Cowgirls in the Swamp (M)

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Black Clay Lord
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Cowgirls in the Swamp (M)

Postby Black Clay Lord » Thu May 06, 2021 7:53 pm

This was supposed to be my Moo Moo March project, but I got sidetracked and intended to finish it in April. That did not happen. So, here it is in the month of May.

And hey, since it's Mermay, and those in this story are half-mermaid, consider a Moo Moo Mermay piece, haha.
Olympia is home to a number of swamps, but one of the most treacherous is the Bubbling Clay Swamp. Its clay is more gripping than even that of the Ancient Quarry's, and the bubbles of the clay are said to lure in victims regardless of gender into the clay's awaiting grasp. But this clay isn't the biggest worry of those traveling in the swamp. It is also home to the Venotooth Hugger; one of Olympia's deadliest monsters, and the swamp's apex predator.

It usually hunts on the most remote days, but today was a good one. The monster was not out hunting. Zosime is eager to head out into the swamp to give her a bath in its clay. Her twin sister, Melina, stumbled upon her changing on this day. She raised a brow, perplexed; but curious. "Zosime," She started. "What exactly are you doing?" She asked. "I'm going to the swamp," Said Zosime. "The wonderful bubbling clay swamp." She then adds.

"You. Are. Joking." Melina said in emphasis. "Don't you know that's where the Venotooth Hugger lives?" She then asked. Zosime nods in response. "But it won't be out today." Zosime then says. "For all I know: That is liable to change!" Exclaimed Melinda. She then noticed Zosime's choice of clothing: A cow print bikini that beautifully showed off her I-Cup bust and curvaceous hips, not to mention it reveals her butt in its entirety.

"And what the hell are you even wearing?" Melinda then asks. "It's my favorite swimsuit." Zosime. "You're seriously walking to the swamp in just that?" Melina asked, almost in disbelief. "So many questions..." Zosime said. "I cannot believe you!" Melina exclaimed. "Do you not know you'd be opening yourself up to attack in just that swimsuit?! It offers no protection!" She went on. Zosime however, was unmoved. "True..." She said.

"But it helps when sinking in quicksand." Zosime then adds. Melina scoffed. "Fine then," She said. "Go out in that swamp. Get yourself in trouble. See if I care." She adds, storming off into her room. The same room she shares with Zosime. "Oh um..." Zosime started. "I wasn't planning to go alone." She says. "Hmph. At least you have common sense to not go alone." Melina said. Zosime reveals a 2nd cowgirl bikini like the one she has on now.

"Get this on and come with me, sister." Zosime then says. "Wait... WHAT?!" Melina asked, anger and defiance high in her tone. "Are you completely out of your mind?! I am not wearing that into the swamp!" She goes on. "Aw, come on," Said Zosime. "Do this for me. Isn't that what siblings are for?" She then asks. "I don't care." Melina rebukes. "No means no. Go get someone else to go with you in that dumb get up." She finalizes.

Zosime shrugged. "Fine, I will." She then said. "But as I do, I'll just tell mom & dad about how you've been using a Devil Axe when it's forbidden to do so." As Zosime started to leave, Melina growled. "Okay, fine! You win!" She then exclaimed. Zosime looked back to Melinda, a grin on her face. "And wipe that idiotic grin off your face." Said Melina as she unceremoniously snatched the bikini from Zosime to change into it.

Even so, Zosime left a detachable cow tail & ears behind for Melina. These were the same as the ones she had on now. Melina noticed these additions, but she still wasn't really thrilled. "What... are... these?" She asked. "The ears and tail." Zosime says. "We're going to be cows stuck in mud." She adds. "Good grief!" Exclaimed Melina as she got her bikini top secured over her luscious I-Cup breasts. "That's a stretch too far! I'm not wearing them!"

Zosime prepares to step out. "Okay," She said. "I guess I'll just give mom & dad the news then." She proceeded, a foot out of the bedroom door. "Enough of that already!" Melina snapped, almost making Zosime stumble. "I'll wear the damn ears & tail! Just... Stop it with that threat, would ya?!" This made Zosime happy. Melina grumpily put the ears & tail on after the bottom of Melina's bikini was securely placed on. "Oh by the way..." Zosime says.

