Penny, our schoodle, put to sleep today

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Penny, our schoodle, put to sleep today

Postby reisen55 » Mon Sep 13, 2021 6:50 pm

Nessie has a favorite spot for dear Charlie, but our schnoodle was becoming quite ill and lost the ability to walk. Other problems such as a gigantic seizure and almost blind. It was time. So today at 12 noon she passed over to the bridge.

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Re: Penny, our schoodle, put to sleep today

Postby Mynock » Mon Sep 13, 2021 9:32 pm

You did the hardest thing but right thing and helped ease her suffering. So sorry for your loss. :(
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Re: Penny, our schoodle, put to sleep today

Postby duuudeization » Tue Sep 14, 2021 2:35 pm

That's always a special kind of hurting ..I hurt with you
Its all about peace and love and good happiness stuff

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Re: Penny, our schoodle, put to sleep today

Postby Duncan Edwards » Wed Sep 15, 2021 4:53 pm

It's really hard. You sure can get attached to them.
It's a dirty job but I got to do it for over 20 years. Thank you.

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Re: Penny, our schoodle, put to sleep today

Postby SabbieMobili » Wed Sep 15, 2021 5:36 pm

So sorry for your loss. The girlfriend and I had to put our cat to his final sleep two years ago, and now the girlfriend's Chihuahua has an enlarged heart at 13 and won't be with us too many more months, but he's still a happy, funny little guy who brings us tons of joy.

Not quite on the same emotional level, but I just discovered last night that my girlfriend's pet tarantula has also gone to that Big Terrarium in the Sky. She was purchased at a pet store in Houston just after Christmas 1998. Yes, that's right, the darn spider was at least 23 years old at the time of her passing, as she appeared to be about 3/4 grown when the girlfriend got her. Neither one of us realized at the time that a tarantula could live that long. I have my own spider, and might have to leave her in my will to a relative or friend, or the Nature Center over in Ft. Worth. I'm not joking in the least here.

We'll probably have lost 3 beloved pets in the span of 3 years. But when one Nondescript Cat or Chihuahua or Chilean Rose Hair Tarantula dies, another one is born in this world. It's the Eternal Cycle.
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Re: Penny, our schoodle, put to sleep today

Postby Mynock » Wed Sep 15, 2021 8:49 pm

I only ever had one dog growing up, a Beagle/Spaniel/Mutt that my Dad brought home when I was 5. She lived to be almost 21 years old and never slowed down till that final month when it seemed like her body iust said "it's time". I can say quite honestly I cried harder over that dog than I have some human relatives I've lost over the years.

Tarantulas and other Invetabrate pets can live surprisingly long lives. I kept a terrarium of Black Emperor Scorpions for the better part of a decade.
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Re: Penny, our schoodle, put to sleep today

Postby Nessie » Wed Sep 15, 2021 10:37 pm

I am so sorry to hear this. Yes, I do think Charlie's adorable! You do post more pictures of him, though.

I've had to say good-bye to two dogs of my own. Recently, one that I babysat regularly has passed on too. Intellectually, I know my life-span is much longer, but somehow this never, ever gets easier. I am surprised at how much I mourned the dog that I didn't even own -- I just got paid to take care of him -- but I'd been dog-sitting him off and on for about five years and these were live-in visits too -- that big black dog had a warm doggie heart full of love!

My deepest sympathy is with you.


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Re: Penny, our schoodle, put to sleep today

Postby reisen55 » Thu Sep 16, 2021 4:18 pm

Thanks for all the thoughts - and we are recovering. Nessie - so is Charlie. Some of you may know that we had huge issues with an HOA in NYState that demanded two pets - dog and cat - while we came into the neighborhood with two dogs and had to rehome one. Penny went to my daughter for 2 months while we classified them as emotional support animals and that solved that.

Charlie and Penny together.

Should have owned an African Water Buffalo. THAT would be epic.
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Re: Penny, our schoodle, put to sleep today

Postby Nessie » Fri Sep 17, 2021 12:52 am

reisen55 wrote:
Charlie and Penny together.

Oooh...that is one adorable photo. My thoughts will be with you. I am so sorry that Penny has passed away.


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