Jinn’s AI Swamp

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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby Jinn » Sun Oct 29, 2023 12:39 am

Moving right along here with some more Halloween themed stuff…


‘How purrrfectly cliche,’ giggled Catwoman as she scaled the tall, stone wall of Gotham Cemetery. The near comedic irony of this adventure was not lost on the scantily-clad cat burglar; a midnight tomb raid under a full-moon, on Halloween night in one of the spookiest places in Gotham City. This was storybook-esque.

Selina Kyle’s skin tight, jet black catsuit would make her invisible in the cemetery grounds if not for the glowing lunar orb overhead. The luminescent celestial body lit up the graveyard and accentuated Catwoman’s alluring curves with a shine from the second-hand sunlight refracted from the moon.

The sexy Catwoman slinked her way across the grounds toward the low lying, older portion of the cemetery. She was searching for a tall, gothic looking above-ground tomb that was enshrining the casket of the recently deceased Baron Von Gerretsen; the poster boy for rich, privileged, fat oligarchs who made their fortune exploiting the poor and misfortunate.

Selina was gifted with a tip that the Baron’s coffin was also loaded with a plethora of expensive jewelry, acquired by the elitist over his lavishly-lived time on the planet. Rather than leave his gold and diamond collection to his grieving widow or sickeningly entitled children, the greedy Von Gerretsen orchestrated that his glimmering fortune be secretly buried along with him, like a narcissistic Egyptian Pharaoh trying to transfer his wealth into the afterlife.

The tip off was provided by none other than the Baron’s son Junior, who worked out a deal with Catwoman to split the profits. The informed Junior claimed he was miffed that his daddy didn’t dole out the diamonds, but was apparently too spooked to go grave robbing himself over dad’s dead body.

Selina considered Junior a competitor in the thievery underworld and was reluctant to join forces with him, but in the end she couldn’t ignore the nagging temptation of pocketing half of the senior Baron’s loot.

‘There you are,’ whispered the cunning cat, eying the Baron’s gloomy burial chamber in the far corner of the cemetery. Recent flooding had swamped the area around the mausoleum, leaving only a narrow sandy pathway over a muddy moat.

Catwoman had zero qualms about pillaging the dead man’s death chamber, she quietly admitted as she tip toed on her long legs around scattered headstones and grave markers. It wouldn’t be the first time she had relieved some expired asshole of stuff they had more than likely stolen to get in the first place.

Catwoman carefully stepped down the path toward the sepulcher; the muddy sand beneath her boots was slippery and treacherous. ‘This is too easy,’ a doubtful Selina whispered to herself, ‘Something’s wrong.’

No sooner had the tentative words left her lips than Catwoman felt the boggy sand beneath her open up and begin to swallow her legs. Stumbling to regain her balance, she gasped and watched in shock as her shapely calves plummeted into the perilous pathway.

Her annoyance slowly evolved into a healthy panic as she continuously descended into the gritty goo. Catwoman’s sensual legs were fit but not strong enough to escape the grip of this sinister sand that was gurgling up around her knees. ‘Ugh… let me go!’ she pouted, as if her oozing opponent could be bargained with. Liquid sand crept up the captured cat’s thighs as she struggled tumultuously to free herself. The saucy soil squelched and belched disgustingly as the sinking Selina fought helplessly in the quenchless quicksand.

Slowly losing her battle, the confined Catwoman leaned forward and planted her hands down to try and keep her legs from sinking deeper. She watched horrified as her hands plunged into the pathway, unable to support her weight.

Selina was dumbfounded. How could this happen? Surely the grounds crew knew about the flooding and the condition of the property. Surely they knew that the ground here had turned to a dangerous quicksand. The caught kitty shook her head. None of that mattered now; she was totally incapacitated and sinking very, very deep into a seemingly bottomless quagmire.

As slurping sand poured over her rear end and pooled in the small of her back, Selina moaned hopelessly and cursed the Baron Junior. She was now certain that she had been lured into a trap; a startling revelation unmasked itself to Catwoman as she glanced at the moonlit headstone directly in front of her. Gurgling goop continued to devour Selina as her wide eyes read the etched rhyme in the granite gravestone a few feet from her overwhelmed and sinking body:

“Here lies Catwoman, six feet down.
Couldn’t swim and doomed to drown.
A Gotham tomb she tried to plunder.
Quicksand pulled her six feet under.”

Catwoman whimpered in defeat as she surrendered her exhausted body to the sucking soil. This All Hallow’s Eve was all trick and no treat. Her cliche, storybook-esque adventure was about to end like a hallmark Hollywood Halloween horror…
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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby sixgunzloaded » Mon Oct 30, 2023 2:29 pm

Poor kitty kitty! She better hope a bat flies by soon!
Lovely Halloween pic!
How long did Tarzan watch before deciding to save Jill..?

