Jungle Run Part 1

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Jungle Run Part 1

Postby Bill » Mon Aug 09, 2021 10:43 pm

Date: Wednesday August 4/21 Author: William Harkness M/M/F & F/F/F Quicksand Sinking
Main Characters: Mauna/Features: Indonesian Adult Female, Long Black Hair, Brownish/Reddish Eye's, Average Body, Howien Feamed outfit & Amazing Size Breasts, Bill Will/Features: White Adult Male, Average Body. Short Black Hair, Brown eye's, & Wares a hat, Willy, Hark/Features: White Teen Male, Average body, Short Black hair, Blue eye's, & wares glasses, Clair Temple/Features: Black Teen Female, Fin Body, Fin Body, Long Black Hair, brown eye's & good size Breasts, Sara Blain/Features, White Teen Female, Long Blond hair in a pony Tale, Blue eye's & good size breasts, Indie Maita/Features: Indian Teen Female, Average Body, Long black hair in pony tale, Red eye's & good size Breasts & Fatima LIN/Features: White Teen Female, Fin Body, Long Black hair in Pony Tale, Black eye's, red lips, good size Breasts, Casie Lyn/Features: White Teen Female, Fin Body, Long Blond Hair, Green eye's, red lips & Good size Breasts & Mila Chin/Features: Asian Teen Female, Average Body, long black hair, Black eye's, & good size Breasts
IT was a nice sonny day at the School of Philip Pocock Catholic Secondary School located in the City of Mississauga Ontario Canada ware 1 of the school's pashinet teachers Bill is about to put the schools most important field trip in history in motion. Bill teaches environmental science & religion. He's also a member of the Knights of Columbus so he's big on helping those in need. So with the support of the school board & the knights he was able to organize a refugee relief mission to deliver food, equipment & medical supplies to the people of Indonesia. Native people who live in the jungles & refugees who both suffer at the hands of famine & violent weather funominons. But he was only able to get a few students to help on this Nobel mission of his. 1 Boy & 6 Amazing, determine, brave & pashinet group of Women who come from different walks of life, to take part in this endeavor. Which he has planned to start a week after exams & the last week of school when summer vacation starts.

B: Alright, first of all I want to thank everyone hear who has decided to sacrifice half of their summer vacation to take part in this noble endeavor. Before I continue lets to a head count to see If everyone who sinned up for this endeavor is Hear. Willy Hark"hear", Clair Temple "Hear", Sara Balin"Hear", Indie Maita"Hear", Fatima LIN"Hear", Casie Lyn"Hear", & Mila Chin"Presant & accounted for. B: Good were all hear. Know I'm sure you all know why were out hear with our personal luggage waiting out side of the school on a early Monday morning but could 1 of you care to remind the rest of us Why Were hear. Mila you razed your had, what can you tell us.
M: Were taking part in a 5 week long relief mission to deliver relief supplies to the people of Indonesia & perhaps other nabouring countries.

B: Corrected, ever since their country was ravaged by monstrous weather funominons they have been struggling to survive so with the support of the knights & the government were going to provide aid, & yes this will count as extra credit which will help you graduate next year & give your choice of Colleges/Universities something to think about when time comes for you to begin registering. IN: We don't care about that sure, were just hear to help. W: That's true for me. C: Same with me. CL: Also me. S: Also me. M: Same with me too. F: That goes double for me.

B: I'm glad to hear that because as human beings we are called to help our fellow human beings in crisis, without expecting anything in return. (HONK, HONK), B: Well looks like the bus is hear, so lets make a single file lyn as we get on the bus.

So Bill & his students get on the bus that takes them to the Toronto Pearson air port ware they get a noun traditional modern day air plain, at least a plain that their used to take when they go on family vacations or trips with friends to other countries/cities but a old style air plain that also caries the relief supplies they are delivering. But the trip wasn't all that peaceful, Willy was lucky to be on a trip surrounded by women his own age although their is 1 that would like nothing more but to make his girl friend. Sara, ever since he first met her in freshman year, but every time he tried to put the moves on her as they say, she would get all defensive & walk away. Sara hated Willy always trying to get into her paints & tries to avoid him.

Their is similar tenchion between Fatima & Casie who are bouth lesbians' that constantly get on each others nerves trying to prove who his the most smartest in science, math, history & so on. But in reality they both hovered a secret crush that never of them is aware of, nore do iver of them know that their both lesbians'. Other than that the rest of the group are vary good friends with each other. When they arrived they touck the relief supplies off the plain & put them on a truck.

