BM's Boggy Adventure & BG Pix! Updated 11/5/'23!

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Boggy Man
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure & BG Pix! Updated 3/2/'22!

Postby Boggy Man » Wed Mar 02, 2022 11:01 am

My August 13'th (Friday The 13'th), 2021 Adventure, Part 4 (Click Here For The Beginning With More Pix)!

2021 08 13 4P Crescent.jpg

2021 08 13 4Q Crescent.jpg

Back at my things, I snacked on my second Pizza Pop while working on finishing my newest arrangement for my makeshift head strap. Last time, I had wrapped plastic wrap around the Gorillapod's knobby tentacles AFTER I had secured it to the belt and overhead strap part of my head strap with a shoelace. This time, I had tried to be a bit neater by wrapping the plastic wrap around the Gorillapod BEFORE I secured it to the belt and overhead strap with a shoelace. I managed to have everything all shifted to the left nicely, so that the camera would fit over my left eye. I then screwed my camera onto the Gorillapod and took a test video, first pressing the record button, then putting the head strap on my head before walking around, and stretching my arms out to see if I could see them, and also looking at my shoulders. Then I removed the head strap and pressed the record button to stop the video recording. I then played it, and was a bit happier with the view! :) Even though I still couldn't see my shoulders, it definitely was pointing lower, where it counted, seeing my arms this time! :D But, I noticed something else not right, in the form of a lot of constant creaking rubbing sounds! :? As it turned out, the plastic wrap that surrounded the Gorillapod was making a lot of noise when it rubbed against the belt! So, I had to take it all apart, and put it back together with the Gorillapond secured to the belt and overhead strap first, before wrapping things in plastic wrap, with no plastic wrap between the Gorillapod and the belt. Then, I once again screwed the camera back on, and did the test video again, with the same good results, and less creaking! :D So, all that I had left to do was take the super clean plastic wrap from my freezer bag, and wrap it around the camera, making certain to have all parts covered, and have it stretched over the lens without any creases. But for some reason, I was having a little bit of trouble getting things right, and then noticed that the sun shining on the plastic wrap seemed to show a bunch of scratches! So, I tried a different part, but then I noticed the wrap had developed a small hole, so I put it aside and got out my last piece of clean wrap from the freezer bag. I wrapped it around the camera, got it nice and flat over the lens, and made certain nothing was exposed. Since those two test videos weren't of real interest, although one of them may have captured an older family of ducks in the pond (one flew away while the others were still in the water at the time), I deleted them. With my junk shorts on (a bit concerned about how loose they were getting this year from elastic stretching), I pressed the record button to start the video recording, put the head strap on my head, and was off to meet my destiny in a hungry bog! :D

I walked eastward towards the bog, making some slight adjustments to the camera along the way, which made some more creaking noises, but fortunately, it was only when I adjusted the camera. I walked over to the west side of the patch of resting quagmire that was just waiting silently for me to fall prey to its voracious appetite! :twisted: I chose to face east so that I would not be facing my shadow (with my camera mounted on my head), which was now going to be to my left, and would not be facing the sun, which was now going to be to my right. Then, I took the fateful plunge, landing in the heaving, pulsating morass up to my chest, noticing how much thicker it was this time, more so than I had expected! I struggled, churning the mud around me, slowly sinking deeper and deeper, the surface going from smooth to very uneven and doughlike, coating my hands and arms each time they emerged from the sucking ooze! The undulating doughy morass rose higher and higher, until I had to tilt my head back to keep my mouth free of the suffocating mire. As it continued to rise around my head, I periodically tried adjusting the camera again to make certain it was still in the correct position, or so I hoped! :? I had to stare more upwards to keep on breathing, but the muck was still getting more in the way! I finally managed to take a deep breath, and go completely under, or so I had hoped, :roll: with things going dark for a brief moment. But, I was a bit out of breath, so I just submerged for only a brief moment before popping back up again, into the light. Then, I began to work myself back up higher and higher, wiping mud away from my head and camera, and continuing to work myself up even higher. Then, I made it to shore, pulling myself out onto the grass, wiping mud from my body back into the bog to conserve it, before heading back to my things, pressing record on the camera to stop the video on the way. The video was done! :D

With the camera and head strap laying with my things, I then headed to the water, where I cleaned off, using yellow waterlily rhizomes as solid platforms to sit or kneel or stand on. I cleaned my head, happy not to get mud in my eyes this time, likely because it was thicker, and closed over me only briefly. I cleaned my front easily, but for the hard to reach places on my back, I had to lay down on the floating grass/rushes which submerged underwater from my weight, and then rubbed my back side to side to get it clean (Nature's Scrub Brush 8-) ). The thicker mud now left a brown residue on my skin which required more rubbing to get off, something that always got worse the thicker the mud got. In the pond, I swished the mud off my back with handfuls of water, and then finished most of the cleanup. I didn't need to clean my lower body completely at this time, because I was going to get back into the mud shortly. I also cleaned my junk shorts, and hung them on a dead alder to dry.

