Willing sinking scenarios

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Willing sinking scenarios

Postby doltonutani » Tue Feb 11, 2020 7:09 pm

With another thread made in the story section, I felt a discussion topic more fitted here so decided to make one.

I'm mostly interested in hearing from people who're into the ever so rare voluntary/consensual sinking scenarios, where people sink into quicksand of their own free will rather than the more common damsel in distress kind. Honestly interested in what sorts of fantasies some here have in this regard, and what they prefer.

I personally am a very big fan of willing grim scenarios myself. While I know they're not particularly realistic, there is something about the idea of someone stepping into quicksand and just letting themselves sink all the way under, giving themselves to it entirely.

I've always been quite fond of the idea of a somewhat secret fetish group who go out and indulge quicksand related fantasies, with some who join to watch, and others who join to actively live out the fantasy of sinking. These people gathering at pits of deep mud they've found and watching someone, or multiple people, sinking into it until they go under, casually enjoying the show as they watch people disappear into mud, never to be seen again. I generally like the idea of the people sinking to be enjoying themselves, reveling in their last moments as they indulge their ultimate fantasy, possibly even a group of women participating in group sex as they all slowly sink together while people around the pool watch on.

It's not a very realistic fantasy, I'll fully admit, but it is hot to think about personally. Very much interested in hearing the ideas of anyone else on here who's into this very specific kind of sinking.

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Re: Willing sinking scenarios

Postby bogbud » Tue Feb 11, 2020 8:14 pm

Interesting. There are so many deaths related to fetishes or paraphillias that involve self-strangulation or gone-wrong breath-hold-games that it's possible your scenario does exist too
I'm already chindeep in this mudbog and every desperate attempt to move my stuck legs only drives me deeper in. The thick mud slowly swamps my waders and my arms have nothing to hold onto.
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Re: Willing sinking scenarios

Postby Mynock » Tue Feb 11, 2020 11:40 pm

I like "conflicted" sinks where the lady in the pit is turned on by sinking in, but comes to their senses for a few seconds and realizes the danger, but in the end they're too overwhelmed by the sexual aspect to escape, and go under terrified and turned on at the same time. MPV's "Ignorance is Bliss"

bogbud wrote:Interesting. There are so many deaths related to fetishes or paraphillias that involve self-strangulation or gone-wrong breath-hold-games that it's possible your scenario does exist too

I have to admit part of the thrill of sinking irl for me is that under the right (wrong) circumstances you might not make it back out. It's kind of an adrenaline junkie thing.
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Re: Willing sinking scenarios

Postby Fred588 » Wed Feb 12, 2020 12:14 am

My thinking on this is more or less as follows: I think many people have erotic fantasies about such things but to actually even consider it for real is evidence of something very unhealthy. Therefore, and in my opinion, a story (whether written or in film) is only plausible when placed in the context of something that eliminates that aspect. This context might be a dream, a synthetic environment, or something else more complicated. I am talking about a true "willing scenario" here, which is not the same as one involving conflicting and confused motivations. I'm not sure this entirely makes sense but those are my thoughts.
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Re: Willing sinking scenarios

Postby cbqdbq » Wed Feb 12, 2020 7:10 am

what about where person finds he is trapped and cant get out. so chooses to wilingly finish by going under?
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Re: Willing sinking scenarios

Postby abcde321 » Mon Mar 09, 2020 3:20 pm

For me, I don't like grim ending scenarios at all. First of all, the person should disappear, feel out of air, struggle etc but should escape.
But I'm very, very interested in willing scenario because it seems to be more realistic and close to real life. It's very difficult to accidentally drop into the center of some deep mud area and immidiatelly became so stuck that person can't escape. I really hate all this models struggling knee-deep in loose mud (and I think that for normal person ankle or knee-deep mud isn't so scaring to be enough for panic and histeria). There are two main realistic scenarios for me. The first one is when person need to cross some big swampy area or do some work in the mud (and than it's too deep etc, so person realizes that she's in a trouble at least chest-deep). The second one is when person go for willed sink (for exploration, curiosity, fun, extreme, arousal, pleasure somebody else etc), sinks deep enough and then it turns to trouble (Krystal Alone is quicksand scene is the best example). The best scenario for me is when a casual girl (but not a jungle girl, commando etc) isn't afraid at all, she like to submerge and know how to escape so sinks all the way without any panic, then resurface, make breath, submerge etc. Old Krisitne videos are the good examples (some DD and Archenemys are interesting too), but the best fantasy is somethinkg like BoggyMan or mudlover videos but with a girl. Such scenarios are rather realistic because you doesn't need to make always bad acted stupid step-into part. Girl simply go into mud, moves in it and sinks deep enough at least to be stuck.
And of course I like to imagine some girl doing it with me (may be not for erotica but just for fun and adventure). Additionally it's absolutely impossible for me to imagine some grim ending for such fantasies (and it's near to impossible actually die in real life). It's really ugly, I don't like to think about it at all. So I doesn't like a grim ending part of this thingsl. Casual people willing to test sensations and feelings and play in deep mud is the best fantasy from the time when I turned from watcher to doer. And natural mud is my other thing. Sadly there's near to nothing appropriate for me for at least 10 years. I think there is too much damsell-in-distress stuff!

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Re: Willing sinking scenarios

Postby beachbum » Mon Mar 09, 2020 9:41 pm

Your description is 100% exactly what I would wish for!

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Re: Willing sinking scenarios

Postby beachbum » Mon Mar 09, 2020 9:43 pm

[quote="beachbum"]Your description is 100% exactly what I would wish for! Carrie LaChance from Archemenys and Summer from MPV are the perfect scenarios, but would love to see the "girl next door" just get deep and struggle to get out.

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Re: Willing sinking scenarios

Postby abcde321 » Tue Mar 10, 2020 11:16 am

Sadly Archenemy never made submersion scenes, only exploration and stuck. But it's very difficult to submerge in their mudpit.

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Re: Willing sinking scenarios

Postby cbqdbq » Mon Sep 21, 2020 6:03 am

willing sinking sceneario - some people race fast cars, some sword swallow, some try free falling too long before letting out parachute, there are other kinds of risk activities that have even porrer chance of survival and more sure risk of death. some people may consider going under in qucksand just another way to risk it.
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