The Formal Sink of Haruhi Suzumiya

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The Formal Sink of Haruhi Suzumiya

Postby DJlurker » Sat Oct 02, 2021 10:05 pm

Another idea that's been jumbling in my head for a while... had a couple of false starts before I finally got this figured out, though. Hope you enjoy! ;)

The Formal Sink of Haruhi Suzumiya
by DJlurker
(F/F, QS, tied, orgasm, submerge, non-fatal)

Haruhi sighed as she sat at a table at the social function, bored out of her mind. For those who knew what she was capable of, this was a Very Bad Thing(TM). She was currently dressed in a form-fitting strapless evening gown which was a similar color to her old bunny suit, with matching opera gloves and a silver necklace with an opal hanging above her cleavage. She had eschewed her usual headband and ribbons, though one of said ribbons was used to put her hair up in a high ponytail. Kyon had been impressed, to say the least.

(But then Tsuruya had to drag him off for some important negotiations...) Her friend had stated that his poker face and gift for snark would be a great help with the shady people she was talking with... (Guess I shouldn't be surprised that a family as rich as hers has some ties to the local yakuza...) While she trusted Tsuruya enough to not try anything funny with Kyon, it still deprived the reality warper of her dance partner- the main reason she had agreed to come here.

And now, she was watching as other couples danced, and unpaired people conversing about mundane topics... "Screw this," she muttered, standing up and making her way to the patio doors... She might as well have some fun her way.

Stepping out into the cool night air, her nostrils wrinkled from the smell of cigarette smoke, seeing several cancer sticks glowing in the moonlight as their owners smoked and talked about nothing in particular. Quietly making her way through the crowd, she descended the patio steps, breathing a little deeper as the smell lessened considerably, making her way along the wall of the mansion until she rounded the corner.

(Good thing I know this area pretty well,) Haruhi thought as she continued walking, rounding another corner... Soon she came to a stop in a relatively secluded spot with no doors nearby. "Okay then... let's play some damsel-in-distress." Crossing her gloved arms behind her back, they were suddenly bound by sturdy rope, though she could still move her hands a little. Then coils of rope appeared on her ankles, around her knees, her thighs, and below and above her chest. Opening her mouth, a ball gag materialized between Haruhi's lips, firmly secured.

She gently strained against her bondage to ensure it was tight enough, the feeling of helplessness giving her a small thrill. Breathing hard through her nose, she took another look around to ensure there was nobody in the area... (So far so good. And now... the final step.) With that, the ground melted under her feet, Haruhi plunging past her ankles in dark, slimy mud!

Pointing her feet downward, she began to sink, feeling the muck slowly slide up her lower legs, pressing the silky fabric of her dress into them... She sank past her knees, Haruhi's body quaking with anticipation, her nipples hardening under her dress as she continued to ease down...

She wriggled a bit, unable to break free of the ropes that held her, nor the quicksand that was slowly but surely swallowing her alive... Haruhi then threw her head back as the mud rose over her thighs, pressing against her groin, arcing an intense wave of pleasure through her whole body... She closed her eyes, moaning softly around her ball gag as she continued to sink...

(Oh yeah... this is so much more fun than sitting in that stuffy ballroom...) She felt the slimy muck slowly rise up her waist, her tied arms soon coming to rest on the surface... Haruhi smiled around her gag as she wiggled a bit, feeling her gloved arms being engulfed, gently clenching her hands into fists, feeling the mud slipping between her fingers and squishing out of her palms...

As the quicksand counted her ribs, Haruhi breathed hard through her nose, looking down, seeing the moonlight reflecting off the moist surface... she moaned as the mud touched the undersides of her breasts, teasingly at first, then pressing up on her bosom, her hard nipples prominent beneath the brown fabric... the brunette quaked intensely as her chest began to press into the quicksand, the muck now teasing at her nipples...

And then her descent ceased. Though she sank no further, Haruhi was hopelessly trapped, her body still bound tight by the ropes, the mud inhibiting any movement she tried to make... said mud also caressing and massaging her body with its slimy texture, pressing the folds of her gown into her skin, delighting her to no end... The reality warper moaned loudly as an intense wave of pleasure surged from her groin, not quite an orgasm, but very close, her body shivering in her earthen entrapment... (Oh, if only Kyon could see me right now... Mmmm...)

"Well, you look like you're having fun."

