Quicky Sanders Collection

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Quicky Sanders Collection

Postby Viridian » Thu Dec 31, 2020 3:07 pm

Quicky Sanders is my OC, created to spotlight quicksand perils with the detective/reporter in distress trope. I've done a few illustrations and updated old ones. To save the space, I'll be put the illustrations (and stories) here. They (and my other illustrations/stories) can be see on my DeviantART page.


Caught on Camera - A collaboration with Aiko

"Isn't it strange?" Victoria asked. "That all witnesses just...disappear?"

"Not at all," Sanders replied. "These aren't your everyday crooks. It's organised crime. Corruption runs deep. You saw them - Gustavo, the commissioner, the money. If they want someone to disappear, they'll make it happen."

"Aren't you afraid that you'll be one of them?" the young intern asked.

"Not today," Sanders replied confidently, tapping her camera. "We have the photos, and no one saw us. We just need to head back to the car, put the photos in the public domain, and we've cracked this case wide open."

Unfortunately, this was not so easy. They had trekked far into the remote forest well off the beaten path, and after half an hour of walking, they had no idea where the car was. They reached a break in the vegetation and, to their relief, they spotted the lake. The car was a short walk from here. Except that they had approached from the opposite side of the lake.

"Wow, we must have gotten really lost," said Victoria. "How do we get to the other side? We can't swim across, obviously."

Sanders looked around. They could turn back, but this would add another hour to their walk, possibly getting lost again and being stranded in the woods by nightfall. Victoria pointed to the lake shore - a wide, flat expanse of sand that stretched around the water in a more direct route to their destination. If they could follow that, they would get back to the car in fifteen minutes. This was their best option. As they crossed the shore, they noted how perfectly smooth the sand was. It was a welcome change to the rugged terrain they had to navigate through earlier. They also noticed that it was a bit damp in some spots, probably due to the proximity to the water. The sand sucked against the soles of their shoes, making it a bit awkward to walk across and getting their footwear muddy. They briefly considered turning back to avoid the mud, but they were already across most of the sand, so they decided to press on.

Then, suddenly, the sand opened up. Victoria was stunned to see that she up to her ankles in the sticky sediment, and her feet didn't budge. "Ugh!" she grunted. "My feet are stuck. I can't get them out." Sanders was in the same situation, trying to wriggle and pull her legs free. The placid surface shimmered and rippled as the two women struggled without success.

"Wait, Vicky, stop..." Sanders cautioned. She been distracted with her feet and only just realised that they were standing in a wide open sand flat that was moving all around them, liquefying, growing softer. "Vicky, don't move! We're in deep trouble!"

Victoria froze, recognising the urgency in Sanders' voice. "We're standing in...quicksand!"

They both stopped struggling and now stood as still as they could, like two statues by the lake shore. But even this wouldn't help them. Their movements had agitated the unstable sand. The surface sagged under their weight, and their legs began to slip into the sucking quicksand. They plunged to their knees, windmilling their arms as they fought to keep their balance, but the quicksand kept on pulling them down.

"We're sinking!" Victoria yelled. "We're sinking!"

"Shh! The gang might hear us..." Sanders said, voice shaking. Even though she didn't want to be caught, she also didn't want to die in the quicksand. She looked around for anything to reach. Unfortunately, they had blundered right into the middle of the quicksand. The whole shore was a quaking death trap!

There was a glimmer of hope. In front of her was a rock jutting out of the sand - perhaps a sign that there was something solid beneath it. It was just out of reach. Her camera! She had a long lens, and the strap might be enough to snag the rock. Removing it from her neck, she flung it towards the rock, but it fell short. She began to wind up for another toss when she felt Victoria tugging at her shirt.

"Sanders! Help!" she cried. "It's REALLY soft here!"

Sanders looked back at her intern with alarm. While Sanders had sunk to her thighs, Victoria was already up to her chest in the shifting sand and sinking quickly. "Hold on!" Sanders yelled. She attempted another throw, but the strap slid off the rock face. But she knew that she could make the distance if she could lean forward a bit more. The sand wasn't letting her go easily though. Holding her tightly by her hips, she could barely shift her weight. One more attempt was all she needed. She flicked the camera, seeing the strap reach for the rock.

Then it all went wrong.

