Taylor Hawkins

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Re: Taylor Hawkins

Postby Mynock » Thu Apr 21, 2022 5:24 pm

TK421 wrote:Typical scenario goes like this:

“Take this to help keep your energy levels up for the next show”
“Take that to help bring you down so you can get some sleep in the van, bus or only God knows where tonight on the way to the next town”
“Take these for your lower back pain and tendinitis because your ass is hunched in a freaking stool for 2-3 hours a night”

By the time you blink, you are literally dosing 5-6 different drugs at the same time just to function because the road is just that brutal and we are not even at the recreational variety yet or alcohol. It really is no wonder why a lot of musician’s lives are cut short because of chemical dependency or abuse.

It’s a tragic loss that didn’t need to happen.

Thanks for the interesting perspective. From the outside looking in It's always mystified me why people so rich, famous and talented, who could literally do anything, would turn to drugs. It like "Hmm.....I could go bang some groupies, or take my Porsche out for a drive, or go take a week long vacation tk Hawaii.....nah lets snort some coke!" :shock:
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Re: Taylor Hawkins

Postby TK421 » Fri Apr 22, 2022 3:10 am

Mynock wrote:
TK421 wrote:Typical scenario goes like this:

“Take this to help keep your energy levels up for the next show”
“Take that to help bring you down so you can get some sleep in the van, bus or only God knows where tonight on the way to the next town”
“Take these for your lower back pain and tendinitis because your ass is hunched in a freaking stool for 2-3 hours a night”

By the time you blink, you are literally dosing 5-6 different drugs at the same time just to function because the road is just that brutal and we are not even at the recreational variety yet or alcohol. It really is no wonder why a lot of musician’s lives are cut short because of chemical dependency or abuse.

It’s a tragic loss that didn’t need to happen.

Thanks for the interesting perspective. From the outside looking in It's always mystified me why people so rich, famous and talented, who could literally do anything, turn to drugs. It like "Hmm.....I could go bang some groupies, or take my Porsche out for a drive, or go take a week long vacation tk Hawaii.....nah lets snort some coke!" :shock:

I have never understood it either until I’ve seen it at work. I mean, you hear about it and it almost feels like a folk tale because it seems that unbelievable or unlikely. One night, I had back to back shows in St Louis. It was a marathon and I was already on my last legs due to the last two shows earlier that week in Nashville. Right then, our singer tosses some pills in my lap to “help get me up”. Didn’t ask for it. It was just there. I’ve lost friends, colleagues and seen other bandmates struggle with addiction just due to the accessibility to it. It really is just THAT easy to acquire. I played a club in NYC one night and there was the drummer of the next band shooting up in the mens room with his girlfriend. An hour later both of them were asking us to hang back and “party”.

By the end of that tour, I was really feeling the burn out and can easily understand why musicians would reach to methods that most of us regular folks would never consider. Eventually temptation just takes them to some pretty dark places.
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