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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby Jinn » Wed Nov 22, 2023 7:38 am


The fight against the LexCorp battle-bots was easy enough, thought Supergirl as she surveyed the trashed tech that was sinking into the swamp. They were mediocre-grade opponents, built hastily and offered no profound artificial intelligence or decision making skills. The half dozen flight-capable hulks of titanium and aluminum hadn’t even tried to avoid detection as they came noisily barreling in from their hidden jungle hangar to attack the lovely Kryptonian.

‘I expected more from Luthor,’ pondered the puzzled heroine as she crossed her arms and examined one of the downed dummy drones, ‘Something’s amiss.’ Brooding but beautiful, the young girl tucked a golden lock of hair behind her ear and considered her enemy’s motives. ‘Was this a distraction? A deterrent?’ she thought critically, kicking a piece of broken bot with her form-fitting, heeled boot, ‘A trap?’

Supergirl’s suspicion was warranted. As internal sensors inside each battle-bot triggered a self-destruction sequence, each unit exploded one after another, releasing into the air burning bits of bashed bot… and a noxious cloud of green, smokey vapor. They were more than just “bots”, they were bombs.

Caught off guard by the bursts, Kara was sent careening backward into the jungle brush. Quickly recovering, she leapt to her boot heels while dodging the flying debris that was raining all around her. Stung with a sudden pain to her temples, the surprised superheroine regarded the greenish mist that was settling in the air around the battle zone.

‘(GASP)! Kryptonite!’ exclaimed Kara as she hastily took to the air in an attempt to flee the fatal fumes. To her dismay, Supergirl’s flight was short lived; the toxic trap had been sprung and the symptoms of crippling kryptonite poisoning were already sapping her strength. As dizziness and weariness plagued the pretty heroine, she began to lose her flying ability. Gravity grasped the weakened warrior and pulled her fatigued body earthward… swampward.

‘KBLUMP..BLOP,’ burped the mucky sand as Supergirl’s sexy legs plunged into the saturated, swampy soil. Catching her breath, Kara concentrated to stay upright through a dizzy spell that was not unlike vertigo. ‘Thank goodness. That could’ve been ugly,’ exhaled the grateful heroine. She would soon regret the gratitude expressed for her soft, “safe” landing.

Kara regained her balance, and steadied herself. She tried to lift her legs out of the sandy goop, but in her weakened state her movements were strenuous and cumbersome. Each time she pulled one of her legs, the other would sink deeper. Feeling tired and heavy, Supergirl was swamped and her struggling was only making matters worse.

‘Ugh! My legs!’ she groaned, as gritty goo gurgled around her gripped gams, ‘UHN! I’m trapped!’ Kara let out a gasp as she watched her boot tops disappear and felt the sucking sand permeate her pretty pantyhose. ‘Oh, I’m sinking!’ whimpered Supergirl as her nylon covered knees dipped into the sticky swamp.

Kara tried to remain calm and motionless. Inevitably the concerned Kryptonian felt panic ensuing as her long legs continued to descend into the greedy quagmire, despite her stillness. ‘Oh no! I’m still sinking!’ lamented the helpless heroine, ‘(GASP)! This is quicksand! NO! UHN!’

Abandoning precaution, Supergirl anxiously struggled against the deadly suction of the bottomless bog, twisting her hips and tugging her legs. She instantly regretted her frenzy as the churning quicksand gulped her deeper. Liquid sand eerily oozed its way up the sheer, stretchy silk on her satiny smooth thighs.

Biting her lip, Kara looked around frantically for something to pull herself out of the treacherous trap; a tree branch, a vine… anything to keep from sinking. There was nothing around her in arm’s length but more fathomless, bubbling swamp sludge. ‘Oh this so awful!’ cried Kara, as her thighs vanished in the hungry muck, ‘I can’t get out! What am I going to do?!’

Helplessness invoked more whimpering and moans from the nervous hero as she watched the quenchless quicksand swallow her shapely hips. Horrible gurgles and belches emitted from the deadly depths around her captured body.

Swampy wetness began to soak through Supergirl’s tight, spandex leotard as the sandy soup poured in around her slim waist. Her crimson cape began to fan out over muddy morass. Kara’s arms dipped into the bog as she tried in vane to push herself up. Still dizzy and deflated from her kryptonite exposure, Kara felt her heart racing faster as her slender body slipped further down towards her doom.

There was no escape. She knew that the deeper she sank, the more impossible it was becoming to free herself from the quicksand’s gooey grip. Kara felt herself slowly surrendering to the sucking death trap with every inch of her it devoured.

The sound of a nearby branch breaking startled Supergirl as she scanned her surroundings. ‘Help! Is anyone there?!’ she pleaded, holding still in a desperate attempt to keep from sinking, ‘Please, help me! I’m sinking in quicksand! Hurry, please!!’ No one responded.