The quicksand bulged and opened up without warning, sucking her down to her waist and throwing her forward. At the same time, Victoria dropped down to her shoulders. She desperately yanked on Sanders' shirt, ripping it open and pulling her back and down. Sanders lost her grip on the lens and the camera flew out of her hand, landing in the quicksand by the rock.

"NO!" she shouted. "The photos! That's all the evidence!"

"Forget the camera!" Victoria yelled.

The feeling of the quicksand pushing up against her breasts caused Sanders to snap back to reality. Their shortcut across the lake shore led them into a sea of unforgiving quicksand, relentlessly swallowing the two women. Victoria whimpered as the sand climbed over her shoulders. Sanders would soon join her if she didn't act fast. She had to reach the rock, but she could no longer reach her camera. As the quicksand soaked into her bra, she had an idea.

"Vicky, just do what I say," she said. "Take off your top."

"What?" Vicky asked.

"Just do it! I need to make a rope."

"I can't! My arms are stuck!" She was up to her neck now.

Sanders focused on the distance she had to cover. She needed more length. She looked down at the quicksand oozing around her breasts. She reached behind her back and unhooked her bra...
Sanders - Caught on Camera.jpg

Was her plan going to work? Or was it too late for the two reporters? Would her camera record their final moments?
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Re: Quicky Sanders Collection

Postby Viridian » Thu Dec 31, 2020 3:09 pm

When we last left our two reporters, Sanders and Victoria had the scoop on a secret meeting between the criminal boss Gustavo Corleone and the police commissioner. After being lost in the woods, their attempt cross the lake shore put them right in the middle of a deadly quicksand trap. After losing hold of her camera, Sanders has one last desperate attempt to escape from the hungry sand...

"Hurry!" Victoria yelled, the quicksand mere inches from her chin. She watched her mentor struggle to put together her makeshift rope. It was a clumsy, awkward sight - the topless reporter holding the lifeline made from her shirt and bra. But with the quicksand climbing over her bare breasts, Sanders had no time to hesitate. With one bold throw, the bra floated over the rock and looped perfectly around it.

"YES!" Sanders shouted. "Grab on Vicky. Loosen the sand as much as you can. We'll sink a bit more, but we'll be out soon!"

After a few minutes of wriggling and squirming, Victoria could move towards Sanders. She slid next to her mentor and wrapped her arms around her torso.

"Careful where you touch," Sanders joked. "We're keeping this strictly professional."

The rope seemed to hold for a while. They edged towards the rock, even managing to move up a bit so that they were up to their waists again. But then the worst thing happened. Sanders was afraid that something would give way. The clothes line wasn't enough to take both of their weight. Victoria took the initiative and let go, hoping to give Sanders enough of a chance to escape on her own. The fabric of her shirt was on the verge of ripping, but it was her bra that gave way. Sanders looked despondently at the broken line as they slid back into the soft sand.

"No, not again!" Victoria yelped, settling to her shoulders in the silt.

Sanders wasn't much better. Her arms were also buried in the quicksand. Trying to pull them out might cause the quicksand to swallow them. She took deep breaths to stay calm, watching the quicksand climb over her full, round breasts. Without being to resist its hunger, Sanders surrendered her breasts to the quicksand. Their last lifeline gone, they were now truly stranded, slowly sinking to their doom.

But as fate would have it, they weren't alone. Someone had heard their desperate cries and come running to the lake. Sanders eyes widened in disbelief. She smiled - and then she frowned when she realised who it was.

"Commissioner Bond!" she yelled out.

"Who...Miss Sanders?" Bond replied, seeing the two trapped in the quicksand. "What are you doing out here?"

"We were invest-" Victoria chirped before being cut off by Sanders.

"We were taking a walk and got lost, and we got stuck in quicksand," Sanders explained. "Please, help us out."

"Oh, of course," Bond replied. He seemed unusually nervous for someone who had spent most of his life in the line of duty. He looked at the traces of their previous effort to escape, his eyes following the shirt, the bra...and then the camera. "Huh, what's that?"

"Oh, we were...taking photos," Sanders replied. "Of...the forest."

"I see," Bond replied. The camera was still on. He picked it up from the sand. His eyes narrowed and he glared at Sanders, who was still sinking. "You know, Miss Sanders, we've known each other for a long time. You've done a great service to the city with your investigative reporting..."

Sanders gulped. She knew that her cover was blown, and she was at his mercy. More so, she was worried that Victoria was going to be pulled into this net as well, if the quicksand wasn't going to pull her down first.

