Well that was a scare...

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Well that was a scare...

Postby Deimir » Fri Feb 26, 2010 4:28 am

Just a few minutes ago, I was looking up some info on the internet for a friend of mine, with him standing behind me. For the last couple days I've been the only one in the house, and so I wasn't being too careful about what I left lying around. From behind me I suddenly hear, "what the heck is this? Mud Puddle Visuals...Quicksand Terror?"

That's right, I left my Quicksand Terror DVD sitting on top of the DVD player. He noticed the "Adult Content" warning and, being a guy, wanted to see what was on the disc. :oops:

Luckily for me, the reason it was sitting out was because I was making a last-ditch effort to clean the disc in order to get it working. Through my own fault, the disc was damaged shortly after I received it a few years ago, and it now refuses to play anything after the first 5 minutes or so. So, while we missed out on an opportunity to discover another sinker, I don't have to worry (too much) about the awkwardness of him knowing about me being a sinking fan. I told him it was pretty standard adult fare, with some mud wrestling and bad acting (a necessary lie, sorry Dave!).

Anyone else had any similar close calls?
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Re: Well that was a scare...

Postby Nessie » Fri Feb 26, 2010 7:25 am

One of my neighbors...he was my friend, though, we were both into guitars and we jammed together now and then...had a beer in his hand and he somehow got his foot in the door while I was playing "Sunken Treasure"...I shot it for Kaol and and I was seeing how my own camera work had come out.

Before I could hit the "stop" button, he'd sat down on the easy chair and started watching Siana sink into the claypit in her pirate costume.

But he thought it was interesting. He asked me what it was. And I told him that I shot it for this friend of mine who did lots of offbeat videos with mud in them...she was a model, and he sold the videos...and wow, my neighbor thought that was COOL! He watched the scene all the way to the end and he had a smile on his face, too.

Not long after this, he suddenly moved to another town because his marriage fell apart. I quit hearing much about him until suddenly I had to go to his funeral. Alcoholism, I'm sad to say, had something to do with that.

What started out as a scare suddenly wasn't a scare at all when he enjoyed that video and thought that the fact that I helped make it was something cool. I often wondered just how open-minded he really would have been if he had gotten the chance to be told more about it.


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Re: Well that was a scare...

Postby spunkee311 » Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:51 am

Well about 4 years back, I had a music downloading program (limewire) and tried to do a search for quicksand. Well when I hit update or clicked my library, my friend was looking at my screen and for some reason it asked me what I wanted to do with a file called quicksand. He asked: what did that say? And i said idk. And clicked out of it quickly.
The reason he asked that was about 2 years before, I actually showed him the dvd case for Wave's Greatest Quicksand Deaths Vol. 2 and said it was another friends who was into that stuff and I was just holding it for him. He looked it at it and just sort of brushed it off. But after seeing what was on the computer he probably started to guess I might have been the one into it.

Another time my Mom has walked in a few times about 4 years ago when I was quicskandvisuals.com looking at the pictures. But he's actually so blind at night I don't think she saw anything.

I've shown two of my female friends some of the dvds. I get kind of nervous everytime but they actually seem to b into it. The first friend actually was down to film.

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Re: Well that was a scare...

Postby spunkee311 » Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:57 am

ht88 wrote:Well. A while back I was using my old PSP to browse the Quicksand Visuals site, and when I was done, I flicked the power switch off and set it on my desk. I had no clue that the PSP saves where you were, either on the web or on a game, when you shut it off. My dad went into my room afterwards to nick it and play some games like usual, he turns it on and it was still on the site. Sooo...I got a few awkward questions from him afterwards. :oops:

Yeah I never knew that about the PSP either. Till I went on myspace and was looking at some of my female friends account only to have my girlfriend get on the internet on the PSP and find the same webpage start right up. My Iphone also does the same thing lol.
Just out of curiousity, if your willing to share, what did your Dad say? I always wonder what some parents would say if they found out their kids where into this quicksand stuff. (talking about the younger community of course)

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Re: Well that was a scare...

Postby reisen55 » Fri Feb 26, 2010 2:01 pm

Sound!!!!!!!!!!! One of the websites some time back - could be Kaol -had the sound of bubbling mud and a woman screaming for help. I hit that once, and after the heart attack for the speakers were on LOUD I damn near threw them out of the window.

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Re: Well that was a scare...

Postby nachtjaeger » Sat Feb 27, 2010 4:45 am

Okay, here goes:

Once upon a time, back when I was a young teenager, I was enjoying a nice sink. I was thigh-deep in some really nice mud, almost up to my denim cutoffs, when I suddenly had the feeling I was being watched. I looked up, and there were a couple of girls from my class! :shock: :oops: What they were doing out there in the woods, I have no clue- maybe just hiking? Anyway they asked the inevitable question- "What are you doing in there?" :oops: :oops: :oops: Unfortunately one can't really die of embarrassment- you just wish you would. Anyway I made some lame excuse about looking for muskrats or something, and got out of there (both the mud and the area) as fast as I could.

On the bright side, had they arrived five or ten minutes later, things would have been a thousand times worse. . . 8-)

As far as QS video, I showed a couple to a buddy of mine. He thought it was pretty weird, but he thinks I'm pretty weird anyway. And this from a guy who watches those goshawful "women in peril" movies on Lifetime network- for laughs. :roll:
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Re: Well that was a scare...

Postby AyaneMatrix » Sat Feb 27, 2010 9:27 am

My first close call with my interest in quicksand had to be in high school, primarily since I didn't have a computer and internet access at the time. During my lunch breaks, I would browse over to QSA's old sinking web art site and then to Stormwolf's (I think that was his name) story page; but, thanks to one of my nosy buddies, I almost had a heart attack one day when I decided to print up a couple of QSA's pictures. :shock: One mainly being that it was semi adult material and I was afraid to be busted with it and that I didn't know what to say if they ever looked at them!

And around that time I started writing some stories based on QSA's works and while writing it in my dinky journal, one of my female friends was reading over my shoulder following everything as I had written for several minutes before noticing she was behind me. My heart froze, but she told me that the story was interesting and that I should finish it! :lol: Thank goodness! Though, oddly enough she'd be one of the few people in real life that I could ever bounce ideas off of to further any of my written works.

When I later went to college and got a laptop, man oh man, Koal's sinking page made me freak out on several occasions much like reisen55 experienced. Though, the worst one was when my brother somehow accidentally installed the custom theme Koal used to have on his site, you know the one with Sylla and some of the audio from the video? That gave me a major panic attack as I didn't even know it was on the computer until my brother went somewhere he shouldn't and my family and I walked in on him. Needless to say, the both of us were going at it for a while as I honestly didn't know how it got there, even though I knew where it came from, and him looking at porn. :roll: Thankfully, the issue was dropped, but I've still had many close calls since then, just not as major as this one.

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Re: Well that was a scare...

Postby Scarol » Sat Feb 27, 2010 7:46 pm

A few months ago I had a picture of a girl form mudpuddle visuald in light brown thick quicksand, I liked it very much and started to save it in my map on the harddisk.
So then I clicked "Save as" (take's a little time for the computer to search my map) then my mom was walking the way to my room and that pic was even big as the screen, then my heart beated really fast. I tried to click on "x" to cancel saving the pic but it couldn't stop to search for my map :oops: , then when she entered the room the pic was gone. Then my fingers/hand were shaking very much, I thought then: Wait untill the parents are downstairs and then save the pic.
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