Kara’s pulse was beating like a drum. Her head was spinning with terror and anxiety and she had begun hyperventilating. The frantic female thought she might pass out as the swamp sucked her a little deeper and buried her supple, heaving breasts in the malicious muck. ‘Oh please no, I don’t want to die in quicksand!’ begged a delirious Supergirl, staring skyward as she pleaded to anyone, everyone, the swamp and the universe to spare her life.

As globs of sandy sludge fell in over her shoulders, the sinking Supergirl knew her time was almost up. Her golden blonde hair spread out over the surface of the bog. Tears welled up and began to fall from her eyes. Horrible quicksand inched up the nave of her neck.

An array of emotions cascaded through Kara’s mind as she embraced her doom; the sadness of grief, the anger of denial, and the peace of accepting her fate. Within seconds, she would be completely swallowed by the unforgiving quicksand.

When her chin breached the swamp’s sandy surface, she took a series of deep breaths, closed her eyes and awaited her final moment. The quicksand poured in over her face and gurgled almost disrespectfully as it gulped down the submissive, sunken superheroine…

‘Let’s move,’ ordered the tall, bald supervillain in a sharp, cream colored, three piece suit, holding a metal briefcase and standing near the perilous pit that had just swallowed Supergirl. A six pack of professional guards clad in military gear emerged from the jungle foliage behind him. Looking around at the wreckage of battle-bots and then back at the quicksand, the apex criminal mastermind commanded his accompanying henchmen to, ‘Fish the golden girl out.’

‘Out of the quicksand, Mr. Luthor?’ asked one of the armed thugs.

The stoic bald man stared intimidatingly silent at his hired hoodlum for a lengthy moment before answering, ‘Unless you’d like to go to the other side of the planet and wait for her to pop up there… Of course out of the quicksand, now LET’S GO!’

Lex Luthor produced a set of custom-made, polished prison shackles from the briefcase, admiring the glowing green gemstones affixed to each cuff. ‘I expected more from Supergirl,’ he muttered to himself. Handing the restraints to one of his guards, Luthor issued another order;
‘Bring her to me…’
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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby Jinn » Mon Nov 27, 2023 11:56 pm

I have a fanboy crush on Kelsey Asbille Chow and this is the only way I know how to deal with it…


Two attractive young ladies emerged from the tree covered path onto a section of sandy beach along the Florida coastline not accessible to the general public. The private cove was on a swampy, wooded cottage property whose owner was a friend of Kelsey. He had gladly donated the use of the quaint Everglade getaway to the beautiful Hollywood star for a much needed vacation.

Kelsey, a successful, celebrity actor in her own right had just finished shooting another season of her popular TV series and was utterly exhausted from months of traveling and long, demanding work days.

Accompanying her on this R&R escape was her new hair & make-up artist Abby, with whom she had formed a fast friendship while working with her on set during the recent production period.

‘This looks like a sweet spot,’ assessed Abby, standing over a perfectly placed portion of secluded seashore, as Kelsey nodded happily in agreement. The two girls laid out their beach towels, erected their large yellow shady umbrella, and proceeded to undress under the afternoon sun; large brimmed beach hats were removed; sandals dangled and dropped off painted toes into the sand; hoodies were peeled away revealing flat tummies and pretty little bikinis; track pants slipped down long, slender legs.

Kelsey couldn’t help but notice that her disrobing had caught Abby’s attention. Abby couldn’t help semi-inconspicuously staring at her friend’s alluring feminine physique.

Not long after the two girls had met on set months before, Kelsey had suspected that Abby had maybe developed a bit of a girl-crush on her, and discovered that the attraction might be reciprocal; their friendly banter had started to include intense flirting in the make-up trailer and in their texts; they had started bookending their sessions together with tender moments of heartfelt hugging and hand holding; their interactions and physical connection with each other was becoming next level.

It was no secret that Abby liked girls. She had admitted as much to Kelsey, and had even revealed sizzling details to her about past encounters with a few of her college volleyball teammates; frisky footsie play and hidden leg touching on the team bus; her first girly kiss on an Uber ride home from a victory party; spontaneous locker room shower ‘sharing’ that escalated very quickly into a threesome… then a foursome. By graduation Abby had created many fond memories, and many “special” friendships.

While Kelsey had never been with another woman she had frequently fantasized about it. She sometimes daydreamed about her agent finding her a roll in a movie about lesbian lovers and imagined performing the adequate “research” for the film. Curious Kelsey had once reluctantly admitted to Abby that she might like to try living out her fantasy some day… maybe, just maybe with someone she knew and could trust with her sexy little secret.

When Kelsey invited her flirty friend to join her on this trip with ‘just the two of us,’ Abby knew her curious companion was warming up to ‘maybe’ trying something new… with her. Whether or not anything was going to happen between them, the idea was exciting to both girls. They packed for their sunshine vacay with minimal clothing, moderate expectations and maximum anticipation.