Melina looked up. "What is it this time?" She asked. "I never actually did see you with such an axe." Zosime answered. Melina's eyes narrowed some, before they reassumed their angry expression. "You mean you just made that up to get me to wear this?!" She exploded. "I didn't mean to," Said Zosime. "I was just wanting to get you to lighten up." Melina rolled her eyes. "...Whatever. Just don't pull that stunt again." She then said.

And with a pinkie promise, the twins headed out into the Bubbling Clay Swamp. They were indeed in luck. There was no sign of the monster. All there was to be heard was the chirping of the birds, and the skittering & slithering of lizards and snakes; respectively. Though Zosime's mind was on one thing: To find a pit of clay, and sink in it. Pretty soon, there's the sound of bubbling upon passing the first few trees.

Following the bubbles' sound, Zosime ventured deep into the swamp with Melina close behind. She had a long axe handy just in case of an emergency. Still, her frustration was not well hidden. "This is ridiculous..." She started. "Here I am with my quicksand obsessed sister, wearing nothing but a damn cow themed bikini, and I'm feeling totally defenseless because of it." She went on, almost going into a rant. However, Melina wasn't paying close attention.

As Meilna focused on the trees, she fails to see a root hanging from the ground and trips on it, sending her stumbling forward, and straight into one of the closest bubbling clay pits and sinking to her knees almost instantly. "What the hell?!" Melina exclaimed. Zosime ran up to Melina, who was stuck in the clay pit. "Are you stuck?" Zosime asked. "What do you think...?" Melina asked back, almost gritting her teeth. "You're sinking." Zosime answered.

Melina tried to move her legs, but the clay was so gripping, this wasn't the least bit easy. "At least it's warm," Melina admits. "I hate cold quicksand..." "Warm is better." Said Zosime. "Indeed..." Melina responded, before snapping back into reality. "And don't just stand there! Do something!" She then shouted. "Okay, okay." Zosime said as she made for the closest tree. What seemed to be a long vine caught Zosime's attention, and she started climbing.

Upon reaching the branch with the vine however, Zosime soon began to see it was moving. Zosime tilted her head once she was close enough to start lowering it. But then, the vine revealed itself to have scales, was breathing, and fangs. "Ah! Snake!" Zosime exclaimed; not realizing she had just let go of the branch. But once she came to this realization, she looked down. Gravity however, yanked her into a fall before she could grab back onto the branch.

Ordinarily, a fall like this should put Zosime at her chest instantly. However, the clay was so thick, it sucked Zosime to her knees instantly upon impact, matching Melina's depth and churning the clay easily, causing their descent to increase in steadiness. Yet Melina was not the least bit surprised Zosime botched her rescue attempt. "You are your heroics..." Growled Melina. "I told you snakes here blend in as vines." She then says.

Zosime looked flustered upon being told this. "I'm sorry..." She simply said. "Now we're both stuck." Melina blatantly states. The two sank steadily, but thanks to Zosime's impact, that sink was sped up some due to the clay having been churned nicely from said impact. As the clay consumes their thighs, it bubbled non-stop, splattering Melina & Zosime's scantily clad bodies. Zosime's practically welcoming said splatters. In fact, she almost encouraged more.

Naturally, the clay doesn't have ears and was only bubbling more out of nature. Zosime was not able to speak to the clay in a way Elysia & Sorcha could, but she didn't really seem to care. All she cared about was getting deeper. Melina however, had more interest in escaping the clay. She however, surrendered when it hit her, and by extension; Zosime's crotches. "Ngh! What's... this...?" Melina asked herself as she and her sister were now butt deep.

Zosime was already in pure bliss. She moaned as the clay rubbed against her in between the legs, and as it continued to splatter against her butt. Melina, despite blushing deep, fought against these feelings, but it was futile. The clay here makes all who sink in it surrender one way or another no matter how hard one fights against it. The bubbles also released a mist that helped in this effort even futher. Unsurprisingly, Melina & Zosime were deeply affected.

