Civility? What's that?

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Re: Civility? What's that?

Postby dlodoski » Thu Sep 08, 2022 1:58 pm

TK421 wrote: “What we permit is how people will treat you.” ....

That's a good one.
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Re: Civility? What's that?

Postby Mynock » Mon Sep 26, 2022 6:08 pm

There's a good Chinese place right up from where I work, they have online ordering so it's a good place to get food quick if you order early.

I show up a little after noon expecting to just grab pay and go.....but this chick walked in right in front of me:

"Hi! I know it's your busiest time of the day? But I'm gonna stand here with a menu holding up your pickup line for 10 minutes and order one of everything on the menu ok? Oh while I'm ordering I'm gonna ask you weird health questions about everything I'm ordering ok? Oh wait that total is too much.....hmmm.....let me see what we can take off here?"

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Civility? What's that?

Postby TK421 » Fri Oct 07, 2022 11:09 pm

Mynock wrote:There's a good Chinese place right up from where I work, they have online ordering so it's a good place to get food quick if you order early.

I show up a little after noon expecting to just grab pay and go.....but this chick walked in right in front of me:

"Hi! I know it's your busiest time of the day? But I'm gonna stand here with a menu holding up your pickup line for 10 minutes and order one of everything on the menu ok? Oh while I'm ordering I'm gonna ask you weird health questions about everything I'm ordering ok? Oh wait that total is too much.....hmmm.....let me see what we can take off here?"

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Ummm, and you stood there for that? I’m sorry, but if you get in between me and my food, you better be well armed ESPECIALLY if I’m in my hangry state. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Civility? What's that?

Postby Theo » Sun Oct 09, 2022 4:13 am

I’ve heard of things like this happening on the news on many occasion; I also recall recently a vicious fight that broke out in another buffet over a misunderstanding regarding a steak.

I find It funny how the number of people lecturing everyone about tolerance is inversely proportional to how tolerant people actually are. Here’s an idea: maybe people should spend less time in safe spaces, and more time in the real world, with other people with different ideas? I also read something once that said something like: “people are more intelligent than ever today.” Personally, I see little if any evidence of that.

Thankfully where I’m at, for now at least people are still quite civil and even polite, with the occasional exception of when one gets behind the wheel. I had multiple cars cut me off in a work zone with a lane closure this year, right next to the signs that said “zipper up.” I had to come to a complete stop before I hit the cones and wait for the traffic to pass.
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Re: Civility? What's that?

Postby dlodoski » Sun Oct 09, 2022 2:59 pm

Theo wrote: ....I find It funny how the number of people lecturing everyone about tolerance is inversely proportional to how tolerant people actually are. Here’s an idea: maybe people should spend less time in safe spaces, and more time in the real world, with other people with different ideas? I also read something once that said something like: “people are more intelligent than ever today.” Personally, I see little if any evidence of that. ...

I think this gets to one of the major issues fueling the problem. I know for a fact that my people skills have diminished quite a bit since I stopped working in an organized environment. As it happens, my wife, for whom English is a third language, and has every reason to be timid, is now better with people now than I am (she works in a hospital and interacts with dozens of people a day). So, as technology makes us 'smarter', it tends to isolate us socially - much to our detriment.

It works with race as well. As I high schooler, I was generally wary of blacks. But then I worked as a prep cook in a restaurant in Southfield that was close enough to Detroit that half of the kitchen was black. And I ended up getting along really well with one of the older ladies there. That was really formative for me. I read a while back about a program that had Israeli and Palestinian kids going to camp together, based on the same principle.

But unfortunately, things are getting more tribal nowadays, not less. I don't see how it's going to get turned around, which is sad.
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Re: Civility? What's that?

Postby Theo » Sun Oct 09, 2022 8:30 pm

dlodoski wrote:I think this gets to one of the major issues fueling the problem. I know for a fact that my people skills have diminished quite a bit since I stopped working in an organized environment. As it happens, my wife, for whom English is a third language, and has every reason to be timid, is now better with people now than I am (she works in a hospital and interacts with dozens of people a day). So, as technology makes us 'smarter', it tends to isolate us socially - much to our detriment.

It works with race as well. As I high schooler, I was generally wary of blacks. But then I worked as a prep cook in a restaurant in Southfield that was close enough to Detroit that half of the kitchen was black. And I ended up getting along really well with one of the older ladies there. That was really formative for me. I read a while back about a program that had Israeli and Palestinian kids going to camp together, based on the same principle.

But unfortunately, things are getting more tribal nowadays, not less. I don't see how it's going to get turned around, which is sad.

Very much agreed. “Tribal” is a very accurate way to put it Dave, and it is the sad truth. Despite alleged efforts to the contrary, in many ways I think we are so much less “united” today than just a few decades ago. Like an aviation disaster, I believe there’s no one single cause, but instead, many contributing factors to this — some of which I probably shouldn’t mention here. But the internet and social media are quite possibly one of the many factors. Define irony: something that was advertised as a tool to bring us closer to one another, but in the end, has only driven us further apart.

And Covid only further exacerbated the problem. I will forever question the reasoning of forcing people to stay home and avoid face-to-face interactions for months or more on end.