‘May I?’ offered Abby, holding a bottle of sunscreen as the pair of lovely lounging ladies settled in to their beach nest. ‘Yes please,’ smiled Kelsey while kneeling on her towel, tying her hair up in a messy bun. Abby squirted a dollop of creamy sunblock in her hands and caringly applied it to Kelsey’s back and shoulders while kneeling close behind her.

After thoroughly working in the protective lotion, Abby continued to massage Kelsey’s shoulders, tracing her fingertips down her friend’s arms, caressing her wrists, interlocking their fingers and gently squeezing her hands.

Kelsey’s heart began to beat quickly. She could feel Abby’s breath on her neck, her gorgeous legs straddling Kelsey’s hips and Abby’s supple breasts pressing against her back.

‘Thank you for inviting me, Kels,’ expressed a grateful Abby, whispering softly and seductively into Kelsey’s ear, ‘We can do what ever you wanna do, and nothing you don’t.’ Abby’s hands slid gently down onto Kelsey’s silky thighs as she softly and subtly kissed the smooth skin of her shy friend’s neck.

Blushing, Kelsey turned her head to face her beautiful blonde haired friend. They were the only two people for miles on this stretch of beach; they both had all the time in the world; they both trusted each other… they were both turned on by each other. Kelsey closed her her eyes and felt Abby’s sweet lips delicately touching hers…

‘I..I need to go… get a drink. Do you want a drink?’ Kelsey interrupted, nervously. She was so embarrassed. She was about to let herself release her inhibitions and instead she pulled the chute.

‘That sounds like a wonderful idea,’ agreed Abby, smiling patiently and reassuringly at her anxious friend. She wanted Kelsey to know there was no rush; none whatsoever.

Kelsey skittishly hopped to her feet and glanced in the direction of the cottage. ‘I’ll be right back,’ stated the uncomfortable, red-faced brunette.

Abby knew Kelsey was having some difficulty processing their moment. ‘Take your time, sweetie,’ she replied, ‘I’m not going anywhere.’

Lingering awkwardly and smiling bashfully, Kelsey clumsily slipped into her sandals and walked hastily into the swampy woods toward their vacation villa.

‘Too fast,’ sighed Abby, whispering to herself critically about her own advances on dear Kelsey, ‘Slow down Abigayle, you’re scaring her.’

A stickler for details by profession, Abby noticed that Kelsey had taken the wrong path into the woods…

Kelsey was an anxious mess. Trudging through swampy soil, she had barely noticed that the path she had chosen was leading her deeper into the Everglades rather than back to the cozy little cottage. Before long Kelsey had become immersed in self reflection… and saturated sand. ‘Why did I have to ruin it? What am I so afraid of? Why am I crying ?!’ she pondered, blaming her exhaustion for the jitters that spoiled the kiss with her sexy, “special” friend.

Wiping a tear and sniffling, Kelsey addressed another dawning issue, ‘And why am I sinking?’ Looking down at the path that her feet had just vanished into, Kelsey finally realized that this was not the friendly trail the girls had taken to the beach. The sand beneath her had liquified and was beginning to swallow her legs. As her calves slipped into a sandy quagmire, she tripped and stumbled while trying to extract them. Falling forward, her arms splash landed into the grimy goop and sent wet sand splattering onto her shoulders and into her face.

As Kelsey tried to stand, her long legs quickly sank back down to knee depth in the gritty Everglade goo. ‘Oh!’ she gasped, ‘This ooze is sucking me in!’ Kelsey tried to crawl forward, but the sand in front of her was even soupier and her hands merely plunged back down into the slurping swamp.

Panic. Overwhelmed by treacherous quicksand, Kelsey whimpered as she felt her thighs sinking deeper. She tried to turn around and crawl back to solid ground, but her struggling only worked her trapped legs further down into the sucking sand. ‘UHN! Oh no!’ pouted Kelsey, as the perilous pathway continued to devour her helpless body. Deeper and deeper she dipped into the bubbling, fluid silt as she wiggled her sinking hips defiantly in a worthless attempt to escape. ‘I’m in deep trouble!’ whimpered the captured cottager, before desperately crying out into the Everglades, ‘ABBY! HELP ME!! ABBY!!’

Abby was already at the edge of the woods when she heard her pretty friend’s cries of despair. She sprinted down the sand covered trail toward the sound of Kelsey’s screams. She could see her in the distance, seemingly thrashing and writhing wildly on the trail… or rather “in” the trail.

‘Kelsey’! shouted Abby as she caught her breath. She abruptly stopped before the wider section on the path where the anxious actor was struggling. Kelsey was waist deep in sandy bog and sinking fast. ‘Abby! Help me! I..I can’t stop sinking!’ pleaded Kelsey, pushing hopelessly down on the unstable sand, trying futilely to keep from going deeper.