"It would be a shame to see your career tarnished if certain photos were leaked to the public. Some very private photos that would...expose you." His eyes were focused on the screen, his words heavy with their double meaning. "I think we should make sure that we format this card so that they don't fall into the wrong hands, wouldn't you agree?"
Sanders - Caught on Camera 5.jpg

The quicksand was up to her armpits and up to Victoria's neck. Sanders was in no position to argue. "Crystal clear, commissioner."

"Good, good," Bond replied, going through the menu to wipe the memory. "It would be terrible to lose a reporter to one of nature's deadly traps."

As he pulled them free, Sanders pondered about what lay ahead for her. She knew that the commissioner was onto her. Not only did she have a target on her back, but she also owed the commissioner her life. What strings was he going to attach?
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Last edited by Viridian on Fri Jan 01, 2021 2:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Quicky Sanders Collection

Postby sixgunzloaded » Thu Dec 31, 2020 9:28 pm

Excellent work with this! The story is well written and dramatic and the girls' repeated failed escape attempts were exciting. I like how you interspersed the illustrations into the body of the story and I love the collaborative dual formats of hand-drawing and 3D art styles. I won't pick one over the other because I think both are first-rate! :lol:
I definitely hope to see more of these collaborations!
And yay! Victoria's in the muck too! Welcome to your boss's down and (extremely) dirty line of work, Vicky! I'm sure you'll make us all as happy as Quicky does! :twisted:
Well done and thank you both!
How long did Tarzan watch before deciding to save Jill..?

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Re: Quicky Sanders Collection

Postby Viridian » Fri Jan 01, 2021 9:21 am

The invitation was too good for Sanders to pass up. Not one for crowds, the note said that it was the best place to see the New Year's fireworks - and the promise of a bottle of wine to celebrate her achievements in journalism this year. And it had been a tough year, filled with conspiracy and no small amount of danger to her life. If she was going to see the year off with a bang, she was going to look the part too.

The location was a short walk away from the beach. That would've been a nice location too, but it was filled with people. However, the spot the invitation identified had a clear view of the sky, well off the beaten path. When she came to the clearing and saw the wine bottle, she smiled. Whoever had sent the invitation knew how to set a scene. She walked over and picked up the bottle. It was a French brand she couldn't read or recognise, along with a second label that said "SMOOTH/SOFT". Stuck onto the bottle was a small card. She opened it and read the handwritten message.


Your hard work has not gone unnoticed. Hope you enjoy sinking into the new year!"
Sanders - New Years.jpg

Cute, she thought...until she realised her legs disappearing into the sand! As the fireworks went off, Sanders once again found herself struggling for her life to escape from another quicksand trap. Would she be able to survive until the new year?


By the time you see this, we will have seen off 2020. It has been an exceptionally tough year for every one, myself included. During the extended lockdown, I found a hunger to go back to doing artwork, and in doing so felt the motivation to push through with making the Quicky Sanders concept into a tangible idea. It surprised me that I had the patience and discipline to work through this, especially in the past few weeks - something that I always wanted to see happen in the QS community. I hope 2021 brings you positivity and optimism, and more opportunities for us to enjoy what we love, in our real and fictional lives.
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Re: Quicky Sanders Collection

Postby Aiko » Fri Jan 01, 2021 1:47 pm

With this art trade done I was able to leave 2020 behind with something positive in mind after all. Thank you, Viridian! :D
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Re: Quicky Sanders Collection

Postby Viridian » Sat Jan 02, 2021 10:44 am

The Swift Sable
"Let me go!" Latoya screamed. "You have no idea who you're messing with!"

The bandit leader laughed, looking at the blonde woman struggling against her bonds. His eyes - and those of his gang - savoured the sight of their hostage, trying to wriggle free, her garments parting to reveal more of her flesh. "We just want the ransom money. But if you keep shouting, I won't be able to control my men. They've been quite...thirsty for some time."

"Someone's coming!" the lookout shouted.

"Good, here comes our money," the leader smirked.

"No, it's a fast rider..." the lookout continued. "It's...the Swift Sable!"

"What?! She tracked us all the way out here?" The leader got up and stirred up his gang. "She's been on my tail for weeks. This little sidekick isn't worth the trouble. Let's head for the hills."

"What about the girl?"