When I got back to my things, I unscrewed my camera from the Gorillapod that was tied to my head strap, and removed the muddy plastic wrap, happy to see no mud got onto my camera! :) Now was the moment of truth! I went to my video, and pressed play! The video came out much better than the last time, with lots of great footage of my arms churning the slowly rising mire! :D However, it was still too high to view my shoulders, or the mud in closer proximity to my body. When I had to look up to keep my mouth free of the suffocating muck, the camera view was mostly of the sky, with glimpses of the mud on the side, before it closed in and everything went black. Then, when I emerged, there wasn't much mud stuck to the plastic wrap covering the lens, resulting in a better view of the escape! :) I did get a bit alarmed briefly when first watching it, because the video seemed to end in the middle, and go to the live camera view! :shock: It turned out I must have pressed a button while watching, because when I watched it again, fast forwarding to roughly where I left off, I saw the rest of the video, much to my relief! :D

Now, it was time for me to have a personal sink, and I also got out my breathing tube in case I decided to stay beneath the surface for a period longer than I could hold my breath. I got out my swim goggles, so that I would not get mud in my eyes, and hoped that this time, the second cleaning and application of the fog spray would work. I put on the goggles, and walked around to the bog, that was waiting patiently for another chance to suck me down again! I then walked away, and once again, imagined the fantasy where I had heard about a treacherous bog that exhibits unusually aggressive feeding behaviour, where the victims, mostly animals, but some people as well, get sucked down so deep that their bodies are unrecoverable - lost forever in the muck! :shock: I heard it had sucked down a moose that morning, and within a couple of hours, ten-foot poles probed down as far as they could go couldn't find the moose's body! :shock: I knew that it was in the area I was in, and I just had to find a patch of open mud with a disturbed spot on it. Then, sure enough, I came across a patch of bare, muddy ground that was all churned up on its west side, by a large animal! I had found the deadly bog, and standing on the east side, facing west, holding the breathing hose in my left hand, I was ready to accept the challenge, where once I jumped in, there was no going back! It would be a struggle to survive, or get sucked down so deep that I would join that moose and the bog's other victims, lost forever in the mire! :shock: :twisted:

I noticed that there was one little problem - the right part of my swim goggles STILL fogged up, washing out my view of everything! :x I don't know what I was doing wrong with the washing and application of the fog spray, but it was in the same place as the last time! :x Anyways, even with my diminished visual clarity, I continued on with my fantasy sink! :)

So, collecting my courage to face and fight the bog's deadly hunger, I took the fateful leap into the mire, the grey uneven surface quickly giving way the moment my feet hit it, with the voracious ooze gulping me down to my lower chest, and blowing swamp farts! I tried not to mush up the surface, but instead tried to keep it as intact as possible, to retain the uneven but smooth, non-sticky surface characteristics, different from the sticky stuff just below that "skin". I struggled and slowly sunk deeper and deeper, the mire slowly closing over my shoulders, and then rising up to my chin. As it slowly sucked me down deeper, I pushed my arms down against the surface in front of my shoulders (or perhaps slightly off to the sides a tiny bit), which gave way and wrapped around them, sucking them into its doughy clutches, with only my hands sticking out in front of me. I struggled, and slowly sunk myself deeper and deeper, the suffocating mire slowly rising over my mouth, but not sticking to it, allowing me to still partially breathe by moving my head back slightly so that the mud would part from my mouth a tiny bit, although my nose was still in the clear. I continued to make movements in the bottomless muck, with it rising up to my nose, and trying to cover it. I really enjoyed the feel of the doughy quagmire trying to suffocate me, but unable to, yet! :twisted: I would blow air out from my submerged mouth, with the mud separating from my face in an upwards direction as it escaped to the surface around nose level! I would also try inhaling very lightly through my mouth, feeling the suction of the suffocating muck sucking against my face, before breathing in through my nose, or moving my head back to breathe through my mouth again! I can't remember exactly when, but between the mire rising over my shoulders, and it rising up my nose, my stimulation had exploded deeper down in the voracious muck!

I was first uncertain about going under with the breathing hose, but as I kept on sinking deeper and deeper, I was ready for it! :) So, as the mire had rose up to my nose and was threatening to cut off my air supply there as well, I moved my head back slightly, dug mud away from my mouth, and inserted the soft end of the hose in my mouth and bit down, pulling the end of the hose horizontal in the mud, so that I could continue facing forward during the sink. I had to make certain that this time, I didn't bend backwards, because I didn't want to put any more stress on my neck than I had been doing already, and was going to do again with this sink. I did have a slight problem with the fact that when I bit down on the hose, I wound up pinching part of my inner lips between my teeth and the hose, which I had to pull out from between those two hard places to get relief.