‘Don’t move, Kelsey! Stop struggling!’ ordered Abby, kneeling down beside the horrible sink hole, ‘It’s quicksand! You’ll only sink faster if you keep fighting it!’ Abby tried to get close enough to reach out her hand to her drowning friend, but the soft sand grabbed and gulped her own legs at the bog’s threshold. Pulling herself back, she reconsidered her approach; there was no sense in getting stuck in there as well, she surmised.

‘Abby!’ sobbed Kelsey, heeding her friend’s advice and trying to stay motionless. She was highly stressed and breathing very quickly, ‘Abby, I’m really scared!’

‘I know, sweetheart,’ coached Abby, formulating a plan while trying to keep her frenetic friend calm, ‘You have to try and relax, hun. Please. Slow down and breathe deeply, ok? Inhale, count to five, exhale, count to five, repeat, ok? I’m going to get you out of there.’ Abby got up and frantically searched the marshy area for a tree branch or something to reach poor Kelsey with.

‘Please don’t leave me!’ begged Kelsey, gasping as quicksand bubbled and belched hungrily around her slowly disappearing body.

‘I’m not going anywhere, sweetie,’ reassured Abby, ‘Please honey, breathe deep for me.’

Nothing. There were no tree limbs or vines or anything sturdy enough or long enough nearby to rescue Kelsey with. Abby feared if she ventured further off the trail, she might get caught in quicksand herself, or Kelsey might be gone when she got back. ‘Fuck!’ cussed Abby, feeling as desperate as her imperiled companion still sinking out of sight.

Desperate times called for desperate measures; Abby shook her head at a thought and removed her yellow polka dot bandeau. Running topless to the edge of the sinky sand pit, she commanded Kelsey to, ‘Take off your top, Kels. Pass it to me. Hurry!’

With no time to waste, Kelsey did exactly what was asked of her. She was already up to her breasts in gooey quicksand with no sign of it having a bottom, nor a pause in her sinking. Carefully, Kelsey unclipped her cute little animal print bikini top and tossed it cautiously to Abby, who was waiting with her arms open as if she was about to catch an infant.

Receiving the airborne beachwear, Abby hastily tied two ends of the tiny tops together, creating a length of life-saving line.

‘Hurry!’ requested Kelsey, as the horrible swamp sand that had just enveloped her now naked breasts was pouring in over her shoulders.

Abby laid down as close as she could to Kelsey without becoming trapped herself. She twirled the tied tops over her head like a lasso and lobbed one end out to the damsel in distress. Kelsey reached out her arm with all her will, trying to grab the end of the spandex bikini that had frustratingly landed inches from her grasp. ‘I can’t reach! Abby!’ cried Kelsey, nearly manic as her movements had sped up her sinking.

Winding up for another pitch, Abby tried to get the line further out on the second attempt. It fell even shorter than the first. Strike two. Kelsey whimpered as her chin touched the surface of the gluttonous grit. If Abby couldn’t reach her on the third try, they might not get a fourth chance.

Twirling bikinis overhead, Abby dialed in with her zen volleyball focus and launched the fabric straight and true at the awaiting fingertips of Kelsey, who was seconds away from drowning. The sinking girl clutched the clothing with an unbreakable grasp as she sobbed with absolute joy and relief.

Inch by inch, Abby carefully and methodically pulled Kelsey from the brink of a quicksand death with a swimsuit lifesaver. When they were in reach of each other they locked arms; Kelsey kicked and climbed as Abby heaved her from the deadly trap. The two spent girls collapsed in a heap at the edge of the bog, panting and crying and laughing simultaneously.

‘My hero,’ expressed Kelsey, as the two friends gleefully hugged and stared adoringly at each other. Kelsey touched Abby’s cheek, closed her eyes and leaned in to kiss her rescuer, whose lips were happily waiting…

The tiny, rustic, one room cottage was quite a peculiar contrast to its ultra modern bathroom and large walk-in shower. The water was piping hot as the two gritty girls entered the steamy, open concept stall together and commenced helping one another clean the quicksand off themselves. The pair of friends were becoming friendlier; lathering each other up with soap suds; lovingly cleansing and exploring each other’s bodies. Suggestive glances were exchanged, and kisses were shared as they giggled and played in the steam filled shower room.

‘Thank you for saving me,’ acknowledged a grateful Kelsey, as she rinsed soapy bubbles from Abby’s sensually soft skin.

‘Oh sweetheart, it was all in a day’s work,’ teased Abby, ‘I just hope we didn’t use up a whole day’s worth of fun already… What are we going to do tonight?’

Kelsey pulled herself into Abby in the stifling shower fog, and began gently licking and kissing her neck. Their hot, tight, soaking wet bodies pressed arousingly against each other. A mischievous Kelsey playfully nibbled on Abby’s earlobe before seductively whispering a reply into her ear, ‘We can do whatever you wanna do, and nothing you don’t.’