The bandit looked at Latoya. "Use her as a distraction. We need to buy time to make our escape, and make sure we send a warning to the Sable."

The crimson rider stormed into the camp and leapt off her horse, gun drawn. The bandits had made good on their plan and vanished without a trace. "Latoya!" Sable yelled. "Are you here?"

"Sable!" came the reply. "Down here! Hurry!"

Latoya's voice came from the old stream below the campsite. When Sable peered down, she realised what the bandit's plan was. To stall for time, he had thrown Latoya into quicksand! The blonde was tied up and already up to her hips, and sinking fast. "Try not to move," Sable warned. "You'll sink faster." Sable spotted a rope tied to a nearby post. She grabbed it and, without any time to waste, ran across the stream bed towards Latoya. She left deep prints in the soft sand until the surface gave way, plunging her into the same slurping, sucking trap. "Ugh, this is so...thick..." she said to herself, barely able to move her legs through the quicksand. She continued to plow forward through the deadly trap.

"Are you nearly here?" Latoya asked, nervously looked down at the sand at her waist, oozing into her open blouse.

"Nearly...ugh!" Sable suddenly sank to her hips and couldn't move her legs at all. The only direction she was going was down. If it weren't for the rope, this would be inescapable. She reached out to Latoya. It was going to be hard work getting both of them out of the quicksand, especially with Latoya tied up. She took a deep breath and pulled hard on the rope.
Sanders - Swift Sable.jpg

The rope went slack.

She wasn't sure whether it was deliberate sabotage on the part of the bandits, or the rope simply being old and frayed, unable to take the weight. What she knew now was that they were stranded and sinking in quicksand. The quicksand rose over Sable's midriff. If she couldn't think of a way out soon, they would both be doomed!


A little fun with the Quicky Sanders OC concept. I'm not sure why, but I woke up this morning with the idea of running an alternate-universe story with our reporter and her intern. Comic characters often have spinoffs where they are set in a different place and time period, and throwing Sanders into a Wild West quicksand pit was something that had to be done!

What other settings could we throw her into?
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Re: Quicky Sanders Collection

Postby Viridian » Sun Jan 03, 2021 1:16 pm

The bandits reached the old mine. A middle-aged man hailed and approached them, but with a concerned look. "Something seems...missing. I hope there isn't a misunderstanding."

"Angus, I can explain," the bandit replied. "The Swift Sable, she was after us...and...we had to leave the girl behind."

"You WHAT?" Angus exploded. "You ran from that black-haired bimbo? Where did you leave the girl?"

"We...threw her into a quicksand pit."

Angus struck the bandit leader, sending him to the ground. "You fool! We need that girl ALIVE! We can't ransom her if she's buried under six feet of quicksand!" He hauled the bandit to his feet. "Listen, you get her back here IN AN HOUR, or else I'm sending you straight to Sheriff Bond and cash in the reward on YOUR head. You hear me? SCRAM!"


Back at the bandit camp, Sable and Latoya were struggling in the formerly dry stream bed - now a shaking morass of deadly quicksand. Sable discarded the useless snapped rope. The quicksand had swallowed her gun belt and was circling her waist.

"What are going to do?" said Latoya. "We stuck here, and we sinking deeper."

"Ugh," Sable grunted. "It's so strong...it won't let go. We need to reach something..."

"Easy for you to say," Latoya replied. "Your hands aren't tied up!"

"We just need to keep above the sand as long as we can," said Sable. "I sent a message to Sheriff Bond. He knows where we are."

"Well he better get here soon!"

The sand continue to crawl up their bodies, swallowing their ribs pushing up against their breasts. When the bandit returned to the camp, he was rewarded with the sight of the two women helplessly stuck and sinking into his trap, their blouses open, the women unable to protect even their modesty.
Sanders - Swift Sable 2.jpg

"Ah, so the Swift Sable has become stuck!" he snarled. "Stuck and sinking in quicksand. We should make a new name for you."

"Get us out," Sable demanded. "And we'll see that the sheriff won't kill you on the spot."

"That's not how it works," he rebutted. "In case you haven't realised, I'm standing over here on solid ground. You're up to your beautiful chest in quicksand."

He was right. They were on limited time. The quicksand was oozing into their cleavage, and they would soon be up to their armpits.

"What do you want?" Sable asked.

"We need the girl alive," the bandit replied.

"So get us out."

"Hold on, not so fast..."