As their butts are consumed, Zosime wiggled, churning the clay more & more to help her and her sister sink deeper. "So good..." Zosime moaned. "Can't fight it..." Melina says immediately after. She however, regained some of her senses to plunge an axe into a wedge in a nearby mired log. So now they two have an anchor point for the time of escape. But right now, Melina & Zosime are too entrangled by the clay to even think of escaping right now.

But even so, Zosime stripped herself of her cow patterned bikin top, and attempted to do the same with Melina; only to be met with a menacing "Don't you dare..." from Melina. This forced Zosime to stop, fully aware that despite being under the clay's spell, Melina's awareness was still at its peak, and it'd be a bad idea to push the issue. She just left Melina alone from there and just kept letting the clay swallow her, and her sister.

It was not long before they were at their breasts in the clay. The tails on their bikinis could no longer be seen. "Ooh, it's gripping my boobs..." Zosime moaned out. Melina however, still had mixed feelings. "Too tight..." She moaned out. Indeed, the clay was so thick, it was like the girls were being groped without consent. But that was the least of their problems. The real issue was fighting the desire to remain in the clay and drown, as neither desired to drown.

Indeed, neither Melina or Zosime had the intention of going deeper once under, despite them being 1/2 mermaids and being able to breathe longer than many other humans would. The clay consumed Melina and Zosime's breasts, pulling them to their shoulders for a moment before it sucked them to their necks. Melina however, soon regained her full senses. "I've had enough of this pit violating my body." She said bluntly, reaching for her axe.

As she grabbed hold, Zosime watched as Melina climbed out of the clay just as she sinks to her chin. Melina however, dared not leave her quicksand obsessed twin to the clay. There's just too big a risk that, despite the Venotooth Hugger not being present today, it could still make an appearance. The clay bubbled with much more volacity as Zosime was sucked down to her chin before her head was consumed whole.

Only then did Melina plunge the safe end of her axe into the clay in the hopes that Zosime would snap back to her senses and grab on. And sure enough; she did, allowing Melina to fish her sister out of the clay. The two soon made for a lake in the swamp to wash off. Although Melina had to take Zosime by the wrist as the clay was heavy on her eyes. Zosime could not see. "Where are we going?" Zosime asked. "To wash off." Melina replies.

And the two soon reach a lake, and started to wash off in it. As they wash off, Zosime sighed. "Melina..." She says. "I'm sorry I made you come out here with me..." "Don't be." Melina responds. "Why not?" Asked Zosime. "Despite my attitude here today... I actually had some fun." Melina answered. Zosime was somewhat inclined not to believe it, but... She did. "I guess that's all that matters then." Said Zosime with a giggle. "Yep." Said Melina.

After the two wash off, they made their way out of the swamp and onward to home. Yes Melina & Zosime do not share the enthusiasm for being swallowed by quicksand, but the latter had accomplished something: Easing her twin sister's heart to the idea a little, even if she had not slipped under the clay. How much more of Melina's heart will open to sinking? Only time will tell.

Melina & Zosime: Me
There is but one certainty - every end marks a new beginning. "—and methodically knocking peoples' hats off. Then I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I ca—"

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Re: Cowgirls in the Swamp (M)

Postby Theo » Sun May 16, 2021 7:07 am

The other two you did were good too, but I think I like this one the best out of the three. I laughed out loud at the "cows stuck in mud" part :lol:
Finally broke down and went to see a psychologist. She told me I just have an overactive imagination—and it really excited her. We're going sinking next weekend. Theo's AI Quicksandbox New stuff every weekend (unless life gets in the way)

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Black Clay Lord
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Re: Cowgirls in the Swamp (M)

Postby Black Clay Lord » Sun May 16, 2021 7:16 am

Theo wrote:The other two you did were good too, but I think I like this one the best out of the three. I laughed out loud at the "cows stuck in mud" part :lol:

And here I am thinking no one would've found that part amusing. At all. Thanks.
There is but one certainty - every end marks a new beginning. "—and methodically knocking peoples' hats off. Then I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I ca—"

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