I continued to sink myself slowly deeper and deeper into the muck, holding onto the hose to keep the end straight and horizontal, with the doughy ooze rising past my nose and slowly rising over and engulfing my swim goggles, closing off all the daylight, making things black. I would inhale through the hose and exhale through my nose, my escaping breath at first just hissing to the surface, but as I got deeper, there was some "phlup, phlup, phlupping" in addition to those hisses. I loved the feel of the thick mire hugging most of my body, and slowly rising up my head, but its thickness made the process slower, and I didn't want to move around too much, for fear of stressing my neck. I loved the feel of it rising to the top of the sides of my head, and start to close in over the top. But, I was starting to get concerned about the thick muck's tight grip rising onto more and more of the top of my head, and whether the increased stress on my neck with all the movements might result in worsening neck problems! :? So, as much as I wanted to have the doughy surface of the suffocating quagmire finish sucking closed over the top of my head, I decided that I better call the sink quits, while I still had some little bit of opening over the top of my head for it to push through, providing less resistance/force on my head for my rise back up.

So, I began to slowly work myself back up through the thick, doughy ooze, working my feet up while bending my knees, and then wiggling my upper body upward as I straightened my legs, and then would repeat the process. I did it in little stages, with brief pauses in between. I didn't want to work myself up too quickly, because I wanted to keep the stress on my neck to a minimum. So, slowly, I worked myself up through the thick bog, feeling more and more of my head rising above the doughy surface. The "phlup, phlup, phlup" turned to hissing, and then I could start to see light through my swim goggles again! I continued to slowly work myself higher, and once my mouth was high enough, I was able to remove the breathing hose from my mouth and toss it aside. I wiped the mud away from my face and swim goggles, and could see blurry images of my boggy surroundings. I struggled at around mouth depth again, and reached full stimulation for the second time! :)

Now, it was time to escape the grip of the sucking ooze completely! I slowly worked myself up higher, which was easier once I pulled my arms free and was able to reach around and push down on the thick surface. Working my feet up while bending my knees, and then wiggling my upper body higher as I straightened my legs, allowed me to rise high enough for me to finally reach the grass on the east side with my hands, and then I managed to slowly drag myself out of the thick doughy grip of the gulping mire, and onto the solid grass (floating) mat, pushing mud off my body and back into the bog to conserve it.

Once I was free of the bog's "deadly grip" :twisted: , I then headed into the water to clean up, finding that the extended time I had spent in the mud since emerging resulted in some of the mud partially drying on my head and face, which took a little more work to clean, my hair was feeling a bit more cold, and I was feeling a bit more chilled as well. I cleaned the usual way, easily with my front in the water among the yellow waterlily rhizomes, and sometimes standing in the soft bottom as well, and then rubbing my back on floating grass/rushes that got pushed underwater from my weight *Nature's Scrub Brush" to loosen the mud and scum stuck to my back, before going back into the pond to splash water over my back to rinse it off. I got up and did my lower body as well, and cleaned myself off nicely. I had cleaned my swim goggles and hung them on the dead alder nearby to dry, by the junk shorts.

All clean, I was still feeling a bit chilled. My hair felt cold, and seemed to take forever to dry, even though it was very short. The air was definitely not as warm as last time. I air-dried a bit, before deciding to pass the time while waiting to warm up, so that I could have one more sink. I grabbed my camera, and headed to the north end of the pond and took photos of the latest state of the exposed mud there:

***A little note. There was a major, roughly two week, interruption in my ability to type out my adventure. So, from this point onward, I had trouble remembering the exact details, forgetting a number of them, and those that I did remember were a bit messed up! :x The reason is explained after my adventure.***

2021 08 13 4R Crescent.jpg

2021 08 13 4S Crescent.jpg

2021 08 13 4T Crescent.jpg

To Be Continued...
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I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


-The Boggy Man

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Boggy Man
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Location: The Sunny Okanagan Valley, BC, Canada

Re: BM's Boggy Adventure & BG Pix! Updated 3/2/'22!

Postby Boggy Man » Wed Mar 02, 2022 11:02 am

My August 13'th (Friday The 13'th), 2021 Adventure, Part 5 (Click Here For The Beginning With More Pix)!