Abby bit her lip and smiled. She took the handheld shower head from Kelsey and casually turned her around to face the tempered shower glass. She pulled Kelsey’s hips out, bending her over. Putting her hands on the glass and glancing curiously over her shoulder, Kelsey let out a whimper as Abby mildly spanked her and made her spread her sexy legs.

Rubbing her girlfriend’s roused and ready ass, Abby clicked the shower head setting dial over to the “massage” function. Pulsating, hot water jetted powerfully out of the vibrating instrument as Abby slowly lowered it down to Kelsey’s awaiting nether regions…
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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby Jinn » Fri Dec 01, 2023 7:05 pm

I had no intentions on making this story as long as it turned out to be. I got carried away again. Waddya do?


‘Lovely yacht you have here,’ quipped the imperiled prisoner facetiously between a pair of pervy poachers whose wandering hands were thoroughly surveying her tight bodysuit and stockings.

‘Impressed, are you?’ laughed the crime boss at the helm of the vessel, ‘It’s a loaner.’

The “borrowed” New Jersey State Police hovercraft swiftly glided over the tidal muck along the South Jersey Shore’s vast mud flats. Renowned theft ring top man Sugar Daddy and four of his rent-a-thug comrades were transporting their “prize” to an undisclosed location, hidden in plain sight out over the desolate coast.

Their prize: Selina Kyle, aka Catwoman.

The captured kitty had been nabbed while trying to extract some highly sought after diamonds from the crime boss’s Gotham City “safe” house at his high rise apartment. She had infiltrated the penthouse condo seemingly undetected after narrowly escaping death at the hands of his henchman, in an earlier encounter deep in Slaughter Swamp.

Being the calculative criminal that he was, Sugar Daddy had foreseen her intrusion and had set a trap; the floor in the room featuring a looming, large walk-in safe had been flooded with an ultra gooey adhesive. Catwoman had unknowingly pranced her long legs into the gripping glue and had become stuck ankle deep in it like a bug on fly paper.

In order to extract Selina from the super sticky snare, Sugar Daddy and his hired hooligans comedically had to build a furniture bridge out of desks and chairs over the indoor glue bog in order to reach her. After pulling her legs from her boots, the gangsters whisked her away while leaving her flashy footwear fastened to the floor. Tied up and taken for a hovercraft tour, the only things on Selina’s legs now were her silky stockings and the horny hands of Sugar Daddy’s gropey goons.

Sugar Daddy knew full well that a simple apartment ambush would have been suffice to capture the conniving cat burglar. However the crime boss had ulterior motives; he was catering to an unquenchable stuck fetish. Sugar Daddy had an insatiable appetite for watching sexy villains and superheroines struggle and squirm in sticky, sinister substances. He occasionally went to insane lengths to achieve a fetish fostered erection.

He had recently lured the beautiful Batgirl into a bottomless quicksand trap after a cash heist, and while she escaped the pit’s deadly clutches a hidden HD trail cam had recorded her epic, dramatic struggle. Sugar Daddy had deemed the footage worthy of a top spot in his notorious “nut” library of sticky scenes.

‘Where are you taking me?’ demanded Selina, sandwiched between the two touchy thugs and wiggling uncomfortably in the ropes that looped around and knotted her arms together behind her back.

‘To the bargaining table,’ replied Sugar Daddy as he scanned the seemingly endless mud on the horizon.

‘I don’t see and furniture out there,’ quipped the caught kitten sarcastically, peering suspiciously over the bow of the noisy, speeding hovercraft.

Sugar Daddy smiled and stepped into a patronizing mini-lecture, ‘It’s a metaphor, my dear. There’s not really a table out there. Just like your not really a cat. You just do catty things. We’re going to negotiate over a sort of symbolic table, if you will.’

‘Gee thanks. Your mansplaining sure cleared that up,’ spat Catwoman, rolling her eyes.

‘Meow,’ snickered Sugar Daddy.

Perhaps a half kilometer off the shore of a small, secluded bay, the hovercraft came to a stop over the mud flats. Catwoman’s flanking handlers picked her up and dragged her to the edge of the craft before untying her restraints. Two armed rugged looking sentries stood idly by clenching Glock pistols.

Sugar Daddy approached Selina, who was rubbing her sore, untied arms. ‘The two gentlemen behind me have been ordered to empty their clips if you try any funny business,’ he noted, as he ran his hands liberally over Catwoman’s skin-tight leotard. Finding a small zipper over her chest, Sugar Daddy unzipped and removed the front section of Selina’s sexy suit, exposing her supple breasts and the smooth, flat surface of her midsection. A wave of humility washed over her as the men cat called and laughed at the vulnerable vixen. ‘Kinky. Is this the take-out window?’ asked Sugar Daddy rhetorically.

