Story - Avatar Extreme

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Story - Avatar Extreme

Postby cbqdbq » Wed Nov 24, 2021 7:28 am

(I don't see a "Furthr information" field.)

This is start of a story i created but i dont know wheather I would be permitted to post it here. I didnt put it all here. That way when this post is disapproved, it is not a major waste of posting effort.

warnings: simulate grim, sexual reference

“We need to commercialize this, but how?” demanded the chief executive officer of the Simulacra Development Corporation (known only to the public as Simlacorp). “We developed it for the RDA, but I know we have to use it ourselves.”
“I have it,” spoke up the Sports Option Development director, Haymin.
Everyone looked with dismay or outright dislike at Haymin. He had persuaded the company to buy up several extreme sports operations, but they did not proven to be at all viable. The company was looking to sell it off… and Haymin with it.
“We’ve tried that, Haymin,” the chief told him. “People aren’t going for it… watching what they call clones in gladiator combat, duels, shark-wrestling, no-holds-barred chariot races, demolition derby without mercy. It’s too boring!”
“Exactly why,” Haymin said, “we should transfer casting operations from Cloning to the Avatar division.”
Half the board members scorned or shouted the idea down. The chief, however, wanted to hear more. “How will that make the sports division viable?!”
“People don’t want to watch a pair of soulless, pre-programmed contestants,” Haymin said. “The outcome becomes predictable. Nobody will place wagers on it, which is part of the way to bring in income. But.” He leaned forward. “What if the contestants are real people who want to actually participate? In a Roman-style gladiator battle? A duel? A chariot race… or the less antiquated equivalent of no-holds-barred auto racing?”
“I’m listening.” Nobody was laughing at Haymin now.
“Most people, our marketing division says, might buy a multi-thousand globo avatar once in a lifetime, and some of them twice. About 30 percent of the population might do it every few years as a splurge. And maybe ten percent would do it yearly or more often. We need to make this mainstream enough to get the price down under a single kiloglobo a shot.
“You contract to buy an avatar, we do the genetics harvest, build the first avatar for them for 1.5 kiloglobos, but they can come back and get additional ones at 900 globos a shot if they pay a 10 globo annual fee to keep their genetic code viable in our nitro warehouse.”
“We can’t do an avatar for less than 6 kilos!” objected the director of the Avatar division.
“You can if you make better use of the facilities!” Haymin said. “The facilities and the staff! If we’re shooting out 50 thousand avatars a year instead of a dozen, and you can make use of the cloning facilities that are being wasted.”
“Your waste,” muttered a director.
“Some of these events are going to be very painful and deadly for the master entity,” the medical monitoring director said. “It could cause trauma that injures… or kills… the master when the avatar dies in a traumatic manner.”
“We code the avatar to fade out when they’re at that level of pain,” Haymin said. “Just like the ones we made for the RDA.”
“So, what’s your operation plan?” the chief asked.
“When the avatar is completed, it’s delivered to a venue chosen by the buyer or master, if it’s a gift by the buyer to a master. We monitor the connection between them, then let the avatar go wherever the master takes it. We stand by at the master’s side to make sure of his or her health until the avatar either is dead or the master wishes to suspend the operation. In case his avatar survives a combat, he may wish to store it for reuse later.
“The cybernetic implant in the avatar also has a locator beacon, so we can send in the recovery and reclamation team. We can make more money on storage, on medical care, or simply selling the deceased avatar for the animal food industry. A croc or a lion can’t tell the difference between an avatar and a real human.”
The chief nodded slowly. “I think it’ll work,” he told the board. “Let’s make sure it does. It could be a big break into the entertainment industry.”