I returned to my things again and then tried to pass the time, waiting for myself to warm up more. I walked around, finding that a high dry solid rocky spot in the meadow on the western shore just to the north was radiating a lot of heat. I warmed up a bit there, before heading back to my things again. I grabbed my empty bottle of Powerade, and headed northward back to my bike to drop it off there, knowing that the clearing there was high and dry, and would therefore be nice and hot. Sure enough, that clearing was just oozing with heat, allowing me to finally get the thermal boost I needed for my final sink of the day! :D

I returned to my things, and then, was all ready for my next sink, where I would also be churning the mud to eliminate the stiffer top layer from the rest of the surface, making the entire patch homogeneous and just as gooey on top as it was underneath. Since I wasn't going to be submerging, I kept my glasses on, to allow me a very clear crisp view of the hungry quagmire that was going to suck me down to my chest! :D

I headed over to the north side of my patch of voracious ooze, and jumped into the undisturbed part there, the mire swallowing me to my lower chest! I struggled there for a while, with it occasionally blowing farts from being disturbed by my struggles, with me eventually reaching full stimulation! ;) I mushed the mud around me, and then progressed clockwise around the bog, having to get out and back in at different spots because the mud was too thick to move through, struggling in the mire and mushing up all stuff that was not mushed up yet, also trying to do some smoothing out of the surface as well. It was softer in the center, but thicker around the sides, since my exits pulled mud away from the center and over to the sides over the course of the season. Once I had it all mushed up and enjoyed my sinking a bit more, I exited the mire, and went through my cleanup routine again, this time not needing to clean my head. I dried out more quickly, since it was warmer than earlier, and warmed up more quickly too, because my head stayed dry.

I checked the time at my things, and it was still not quite 5 pm (my chosen quitting time)! I felt that I had just enough time for one final sink, so I plunged back into the mire, eventually settling in on the thick stuff on the south side, facing west. I struggled and struggled, loving the feel of the mire, slowly letting it rise higher and higher up my chest, imagining that it was going to swallow me whole! The feel of the sucking morass felt sooo captivating, that I wanted to stay in until I had another full stimulation! But, no matter how much I struggled, I remained just on the verge, but not quite there. Lingering in the doughy, batterlike quagmire, struggling over and over again, its intoxicating feel just kept me "prisoner"! :twisted: Occasionally, during my sinks, I could feel the sucking morass pass a pocket of gas upward along my body, which would fart out at the surface, something that I really enjoyed feeling and smelling, which added to the "victim of the deadly bog" experience! 8-) Finally, I decided to call it quits, and worked myself out, smoothing all the mud I could reach from the edge of the mire.

I returned to the water to clean up one last time, going through all the same things as before, before returning to my things, noticing that it was getting late, already around or after 5:30! :shock: I started getting my stuff organized, before grabbing my camera and taking a few more photos of my churned-up bog (I am providing the full resolution versions):

2021 08 13 4U Crescent.jpg

2021 08 13 4V Crescent.jpg

2021 08 13 4W Crescent.jpg

2021 08 13 4X Crescent.jpg

2021 08 13 4Y Crescent.jpg

To Be Concluded...
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I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


-The Boggy Man

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Boggy Man
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Location: The Sunny Okanagan Valley, BC, Canada

Re: BM's Boggy Adventure & BG Pix! Updated 3/2/'22!

Postby Boggy Man » Wed Mar 02, 2022 11:02 am

My August 13'th (Friday The 13'th), 2021 Adventure, Part 6, The Conclusion (Click Here For The Beginning With More Pix)!

Then, I replaced all the sticks around the hazardous quagmire to keep any large animals, especially cattle, from stumbling in. However, there was no need to completely surround it with sticks, since the surrounding floating meadow on the south side was too fragile and unstable for any animals to get anywhere near without getting stuck, anyways. I took a final photo of the "caged-in" patch of sucking muck:

2021 08 13 4Z Crescent.jpg

***A little note. I think somewhere around here or just above is where my typing of my adventure came to a blank, white halt, with a MAJOR setback, losing an entire night's work, among other things! :shock: :x Details are explained after my adventure!***

I had to scramble to get the rest of my things organized, such as removing the muddy plastic wrapping from around my Gorillapod and head-strap, untying the shoestring to separate the Gorillapod from the makeshift head-strap and cleaning everything, as well as rinsing out my breathing tube and putting it away in its nearby hiding spot. I had promised my dad that I would try to be in cell service around 7 pm to phone home, but by the time I had gathered my stuff together and reloaded my bike, it was already around quarter to 7! :shock: By the time I got down far enough into the valley to call home, it was around 7:30! While going down the main hill was non-problematic where the brakes were concerned, when I was on pavement and tried rounding a sharp bend, I discovered that I couldn't slow down quickly enough to easily make the curve, having to go onto the shoulder! :shock: So, I really had to get my brakes fixed before my next adventure! When my dad picked me up, he was once again telling me how he was worried sick about me, and that this would be my last bikeride! :shock: I was half an hour earlier than last time, but he still felt it was too late! :x I did mention that this was such a great year, and summer wasn't over yet, that I wasn't ready to call it quits on this season yet, and was interested in going again a couple weeks later, and he wasn't really happy about it. But, my help around the produce farm is most invaluable, so he usually gives in when I am ready to go again. :)

When we got home, when I went to the mirror in the bathroom to do my usual "after-bikeride" inspections ;) , I found that there was STILL some dried-up mud on my nose! :shock: I didn't know how I ever missed that during cleanup, but I took care of that, as well as removing every tiny black speck I saw around my eyelashes.

