The Right Choice?

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The Right Choice?

Postby duuudeization » Mon Dec 28, 2020 1:25 pm

Alyson had been feeling the pull, had been hearing the Syren's song from the nearby bog, trying to dismiss it for some time. But she found herself being preoccupied with thoughts of dipping her delicate feet into it, thoughts fueled whenever she caught a glimpse of The Spot.
And now here she was. The pretty damsel stood at the edge, having made her way thru tall grasses that she hoped would keep her hidden from curious eyes. Conflicting emotions surged through her, caution competing with the unexplainable lure of feeling thick muck encircle her feet and tugging back while she tried to reclaim them. She imagined return trips, of going calf-deep, perhaps knee-deep as her boldness increased. She imagined the challenge of extracting her silky legs from the resistant muck, and a delicious shiver went thru her. And with that...
Alyson timidly took several dainty steps, feeling the muck give and enclose around her feet, squish between tiny toes, and the tug as she pulled them free. Another shiver. She was already ankle deep, shifting her weight, savoring everything she felt as well as the hypnotic shifting of the surrounding mud with her movements. She would definitely return. The eroticism was undeniable and intoxicating. Just one more step....
Alyson sucked in her breath as the muck suddenly gave and she found her calves, then her knees being sucked in. Her silky thighs, too , were pulled in as she tried to backpedal out, only to churn the muck and sink more. She had to fight down panic, make herself stop. It wasn't easy.
Now, waist deep, only able to wriggle her shapely hips, she stopped to reconsider if she had made a good decision to come here...the experience was undeniably sensual, the muck clinging jealously to her, pressing her, owning her body...
However...she was below the level of the tall grasses, invisible to help...she was still sinking, ever so slowly. The thick muck persisted in claiming her trembling body...she felt it pressing her, massaging sensitive places intrusively. She squirmed in response, making her sink more...
If she didn't get out soon, the muck would have its way with her body, and her body was now wanting this. But then...what?
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Its all about peace and love and good happiness stuff

Posts: 93
Joined: Sat Dec 12, 2020 1:09 am
Location: WI

Re: The Right Choice?

Postby SPACEMARINE394 » Mon Dec 28, 2020 5:24 pm

This is really, really good. Please make more picture/story combinations like this.

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