Simlacorp Entertainments was the leader of avatar-based extreme sports events. The customers themselves kept coming up with new ideas. Skydiving from space. Sprint through zero atmosphere. Run till you drop marathons. Extreme ascent from deep sea diving. Volcano caldera exploration. Climbing Mount Tenzing in Nepal without oxygen. Flying near Jupiter despite the deadly radiation. Flying near the sun. As Haymin expected, the price of additional avatars was under 900 globos, and exceeding his expectations, 60 percent of the population had already done a second “avature”.
Because two-thirds of the customers wanted to experience the total demise of the avatar, the medical division had developed a drug, Traumin, to ease the shock for the master in returning to awareness of consciousness in his or her own body. By 2159, it had been perfected to be delivered by a device attached to the arm, and which delivered Traumin as needed while the body’s nervous stress was monitored.
Sandford Bogg, however, had something nobody else had tried. He ordered his avatar delivered to a very odd location: the edge of a bog in southeast Massachusetts. The delivery team dropped it off, monitored the link-up with the master in Hartford, then returned to Simlacorp plant in Pittsburgh. The recovery and reclamation team would be dispatched when the time came.
Now hooked up to his avatar, Sandy began walking far into the bog.
The avatar was not able to be recovered when the adventure was over. That was not a big deal to Simlacorp because the thing belonged to the customer. They simply liked the extra revenue from buying it back and selling it as food. The regional entertainment manager was simply shocked at what happened to the avatar.
“You say… the master just walked it into quicksand and let it go down?!!”
“That was the adventure he chose. He said…”
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Re: Story - Avatar Extreme

Postby Theo » Sat Nov 27, 2021 1:44 am

I don't know how much 1.5 kiloglobos is in USD, but if it's not too much, and I had the wherewithal, I'd totally buy one, as long as I could customize it to look like a sexy lady in a sexy outfit :P

If it's not too much, I might even buy more; make my own quicksand videos and sell them to recoup the cost of the Avatar. Heck, I could even do an Avatar in tar scene! :D
Finally broke down and went to see a psychologist. She told me I just have an overactive imagination—and it really excited her. We're going sinking next weekend. Theo's AI Quicksandbox New stuff every weekend (unless life gets in the way)

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Re: Story - Avatar Extreme

Postby cbqdbq » Sat Nov 27, 2021 5:12 am

if I put the money in term of today's money, i guess a globo would be around three to eight dollars. If we use six, then the first outlay would be 8400 dollars and each additional avatar would be 5400 dollars. basicly, you shell out as much as for a good-length driving vacation or a flight to far east plus hotels and meals. i figure most people would do it once, perhaps twice, and some would do it like 20th century people take a cruise every few years.

I am hestant on posting Sandy Bogg's narative of his actual sinking just yet, but if nobody hates it so far, maybe in a few days. the admins have to approve every post I make so it may not make it through that. we will see. i respect admins even if i am sometimes puzled by the descrips they give for disapproving a post.
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Re: Story - Avatar Extreme

Postby Solrex » Tue Dec 07, 2021 5:55 am

cbqdbq wrote:if I put the money in term of today's money, i guess a globo would be around three to eight dollars. If we use six, then the first outlay would be 8400 dollars and each additional avatar would be 5400 dollars. basicly, you shell out as much as for a good-length driving vacation or a flight to far east plus hotels and meals. i figure most people would do it once, perhaps twice, and some would do it like 20th century people take a cruise every few years.

I am hestant on posting Sandy Bogg's narative of his actual sinking just yet, but if nobody hates it so far, maybe in a few days. the admins have to approve every post I make so it may not make it through that. we will see. i respect admins even if i am sometimes puzled by the descrips they give for disapproving a post.

I am really looking forward to the sink, can’t wait for the next part!

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Re: Story - Avatar Extreme

Postby cbqdbq » Wed Dec 15, 2021 6:09 am


continuing from first post in topic......