I was a bit disappointed that I didn't get as deep with the hose, because I really wanted to be totally encased by the mire, but I got concerned about my neck. I never took any video of that, because that sink involved some stimulation ;) that I didn't want on-camera, and the Gorillapod was still wrapped up in muddy plastic wrap, tied to my head-strap at the time. Once again, I really was soooo captivated by the feel of the mud on my final sink, that I was once again later in returning to the valley than I had promised, although it was a half hour earlier than last time. There were fewer biting flies and mosquitoes than last time, but still a few around.

My neck seemed to be a little bit more sensitive after that, but not as bad as I had feared. :? Perhaps keeping the thick doughy quagmire from sucking completely sealed over the top of my head prevented it from getting much worse. :? I just hoped that I would be able to handle my next adventure without any further neck strain. :?

I was happy that cattle weren't a problem. Later in the day, there were some to the north, but fortunately, they stayed away from the pond.

But overall, it was a rather productive day, with a much better video than last time! :D The audio was tinny like last time, with the mud farts sounding more like a pot of boiling chili, something to be resolved in iMovie and Garageband, just like in the video from my previous adventure (also wound up using Audacity for further audio cleanup). Moving the camera over to my left eye made all the difference in the world! :D I didn't know why the obvious positioning had eluded my mind on my previous adventure (I used that eye position years ago), because then I could have made further improvements this time! But, now I knew, and could improve on it for next time. 8-) After a bit of brainstorming, I came to the conclusion that if I had the Gorillapod mounted on top of the belt instead of in front of it, the camera would be higher, and tilt further inward before hitting my face, resulting in it facing a little bit further downward! :D I couldn't wait to test out this new idea next time! :D
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I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


-The Boggy Man

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Boggy Man
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Location: The Sunny Okanagan Valley, BC, Canada

Re: BM's Boggy Adventure & BG Pix! Updated 3/2/'22!

Postby Boggy Man » Wed Mar 02, 2022 11:30 am

***Now, here is the adventure I had trying to get my the details of my adventure finished:***

I wanted to get this adventure typed out right away while it was still fresh in my memory, with the full draft saved before finishing off and releasing the video from my previous adventure (took longer to edit than anticipated), after which I would then post this adventure. But, getting a chance to finish this and my other material proved to be an adventure in itself! :shock: Over the weekend, just after my adventure, the White Rock Lake wildfire got so bad, that it became almost like nighttime at 5:30 pm from all the smoke! :shock: Then, my brother and his family's home was on evacuation order, and they had to move in with us! :shock: This really impacted things here, but it only slowed down my progress on my report. Then, the evacuation order was lifted a couple days after, meaning that they were ready to go home the following Wednesday August 18'th, after working on their farm there all day and having supper at our place that day! :D

Tuesday night, the day before my brother's family were to free to go back home and things would get back to normal, I managed to get this adventure typed out to the end of my final sink of the day shortly after midnight (technically Wednesday morning), and was on the literary home stretch, not ready to call it quits yet, really into it, when the screen on my 2011 iMac suddenly turned white! :shock: It was just a blank white screen, and I couldn't do anything to get back to my "Post a reply" screen! :x Then, after a couple minutes, the screen went black, and the computer rebooted. When the startup screen came on, with the Apple logo with the progress bar below, the background had these weird vertical stripes! :shock: I was hoping that once it finished rebooting, I could restore my session, and save my few hours of work. But instead, I got the white screen again for a couple minutes, followed by a black screen with the computer rebooting, with the striped startup screen again, and then the white screen, the black screen, and everything repeated! :x I tried unplugging the computer and plugging it back in, but no change. I looked it up on my dad's iPhone, and found a forum (page no longer exists) where someone had the same problem, and the answer to the mystery was a failed GPU! :shock: So, it looked like the GPU possibly failed on my computer! :x I also tried other things, such as booting it into safe mode, and tried resetting the non-volatile parameter RAM, but nothing worked! :x