Catwoman stifled half of a defiant moan as the crime boss helped himself to a few squeezes and slaps of Selina’s voluptuous breasts. More laughter and lewd whistling came from the spectating gaggle of goons. Sugar Daddy turned his captive around to face the bay and gave her alluring buttocks a thorough feel and a gentle pat.

The grabby gangsters placed a retractable aluminum loading ramp over the side of the hovercraft. ‘After you,’ insisted Sugar Daddy, motioning for Catwoman to walk the plank. Selina slowly meandered to the end of the ramp and stopped, looking out at the wet, gritty goo before shaking her head in protest.

The click of a 9mm’s cocking hammer changed her tune, and the cornered kitty reluctantly but inevitably stepped her bootless, stocking wrapped legs off the metal plank onto the mud flats. The ground was damp and cold under her nylon covered feet.

‘Turn around,’ ordered Sugar Daddy. Catwoman pirouetted a 180 degree turn to face her captor who was now standing on the edge of the ramp. The spongy sand quivered and quaked queerly beneath her; Selina likened the squishy sensation to standing on a waterbed. ‘Wait for it…’ muttered the crime boss as his men watched with devious anticipation.

Selina gasped. The thin, semi-stable viscous membrane of sand under her stocking feet finally disintegrated, and her lovely legs began to sink into the unsupportive mire beneath it. ‘Quicksand?!’ whimpered a sinking Selina, pumping and pulling her calves in the sucking silt.

‘I wouldn’t struggle if I were you,’ suggested Sugar Daddy, with another dose of mansplaining, ‘If you thrash around in that stuff you’ll only sink that sexiness of yours a lot faster than we want you to.’

‘I thought you brought me here to bargain,’ moaned Selina, leering at her adversary while gooey quicksand soaked through her thigh high stockings and swallowed her slender legs.

‘Yes, of course,’ assured Sugar Daddy, unzipping his jeans and producing a fully erect penis a few inches from the trapped cat, ‘Time to negotiate the terms of your survival.’

Selina already knew no matter what humiliating, degrading sexual deed she performed, or whatever lewd, heinous torture she endured that she was screwed. Her life was more than likely minutes away from ending, either by bullet or bog. The only thing left to do was to play along and wait for her opportunity, and hopefully go out with a merciful “BANG”… instead of an horrific “blub blub.”

The menacing mire bubbled greedily as it slurped Catwoman’s thighs into its fathomless filth. ‘Ugh!’ she lamented, ‘I’m being sucked in!’

The henchmen howled. Sugar Daddy sported an evil grin. ‘Please!’ begged the drowning cat, ‘Help me! Get me out of this ooze!’

‘I don’t think I need to mansplain the rules to you, pretty pussy,’ suggested Sugar Daddy, offering Catwoman his hard-on, ‘You know what you have to do if you wanna live.’

Looking unsure, Catwoman hesitantly reached out and closed her hand around the villain’s veiny member.

‘Wait,’ interrupted Sugar Daddy, pulling Selina’s upper body closer to him on the ramp, ‘I want you to start by squishing it in your tits.’ The men on the hovercraft burst out in laughter and applause. The aroused enemy spat a mouthful of sickening saliva between Selina’s breasts as she squeezed them around his erection and slowly began to stroke it. She could feel her hips slipping into the sandy quagmire as she jerked off her jailor.

‘UHN!’ moaned Catwoman, watching the sandy muck pouring in around her waist, ‘It’s pulling me deeper!’

Sugar Daddy let out a moan of his own, and pulled his throbbing meat from Selina’s chest. ‘Yeeeees,’ he agreed, ‘There’s no escape. It’s gonna suck you down, princess.’ The riled up criminal grabbed the back of Catwoman’s head and pulled it into his groin.

‘Suck it like your life depends on it,’ recommended Sugar Daddy, ‘Because it does.’

Catwoman pounced on his rock hard erection like she was famished for cock. She gagged and whimpered, choked and moaned, taking his shaft as deep as it would go in her throat.

‘Look at me,’ commanded Sugar Daddy, as Selina sucked and slurped him fanatically, her eyes wet with tears caused by her gag reflexes. Quicksand crawled up her tummy as her body sank deeper in the swampy shoreline that was noticeably shrinking on the horizon; the tide had turned.

‘Mmphmm phmphm, mphmphmm,’ muttered Catwoman incoherently, with her face full of penis.

‘What?’ inquired Sugar Daddy, with his eyes closed and his head blissfully tilted back.

Catwoman began to cackle diabolically as she removed his dick from her plush lips. ‘I asked you; what’s to stop me from biting the end of your cock off?’

Sugar Daddy was utterly blindsided by his prisoner’s prowess. ‘You..My..My men… they..they’ll shoot you,’ he fumbled, unsure how to answer.