(grim, explicet male sexual detail of a replica human)

“That was the adventure he chose. He said…”

I had long been intrigued by quicksand (Sandy said in recording his blog about the adventure). But I knew I could never follow it to the extreme that I wanted to experience. I’m not an idiot who wants to die just to discover what it’s like to go out in quicksand! All I could ever experience was a temporary submersion as long as I could maintain an air supply. The air pills just don’t last long enough!
Then, I learned of Simlacorp’s Avature program, and I finally had a way! And this is what I found out… this is what one possible way that one might experience losing one’s life in quicksand!
I picked my favorite mud bog for this 1400 globo purchase. The stuff I sank into was appropriately ominous in appearance. Black, with a loose appearance of fine, flaky soil. Two days before my avatar was to be delivered, I went out there, made sure it was ready to use. I had my measuring rods found that, even with eight metres of rod, I still could not find the bottom! This stuff was essentially bottomless!
It was absolutely seductive! The idea of… losing myself in it! I knew I wanted to plunge into it and feel the stuff enclosing my body! And as much as I wanted to feel myself in it, I wanted also to feel it inside me! And I had long been tempted to go further than that!
And now, with my avatar, customized to my specifications for this particular purpose. I asked for the avatar to have a higher density than a human being.
As the avatar, I took a running start, and tried to lightly pad across the surface, which began to bounce and rock and became uneven, even as my feet and calves quickly disappeared into it. Now, as I watched, my thighs began to slide into the hidden depths, which proved to be somewhat cold! As the girth of my thighs increased, my sinking rate slowed somewhat. Then the quicksand touched my scrotum, causing me to take a sharp breath at the peculiar tingling sensation. I noticed that my avatar was sexually aroused. Did some part of my brain think that sinking into this stuff, or perhaps the notion of losing my life to quicksand, was “sexual” in nature? I admit I marveled at the symbiosis of my mind with the avatar, how faithfully it reacted like my own body did.
Now the quicksand touched my crotch and was quickly enclosing my scrotum. As I watched, it vanished altogether as the black quicksand closed up over it and now enclosed the base of my penis. My avatar’s testicles (incapable of procreation, of course) had been taken by the quicksand.
As I continued to sink, the quicksand began to cover the pubic hair and rise along the shaft of the penis.
Now, the quicksand swallowed the penis entirely! Now, all ‘my’ sexual organs had been taken by the quicksand!
As I watched, my avatar’s body progressively descended to be obscured beneath the surface! I was also feeling a general body chill as the quicksand drained body heat away and dispersed it, and I was shivering a bit. I wondered why I didn’t feel my own body, clothed, laying on a bed, being adequately warm.
So deep! I was experiencing the quicksand encasing me, sliding on my body, and I was certain now that my 1400 globo investment would fulfill my fantasy of experiencing the sensations of quicksand swallowing me! Closing up over me! Concealing me in its depths! I wanted to experience it blocking off my access to air, to light! I wanted the surface high, knowing it was beyond my reach! And more than that!
I wanted to experience the sensations of it coming into my mouth where I could taste it! From where I could swallow it! Down into my stomach to see what it thought of this non-edible substance collecting there! I wanted to experience the sensations of it coming through my nose! Filling my nasal cavity! And experience the sensations of having it go where my nose and mouth both led. Lungs! To find what it felt like to have such stuff in my lungs! To find out how it…
…how it affected me. To find out… how quickly it would… harm me.
To find out how it would proceed and result in me… losing… my life. How quickly… or how slowly. I had to keep reminding myself that I was safe, and I could go to every extreme by using the avatar.
The general chill of my body was increasing. I was shivering a little harder. And with my nose getting closer to its churning surface, the smell of the quicksand was getting strong. I marveled at the extremely fine, detailed linkup of my nervous system with the avatar’s, letting me smell, feel, taste with the same sharp and rich detail as if I myself was sinking into that quicksand. 1400 globos well spent!
My desire to fully experience this was intensifying. I knew that I wanted to follow through, even to the part where I had to have Traumin injected! I wanted to experience every possible sensation! And I knew that I desired to experience becoming a permanent part of this seemingly bottomless quagmire! To disappear into it! Lose ‘my’ life in it! To decompose in it and be digested by… no, I wouldn’t experience that. No matter how far the avatar experience went, it could not go beyond the termination of function. Once the avatar died, the implant deactivated, and the Traumin would be fed to my bloodstream in sufficient quantities to ease the shock and keep me from experiencing cardiac arrest or hyperventilation.
But I could imagine it, at least. To be assimilated by quicksand and become one with it, become like it, become the same form as it, blended and be totally indistinguishable! Once my avatar expired, the rest would happen without me being aware of it, but I could at least be satisfied at the final disposition of the avatar.
The quicksand reached and covered my nipples and advanced toward my armpits, as I held my arms out horizontal.
Now, as I steadily angled my arms higher and higher, the quicksand reached my armpits and pushed into them, then began to rise around my arms to reach for my shoulders!