I ended up disconnecting everything and packing up everything back into its original box, and took it to Best Buy the next day, and then bought a new iMac, and had to wait days for them to set it up for me. But now they come with solid state drives instead of hard drives, and because they are a relatively new storage device, it is harder to find them with larger storage capacities. So, it turned out that the new computer I bought had 1/4 the storage that my old computer had (256 GB compared to 1 TB), and could only hold half of my stuff (my hd on my old computer was half full). I then bought a 1 TB external hard drive, and they transferred a directory I specified to it (which contained subdirectories with my quicksand stuff), but there was only 20 GB of space left on my new computer, so I then I changed my mind and decided to buy an iMac with a larger SSD capacity (512 GB). It had to be shipped from Brampton, Ontario, which took a while, but it was worth it, because it was an "open box", meaning it was previously bought and returned within 15 days, so it was still brand new, but discounted, getting me a little bit of money back instead of having to pay a few hundred more for one that was not open box! :D

After waiting for the computer to arrive, and then waiting for them to set up that new computer with my stuff before bring it home, I had to catch up on over a week's stuff on the internet, before finally resuming my report on my new 2020 iMac August 30'th and a couple nights after (and doing finishing touches now before submitting it)! So, I began typing this adventure on an older iMac, and finished it on a new iMac! But, my memory of the final August 13'th sink (and the warmup before it) wasn't as fresh as the night I lost that evening's work (August 17'th/18'th), and so I hope I remembered it correctly. :? And, all this happened while editing my adventure that took place on Friday, the 13'th!!!!
I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


-The Boggy Man

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Boggy Man
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Location: The Sunny Okanagan Valley, BC, Canada

Re: BM's Boggy Adventure & BG Pix! Updated 5/4/'22!

Postby Boggy Man » Wed May 04, 2022 8:24 am

I usually wait until after I had posted any videos I might have shot from my previous adventure, before posting my next adventure, so that things are posted in sequence. But, editing the audio of the video from my previous adventure has been dragging on for so long (when I am able to even find time to do it), that I decided not to sit on top of the rest of my adventures any longer, since the one I am posting now happened over 8 months ago! :shock: So, enjoy the adventure, and be assured that the video product from my previous adventure will be well worth the wait! :D

My August 29'th, 2021 Adventure, Part 1!

After my previous adventure on August 13'th (Friday the 13'th), things went haywire around here, as mentioned in my previous post. But then, things started settling into place, and I was anxious to get back into the back-country again for a chance to try out my idea for mounting the Gorillapod higher on my head strap to see if it would tilt lower! However, the weather since my last adventure went from persistently hot (and bad for forest fires) to a bit on the cool side with some showers, which helped with the forest fire situation. I had been trying to go on my outings every 2 weeks, and usually avoided weekends, but the warm days were becoming sparse, and I had to take whatever I could get, whenever I could. So, it was still too cool to go exactly 2 weeks after the last outing, but there was a warmup after that, with the peak being on Sunday, August 29'th, when the temperature was supposed to be in the high 20's (low 80's)! I would have opted for the next day (preferred avoiding weekends and holidays), but it was supposed to be a few degrees cooler with showers late in the day or evening. I was a bit concerned about my neck sensitivity, since after over 2 weeks, it had hardly changed from last time. :?

When I sprung my bikeride on my dad the day before, he once again started to protest, saying how I had gone on enough bikerides this year, and that I always go to the same place over and over, although I always told him that the plateau there has numerous places to hike around. As usual, he gave in, and on Sunday morning, he gave me a lift into the mountains, the air noticeably cooler than my previous bikerides, forcing me to put on a hoodie for extra warmth until things warmed up more. I tested my bike to make certain that everything worked okay, especially since I had made an adjustment to my front brake with an Allen wrench the previous day to extend a fixed pad to outside the frame it had worn down to. With my stuff all loaded into my saddlebags, and my dad heading back home, I was on my way! :D

So far, I had seen only one cowpie on the road, and no sign of any cattle. I hoped that it would stay that way. But, when I headed down to my sideroad, there in the clearing of the entrance to the sideroad, was a small herd of cattle, some resting on the ground! :x I tried going around them on the east side to not disturb them, but they got up, and started to run off, some scattering into the bushes to the west, but the rest ran up the sideroad I was heading up! :x They ran way ahead of me, and before I knew it, they were out of sight. I then walked my bike down the side-trail over and around some fallen trees, to the clearing to the west, where there were some cowpies with dried-out "paper-like" crust in the grass of the clearing, that I had to avoid. Cattle had definitely been in the area, with the grass trampled. I set my bike down in the new drop-off spot under the shade of trees, before a large fallen tree. I got my things together, and was on my way to the pond just to the south, through the grass with some alders and willows, noticing how there were now paths worn in the grass by cattle. I just hoped that with the lower water levels, that no cattle would get in trouble with the soft ground. :?