Then taking a tour buss they travel along side the truck to a fishing/boat dock pier ware they will get a boat that will take them deep in the Indonesian jungle to the first native village on their list. CL: Man I can't believe were in Indonesia, this place is amazing. M: I know, I'm happy to be in a country well I can help my Asian cuszian people in their time of need. IN: But don't all Asian cultures hate each other for some reason. M: Kind of, It's just all 1 complicated thing that dates back thousands of years ago. I just hope we don't run into any giants Annda-Coundry.

C: Annda-what know. M: Annda-Coundry, their are reports that came from nature photographers, natives & tourist hikers that have hiked in the Indonesian jungles who have seen these giants size serpent's & some of those who do manage to live to tell about It. C: That's amazing & a little scary to hear since were heading into those jungles. F: Jess Casie your so gullible, those are just stories told to keep the natives away. M: I assure their true, my uncle who actually did a pilgrimage in these jungles actually saw & tuck pictures of these snakes & managed to live to show me these photo's. F: Well unless you show me these pictures I'll remain skeptical. C: Jesse Fatima your so dance.

F: Well not like you I'm a real scientist that dabbles in scientific faked. C: O really well than perhaps/B: Ha, you to ladies, unless you want me to call a cab to take you 2 to a hotel to not take part in this relief mission than I suggest that you 2 find a way to work what ever this is out. (YES-MR. BILL). When they arrive at the docks ware they see the boat that will take them down river, Bill goes off looking for the native tour guide that will take them to their destinations.

When Bill found her he was greated with the site of seeing the most beautiful Indonesian women he had ever seen. He knew that their tour guide would be a women but he wasn't prepared to be captivated by her female independent like beauty. When he tried to speak he could barley get a word out.

B: AU...Hi...I'm...AU...Bill Will...I'm...the 1....who...called....your agency for our I mean your services. HIs studiers made the guide smile/giggle with amusement since she knows why Bill is having a hard time speaking clear sentences & she notices the big long penis expanding inside his pants but says nothing to not embarist him.

MA: Yes I'm Mauna your tour guide, It's nice to meet you. You should know that I'm glad that people from your country are wanting to help min in our time of need but I'm worried for your safety which I can't guarantee. B: What do you mean, I'm sure the agency didn't warn you about this but for decades my people & those who travel to these jungles get attacked by large serpent creatures called Annda-Condry, the most deadliest snakes in all the world. B: Since I'm a history teacher I have studied roomers of these serpents egiziztance but their has never been any hard prouth that they egzist nore their is any proof of the existence of the rumored primitives' trips people that live hear that capture trespassers who venture in these jungles, striping them naked & forcing them into Quicksand to sacrifice them to their Gods.

MA: Well their both vary real & If were not careful we might be their next victims. B: Well even If they are real I'm sure your amazing native attire can pertect us, Au I mean your amazing breasts can, Au I mean you can pertect us. That little stutter made the 2 share in lafter & looking ocwardly into each others eye's until Willy spouck out to them saying: W: Ha, are we leaving or not. So the 2 made their way helping to put the relief supplies on the boat & Mauna began navigating them to the first village.

Along the way Bill & Mauna touck part in a light conversation ware they tell each other about their life how Bill became a teacher & a knight, how Mauna lived her entire life in the jungle, learning how to survive from her family who are know all dead thanks to the Annda-Condry, which made Bill say, (I'm so, so sorry for your loose). When he asked why they attacked her village she explained that someone in her village broke a seacret jungle law that made her Gods angree so they sent the Annda-Coundry to punish them.

Than how she became a guide & a protector of the Indonesian jungle for years until they arrived at their first destination. When they arrived they were greated of a horrifying sight of an entire village massicard, bodies parts torn apart from each other in different directions across the jungle flower. S: OMG, what happened hear. IN: It looks like the people hear were attacked by some kind of animal.

M: It's Annda-Coundry, It must be. MA: Mila is right, but they never attacked a native village in years, the people hear must have broken a seacret jungle law. Than they heard a weird hissing sound & other weird noises coming from the bushes when suddenly 3 large Annda-Coundry came out to attack. This surprised them especially Fatima since she was most convinced that they weren't real.

They than ran back to their boat which they got on vary fast so Mauna could make good distance before the snakes got to the water. But they weren't safe because suddenly a Annda-Coundry came out of the water from under their boat causing the boat to be destroyed sending the relief supplies in the river along with the passengers, scattering them in different directions ware they scrammed to swim out of the water on solid land into the Jungle in separated groups.

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