Now, my shoulders! The greedy quicksand closed up over them! It enclosed my neck and I knew I must soon be ready to receive it! I opened my mouth wide as the quicksand reached my chin! It slid up to cover it and now was at my lower lip! Cresting it, the greedy stuff began to push through my open lips, crossed my teeth and landed on my tongue!
It had a bitter taste, and it intensified as it slid back along my tongue toward my throat, piling higher as I continued to descend ever deeper! The smell of it was so overwhelming now that each breath I took seemed to be pure of its odor! I relished the many sensations: the taste of the quicksand, the smell of it, the feel of it in my mouth now, the increasing chill of my body! As the quicksand now covered my upper lip and advanced on my nostrils, I drew in one final breath!
Soon, I would know. I would know how long it would take to lose my life. I would know how it felt for my lungs to be impeded. I would know what it felt like to inhale and pull quicksand through my nose. I would know what it felt like to be losing my life to it. And for whatever crazy insanity, I had long wanted to know.
I chose not to resist or divert the quicksand now at the top of my throat. As more pushed through my open lips, the quicksand covered my nostrils, cutting me off from air! It pushed the leading edge over my throat and it began to pour down it! It slipped through my glottis and into my trachea! It slid quickly down my trachea!
I foundered there, docile, not resisting, meekly allowing the quicksand to flow deep down inside me! I paid attention to the sensations! I knew where it was going! I knew once it went down there, it could never come back up! I was daring to replace the air that belonged there, which could be squeezed out by my diaphragm, with quicksand that would stubbornly stay there forever and damage them. It would arrive in my lungs and settle there, obstructing the function! As more came down, it would collect and be weighed deeper, settling into my alveoli! The vital tissues would be damaged and never function again to remove carbon dioxide from my blood and infuse the cells with oxygen!
It covered my ears, and now, all I could hear was the rapid, thundering beat of my heart! And now it covered my eyes, stinging them and plunging me into blackness!
And, even as I let it continue to freely flow through my mouth and down my throat, I now believed I felt a chill sensation in a lung! More continued to pass through my mouth, glottis and trachea! I began to swallow as well, sending it into my stomach, even as it continued to slither down my trachea and my right lung became painfully distressed.
So, now I knew. I knew what it felt like to have quicksand in my lungs! And I could feel the tight, chilling sensation of it! The sensation of being unable to get air! And I knew that it almost immediately harmed me. The harm was catastrophic! And yet I was not yet dead. This so far was not happening very rapidly.
The quicksand was flowing through my nostrils and filling my nasal cavity! It was filling my ear canals! My eyes were beginning to burn as the quicksand rubbed on their delicate tissues, eroding them. I fought to hold my last breath in my left lung as the quicksand closed up over my head. It only took seconds before the smoothly-moving grains overtook my upreaching arms and covered them. I slipped out of sight of the outside world, which now was beyond my reach.
I had disappeared!
I had been swallowed by quicksand!
And then something unexpected happened! I lost my hold on my breath and it came rasping out, hissing and bubbling up past my eyes to the surface, from which I heard bubbling, hissing and a long, loud fart, the quicksand’s sassy brag about the meal it had just swallowed. And I felt contractions at my groin, and I ejaculated. Experiencing the orgasm, my muscles jerked, trying to move my arms and legs in the confining quicksand, and I abruptly contracted my diaphragm, sharply drawing through my nose…
…not air… but more of the choking quicksand. A pins-and-needles sensation jabbed in my nose, and I wondered if the grains had rasped on the tissues and broken blood vessels. My left lung was now distressed as quicksand arrived in it. Desperate at an instinctive level, I exhaled more bubbles and inhaled, drawing in more quicksand and further jamming my lungs with it! I continued to swallow it, filling my stomach with its indigestible substance, which was absorbing my bodily fluids, the early part of my assimilation.
The loss of my life continued at a creeping pace, as my consciousness seemed to persist! I was feeling intensifying agony in lungs, on eyes, in ears, a stomach that was turning in revolt, but the chill I had felt was lessening. I was becoming hypothermic.
Hardly any bubbles came out my nose, and I was no longer hearing those farts on the surface. I could still feel the quicksand sliding up along my body as I settled deeper toward the unfound bottom.
Soon, the tissues would break down and they would be gone, disintegrated, assimilated into the substance that caused their demise.
Amazing, I thought. I was still conscious, still aware of the agonizing pain from the damage being done. So, now I knew, the damage to my lungs, the harm to me would not kill me quickly, but in a lingering way. And now, finally, I believed I was losing consciousness. I began to see light in these lightless depths, and I was feeling warm.
And then I came to, in my bedroom, the Simlacorp medics ready to render emergency aid if required. A smirk on two of the female medics’ faces, and a wet sensation on my underwear, suggested that what I experienced was not entirely limited to the avatar’s body.
And now, the publicity representative, Karrie Brace, was cleared to enter my room. She wanted to know how soon I could annotate the recording with my impressions, for use by the “Brainstorm” service. Since 2157, people could pay 150 globos for even the minimal sensory connection for playback of an avatar experience. I was willing to sign the release and get a royalty of eight percent for each time someone experienced a playback.

