My first sink in a while - Central NJ

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My first sink in a while - Central NJ

Postby beachbum » Tue Jul 20, 2021 2:47 am

I finally got the courage to do a mud sink and it did not disappoint. I found a place very secluded in a park along a river. It is very hilly so the bottom collects a lot of water and mud. It was thick but I was able to work myself down just to my butt. It was very sticky and lots of suction, and thank god I went barefoot. I had to lean back just to get out which took a few minutes. If I got below my waist I was afraid I would not get out and I was alone. It was lots of fun and exciting, but a little scary since when I got one foot out my other went down almost too far. There was mud/quicksand everywhere. You can almost take your pick! I sunk in a few places and I didn't hit the bottom in any of them. A few scratches but nothing major. I could not imagine going past waist deep. I wanted to but I would never have gotten out. I can't wait to go back!
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Re: My first sink in a while - Central NJ

Postby maria » Thu Jul 22, 2021 1:39 am

Great work - hopefully you can have some fun filming the next session!

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Re: My first sink in a while - Central NJ

Postby beachbum » Mon Jul 26, 2021 5:59 pm

Just a follow up picture on my sink in mud. At this point I was really stuck. I never had the feeling that if I just went a few inches deeper I would need help to get out. I talk about it a lot, and always a little nervous but I'm glad I had the courage to try it. I just need a better plan to clean off. The mud was so thick and there was no real water to wash off. It's fun to now be a participant.
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Re: My first sink in a while - Central NJ

Postby k2g2j2k2 » Tue Jul 27, 2021 11:15 pm

did you drive to the location? have concerns about clean up myself.
Read that large spray bottles filled with water worked. Might try it out later this summer.

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Re: My first sink in a while - Central NJ

Postby beachbum » Wed Jul 28, 2021 1:13 pm

Hi. I did drive to the location. Only 30 minutes away for me. I just went waist deep and had a change of clothes so pretty good with the car. I had a few towels also and some water bottles to get some of the mud off. When I got home, I completely hosed down and took a shower. There was nowhere there to wash off really. The mud was so sticky if I got any deeper I would not get out so did not have to worry about my upper half. I think next time I might wear some tights or something else so my legs stay clean. I went running back by some people who probably thought I was nuts being half covered in mud.

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Re: My first sink in a while - Central NJ

Postby Lintime Sinker » Fri Jul 30, 2021 5:51 pm

Yes, U should try two opaque tights to be clean.

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Re: My first sink in a while - Central NJ

Postby Lintime Sinker » Fri Jul 30, 2021 5:53 pm

Can u take video next time?

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Re: My first sink in a while - Central NJ