"No, you listen," Sable shouted, sensing that she had him on the back foot. "You need her alive, but you tied her up and threw her into the quicksand. If she goes under, you're as good as dead. I know how Angus works."

"Damn you!" he snapped. "I don't need YOU alive! I just the girl."

"Unless you want to come in here yourself, I'm the only one who can pull her out," Sable replied. "You get us both out, or you join us when Angus finds out that you screwed up his plan." The quicksand crested over their shoulders. "And you'd better make your choice now, because we'll be under VERY shortly..."

"Are you sure about this?" Latoya whispered, stunned at Sable's audacity.

"He has no choice," Sable assured her. "Once we get out, we'll deal with him then."

The bandit uncoiled his rope. Though she had called his bluff, he was going to make sure that he took as long as he needed. Would Sable's bold plan succeed?
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Re: Quicky Sanders Collection

Postby Aiko » Sun Jan 03, 2021 1:54 pm

Oooh, the plot thickens. The quicksand... not so much. ;)
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Re: Quicky Sanders Collection

Postby MadMax359 » Sun Jan 03, 2021 1:58 pm

wait... you mean there can be a downside to tying up a damsel and pushing her into quicksand?? :twisted:
The strong do what they want, the weak do what they must

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Re: Quicky Sanders Collection

Postby Viridian » Mon Jan 04, 2021 6:17 pm

The bandits hauled Sable and Latoya out of the quicksand. Exhausted and surrounded by armed foes, Sable had no choice but to submit herself to their mercy. They took everything from her - her gun belt, her boots, even her clothes - and bound her arms and feet.

"Is this your plan?" Sable snarled. "Humiliate me? Bring me buck naked into town and display me like a trophy?"

"Bring you back?" the bandit snarled. "We never said anything about keeping you. We just wanted the girl. She's worth the ransom. You're just some nosy pest. Gus isn't interested in you."

"Wait, what are you going to do with me?" Sable paused and tracked their gaze towards the quicksand. "No, you can't throw me back in there! You were going to let me go!"

"I said no such thing," the bandit said, speaking as if his honour had been insulted. "I only asked you to help pull the girl out of the quicksand. I said nothing about you. Besides, I'm sure I heard you scheming something once we got you out. After all, if you weren't hiding anything, why hide behind a mask?" He winked. "Especially since we can see everything now."

Sable struggled against her ropes and spat at him, but she could tell that each attempt to resist drew more attention to her naked body.

"Enough, Gus will be angry at us," the bandit said. "Let's be rid of this whore and claim our rewards." The men picked her up and hurled her back into the quicksand.

"NO!" Latoya screamed. "You devils! Give her a chance!"

"Please, girl," the bandit rebuked. "Your friend here is resourceful. We could've shot her, but we've given her the time to escape on her own. Though, I imagine she might be challenged, with her hands and feet tied up like that. And not even a stitch of clothing!" He laughed maniacally. "As much as I want to see you suffer, we are running late. Don't struggle too hard, Miss Sable, and I hope I never see you again."

Sable put up a fierce resistance, but as soon as the bandits disappeared, she felt the panic climbing over her. She was truly helpless now. She had landed on her back, and the quicksand was hungrily consuming her naked body. Her arms were stuck behind her back, her breasts jutting towards the sky. She fought to get some leverage against the soft sand. Maybe if she could keep her legs free, she could shuffle away from the soft spots, or roll towards the shore. But after a few minutes of struggling, she was only sinking deeper!

Occupied with her desperate final struggle, Sable did not notice the figure that now stood above her.
Sanders - Swift Sable 3.jpg

"I'm surprised to find you here, Sable."

Sable blinked. "Carmine!"

"BARONESS Carmine," the woman corrected. "It seems we are bound to cross paths in one life or another."

"What do you want, Carmine?" said Sable, struggling against the sand's grip.

"Let's not get into that detail yet," the Baroness replied, ignoring Sable's disrespect. "YOU want to get out of that deadly quicksand, and I can get you out. And you're in no position to negotiate." Carmine produced a rope. "BUT, if I'm going to get dirty pulling you out of there, just know one thing, Sable: you belong to ME."

Sable said nothing in reply, focused on staying afloat. Carmine would be true to her word and pull her free, but Sable knew that Carmine also had unpredictable loyalties and...pursuits. What did Carmine have in mind for her?
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