I reached my sinking spot, and set my things down in the shade of some alders to the west. Then, I swapped memory cards in my camera, and headed over my worn-down path to my bog to have my first look at it, and take a photo. Just as I approached the bog, I noticed that there was a dried out, elongated, drawn-out cowpie directly in my worn-down path, in close proximity to my bog! :shock: I was glad that the sticks helped to keep the animal(s) from stumbling in! :shock: It seems as though any path I wear down in the grass, the cattle wind up following, leading them directly to my bog! :x It really emphasized the importance of keeping the barrier of sticks around my bog when I was not around! So, now I had something to avoid stepping into on my way to and from the bog! :x

Looking at my bog, I noticed how it looked a lot like the way I had left it last time, with the uneven texture slightly smoothed out from the rain since my last visit. I had thought that I might have had to remove puddles of water from the surface, but fortunately, there were none! :D Here is the photo of my caged-in "playground":

2021 08 29 5A Crescent.jpg

Then, I returned my camera to my things, and proceeded to remove the sticks, piling them in the grass to the southwest, out of the way. Once that was done, I took some more photos of my sinking spot (I am including the full-resolution - 4320 x 3240 photos for best detail):

2021 08 29 5B Crescent.jpg

2021 08 29 5C Crescent.jpg

2021 08 29 5D Crescent.jpg

2021 08 29 5E Crescent.jpg

To Be Continued...
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I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


-The Boggy Man

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Boggy Man
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure & BG Pix! Updated 5/4/'22!

Postby Boggy Man » Wed May 04, 2022 8:25 am

My August 29'th, 2021 Adventure, Part 2 (Click Here For The Beginning With More Pix)!

I then took a photo of some mud exposed along the edge of the pond beside my bog:

2021 08 29 5F Crescent.jpg

I then headed to the south side of the pond to take photos of the mud exposed there, which I figured would be more extensive than last time. But, when I got there, I found that it was still shaded off by the trees! :x Shadows seem to be moving away later in the mornings, and moving in sooner in the afternoons. I dread the approach of the end of summer! :x So, I decided to wait until later in the day, when it would be all in the sun. Instead, I headed to the north side of the pond, to take photos there:

2021 08 29 5G Crescent.jpg

2021 08 29 5H Crescent.jpg

2021 08 29 5I Crescent.jpg

2021 08 29 5J Crescent.jpg

To Be Continued...
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-The Boggy Man

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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure & BG Pix! Updated 5/4/'22!

Postby Boggy Man » Wed May 04, 2022 8:25 am

My August 29'th, 2021 Adventure, Part 3 (Click Here For The Beginning With More Pix)!

2021 08 29 5K Crescent.jpg

2021 08 29 5L Crescent.jpg

2021 08 29 5M Crescent.jpg

I then returned to my things, and set the camera down. The next thing on my list was to break up any stiff layer on the surface of the mire so that it would be just as soft and jiggly and the stuff underneath! The planned video was going to be in the afternoon, once things warmed up. So, I got undressed, noticing the air still feeling a little cool, but the sun warm. I kept my glasses on, since I wasn't going to be getting my head muddy. The water in the morning was too cold for cleaning up a head, and in fact, the water in the grass felt quite frigid! :shock: I hoped that the water would warm up as the day went on.

Heading over to my bog, I once again chose the north side, where it was nice and thick (actually it was thick around all the edges from me dragging mud there during my exits). Facing south, I jumped in, immediately sinking to my hips in the doughy quagmire, with the bog making sucking and farting sounds as it belched out air that it had gulped down with my lower body (there may have been some swamp gas mixed in as well)! It felt like I had landed in a very tight, heavily quilted, pair of ski pants, or felt like I had just jumped into a pit of bread dough! :D I knew that the day's sinks were going to be the best yet! :D