Haruhi's eyes shot open, looking to her right, seeing an unfamiliar woman standing there, long dark hair cascading behind her in waves, a lit cigarette in her gloved hand. She was fair skinned, dressed in a black gown that went down just past her knees, showing off her long, smooth legs. (Ohshitohshitoshit! How long was she watching?!) Haruhi thought in horror.

"Though I have to wonder how you got like that..." The woman's lips wrapped around the end of her cancer stick, the lit end glowing brighter for a second, blowing a stream of smoke as she withdrew it, her gray eyes focusing on the trapped brunette. "I didn't know there was a mud bath here... how did you know? Or can you even speak with that gag?"

In response, Haruhi telekinetically loosened the bands of her ball gag, allowing her to push it out with her tongue, then shaking her head until it dropped around her neck. "If you must know," she gasped, "I'm close friends with the hostess since high school. I've been here before, I know this place like the back of my hand!"

"I see... My name's Rakashi, by the way," The woman introduced herself.

"Haruhi," the brunette grunted back, certain that she had just proven it was physically impossible to die of embarrassment. "Is anyone else with you?"

"No, sadly, my date stood me up," Rakashi shrugged. "I saw you walking off, and my curiosity was piqued, so... here we are."

"...Right." Haruhi took deep breaths to try and calm her thumping heart... "I swear, if you blab about this to the other partygoers..."

Rakashi cut her off with a hearty laugh. "Oh no, don't worry, my lips are sealed. Far be it from me to gossip about a fellow woman's secret fetishes..." She took another pull from her cigarette, blowing more smoke. "Tell me, though... does it really feel that good, sinking into mud wearing that?"

"Don't knock it until you try it," Haruhi shot back, before gasping and quaking as her arousal began to override her embarrassment at being caught.

"Well, in that case..." to the brunette's shock, Rakashi sat down, before letting her long legs slide into the mud before her. "Ooh... that is a unique sensation, isn't it...?"

"Y-you don't have to... wreck your dress..." Haruhi grunted, even as she started to undulate in her double bondage once more...

"Oh, I'm sure it'll come out in the wash," Rakashi assured her using her free hand to shove off terra firma, gasping as her thighs were swiftly consumed. "Oh my... it's sucking me in..." She quaked, though she wasn't sure whether it was from pleasure or fear, taking a pull from her cigarette to calm herself... in no time, the quicksand had swallowed her waist and stomach, the woman pushing her gloved arm deep into the mud to stabilize herself... It wasn't long before her own bosom came to rest on the jiggling surface, her own nipples hardening as the moistness teased at them. "This is... oh my... this is... Mmm..."

"I know, right?" Haruhi couldn't help but grin at the sexy sight before her, quaking uncontrollably as her pleasure rose higher and higher, her hips bucking against the thick mass of mud that held her firmly, quiet sucking and gurgling sounds emitting from her half-hearted struggles against the 'deadly' quicksand. "Oh yes... oh yeah!" She threw her back in imminent ecstasy...

"I sure hope you know how to climax without screaming bloody murder," Rakashi gasped out, "or I won't the only one who finds you... Ohhhh!" She quaked intensely as Haruhi's struggles caused the quicksand to shift and caress her body as well...

"HrrrrrrrNNNNNNGGGHHHH!" Haruhi gritted her teeth as stars flashed under her eyelids, just managing to not scream aloud as continuous waves of orgasm surged from her groin again and again, the quicksand cresting the hem of her gown, slipping into her cleavage... the brunette arced backward as she rode out her ecstasy, the mud closing over her shoulders, her ponytail dipping into the blackness...

When she came back to her senses, Haruhi realized that the muck was teasing at her lower lip, her head partially sunk in, the quicksand acting as a soft, wet pillow... Turning her head a little, she saw Rakashi, sunk to her nipples, her long hair spreading over the surface, one arm sunk past the elbow... She seemed to be staring intensely at Haruhi, taking a long drag from her cigarette, the lit end glowing brightly in the moonlight... She then withdrew her cancer stick, blowing a stream of smoke away from her fellow mudlarker, her body quaking with pleasure... "My... I almost had an orgasm myself, watching you... and I thought I was straight as an arrow..."

"Or maybe... I'm just... that sexy," Haruhi gasped out, grinning tiredly. Taking a moment to catch her breath, she then said, "Well, I'm gonna go under now... so don't freak out... I know what I'm doing..."

