 8-)
I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


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Re: Interducing your SO (Significant Other) to Mud

Postby dougiezerts » Tue Apr 28, 2009 12:34 am

Boggy Man wrote:
Boppinabe wrote:Jen, that's easy:
Show him a QS scene and tell him how hot(or some other similar adjective) it would be for him to rescue you from a clutching, voracious quicksand bog. We guys aren't complicated.

Also, for added effect, mix up a bucket of thick gooey mud, preferably clay, topsoil would work as well in many cases, and take turns sinking your hands in it, feeling its texture and grip, and then imagining what it would be like to sink your entire bodies into something like that. 8-)

Or perhaps the two of you can sink your feet into it! :lol:

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Re: Interducing your SO (Significant Other) to Mud

Postby Fred588 » Tue Apr 28, 2009 12:54 am

Depending on your relationship, obviously, I would suggest simply bringing up the subject of "what kind of wild thing turns you on?" Let him go first and then bring up mud.
Studio 588 currently offers more than 2200 different HD and QD quicksand videos and has supported production of well over 2400 video scenes and other projects by 13 different producers. Info may be found at:

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Re: Interducing your SO (Significant Other) to Mud

Postby Jinn » Thu Apr 30, 2009 7:41 am

"Get in."

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Re: Interducing your SO (Significant Other) to Mud

Postby veryzeppelin » Wed May 13, 2009 7:21 am

i found that being totally honest with my sweetheart really works. not long after we started dating i showed her mpvs mud lovin women and explained to her this is what i like she was really cool and up for it, when the weather got warmer we made love for the first time waist deep last year.i think Kristines and Pams scene helped also cos she is a little bi curious, what more could a man want lol.
On the down side if your not honest (like i was not with my ex wife) you end up sneaking around and having to explain the dirty garments and the funny smell when you come home. she thought the idea was disgusting anyhow.Why did i marry her i often wonder. all i can say is be honest from the start you never know what could happen.
help i am not deep enough !!!

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Re: Interducing your SO (Significant Other) to Mud

Postby dougiezerts » Fri May 15, 2009 1:23 am

Yes, I agree that honesty and the truth are best.

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Re: Interducing your SO (Significant Other) to Mud

Postby Cayolynne Meier » Fri May 15, 2009 1:39 am

dougiezerts wrote:
Yes, I agree that honesty and the truth are best.

Absolutely! That is how it was when I met my S.O. Actually, he told me about mud before we even had our first date, and I was eager to give it a try. That was several years ago, and I still love it!


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Re: Interducing your SO (Significant Other) to Mud

Postby redjak6t4 » Fri May 15, 2009 10:54 am


When it comes to introducing your S.O. to things muddy/QS please don't take the road I stupidly decided to follow.

Eight years ago my other half and I we were walking on a beach that I knew had some areas of shallow (knee-deep) quicksand. To put you into the picture, this was during a British winter, so the weather was cloudy, the wind fresh and the air damp. We were dressed in warm, hooded jackets, thick clothes and what we Brits call green wellies.
To those not in the know, these are green wellington boots - a kind of all-in-one waterproofed (rubberized) boot that stops just short of the knees.

Now, knowing that this was an opportunity to introduce her (I'll refer to my s.o. as M, from this point) to a mild sinking experience I foolishly decided to seize the moment and pointed to a small waterfall that was cascading down onto the beach from a cleft in the cliff-face above. "Do you want to take a closer look, luv?", I asked.

She readily agreed and we approached, negotiating our way between piles of boulders half-buried in the sand. I knew that there was a good flow of groundwater from a natural spring, right at the base of the cliff, coinciding with the small plunge pool created by the waterfall. This groundwater "activated" the sand for a number of yards around the perimeter of the pool, rendering this area mobile and soft - in other words, a quicksand.

So anyone not knowing this and advancing to the edge of the pool to get a closer look at the waterfall would rapidly discover the surface beneath their feet giving way and swallowing up their lower legs. This happened to M and I, but even as I tried to treat it a funny, slapstick-like incident, she started to panic. My spontaneous and badly-thought out idea was going wrong right from the start!

Naturally, I helped her extricate herself from the wet sand (she sank in as far as her calves) and comforted her, saying that we were never really in danger. My rational explanation of how shallow the quicksand was, how the low height of the returning tide would never reach here and how other walkers on the beach would soon pass by were to no avail. M was badly surprised, shaken and tearful. My fault! All my fault!!! :cry: :(

The rest of the morning was spent getting M's emotional state back to normal. Calming and soothing attention to her was needed and supplied. However, none of what she suffered would have happened if I'd be more considerate and less impulsive. I still regret acting so stupidly and putting my loved one into that situation.

So, I believe the lesson to be learned here is, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER act on the spur of the moment, when the chance comes to introduce your significant other to your special interest in quicksand! Simply hoping that he or she will magically "discover" the attraction to quicksand that you feel is a lost hope. If you truly love them, value them and consider them special, then please take the time to do the following.

1. Think long and hard about sharing your fascination with quicksand with them, asking yourself the following questions, "If things were reversed and he/she declared to you that they had a interest in a sexual fetish that you found difficult to understand, how would you feel?"

2. If you were not immediately repulsed by the idea and were open-minded enough to hear more, would you go ahead and listen or would even this amount of information be enough to radically affect your relationship with this person?

3. If their response has been positive so far and you feel encouraged enough to go further, could you allow them the right and opportunity to bail out at any point and not be disappointed about and resentful of their reluctance?

How you answer these will, imho, help you see things more clearly and prevent you from making the mistakes that I did.

I also recommend the use of much honest introspection and genuine soul-searching on your part, much thoughtful dialogue with your s.o. and plenty of consideration of their feelings. After all, this is how you'd like to be treated, isn't it?

Thanks for taking the time to read this and I wish you well, whatever your choices on this matter.


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