I struggled in the doughy quagmire, pushing down on the surface around me, which gave way, slowly sinking deeper and deeper. But, I noticed that while it was more comfortable deeper down, the mire had a chilly layer near the surface, something left over from the cooler weather we had recently. :x But, with the warmer weather now, and the hot sun, I hoped the cold layer would disappear, and my churning of the surface to break up any stiffer stuff on top would also help. Fortunately, the fact that we did have some rain showers since my last outing resulted in the surface layer being reasonably soft, and not so stiff. Because it was still not too warm yet, I avoided sinking past my middle abdomen, instead struggling to keep from being sucked down any further, while imagining that I was going to get sucked down to my death if I didn't escape! I struggled in that spot until my stimulation exploded ;) , and I had churned all the mud around me that I could reach. Then, it was time to move to another spot. The mud was now too thick to move through, so I had to work myself backwards towards shore, until I was sitting on the edge of the grass, pushing mud off me as I went, and then using my hands to help pull my legs out of the thick muck, one at a time. I progressed clockwise, jumping back in around the east(or perhaps northeast) side, once again landing waist deep in the farting, sucking mire, and then churning the mud around me there as well, taking great pleasure with my sinks. Each time I finished one area, I would then have to extract myself and jump back in the next spot. I then started to work to smooth out the surface as well, trying to make it as smooth and featureless as possible. I found that wetting my hands with water from the edge of the grass allowed me to create the smoothest surface, while sticky, mucky hands increased friction, resulting in a more uneven surface. When I was working the western end of the south side, I found a large leech that may have been just under the surface, all curled up in a ball. I picked it up and tossed it far into the floating grass to the east of the bog. I progressed all the way around, which took a long time, since I was enjoying the struggles in each spot as well. But, staying that long in the doughy, sucking quagmire that early in the day was taking its toll, in terms of feeling chilled. Once again, the feel of the mire was soooo entrancing, that I found it hard to leave, even though I was feeling a bit uncomfortably cool. I also felt some leg cramps from time to time, but fortunately they didn't get too bad, and would vanish. The sucking morass was so thick that it no longer released swamp gas unless part of my body came into contact with a pocket of it under the surface, at which point, it would then fart out at that spot, often along my body or where it was immediately disturbed by my arms/hands.

Finally, I worked myself out of the mire, and smoothed the rest of it off, and then headed to the water to clean up, trying to pick a spot that looked more open among the yellow waterlilies, where the water got more sun. But, it was still not as warm as I hoped, but I was still able to tolerate it, and was able to get used to it. However, cleanup was a bit more work, because of a problem I always had when the mud was thick, namely in the form of patches of brown film that stuck to my skin like glue and took a fair bit of rubbing to get it off. Because I didn't sink too far up my abdomen, I didn't need to scrub my back on the floating grass mats on the edge of the pond (nature's scrub brush), where the water at the time was still rather cold. But, it took a lot of rubbing to get all of the brown film off my skin. Once I was all clean, I was ready to air-dry!

To Be Continued...
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-The Boggy Man

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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure & BG Pix! Updated 5/4/'22!

Postby Boggy Man » Wed May 04, 2022 8:25 am

My August 29'th, 2021 Adventure, Part 4 (Click Here For The Beginning With More Pix)!

I felt so chilled to the bone, but the sun felt warm. I checked the time, and it was after 1 pm! :shock: I must have spent close to 2 hours in the mud! I took some photos of my freshly churned bog, with the smoothed-out surface (I am including the full resolution - 4320 x 3240 photos for best detail):

2021 08 29 5N Crescent.jpg

2021 08 29 5O Crescent.jpg

2021 08 29 5P Crescent.jpg

2021 08 29 5Q Crescent.jpg

I returned my camera to my things, grabbed my lunch, bottle of Kool-Aid, and (empty?) bottle of Powerade. All dressed again, and wearing my grey hoodie for extra warmth, I headed back to the clearing north of the pond, beside where I dropped off my bike, where the ground would be dry and radiate the most heat. I then sat down on a rock, and snacked on my two Pizza Pops and a Sweet'n Salty bar. Once I was finished, I left my lunch bag with my bike, along with the empty Powerade bottle, and headed back to my things near my bog, a bit disappointed that I was still feeling chilled deep inside. Each trip was getting cooler and cooler. :(

To Be Continued...
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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure & BG Pix! Updated 5/4/'22!

Postby Boggy Man » Wed May 04, 2022 8:26 am

My August 29'th, 2021 Adventure, Part 5 (Click Here For The Beginning With More Pix)!

I dropped my bottle of Kool-Aid off with my things, grabbed my camera, and headed to the south side of the pond, to finally take photos of the exposed mud there which were shaded earlier on in the day:

2021 08 29 5R Crescent.jpg

2021 08 29 5S Crescent.jpg

2021 08 29 5T Crescent.jpg

2021 08 29 5U Crescent.jpg

2021 08 29 5V Crescent.jpg

To Be Continued...
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-The Boggy Man

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Re: BM's Boggy Adventure & BG Pix! Updated 5/4/'22!

Postby Boggy Man » Wed May 04, 2022 8:26 am

My August 29'th, 2021 Adventure, Part 6 (Click Here For The Beginning With More Pix)!

2021 08 29 5W Crescent.jpg

2021 08 29 5X Crescent.jpg

2021 08 29 5Y Crescent.jpg

2021 08 29 5Z Crescent.jpg

2021 08 29 5ZA Crescent.jpg

To Be Concluded...
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I sink, therefore I WAM!!!!


-The Boggy Man

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