Postby Sinkman61 » Sat Jul 31, 2021 4:28 pm

Congratulations on your adventure. From the gists of it, I take it that this was probably your first time. If so, you were smart not going past the top of your thighs. Once your butt sinks below the surface, the effort required to escape is magnified at least 2 fold. But the more you practice, the more confident you’ll become in your abilities to escape. Once you’ve become really good at escaping from your current depth, it’ll be time to allow yourself to sink down to the next level…that’s allowing your butt to go under. Keep in mind that once you do that, the ability to sit on the ground while you work your legs out is no longer an option. After you master that, the next increase in the difficulty of escaping is when you sink down to your neck, with your shoulders below the surface. That’s because now you’ll have to reach up in order to push down. Escape just got even harder. Now you’ll need to learn how to work your way up using your legs to climb up through the mud. Keep in mind, the stickier the mud, the better it can seal up against the sides of your body, magnifying the amount of suction that’s created as you try to work your way back out. Just think…ultimately you’ll be wanting to do a full submergence. I love going completely under. However, I’m really particular about the mud I go completely under in. It can’t be so thick that I would have to struggle relentlessly to get back to the surface, as that can be simply too dangerous. Running out of oxygen is a very real threat no matter how strong and healthy you might think you are. Equally dangerous is the sudden rapid buildup of carbon dioxide in your bloodstream. That’s what causes your body to suddenly inhale to begin with. You certainly don’t want to inhale when your head is encrusted deep down in the mud, because some of that mud may enter into your lungs. Even if there were someone around that could get you to air, with mud sucked down into your windpipe, you don’t stand a very good chance of survival. So when I go completely under, I make sure my head is just below the surface. In fact, my favorite point where I tend to stop sinking any further is just after the mud is allowed to close in over my upturned face, but still allowing a spot where air can still get to my nose. Perhaps one day I’ll buy me a gas mask with a separate hose connected canister that I can have sitting up on the surface. Then instead of turning my head up for air, I’ll just sink straight down below the surface. I absolutely love the feeling that the mud gives me when it’s squeezing in really tight all around my entire body, especially when it’s completely engulfed the sides and top of my head, making it nearly impossible to move around anymore. I’ve also found though, that the hardest part of escaping is when your body is just about free, but not quite, from the mud. At that point you’re typically laying over towards your back, but your legs from the bottom of your thighs down are still down in the mud. Yet for some reason, you just can’t quite muster up the strength to pull them out. There’s good reason for this. The mud that’s now filling in the area below the surface where your legs are being held has very little pressure, thus, it’s now creating a massive amount of suction. That’s what’s holding onto your legs, as it’s trying to pull you right back down into it’s depths. It’s the hardest point of the entire escape. Of course, it certainly doesn’t help that by now you’re also tired out from extraction to begin with. I certainly don’t ever recommend anyone that’s never tried sinking in mud to go past their knees or thighs at the very most until they’ve developed rock solid techniques on being able to escape, ESPECIALLY IN TIDAL CREEKS AND ESTUARIES. Or when it’s blazingly HOT or freezing cold. You should always be prepared for the unexpected, like REALLY GETTING YOURSELF STUCK. One of the worst things you can do is push your feet down into another type or layer of mud that’s hidden beneath the surface. That’s probably what traps more people than anything else. My longest escape to date took 3 very long hours of fighting against the stickiest mud I had ever seen. This stuff was so damned sticky that it would keep your fingers glued together. It literally took another full hour just to get my legs freed up once I was finally only being held from my knees down. Pulling a leg up and out still wasn’t an option. The suction at that point was so strong that it was a massive struggle just to keep my body from getting pulled right back down. I’ve avoided that particular area ever since. I really want to go back, as the thought of really being trapped is certainly enticing. But…we all have our limits, and even though I work out at the gym with a personal trainer three times a week and am stronger now than ever before, I’m also quite a bit older and have a back and spine that’s been seriously injured and is now crammed full of mechanical man made hardware. So it’s always important to know your limitations and not to exceed them.

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Re: My first sink in a while - Central NJ

Postby beachbum » Mon Aug 02, 2021 2:27 pm


Thank you for all your advice. It is very helpful and will think about it the next time I sink. I don't think I would ever go past chest deep unless the mud is easy to get out or I have someone with me. I was nervous even going almost waist deep without someone to help me, but I knew I could get out slowly. I did sink before but it was only a little above the knee. This spot is amazing. You need to work yourself in but it is endlessly deep and lots of suction. Getting out is such a struggle since the mud is so thick, and the area is very secluded. You can clearly control how deep you sink. You will not be pulled in so I feel pretty safe as long as I know I can get out.

My ideal scenario would be just to go between waist to chest deep and then fight to get out. It does not do much more for me to go any deeper. My ultimate scenario would be to go sinking with a female as we both struggle to get out. I enjoy sinking but helping a damsel in distress is my ultimate fantasy.

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Re: My first sink in a while - Central NJ

Postby Lintime Sinker » Wed Apr 13, 2022 11:35 pm

Sinkman61 wrote:This stuff was so damned sticky that it would keep your fingers glued together

Where can u find mud like this? Mudflat?

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