I meant to add this to my first post: What we're seeing today is a stark contrast to a little documentary I happened to watch last month called Runway Of Hope: A 9/11 Story, about the time when 38 airliners and 7,000 passengers were forced to divert to the small Atlantic coastal town of Gander following the attacks of 9/11, and the overwhelming hospitality giving by the community. People were inviting passengers into their own homes, some of the townspeople were sleeping on a bare mattress because they had given away all their bed sheets, passengers were joking that they probably gained 10 lbs in the 5 days they were there, and on one occasion they put out the word that they were running low on toilet paper, and two hours later, they said “please stop bringing toilet paper!”

Since, I’ve been wondering if the same epic hospitality would be possible anywhere today. But I also sometimes think there is still some hope that things will come about for the better someday.
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Re: Civility? What's that?

Postby Mynock » Sun Apr 02, 2023 5:10 pm

Once upon a time this morning I piloted an automobile borrowed from my dear brother into a fueling station after doing some errands. My intent was only to do the gentlemanly thing and return his much loved conveyance with a full tank, but as I activated the pump, out of nowhere, there came an unearthly howl.

"HEY! YOU! Yes YOU!"

I turned toward the angry screeching and froze.

She had electric blue hair with bright red highlights. A white tank top and black leggings were stretched almost to the point of eye searing transparancy over an ocean of quivering flesh. My shocked mind estimated the behemoths weight to be somewhere between 400 and 500 pounds.The face was a mass of piercings glittering in the morning sun, and it carried the expression of an Ogre that had just eaten someone who didn't agree with it.

Realization set in and my blood ran cold. This was a creature that till now I had only heard about on Redit and seen only in Youtube videos......the deadly Karenpotamus.

"" I asked, hoping against all hope that she was looking past me, at some other poor soul who had been marked for destruction in my place. But my hopes were dashed when she pointed one pudgy artificial nail clawed hand at me and said "Yes, YOU!"

The charge came with no warning, and she covered the pavement between us at what for her size was an alarming speed. I kept a white knuckled grip on the gas pump nozzle and stood my ground, knowing that to run would only invite further pursuit. True to form the angry creature pulled up just short of touching my vehicle, puffing and blowing in exertion after having covered a full 15 feet of parking lot in only a few seconds.

"Do think you're FUNNY?!" She screeched. "Do you think it's FUNNY to drive around with those STICKERS on your car?! You RACIST piece of SHIT!"

"" I'm completely confused. Obviously I've done something to enrage this urban levithan but I have no clue what it is. Seperated from her raging lunacy only by the unsubstantial metal of my open car door, I think desperately of a way to placate the beast but my mind is blank.

"You get the FUCK out of here RIGHT NOW! And take your SOUTHERN PRIDE BULLSHIT with you, or I'm CALLING THE COPS!" She bellowed.

As my brain struggled to cope with this further onslaught the gas pump clicked.

Saved by deus ex machina I replaced the nozzle and dove into the car, never minding the receipt for the fuel. I was sure that at any moment the Karen, now waving her hands in the air and making the fleshy batwings of her arms flap in the breeze, would commence a full on attack that the sheet metal armor of my brothers trusty steed would prove too weak to withstand.

I frantically keyed the engine and found reverse, shooting backwards just as the beasts claws came down to grapple onto the hood. Tires screeched as I hurled myself into traffic, accompanied by the indignant blat of a horn.

A few tens of minutes later, still contemplating my brush with death, something clicked in my mind. I realized the cause of all the trouble and began to laugh, and did so uproariously all the way home. The Karenpotamus, with her limited intelligence, had actually mistaken the Union Jack decals on my dear brothers Mini Cooper S for Confederate flags.

The End
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Civility? What's that?

Postby Theo » Sun Apr 02, 2023 7:50 pm

Mynock wrote:Once upon a time this morning I piloted an automobile borrowed from my dear brother into a fueling station after doing some errands. My intent was only to do the gentlemanly thing and return his much loved conveyance with a full tank, but as I activated the pump, out of nowhere, there came an unearthly howl...

Absolutely priceless! :lol: Rumor has it that the Karenpotamus also lurks in these places scattered about the country know as, "Wally Worlds." I may have even had the displeasure of seeing a creature such as you describe in such places, but since the hideous noises they make often prompt me turn the other way and run, I've only ever caught fleeting glimpses of them, so I can't be sure.

Maybe one day, I'll buy a zoom camera and find a place to film the creature at a safe distance, and send it to the Discovery Channel to make a documentary out of it. Maybe David Attenborough will narrate it! :)
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Re: Civility? What's that?

Postby Boggy Man » Mon Apr 03, 2023 6:44 am

If you had realized the misunderstanding sooner, you could have let her call the police, and have a front-row seat to watching her embarrass herself in front of the authorities! :twisted: :lol:
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Re: Civility? What's that?

Postby Mynock » Fri Apr 07, 2023 11:23 am

Boggy Man wrote:If you had realized the misunderstanding sooner, you could have let her call the police, and have a front-row seat to watching her embarrass herself in front of the authorities! :twisted: :lol:

That would've been priceless but at the time I just wanted out of there lol. People these days have just gone nuckin futs and I was seriously worried there for a minute or two she was gonna do something to the car like smash a mirror or break a window or something. Mario Cart BMW is still a BMW and they ain't cheap or easy to fix.
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