Quicksand Dreamers? A poll.

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Do you dream about quicksand? If so, how often? 2 votes per person.

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All the time
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Quicksand Dreamers? A poll.

Postby sixgunzloaded » Mon Aug 14, 2023 4:42 pm

I don't recall if this has been asked before or not, so apologies if it has.
How many of you actively dream about quicksand when you're asleep? If so, how often?
Also, if you're comfortable with it and so inclined, would you share in the replies? (needless to say, that's not a requirement ;))

I'll start off:
As much as I think about qs in my waking moments (probably 100+ times a day), I almost never dream about it. I really wish I would.
I think the last time I did was over 30 years ago, and it involved a girl who a friend of mine was dating at the time. She was pretty but not a stunner. But she showed up one summer night in the most fetching leather mini-skirt and black pantyhose and little black boots. I don't know what it was in me that triggered when I saw her like that, but that night I dreamed about her stumbling and sliding down an embankment in a swampy, dark forest and staggering into a pool of thick, really grungy looking quicksand and starting to struggle with those amazing legs and making the most incredible straining, whimpering noises.
That was the last time I really remember dreaming about qs but it really stuck with me. To the point where I've tried to re-create it with Poser, though I'll never be able to get her physical appearance quite right.
I wish it would happen again.
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Re: Quicksand Dreamers? A poll.

Postby BogDog » Mon Aug 14, 2023 8:06 pm

Never in my dreams :(
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Re: Quicksand Dreamers? A poll.

Postby PA Jack » Mon Aug 14, 2023 11:31 pm

I have dreamt about myself sinking, not often, but a number of times. It never seems to have any real thickness; I just kind of slide under. I only remember one dream of a 3rd person female, a girl in my class in middle school (yes, that long ago, I’m 68) - it was a pretty intense dream that has not been repeated, sadly. For a while, I looked up theories on how you could deliberately control your dreams, but I was never able to do so - too bad, but a nice idea.
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Re: Quicksand Dreamers? A poll.

Postby cbqdbq » Tue Aug 15, 2023 2:35 am

I've dreamt a couple of times about try to find quicksand. like once I walked into a forest or jungle expect to find it or the forest never ends. insted, it thinned and I was back in an open area on a bay.

Once many many years ago, I walked out onto quicksand and sank immeditly to the bottom. maybe 20 feet down or more! like in five to ten seconds. funny thiing was that the upper five feet or so had layers of air trapped under the surface, but below that, it was continueus quicksand. and so I was at the bottom and stayed there for a few more seconds or a minute until the dream ended and I awoke or another dream began.
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Re: Quicksand Dreamers? A poll.

Postby Black Clay Lord » Wed Aug 16, 2023 2:20 am

I do all the time. Sometimes I dream that I'm sinking in ballgowns, or something similar, and sometimes it's something else.
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Re: Quicksand Dreamers? A poll.

Postby Mworm650 » Thu Aug 17, 2023 2:00 am

This past year I had a dream I partially remembered, it involved mud/Quicksand and a vat. I remembered trying to climb out on a ladder but it began to sink and I sank with it

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Re: Quicksand Dreamers? A poll.

Postby sixgunzloaded » Thu Aug 17, 2023 4:16 pm

Thanks for replying guys! Interesting results so far! Wow, it seems like way more people dream about it than not. Sad for me and BogDog, but great for everyone else! :lol:
Also interesting that most of the comments so far show folks dreaming about themselves instead of someone else.
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Re: Quicksand Dreamers? A poll.

Postby Theo » Mon Aug 28, 2023 1:11 am

I was thinking about starting a topic on this at some point. I probably have such dreams a few times a month, and I've even had several where I'm actually looking for mud and quicksand. It's weird though cause most often there's not much "feel" to it, almost as if I'm "clipping" through the ground or something, and it happens very fast, after which wake up and think "damn, I wish that would've lasted longer." But lately, I've had some more interesting ones that last a little longer and I actually kinda feel the mud around me :P I can also neither confirm nor deny that a future story or two might be based on a dream of mine ;)
Finally broke down and went to see a psychologist. She told me I just have an overactive imagination—and it really excited her. We're going sinking next weekend. Theo's AI Quicksandbox New stuff every weekend (unless life gets in the way)

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Re: Quicksand Dreamers? A poll.

Postby PA Jack » Mon Aug 28, 2023 7:33 pm


You’ve described exactly what I was trying to say inadequately above. I go looking for soft ground in some dreams and can almost “will” the ground in front of me to give way. But there is no gripping feel to it - I just slide down fast. I guess because it is mental and not really physical, being a dream, there just is no real sensation to it. Interesting to compare. I think that dreams have limitations when it comes to physical sensations: taste, heat/cold, pain, etc. Unfortunately.
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Re: Quicksand Dreamers? A poll.

Postby Theo » Fri Sep 01, 2023 5:36 am

PA Jack wrote:Theo-

You’ve described exactly what I was trying to say inadequately above. I go looking for soft ground in some dreams and can almost “will” the ground in front of me to give way. But there is no gripping feel to it - I just slide down fast. I guess because it is mental and not really physical, being a dream, there just is no real sensation to it. Interesting to compare. I think that dreams have limitations when it comes to physical sensations: taste, heat/cold, pain, etc. Unfortunately.

I don't think I've ever been able to "will" the ground to turn into quicksand; sometimes it's just like looking for it in real life, "close, but no cigar," or one could say, "shallow mud, but no quicksand" :lol:

But like I said, maybe it's because I've been exploring a little more, but recently it seems like there's some feeling to it. In general (as in, not always quicksand related), though I don't think I always have a sense of feel, my dreams are often very vivid, and I sometimes I do, but everything's more, "numb" or something compared to real life. Sometimes, my dreams are so vivid and true enough to my real life that when I wake up I'm almost a little confused, and it takes me a minute to realize it was dream, and not an actual memory.
Finally broke down and went to see a psychologist. She told me I just have an overactive imagination—and it really excited her. We're going sinking next weekend. Theo's AI Quicksandbox New stuff every weekend (unless life gets in the way)

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