Weeks later, none of my avatar’s flesh remained – it had all disintegrated, letting pinpricks of air reach the surface as the liquids mixed with the quicksand’s own water, and the trace solids blended with the soil. Months later, the bones were gone.
My avatar had perished giving me the experiences of all the sensations of freely letting the quicksand swallow me and fill my vital organs, and become one with it. And that was my final victory over the quicksand: were it sentient, it could feel victory at winning the prize of a human being’s life, brutally snuffing it out, yet not know that what it took was merely a simulation of me, and I remained alive; the quicksand would have been angered at the deception, dishonoured at being fooled!
The quicksand had smoothed over just minutes after the avatar was swallowed whole, able to deny what it had done, and now, months later, it had absorbed the 1400 globo body, making it part of the quicksand’s danger and threat to the unwary. Now, bits of it could similarly enter another person and cost him his life… or that of an avatar used to have his own unique experience.
(end of narratin)

The matter of letting Sandford Boggs’ experience be added to the Brainstorm library was still in contention. While the library could offer people the “poor man’s avatar adventure” of Roman gladiator combat or a duel, there was no agreement on whether a quicksand death was too gruesome or inappropriately erotic. The question had reached the corporation board of directors and they were still wrestling with it.
Meanwhile, Sandy Boggs had bought four more avatars for similar use, creating four more files that had not yet been cleared to appear in the Brainstorm library.

note about the above.
A globo as you may have guesed is the name of the money used in 2153, kind of like the euro. Metric prefixes are used for fractional and large denominations. This story also refers to the 1983 movie Brainstorm.
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Re: Story - Avatar Extreme

Postby Theo » Sun Dec 19, 2021 9:56 pm

Somewhat unusual, but also an intriguing concept, and a well detailed first-person narrative. I prefer female anatomy personally in a quicksand story, but I’ll overlook it ― just this once (perhaps an idea for a sequel: what a female avatar feels in quicksand? :idea: ).
Finally broke down and went to see a psychologist. She told me I just have an overactive imagination—and it really excited her. We're going sinking next weekend. Theo's AI Quicksandbox New stuff every weekend (unless life gets in the way)

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