The only one laughing now was Catwoman. ‘No, Billy,’ she corrected condescendingly, ‘I’m already dead. I’ve got nothing to lose.’ The cunning cat subtly dug her razor sharp retractable claws into Sugar Daddy’s boner and ballsack. ‘YOU however,’ the sadistic kitty continued in a low demonic whisper, ‘You’ve DEFINITELY got something to lose.’

‘Everything alright, Es-Dee?’ asked one of the Glock toting goons.

‘Yap, yap, everything is all good. All good,’ Sugar Daddy reported nervously.

‘In what universe did you think it was safe to put your puny prick in a panther’s mouth?’ Catwoman asked, digging her claws a little deeper into Sugar Daddy’s dick.

‘You ok, Boss?’ the agitated gun man asked again.

Catwoman whispered a terrifying warning to Sugar Daddy while tightening her grip on his genitals, ‘If you or one of your goddam goons so much as fart I will shred this fucking thing to pieces in a nanosecond.’

‘Stand down,’ squeaked Sugar Daddy.

‘Boss?’ again from the worried looking henchmen.

‘I SAID STAND DOWN!’ cried the boss.

‘Here’s my terms,’ started Catwoman as she teasingly kissed the head of Sugar Daddy’s cock, ‘I’m going to make you cum all over this pussy… just like you wanted to…’ Selina glared intensely at the wide eyes of the frightened stiff criminal before continuing, ‘Make no mistake Daddy, you’re going to cum for me, and when you do…’ she slowly, sensually licked his shaft and finished her threat, ‘…I’m going to flay and quarter your fucking cock.’ Selina held his balls in a death grip as she opened her mouth and proceeded to give the blow job of the century to a petrified Sugar Daddy.

‘We..Let’s… Let’s talk about this, huh?’ begged Sugar Daddy, growing anxious as his loins began to hum in preparation for a release of seminal fluid.

‘Ooooh, Daddy!’ the crazy Catwoman pouted mockingly, chest deep in the tidal mud and ferociously sucking a doomed dick, ‘The quicksand’s got me, baby! It’s swallowing my tits!’ Disturbingly devilish laughter bellowed out of the corrupt kitten as she gleefully gobbled the gangster.

The confused quartet aboard the hovercraft were almost completely silent with shock besides some nervous throat clearing and a few awkward chuckles. Sugar Daddy was sweating profusely while trying to conjure the most unattractive, hideous, mood killing abominations from deep in his mind’s eye to keep from cumming…

Three state troopers nearly had to pick their jaws off the marina floor as the police hovercraft hit the beach and parked beside their SUVs. A long legged beautiful girl in a sand covered, hooded, black cat suit and tattered stockings leapt from the deck onto the beach, winking at the cops as she casually strutted away.

‘Excuse me, young lady,’ piped up the senior officer, but the girl seemingly ignored him and kept walking.

‘I said EXCUSE ME!’ the annoyed trooper shouted, ‘Young lady, where the hell did you get this vessel?’

The sexy, sandy girl in the skin-tight suit turned and smiled as she hopped on someone’s blood red Kawasaki Ninja and fired up the motor before responding, ‘From the bargaining table.’

Blowing the troopers a kiss, she hit the throttle and rocketed out of the marina, vanishing into legend…
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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby MadMax359 » Sat Dec 02, 2023 12:40 pm

she's quite the villain/victim :twisted:
The strong do what they want, the weak do what they must

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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby cerberus » Sat Dec 02, 2023 5:03 pm

Jinn wrote:I had no intentions on making this story as long as it turned out to be. I got carried away again. Waddya do?

Well, obviously you have keep practicing. I reckon about another 20 or 30 attempts should get it under control.

A very enjoyable story and a nice follow up to the earlier one. Where will it go next, I wonder?

Johnny Dowd: Be content with your life. It may not get any better!

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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby Jinn » Sat Dec 02, 2023 9:37 pm

MadMax359 wrote:she's quite the villain/victim :twisted:

She’s multi-faceted, like leggings with pockets and sporks.

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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby Jinn » Sat Dec 02, 2023 9:46 pm

cerberus wrote:Well, obviously you have to keep practicing. I reckon about another 20 or 30 attempts should get it under control.

They won’t be short stories at that point, they’ll be paperbacks.

cerberus wrote: A very enjoyable story and a nice follow up to the earlier one. Where will it go next, I wonder?

Likely into more quicksand 8-)
I’ve never thought about doing a series. I suppose if I don’t drown her I can keep a storyline going.

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Re: Jinn’s AI Swamp

Postby cerberus » Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:07 pm

Jinn wrote:They won’t be short stories at that point, they’ll be paperbacks.

That wouldn't be a problem, my eyesight's not shot yet!

Jinn wrote:Likely into more quicksand 8-)

I’ve never thought about doing a series. I suppose if I don’t drown her I can keep a storyline going.

Well, she's a cat, so she has nine lives. Something to remember.

Johnny Dowd: Be content with your life. It may not get any better!

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