"I sure hope you do, honey," Rakashi said in mild concern, watching as Haruhi's mouth sank under, the goddess sucking in air through her nose, then blowing bubbles on the surface... inhaling again, Haruhi's head sank the rest of the way, closing her eyes as they vanished, her ponytail the last thing to be sucked under... No trace of the woman remained, not even a bubble to mark her passage.

In the depths of the liquid earth, Haruhi moaned as the quicksand frenched her intensely, pushing into her mouth and trying to go down her throat... She quaked with intense pleasure at the feeling of being completely encased in soft, slimy mud. Still, she didn't want to worry Rakashi too much... so after her quaking subsided somewhat, the ropes that bound her suddenly loosened up, allowing her to wiggle free, making upward swimming motions with her arms... She felt her hands break the surface briefly, adrenaline surging through her as she pushed up, her head finally emerging into open air again, gasping and coughing as her lungs took in precious oxygen!

She remained like that for a minute, before pushing her arms out and working herself back up to chest-level, then finally wiping the mud from her face so she could see again. Rakashi was still there, at the same depth as before, but her cancer stick gone, likely having burned down completely. Her free hand was now over her chest, her expression looking relieved. It was then Haruhi realized that her lips were moving, but she couldn't hear what was said... Shaking her head a bit, the brunette felt the mud dislodge from her right ear... "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"I said you had me worried for a moment there," Rakashi repeated. "It looks like you weren't tied up that tight after all... how did you do that, by the way?"

"Sorry, trade secret," Haruhi snarked, swimming forward until she was right in front of Rakashi, gently embracing her beneath the mud. "Enjoy the show?"

"Of course I did," the other woman replied, returning the embrace, smiling as their chests pressed into each other. "You would definitely have any man you wanted coming to your rescue after a performance like that..."

"Oh, he has. Multiple times," Haruhi smirked. "We've even gone down together, if you can believe it."

"Is that so? Well, aren't you the lucky woman," Rakashi lamented. "So how come he's not here tonight?"

"Oh, he is, he just had other business," the reality warper responded. "Honestly, I was just trying to kill time until he was finished..."

"Well, I don't think you'll be able to dance now, all muddy like this," Rakashi pointed out.

"You don't know me very well, then," Haruhi lowered her voice to a whisper, before abruptly kissing the other woman on the lips...

And then Rakashi woke up, realizing that she was sitting in a chair on the outdoor patio. "What...?" She looked around, but there was no sign of Haruhi anywhere among the patrons. "Was that... a dream? I guess it must have been..." She checked herself to be sure, but her dress was as clean as it ever been. "What a shame... I think I could've been good friends with a woman like that..."

As for Haruhi, she was once again sitting at the table inside the ballroom proper... (Sorry, Rakashi. But there was no other option... But maybe some day we can meet again, under better circumstances...) Something then caught the goddess' eye, looking to see Kyon and Tsuruya entering the room, the latter looking satisfied. "About time," she muttered, standing up and going over to them. "You're late, Kyon. Penalty."

"Sorry... negotiations took a little longer than I thought," Kyon lamented, putting one hand behind his head. "That was a bit scary, to be honest..."

"Well, at least you didn't let it shows!" Tsuruya spoke up. "But yeah, sorry for taking him aways for so longs. Should be enough times for one dance, though! And you can always have love-love time when you get homes, nyoro..." She winked knowingly, causing Haruhi to smile back.

And so Haruhi and Kyon commenced dancing to the slow music... "So, what did you do while we were gone? I highly doubt you were just sitting there the whole time..."

"Hmm... I'll tell you later," Haruhi smirked. "I didn't prank any of these stuck-ups, if that's what you're worried about..."

"I'll bet you were tempted, though," Kyon snarked.

"Just a little..." Haruhi admitted. "Now shut up and dance."

"Yes, chief," Kyon obeyed with a smile.


So, will we see Rakashi again? Who knows... ;) Let me know how you liked the story!

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Re: The Formal Sink of Haruhi Suzumiya

Postby A20 » Tue Oct 05, 2021 12:06 am

This is amazing and well written! I really enjoyed it. I could imagine Haruhi sinking in that fine dress. Rakashi is a good character too. Nice interaction between the two characters; I liked Rakashi's curiosity. Thank you for sharing this story. ☺️
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Re: The Formal Sink of Haruhi Suzumiya

Postby stevensh12 » Sat Oct 09, 2021 1:37 am

I think A20 summed it up best great as ever looking forward to the future stories :D
i'm just an idiot with a box and a screwdriver

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