Random Act of God...

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Random Act of God...

Postby Raidium » Wed Apr 29, 2009 4:35 am

Alittle bit of mifortune hit me yesterday night when I was coming back from my girlfriends house. It was night out after we had just spent some time together when a good 2 miles away from my house going through alittle bit of a dip in the road when a deer jumps the railing on the opposite side of the road and sprints infront of me. I had like no time to react so I slammed on the breaks a good second or 2 before I actually hit it going around 50 miles an hour! I suffered no damage from the accident but the deer was destroyed and my car is currently undrivable in it's current state. The deer hit my front end infront of the driver side and my airbags went off due to the force of the impact. My windshield was also smashed by the force of the airbag! I was however escorted home where I was driving 35 miles an hour until I was able to get in my drvieway. I couldn't help but laugh because everytime I hit a bump, my horn would go off! :lol:
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Re: Random Act of God...

Postby Nessie » Wed Apr 29, 2009 5:36 am

I've hit animals twice -- a big goose once, and a raccoon. Killed them both instantly. I'm an animal lover and it ruined my day both times it happened. I also can't think of any way I could have prevented it.

I feel bad about the poor dead deer and your car is a mess...but YOU are all right, and for that I rejoice.

Could be worse. A cousin of mine hit a skunk and skunk guts, including the famous skunk juice, got all over the underbelly of her car and she drove with the windows open for weeks, it all stunk so bad...and it was winter.


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Re: Random Act of God...

Postby PM2K » Wed Apr 29, 2009 5:55 am

Glad you are okay, Radium! :D

I know of a fellow in this area who was killed when a deer hit his car... wewird part is the deer was hit by another vehicle first which then reflected it into the driver's side of his car... killed the poor fellow instantly.

Moose are scary... like hitting a tank. Number of folks I know over the years have been lucky to walk way from moose/car collisions... but have no car left as a result.

I hit a raccoon a couple years back... he was a big one who took out the bottom of my radiator. That cost a bit to fix... plus it was rough on the poor critter too :(

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Re: Random Act of God...

Postby UberGaijin » Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:30 am

Owwwww. That sucks! Glad you are ok.

From the first picture, I thought your car flew off into a ditch or something.

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Re: Random Act of God...

Postby Mynock » Wed Apr 29, 2009 9:51 pm

The only time I don't like seeing deer is when they're in the road. Glad you're ok man. Too bad about the car (I'm guessing it's totaled due to the airbags going off) but hey that's what insurance is for.
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Re: Random Act of God...

Postby Duncan Edwards » Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:32 am

I don't have anything against deer except for them being really stupid four-legged pigeons who devour your garden and make driving in the country around here more dangerous than the city. My sister got one with her mini-van last fall and a few years ago my father-in-law bagged his limit for the season with one vehicle. Seven percent of the auto insurance claims in Tennessee are deer related. Driving back to the hotel from Fred's place is always an interesting excercise in deer avoidance as well. Especially with a load of vegetarian, card carrying, PETA members, in the rig with you. In spite of all this I am pretty open minded about live and let live. I do not advocate the use of land mines to hunt them with outside deer season nor do I think fully automatic rifles should be tolerated in hunting areas near populations over 25,000.

Glad you're okay but remember, a good day of deer hunting can keep that from happening to you and the deer. 8-)
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Re: Random Act of God...

Postby quickandy 1 » Thu Apr 30, 2009 6:12 pm

I have nearly hit a deer before on the way to work. The only animal I have killed is a pheasant, which was strolling along a main road with cars doing 60 MPH.


Re: Random Act of God...

Postby nointelhere » Thu Apr 30, 2009 8:04 pm

There is a simple and inexpensive device to reduce the risk of collision. The cost is about the same as a air freshener.
Its a whistle that clips on to the grill of any car and starts to work at 70km or more. Below that there is not enough air flow to operate. Like a dog whistle it broadcasts a sound you can't hear but deer can and its unpleasant to them. They generally move in the opposite direction of the sound. Everyone I know has one including myself. If your local auto parts store doesn't stock it. Demand that they do. Its available everywhere around me, including convenience and grocery stores. Here's a link to a website offering it.


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Re: Random Act of God...

Postby mud_boi » Fri May 01, 2009 8:15 pm

Sorry to hear that man - glad you're OK

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Re: Random Act of God...

Postby cerberus » Fri May 01, 2009 8:32 pm

That's really bad luck. Still the main thing is that you are OK.

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